That's all that matters.

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                                Kara's pov

"That was great, but this time keep your foot planted it'll keep you more grounded while you turn." Mon-El exclaims, pointing to a spot on the floor where he wanted me to plant my foot. I follow the direction of his finger, and move my right foot to that spot. It feels weird having Mon-El teach me new techniques, considering I'm the one that taught him first. But the tables have turned so now we're taking steps in each other's shoes. This time I get the pivot correct, which causes Mon-Els lips to tip up, a satisfied grin growing on his face. "There you go! You're a natural!" Mon-El exclaims, as he rest his hands on his waist, forming his usual stance.

"I wouldn't go that far." I proclaim chuckling at his overly excited words. This was by far one of the most challenging training sessions I've had in a while.

"Well I would. In fact I even decided that you're ready for the ultimate test." Mon-El grins as he moves closer towards me, closing the relatively small distance between us.

"Mm, and what is that exactly?" I question smirking at the smug expression on his annoyingly handsome face. He only lifts his fist up in response. "Oh really?! sparring with you's the ultimate challenge?" I tease as I let out another laugh.

"Of course it is!" Mon-El exclaims defensively, a smile speared across his lips like butter on toast. "I've been going easy on you these last few weeks, but I think you're finally ready for an all out session."

"Well than I guess your 'challenge' is accepted." I remark emphasizing the word challenge before raising my fist up and mimicking his stance.

"I'll have you know that I've severely improved over the last seven years" Mon-El remarks simply.

"Oh I'm not worried I'll still be able to beat your perfectly shaped ass." I counter quickly. A devious grin spread across Mon-Els face.

"You thi—"

"—Shut up!" I exclaim quickly, still grinning as I throw the first punch. Which Mon-El dodges easily, by moving to the right of me. He smirks at my failed attempt to hit him, before moving in to deliver me a swift right hook which I also manage to dodge. He tries delivering a left hook, but I catch it midair. And use that leverage to spin him around, so that his back is now pressed against my front, allowing me to hold him in a neck lock, in a way that still allows him to breath, but doesn't allow him to escape. "Wanna call it quits?" I tease, whispering into his ear. He only chuckles at my words.

"Not just yet." Mon-El remarks gruffly, before using the aid of his flight ring to flip himself over my shoulder so that he's released from my grasp.

"Impressive." I murmur, as I turn to face him.

"There's more where that came from." As Mon-El begins running, meeting me in the middle once more. This time he throws the first blow which barely skims past my shoulder.

"You're much faster than I remember." I state, this time blocking his punch with my forearm.

"Or are you just being slower?" Mon-El teases, but his grin quickly falls, when he lands on the floor which a thud. I always did tell him to work on his footing.

"Nope. I seem pretty good, don't you think?" I ask, grinning, as I stand over him. He rolls his eyes back before proceeding to grab the end of his cape, and  aiming for my hand, when he successfully captures it with his cape, he tugs me down. Which causes me to land on top of him ungracefully. "You could've just asked you know?" I state as I rest my chin on his chest, which was rising and falling in an unsteady pace, just like my own.

"Like you asked me if I wanted you to sweep me off my feet just now?" Mon-El ask chuckling as he wraps his arms around me, securing me in his arms.

"We were training! One of us had to fall eventually, and it surely wasn't gonna be me." I proclaim causing another marvelous laugh to erupt from Mon-Els chest.

"Fair point." Mon-El affirms as his laughter dies down. One of his hands moves from the small of my back, and to my head, allowing himself to run his hand through my hair. He plays with the ends for awhile before making his way back up to my scalp. His simple actions causes my head to rest against his chest and my eyes to draw close. His now steady heartbeat drowns out the sound of the early morning chatter and action of the DEO. Hearing his heartbeat after seven months still sounds so surreal...after he left, I kept his favorite shirt under my pillow. Just to be reminded of his scent which was slowly beginning to fade from my memory. But today I'm glad to say that I don't need to do that anymore because for some godforsaken miracle I got him back. "Kara?" Mon-El calls out quietly, the vibrations of his voice rumbling through his chest.

"Mm?" I hum against him. Too content to open my eyes.

"Has anyone told you how amazing you are?"

"Maybe four or five times today, why?" I ask smiling gingerly at his question.

Mon-El chuckles before speaking again. "A little cocky aren't we?" Mon-El ask jokingly earning another genuine laugh from me. "But in all seriousness you really are astonishing...and I just always seem to be in awe of you." Mon-El remarks, his tone turning serious, and his hand stilling in my hair.

Lifting my head up, and opening my eyes to look up at him once more, our eyes automatically connect. His lips are spread out into this wide grin, that showed the goofus of a man he still is at heart. I can't believe I was so scared of letting myself fall in love with him again, less than three and a half months ago. One of the reasons I kept telling myself that I couldn't love him was because he change'd, but I'm now realizing that I was wrong he didn't change...he grew. But I guess I was just too blinded by fear to see that he was still the same man I fell in love with in the first place. So to put it simply I was never really falling in love with him all over again, because I simply never stopped.

"I really missed you." I state pressing my lips together forming a small smile. His smile grows wider at my deceleration, which makes it impossible to resist placing my lips on his. He releases a soft moan, as soon as my mouth brushes against his. His hands make their way up to my cheeks, cupping them gently, while mine traveled to his shoulder to steady myself, and the other resting in it's usual spot, his hair. My fingers toying with his scalp, and ends, just like he was with mine earlier. His soft lips tug at my lower lip driving me into a state of pure bliss. But the moments short lived when Alex clears her throat. Mon-El and I break apart quickly, and turn our heads towards the door where she stood, her lips tighten together as she attempted not to laugh. How on earth did we not hear the door open?!

"There's a um...a fire at the fire station...Oh shit that's—that's not what I meant—" Alex rambles, before finally bursting and letting out a shameless laugh. To my surprise Mon-El joins in, which only earns an embarrassed groan from me. I dig my head into Mon-El's shoulder to hide my flushed cheeks. It would honestly be rewarding if the earth just decided to open up and swallowed me whole. "There's a fire at the uh gas station...on lawerance ave. And uh since it's a gas station the—the fire—"

"Yep. Yep. Got it fire and gasoline are not the best combo, we're—we're on it." I exclaim quickly, hoping that'll make Alex leave faster. And thankfully it does. She leaves closing the door rather loudly. Her unmistakeable laugh echos through the hallway as the door closes leaving my cheeks an even more tinted shade of red. "Rao, I'm never gonna live this down." I mumble to myself as I remove my head from Mon-El's shoulder and move my eyes back to Mon-El who was covering his mouth with his hand in order to muffle his laugh. "How is this funny to you?!"

"A fire at the fire station!" Mon-El exclaims removing his hand from his mouth showing off his amused expression. "Out of all the places—"

"You are unbelievable!" I exclaim, as I watch him wipe the tears. his laughter caused from his cheeks. "Come on we've got a fire to stop." I remark, as I slide off his lap allowing the both of us to get up.

"The one at the gas station or the one that's spreading across your cheeks?" Mon-El ask teasingly, as we make our way to the door. Well technically as I continue to make my way towards the door, he just so happened to trip over my foot for the second time today. He lands on the floor with another loud thud, and this time I'm the one that finds the situation amusing.


"Hey! You guys are on the news!"  Winn calls out as Mon-El and I march back into the DEO, heading for the round table where Alex was leaning against. That smirk from earlier still resting in her face.

"Yep, and the reporters wanna know all National City's returning hero, and his 'relationship' with Supergirl." Alex states, emphasizing the word relationship. I groan at that.

"My coworkers have been driving James and I insane, because everyone and I mean everyone wants to interview you!" I exclaim turning to Mon-El, who had a small smile on his face.

"What's so bad about that?" Winn ask, reaching from the bag of candy Mon-El slide him. The man at the gas station was sweetest.

"The problem is him." I state turning back to Mon-El, who was stunned at my declaration.

"Me? What did I do?" He ask, his confusion both present in his facial expression and voice. Responding, I gesticulate my hand over has body and face, but he still looks confused, but before I can even get to chance to explain Alex chips in.

"I think she means the fact that you look like someone who just stepped out the men's health magazine." Alex remarks, enlightening a nod from me.

"Which is totally unfair." Winn mutters under his breath.

"And the last thing I need is several of my coworkers swooning over my ridiculously hot boyfriend."

"Oh." Mon-El mutters quietly. "Why can't you just interview me?" Mon-El ask.

"Clarissa." Is my answer which causes Mon-El to shoot me another confused look. "She'd kill anyone who got the chance to interview you before she does." Let's just say she's a fan of Valor. Actually that's an understatement. She's a HUGE fan of Valor. And she doesn't stay away from mentioning it. One day at work a couple of weeks ago, I caught an elevator ride with her, and she just so happened to be reading an article about Mon-El astonishing performance at the waterfront. Well she was reading the article would be a lie she was really just staring at a picture of Mon-El, mind you he just dove into the bay to rescue a kid from drowning, so that ultimately left him wet. And not the kind of it's drizzling outside wet, but the of wet you would be after being a victim of a car driving over a very large puddle at 60 miles per hour type of wet.

She kept going on and on about how great his hair looked when it was plastered across his face—which of course I already knew—and the way his suit clung even tighter to his body when wet. Now at that point I was wishing that I hand a kryptonite laced knife to plug my ears with. But unfortunately for me the elevator ride was only at it's halfway point. So I had continue listening to her ramble on about Mon-Els arm, and thighs...let's just say that is something that I do not and will not want to relive ever again.

"Isn't she engaged?" Alex ask.

"Yes. Yes she is." I remark simply, as I lay my forearms against the flat surface of the table.

"Well I um, I'm gonna go do something." Winn states releasing an awkward chuckle as he moves away from us, but not before grabbing the bag of candy he was given earlier.

"Mm, me too. Thursday night knife practice." Alex remarks before she also begins walking away, but she turns back around shortly. "And I'd appreciate it if you guys kept it PG."

"Oh god." I mumble to myself. But Mon-El just chuckles at her words.

"I'm sensing another fire starting." Mon-El exclaims teasingly.

"I'm this close—"

"Sorry. Sorry."


                                 Mon-Els pov

"Could you go find Alex for me? J'onn wants me to help him with something." Kara ask, as she sets down her laptop on the round table before making her way over to me near the monitors.

"Yeah of course." I answer, setting a pamphlet down on the desk top. Bringing my eyes up to an extraordinarily, beautiful sight. Kara's smile.

"Thank you." Kara murmurs, before leaning down and planting a chaste feather like kiss on my temple. A tingling sensation remains there long after she pulls away. She gives Winn and I soft smiles before turning on her heal and making her way over to the conference room. I didn't notice I was smiling until Winn speaks up.

"Earth to Mon-El? You're smiling like a dork and it's really beginning to creep me out, don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Yep. Yep. Sorry" I remark, as I pull myself out of my seat and head for the training room. Winn's soft chuckle still echoing from behind me. As I close in on the door. I knock twice before entering.

"Hey." I call out, as I walk into the dimly lit room. The only light coming from the windows and Alex's laptop which was placed on her lap.

"Hey." Alex greets shutting her laptop as I make my way over to her on the bench.

"I see knife practice went well." I remark sarcastically as I turn my gaze from her, to her to the wooden human cut outs the DEO uses as a target. Hers showed no dents meaning she hasn't even used it.

"You got me." Alex states sighing, before opening her laptop again, to show off an adoption website.

"Alex! This is great!" I exclaim smiling, at the screen.

"I know. I know I just—...I don't—I don't think I'm ready, and I mean that's—that's ridiculous! I should be ready! I ended my relationship with Maggie for this...but I just...god I don't even know. And I'm trying Mon-El, I really am, but it's so hard to keep going when I know that a part of me still wants to be with her..." Alex mutters pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration, before I get the chance to speak her speaks up again. "And I know I didn't make a mistake ending things. This. This is what I want!" Alex remarks signaling the her computer. "But I can't have it, not if I'm here putting my life on the line every single day! I-I can't just bring a kid home and just..." Alex takes to moment to catch her breath before continuing. "...this isn't gonna be as easy as I thought it was gonna be, is it?" Alex, ask turning to me, tears clinging to her eyes.

"Just because it isn't gonna be easy doesn't mean it's not gonna be worth it. And I know you feel like you just gave up something that was such a vital part of your life and you did, so you have every right to feel this way, but you're gonna gain so much more than what you've lost later on in your life. Adopting isn't simple, so just remember not everything has to happen right away. When you're ready, and only than, you'll be able to start this next chapter in your life and when you do you'll have all your friends and family by your side. This isn't a journey that you're going to go on by yourself...I'm sure of that." I remark, taking in her now calm demeanor. Nodding slowly she begins to wipe at her eyes. And shuts her laptop once again, but this time a small genuine smile is implanted on her face.

"You'd be a great therapist." Alex remarks chuckling weakling.

"Mm I don't know, seems less exiting than being a hero, don't you think?" I exclaim sarcastically drawing another laugh from her, this one sounding more genuine.  "You know what's even better than free advice sometimes?" I ask and Alex just shakes her head no simply. "Free hugs." I remark as I open my arms welcomely.

Still laughing Alex mumbles "Well since you're offering." Before moving in to accept my hug. The room was filled with a comfortable silence until Alex starts laughing once more.

"What?" I ask pulling away.

"You still smell like my sister." Alex remarks, earning an annoyed groan from the doorway. "Speaking of my sister." Alex murmurs to me before directing her gaze to Kara. Me following in suit.

"Hey! You done with J'onn?" I ask as I watch her make her way over, her hair bouncing with every stride she takes.

"Uh huh." Kara answers, as she places herself next to Alex, her hand resting on her knee. "I wanted to check in on you, but it seems like someone's already covered that." Kara remarks, directing her gaze to mine, a simple smile grazing her lips. I find myself mimicking the action.

"You've got yourself one heck of a emotional support companion." Alex tells Kara, as she places her own hand on top of Kara's.

"Eh, he's not that bad I guess." Kara comments, enlightening laughter from all three of us.


"So I've been thinking...." Kara's voices suddenly as she turns to face me on the mattress, her head resting on her arm.

"I'm listening." I remark, mimicking her posture.

"My cousin Kal's  coming over with his girlfriend Lois tomorrow to work on this project between Catco and The Daily Planet, and they might possibly stop for dinner—"

"—And you want me to cook?" I ask, a small grin on my face.

"No—well yes actually. But that's not the point." Kara affirms quickly, a light chuckle leaving her mouth. "I was wondering if you'd like to meet them...well technically you already met Clark, not Lois so—"

"I'd love too." I state honestly, causing Kara's rambling to die down, another smile resting on her face. "And by cousin do you mean?"

"The one and only." Kara affirms, pressing her lips together. "Do you remember him? From the future I mean—am I even allowed to ask that?" Kara questions as she begins to run her fingers along my chest.

"I don't actually. It seems like every memory that originated here in the 21st, blocks out everything I could've possibly known in the future."

"Oh." Kara remarks her hand stilling for a second before she directs her gaze back to mine. Her eyes showing that she wants to say something, but she doesn't.

"What is it?" I ask, drawing a shaky breath from Kara.

"If I'd never pushed that button none of this would've happened." Kara whispers almost to herself as she begins to withdraw her hand from my chest, but before she can completely return her hand to her side I grab it gently and place our hands in the small gap between us.

"If you never pushed that button I would've saved me that day Kara. You saved all of us." I remark truthfully, but Kara's gaze only drops to our hands as the mumbles out the words.

"Maybe I would've felt better about my decision if I didn't have to deal with not knowing where you were for seven months ...and not knowing if you were even alive—"

"—I'm here with you now Kara, and that's all that matters." I counter with causes Kara's eyes to lift back up, her tears clinging to her irises.

"Your hands." Kara mumbles quietly as she runs her thumb against the back of my hand. "You clench them in your sleep now. Your hair sticks to your forehead because of all the sweet that builds up when you have nightmares...and you flinch at all sudden movements, and unexpected noises...I did all that...I'm the reason why you wait until you think I'm asleep, to take that pill that allows you to sleep at night." Kara remarks a tear slipping from her eyes, as she clenches my hands a little tighter.

My eyes drop away from her gaze, at the fact that she realized that I've been hiding the medication Brainy supplied all the legionaries when we'd have trouble sleeping. I started taking them soon after getting my memories back, I didn't want Kara to worry about me. I've been dealing with the consistent bad dreams for years now, and she doesn't need anymore added stress in her life right now Rao knows she's been through enough. I've tried to stop using them on several occasions, but evidently the nightmares once again became too unbearable. I try saying something that'll reassure her but the words die in my mouth as soon as my gaze catches hers again.

"I did this to you. I'm the reason for all the burdens you've had to carry for all these years, I took away your innocence, the moment I put you in that damn pod!" Kara states, as another wave to fresh hot tears begin to spew down her cheeks. "I-I did this." Kara repeats her voice trembling. Her grip loosening around my hand.

"Kara look at me." I murmur as I try drawing her attention back to me. Her eyes never left mine, but she's looking past me, not at me. "Kara." I call out again and this time she blinks rapidly this time she refocuses on me. "I did this to myself. I knew that once I'd founded the Legion that my life wouldn't have been as peaceful as it once was. I knew that. We all did. But we had a purpose to serve, a purpose that I promised the both of us that I'd fulfill. And I regret nothing....We might have to deal with the never ending nightmares and  trauma, but just knowing all the lives we saved and the change we've made is what keeps us going, it's what's keeps us strong. The journey may be hell itself, but the destination is always worth it." I state tears of my own clinging to my eyes as I brush a strand of hair out of her face. "And as much as I would've loved to have gone through that agonizing journey with you, I'm here now, and that's all that matters." Kara slowly nods at my words, before digging her head into the crock of my neck.

"That's all that matters." She repeats, her damp eyelashes brushing against my neck as she blinks.

"I love you."

"I love you."


It wasn't long until we found ourselves (well Kara actually) beginning to drift off to sleep.

"Take it." Kara remarks, her eyes locked on my nightstand, which contained my pills.

"I don't want to. Not anymore." I state honestly. Which causes Kara's gaze to fall back onto mine. She sighs before pulling me into her arms. My head resting on her stomach, as she places her hands on my hip, and hair, her fingers delicately sliding against my scalp.

"Sleep. I'll wake you if you have a bad dream." Kara murmurs simply, her hand still toying with my hair as my eyes against my will begin to slip close. A part of me is afraid of letting her witness me without the very thing that keeps me grounded while asleep. But my worries soon begin to fan out as her steady heart beat begins to lull me to sleep. The scent of her, intoxicating me more than my pills itself.

I guess I didn't need a pill to help me sleep after all.

I just wanted to say thanks for all of the support it means the absolute world. 💙❤️💙

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