I could ask you the same thing.

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                                    Mon-El's pov


That's how many times I was roused up from nightmares. It's also the number of times Kara was there with her comforting words and and her delicate touch. She didn't make me feel like a such a big burden (although a part of me still felt embarrassed the times my eyes connected with her worried ones), or treat me like I was broken, she was understanding, she was patient...she was everything I needed her to be.

Her hand is still resting in my hair by the time I wake. Lifting my head up to look at her, I'm surprised to see that she's already awake.

"Morning." Kara calls out, a soft smile grazing her lips.

"Morning." I reply, returning her smile. "Thank you. For...everything." I remark. Kara's lips tip up higher at my words, before she moves her hand from my hair, to my cheek. Moving her thumb against my facial hair.

"You'd do the same for me. In fact you have done the same for me." Kara states, as she continues to stroke my beard. "This was nothing."

"Well it meant everything to me." I state, a dopey grin growing on my face.

"I love you." Kara mumbles simply, pressing her lips together to contain a growing smile.

"I love you too." I reply back, tightening my grip on her middle to be even closer to her, she chuckles at the gesture.

"We've got two hours before we need to head out to meet Lois and Kal." Kara remarks now resting her hands on the small of my back.

"Perfect. Does that mean that I get to lay here with you a little while longer?" I ask earning another chuckle from Kara.

"That's exactly what that means." Kara mumbles, letting her eyes slip close once more.


Kara's pov

"They should be here any second now." I remark. My gaze is locked on the Catco elevator which Kal and Lois should be walking out of any second now. Mon-El's hands are tucked into his front pockets they way they always are when he's feeling nervous or anxious. "Babe, I told you not to worry. You've already met him, and he was way more welcoming towards you than I was when we first met." I state earning a light chuckle from Mon-El.

"I know. I just—" Mon-El starts before releasing a soft sigh. He turns to me as he continues speaking. "—I just want him to like me." Mon-El admits, biting down at his bottom lip, as his eyes align with mine.

"He will. He does." I state, resting my hand on his arm. His body loosens at the touch.

"I really hope so." Mon-El mumbles, as he removes his other hand from his pockets and intertwines our fingers. His soft gaze, focusing on mine.

I don't know how long i've been entranced by Mon-Els gaze, but the sound of Kal's voice is what causes my attention to shift from Mon-El to him.

"Now if it isn't my favorite cousin." Kal booms as he walks towards me with open arms.

"I'm your only cousin." I remark as I move in for the hug.

"Well if your weren't, you'd probably still be my favorite." Kal remarks, as he pulls away.

"How promising." I joke as I turn my attention to Lois. "Hi!" I remark quickly, a quirky smiling gracing my lips.

"Hi!" Lois repeats, a chuckle leaving her lips as she pulls me in for a hug. "Ah, it's so good to see you!" She exclaims as she pulls away her hands resting on my shoulders.

"I know! I think the last time I saw you was at that press event for the alien commission report."

"And that was over almost two years ago!" Lois remarks, earning another chuckle from the both of us.

"We've got a lot of catching up to do." I state.

"Tell me about it. Let's start with the fact the you have a spandex wearing boyfriend and I've never personally met him!" Lois states, giddiness smeared all over her voice. This earns a playful eye roll from me. "So where is he?!" Lois ask eagerly, her inner reporter beginning to shine through.

"He's right here." I remark, which causes her gaze to travel from mine and search the room until her eyes land on a specific brunette daxamite.

"God, he looks so much better in person." Lois whispers to me before making her way over towards him. Kal shoots me a questioning look, which only makes me laugh more. Before I make my way over to Lois and Mon-El, Kal following shortly behind me.

"So you're Kara's deviously handsome boyfriend, huh? I've got to say I've seen you all over the news and you're very impressive. Where'd you learn your techniques? The one with the cape is particularly one of my favorites—" Lois banters, until Kal speaks up.

"I think you should introduce yourself first." Kal chuckles. As he places his hands on Lois shoulders.

"Sorry. Sorry. I'm Lois, Lois Lane." Lois states as she reaches her hand forward as an invitation to shake Mon-El's hand. He gladly accepts with a soft smile.

"Nice to met you Lois, I'm Mon-El." Mon-El introduces.

"Mon-El? That's an interesting name where'd it originate—"

"Okay, I'm just gonna take over." Clark exclaims, as he softly nudges Lois away from Mon-El. This earns an annoyed huff from her.

"I'm so gonna interview him later." Lois mutters to me. A grin spreads across my face at the idea of Lois going head to head with Clarissa, about interviewing Mon-El that would be...fun.

"It's nice to see you again Mon-El. Kara told me you might not remember me, but my name's Kal-El, and like you, and Kara, I spend a portion of my time, saving the world from catastrophic events." Clark exclaims, making sure to drop his voice down at the end of his statement, before reaching out yo shake hands. Mon-El accepts the gesture with a nervous smile on his face. Which makes him seem even more impossibly cute.

"Hi, I'm Mon-El...but of course you already knew that. It's-It's really nice to meet you...again." Mon-El remarks, tripping over his words. Earning a breic laughter from all three of us.

Just adorable.

"At least he got words out. Winn couldn't even mutter a sentence." Clark exclaims turning back to Mon-El, who's cheeks had begun to flush red.

"We should probably get going." I state after our light laughter dies down.

"Right. Well I guess we'll be seeing you at dinner." Kal affirms before patting Mon-El on his shoulder, and making his way over to the glass double doors. Lois following in suit, before she quickly tells Mon-El that she was serious about the interview.

"I told you he'd like you." I mutter grinning a little, as I move closer to Mon-El, who was smiling softly to himself. "And I didn't think you were such a fan of Superman." I tease, as I adjust his glasses that help him conceal his identity, before proceeding to place my hands on his chest.

"He's amazing sure, but I wasn't afraid of meeting him because of his legacy." Mon-El states, his hands finding my waist. I raise an eyebrow at his confession, which causes him to elaborate more. "I was afraid of meeting him, because he's your cousin, your actual cousin. And I guess I just wanted him to like me so that I could live with knowing that the remnant of your family on krypton...doesn't hate me for the person I used to be. And I know Kal was just a baby when you guys left, but still...it wouldn't hurt to know that he approves of me...of us." I give a small smile at his testimony.

"You don't need to approval from my family, to feel...validated to be with me. You just need to know that I love you, and no one's opinion on you or us will ever change that." I remark simply watching as Mon-Els smile tips up before he proceeds to glance lazily at my lips, than back to my eyes.

"I'd totally kiss you right now, but I wouldn't want Clarissa to come and cause a scene." Mon-El remarks playfully, earning an airy laugh to erupt from my throat.

"You're Mike Matthews right now not Valor, and plus I can handle her." I state before pressing my lips onto his soft ones. The sound of Clark clearing his throat is what breaks us up.

"What is it with us getting interrupted lately?" Mon-El ask jokingly, referring to what happened yesterday.

"Don't know." I reply simply, chuckling lightly. "But what I do know is that I'll see you later." I remark simply as I slip my hands off his chest.

"Until then." Mon-El murmurs, before leaving a chaste kiss on my temple. A smile residing on both of our faces when he pulls away. And slips his hands from my waist.

"Until then." I repeat, before slowly making my way over to Clark and Lois, who were not in the slightest bit trying to hide their grins.


"He cooks too?!" Lois exclaims, as she walks through the door of my apartment. The meeting was stressful to say the least, there were some disagreements here and there, papers thrown occasionally, and arguments flying left and right. But despite all that we're gonna meet again tomorrow, so that means Clark and Lois are staying longer than they planned. Mon-El chuckles at her not so quiet entrance, as he sets the stovetop on low, and makes his way over to us.

"He does a little bit of everything." I remark, wrapping my arms around his abdomen, and resting my head on his shoulder.

"Your cousin can't cook to save his life." Lois remarks throwing a look at Kal.

"I can juggle!" Clark states defensively, as he pulls out a chair for both him and Lois.

"We know!" Lois and I remark simultaneously, annoyance flooding our voices. That's all, and I mean all, he could talk about during Christmas two years ago.

Unlike Lois and I, Mon-El finds this funny.

"You'll have to teach me sometime." Mon-El remarks turning his attention to Clark who was beaming with pride. "How was work?" Mon-El ask, turning back to me, as begins wrapping his hands around me. The same way he was earlier.

"A prodigious pain in the ass." Lois states, as she takes a seat at the dining room table next to Kal.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." I murmur in agreement.

"Well, I'll hurry up and prepare dinner than ." Mon-El remarks a soft smile tugging at his lips as he gently slides his hands of my waist.

"I'll help." I offer, only to be shut down.

"It's fine Kara, you've been working all day. Go sit." Mon-El insist, his tone persuasive.

"Okay fine. But um there's one thing I have to do first." I mutter, causing Mon-El to rise an eyebrow. The confused look on his face quickly washes away when I lean forward to press our lips together.

I pull away with a giddy smile before turning on my heel and making my way over the dining room table to join our guest. Mon-Els airy chuckle rings out through the loft like a beautiful melody, as he makes his way back to the kitchen.


"Mon-El really does have a knack for cooking." Kal tells me, as he sets his plate in the sink.

"Mm, tell me about it." I reply back, patting my stomach which felt like it was about to explode. My back is leaning against the sink, as my gaze travels across the loft. Lois and Mon-El at still at the dining room table, because Lois insisted that she needed a quiet atmosphere near a window to interview him, so who am I to disobey her wish...her oddly specific wish, but her wishes none the less.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this happy before." Kal's voice chimes out after a while, which brings my eyes back to his. "And the source of that happiness is all to easy to pin point." Kal adds drawing his eyes from me to look at Mon-El who was laughing it up with Lois. "The last time I saw you I went to talk to you on the balcony of the DEO, and all through out our conversation there was this look in your eye...you were heart broken to say the least." Kal pauses as a small genuine smile begins to creep on his face. "But today watching you with him. I saw that, that look was completely washed away, by pure happiness." Kal remarks, turning back to me. "I'm really glad you guys found your way back to each other." Kal concludes. I smile at his words. I guess we really did find out way back to each other, huh?

"Me too." I state as I pull him into my arms. His laughter resonates between us, as he reciprocates my hug. "I love you cuz."

"Love you too." Kal responds. The calming silence of the loft is brought to an end when another up roar of laughter occurs. "What do you think they're talking about?"

"No idea." I remark pulling away, and turning my head towards their direction. "Must be a great interview." I exclaim simply, a grin tugging at my lips as I turn back to Kal, who nods in agreement.


Kal and Lois bid their goodbyes a little over two hours ago, but not before promising to come back tomorrow.

"You really hit if off with the both of them." I tell Mon-El as I slide next to him onto the mattress. His eyes find mine, a simple smile tugging at his lips, as he opens his arms to me. I move next to him with ease, and let my hand rest on his cheek, while his secure themselves at my waist.

"You think so?" Mon-El ask, a dopey grin adorning his features. The beautiful sight takes me back to the night where I was fired from Catco for publishing the article on Cadmus stealing the National Alien Registry. Mon-El came over with a bag of piping hot potstickers, which at the time didn't really lift my spirits, but his words and his smile did. The very same smile I'm looking at now.

"Yeah. I think the neighbors might have thought so too." I joke, referring to all the times him and Lois broke out into simultaneous laughter.

"That loud, huh?" Mom-El ask grinning a little.

"Just a little bit." I tease, enlightening a chuckle from Mon-El. "So did you finish your interview?" I ask toying with his beard.

"Yep, Lois just needs to type it up, and we're good to go."

"Mm, do I get any exclusive information?" I ask, releasing a content sigh as Mon-El begins drawing small circles on my back.

"Don't tell anyone, but Supergirl might have been a topic of discussion once or twice." Mon-El affirms, his eyes slipping close, as I continue to caress his face.

"Yeah?" I ask toying with him, he releases a small chuckle in return.

"Yeah." Mon-El remarks, before swiftly tucking his head into my chest. Which encourages me to lay flat on my back. A chuckle leaves my lips as I wrap my arms around him, holding him against me.
"I love your laugh." Mon-El mumbles against my chest.

"I love yours too." I state, pressing my chin against the top of his head.

"I wanna laugh with you for the rest of my life, is that okay?" Mon-El ask, his voice soft, as the words fall out his mouth like a ballad.

"That's perfect." I hum against him, a smile invading my face as I watch him steadily drift of to sleep. The sound of his deep breathing filling the comfortable atmosphere of the loft. The late night traffic is buzzing from all around us, but my thoughts are only fixed on the man in my arms. The day I lost him was a day not only filled with sadness, but regret. I regretted all the times I didn't kiss him longer, hugged him tighter, laughed with him more... and not telling him I loved him was the icing on the cake. But as much as I regretted these things, I've also learned from them. I've become more open and vulnerable and not just on a physical level, but a mental one. Just over a year and a half ago I couldn't fathom the idea of telling him I loved him, but now the words simply fall from my lips as easily as butter spreads across toasted bread. And I'm quicker to tell him about a bad day a work. I even admit my flaws to him (which mind you is something I don't enjoy doing), but he doesn't judge, in fact he's always patient, and willing to help. Which is more than I could ever ask for on a trying day.

A soft smile caresses my face as my eyes drift to his nightstand, which hid the engagement ring.

A future with him's the only future I wanna have. And If the rest of his memories don't kick in soon, I'm gonna be the one proposing to him.

My vivid imagination is put on hold when I feel Mon-El's hands clench at my sides. He's having another nightmare. I conclude, the bead of sweat rolling down his forehead only strengthens my point. Following my normal procedure I quickly, yet delicately grab at his hands, I can't help, but notice how sweaty they are as I remove them from my waist, placing them at his sides. Allowing me to slip away from his grasp. Once I'm positioned directly beside him, I continue the second step in the procedure. Actually waking him up. I hate this part with every fiber of my being, because after his eyes opened they'd frantically search the room until he realized where he was, than came that embarrassed look as soon as our eyes align. He'd than try to murmur a quick apology, but I'd always shut him down before he could finish. After his breathing would usually settle I'd sometimes ask if he'd want to talk about it (sometimes meaning if he wasn't still too shaken up by the slightest sounds) and he'd reply no, than we'd just head back to bed hoping for the rest of the night to go by steadily. It almost never does, but that's fine, because I'd always be there to comfort him.

"Mon-El." he barely responds to the nudge of the shoulder I gave him, so I repeat myself a little louder this time. "Mon-El, wake up." This time he responds with a sharp inhale of breath before his eyes violently snap open. He launch's himself up so fast that I'm afraid he might fall off the bed. My hands quickly find his shoulders to stabilize him. I make sure to keep my grip light in order not to trigger him from whatever he might have been reminiscing on this time. Even without my super hearing I notice the rapid thumping of his heart beat as it bumps against his rib cage. The bizarre look in his eyes slowly disengages as he familiarizes himself with the setting of the loft. Not long after his scanning of the atmosphere his eyes find mine, embarrassment floods his eyes the moment he realizes what happened.

"Kara..." Mon-El sighs, as he rest his forehead on my shoulder.

"Hey." I remark just as quietly, I cautiously wrap my arms around his tense figure. The strokes of my hand manage to calm his demeanor down a little bit.

"I'm sor—"

"Shhh, it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong." I remark quietly, silencing him as I continue to rub his back. Once his breathing enters its normal estate I pull away, examining him once more. "You okay?" I ask, bringing my hand up to remove the hair that was plastered across his forehead. He only nods in response. "Here." I start, maneuvering myself on my left hip to reach for a glass of water I set on the table for nights like these. "Drink this." I affirm softly, ushering the glass towards Mon-El who took it with shaky hands and a warm smile.

"Thank you." Mon-El remarks earning a genuine smile in return. I guide my hand under the glass to prevent him from dropping the cup, given the fact that his hands were still shaking violently. He downs the water in mere seconds, and I take the cup from him and set it back on my nightstand.

"Better?" I ask as I watch him wipe the residue of water off his lips with the sleeve of his shirt .

"Better." Mon-El confirms quietly. My hands eventually find their way over to his, my thumbs run over the back of his hands hoping that'll somehow calm his buzzing nerves. I'm so concentrated on my work that I didn't acknowledge the fact that Mon-El had his gazed fixed on me, until he squeezes my hand, this brought my attention back towards his eyes instead of his hands.

"What?" I ask chuckling lightly, taking in the fact that his face is flashing one of the dorky smiles known to man. You'd guess he didn't go through all he did if you saw his smile, but that certainly isn't the case.

"You." Mon-El states simply, my eyebrows raises at that.

"Me?" I ask, Mon-El nods gingerly before speaking up again.

"I absolutely adore you." Mon-El exclaims, his dopey smile manages to melt my insides—Rao I love this man— Instead of replying to his insanely cheesy remark I lean forward placing my lips gently on his. One of my hands abandon his hand to places itself on his cheek, bringing him even closer to me. The hand that I let go of finds my hip steadying the both of us. Our smiles press against each other's tightly stirring up the giddy feeling I get inside my chest whenever I kiss him. Pulling away our foreheads balance against each other's as we struggle to catch our breaths. I'm the first one the break the silence after a while.

"Why is it that I manage to fall in love with you over and over again?" I ask, earning a breathless chuckle from Mon-El.

"I could ask you the same thing." Mon-El remarks, intertwining our fingers together. A comforting silence floods over us again, as we continue to hold each others gaze.

"You should probably get some sleep." I whisper softly, breaking the serenity we created.

"We should probably get some sleep." Mon-El says modifying my words. I give him a small smile in return. I've been hesitant to fall asleep because I want to make sure I'll always be able to wake him up when needed, but Mon-Els are basically pleading so I give a small nod. Mon-El than lies back against the mattress pulling me onto his chest.

"Hold on a sec."  I mutter as I maneuver myself back onto my side of the bed and open my arms to him. His light chuckle rings across the room as he slides into my arms, laying his head on my chest.

"So is this gonna be our new routine or?" Mon-El ask wrapping his hands around my middle once again.

"Maybe...I like holding you." I confess, letting my eyes slip shut.

"Well, I like holding you too." Mon-El affirms, his hand beginning to draw random patters against my back.

"We'll take turns."

"Why do I not believe you?" Mon-El ask, causing a grin to invade my face.

"Because we're not taking turns." I state earning another soft chuckle from him.

"We'll see about that." Mon-El remarks playfully, his hand is still running across my back when I'm finally overtaken by sleep.

Hey guys! It's been a while. Schools been keeping me occupied so my updates might take longer, but besides that I'd like to say that this story will be wrapping up soon! Tysm for all the support! I didn't think I'd make it this far but yet here we are 😂. I've already got my next story planned out, and I can't wait for you guys to read it! As always I hope you guys have a great rest of your day or night, and thank you for all of the very the and very appreciated unconditional support. ♥️

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