Only with you.

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Kara's pov

Me waking up before Mon-El is a rare sight. But it's a beautiful one at most. Everything from the way his eye lashes stick to his face,to they way his chest rises and falls in a steady pace. He always looked peaceful, almost as if he was still the innocent—in some ways—guy who crashed here almost two years ago. But he's not. And that upset me a bit, not because he's changed, because I'm glad he did I really am. I just wish I could've been there for him while he was dealing with the entire process. But regardless of that he still became the man I knew he could be.

An hour and a half passed by before Mon-El began to stir, his eyes opening not long after. "Hi." His scratchy voice rings out filling the room with a different sound besides the ticking clock, and the late night traffic outside.

"Hi." I remark quietly. Taking in the way that he's not returning my soft smile the way he always does when he greets me. "What's wrong?" I ask, but he only lowers his eyes down in response. "Mon-El?" I call out now sitting up on my elbow so that I can see his face completely. He moves his hand that isn't resting on my back to swipe at his nose before answering.

"I still feel bad." He states simply, as he lets a sad chuckle escape from his lips. The sound escaping his mouth like a week cough.

"Well you shouldn't. I've already forgiven you." I remark earnestly, as I move to sit up on top of him. He's never been one to forgive himself, even if the person he hurt forgave him—and I can't blame him, I'm that way too—when we got back together after I found out he was the former crowned prince of daxam, I noticed how he'd always start apologizing for the littlest things. Like he was scared that I'd just break up with him again if he made to littlest screwup. And that always made me feel so guilty for making him believe that in the first place.

"I know, but I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for making you so upset." Mon-El mumbles softly, now placing his firm hands on the small on my back. I sigh at his words before cupping his cheeks between my hands.

"Mon-El, as much as I hate to admit it there's gonna be more times that you make me upset, and there's even gonna be times where I make you upset. Arguing's a healthy part of any and every relationship, it may not be pretty at times, but in the end we'll always over come our differences." Mon-El nods understandably at my words before a small smile pulls on his lips.

"Speaking of differences, I heard you mention that you loved me more yesterday, but I actually think differently." Mon-El states, causing a toothy grin to slip upon my own lips.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah." Mon-El answers as he tries to move up for a kiss but I push him back down. Causing him to
release a frustrated huff.

"Why exactly do you think differently?" I ask him. Hands resting on his chest.

"Because I love you more than anyone and anything. And when it comes to loving me, I'm second runner up, first place being Alex, and first runner up being food." Mon-El remarks smiling softly.

"Well that's where you're wrong." I state simply. "Food would be in first place and Alex would be first runner up." I remark jokingly. This enlightens a laugh from Mon-El.

"Well doesn't that still leave me as second runner up?" Mon-El ask.

"No." I state simply, Mon-El cocks his eyebrow at this.

"No?" Mon-El ask, as his laugh dies down.

"No." I repeat, leaning down a bit. "There are no runner ups when it comes to who I love."

"So you're saying that I don't get a badge for being a contender?" Mon-El ask which enlightens another laugh from me. "Because I thought I'd at least get a badge." Mon-El repeats jokingly with his famous weakening dimple showing smile.

"No silly, that means that there's no competition when it comes to my relationships." I state, laughing at his words. "Because each and every one of them are different. So that means that they mean different things to me." I exclaim, which causes Mon-El to nod in playful understanding. "My relationship with my friends mean so much to me. And my relationship with Alex means the the world to me."

"Yeah?" Mon-El ask smiling gingerly.


"Well than what does our relationship mean to you?" Mon-El ask, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"It means..." I pause trying to find words that could possibly explain how much he means to me, but my minds coming up blank. Mon-El dramatically clutches his heart at this.

"Wow. I'm hurt. I would've at least expected to get a few words out of you." Mon-El remarks playfully.

"I can't describe how much it means to me." I state honestly after a while of contemplating on what to say, his smile grows wider at that.

"You Kara Zor-El are quite the romantic, you know that?" Mon-El ask after a while at smiling dumbly at each other.

"Looks who's talking Romeo." I remark chuckling, as I lean down to kiss the smile on his face.

"Why does that ring a bell?" Mon-El ask as we pull away. I smile at his question.

"I'll be right." I state, as I slide off his lap, and make my way over to the bedroom, to get his copy of Romeo and Juliet, which I last saw in his nightstand drawer. After searching for it for quite some time my eye lands on the familiar paper copy near Mon-Els secret compartment which hid the engagement ring—which I hid back in there as soon as we got back together—. I grabbed the book, and slowly close the drawer before making my way back over to him. "Here." I remark as I slip back onto his lap, and hand him the book. "I gave this book to you after we first started dating. Maybe you could read it again sometime." I state as I watch Mon-El flip through the pages, he stops at one particular page. And chuckles to himself.

"I can remember writing this." Mon-El remarks as he hands me the book so that I read what he's talking about 'the brightness of her cheeks would shame those stars'.

"I read all of these notes while you were gone...they were..." I start struggling to find my wording for the second time today. "...they were something." I state chuckling sadly. Those notes destroyed me, but I just couldn't stop myself from reading them. I guess in a way they kept me...sane. Mon-El notices my change in mood and brings his hand up onto my cheek. The gesture grounds me.

"I was sitting across the room on this very couch while you were laughing at something Winn said. And I just remember feeling like I was the luckiest guy in the world. Because I was. And I still am actually, because I have you." I swear this mans gonna be the death of me. "And later that day while I was reading I stumbled across this line and the first thing I thought of was you. Because not only could the brightness of your cheeks shame the stars, but the brightness of your eyes could shame the entire galaxy." Mon-El finishes his eyes locked on mine, as his small smile turns into a toothy grin.

"Rao. I don't even know how to respond to that." I murmur covering my face with my hands to hide my overwhelming blush which was spreading across my face like a wildfire. "How do you even come up with these one liners?!"

"They come easy when I'm talking to you." Mon-El remarks bashfully, a dumb grin still plated on his face. He just did it again and I bet he didn't even notice.

"I'm gonna need you to stop talking, so my cheeks can recover." I state, causing Mon-El pretends to zip his lips. As I begin rubbing my cheeks to sooth the ache he caused.


"Mon-El?" I call out, after laying on his chest for a while just taking in his steady heart beat. We just ate a very late dinner, and decided that trying to fall back asleep would do us both some good. Especially since I was heading back to work in a couple of hours.

"Yeah?" Mon-El responds as he sets down Romeo and Juliet on his nightstand. I guess he still loves it.

"What were you doing at the beach?" I ask my head lifting up to look at him.

"I was thinking." Mon-El states simply.

"About what I told you?"

"About everything." Mon-El remarks as he moves one of his hands on top of mine. "Growing up I always thought that I needed my parents approval, to mean something to them, that I needed to prove I was worthy of their love and affection. But it wasn't until meeting you that I realized that the love of my parents shouldn't have to be won, or earned. Because love comes naturally." Mon-El states as he begins tracing his thumb over my hand. "It wasn't until meeting you that I realized that if I wanted to have a healthy relationship with someone they had to want it too. But they didn't...and I'm learning to be okay with that." Mon-El proclaims nodding to himself, his eyes trained on the wall. "And as much as I would've loved to have my parents in my life. I don't need them, because I'm already good with the family I've built here on earth." Mon-El adds taking his eyes off the wall to look at me. A small smile plastered across his face.

"I love you." I murmur quietly. Mon-El tries to say it back but my lips are already on his before the word 'love' even slips out his mouth.

                                  Mon-Els pov

Waking up I expect to find the other half of the bed empty. So it shocks me nonetheless when I wake up and Kara's still here. I prop myself on my elbow to glance at the the clock which was placed on her nightstand, and surely she was two hours late for work.

"Kara?" I call out as I move over to her resting figure and brush the strands of hair off her face. She groans obviously annoyed that I woke her up. "You're gonna be late for work." I murmur now resting my hand on her bare back.

"Mm, James called I got an additional three days off from work." Kara mumbles, her face still glued to her pillow as she spoke, but her eyes were slightly cracked open.

"Oh sorry, go back to sleep." I apologize. Kara more than happy complies as she lets her eyes slip close again. I quietly slip out of bed, and throw on a shirt, before making my way into the kitchen to start breakfast.


I just finished breakfast, when I feel two hands wrap around my abdomen.

"That smells good." Kara hums as her chin balances itself on my shoulder.

"Well good morning to you too." I greet playfully as I turn off the stovetop, before turning to face her, my hand automatically finding her waist, and hers wrapping around my shoulders.

"Good morning." Kara greets as she moves on her tiptoes to give me a quick peck.

"So you've got the next three days off?" I ask grinning softly.

"Curtesy of Jimmy Olsen." Kara states smiling herself.

"I'll have to thank him sometime."

"Me too." Kara remarks. "What are you making?" Kara ask, as she plays with the hairs at the nape of my neck.

"Your favorite." I replay smiling down at her.

"You're gonna have to be more specific."  Kara declares, enlightening a chuckle out of me, as I watch her rest her head on my shoulder. Her nose tucking itself into my neck. The simple gesture makes feel all giddy inside.

"You still tired?" I ask her as I her eyes slip close. Her eyelashes softly brushing against my skin.

"No. I'm just taking this all in."

"Than who am I to stop you?" I murmur, grinning as I wrap my arms around her even tighter.

"What do you feeling like doing today?" Kara ask after a while of standing in a very comfortable silence.

"Absolutely nothing." I state simply, I can feel Kara's lips brush against my neck as she smiles at my response.



"They die?!" I exclaim as I shut the book Romeo and Juliet. Kara looks up from her computer screen, at my sudden outburst. The day's been quite a slow one, there was no one to save, no emergency at the DEO. Nope. Just me and Kara alone at home doing nothing but being in each other's presence. Which I'm my opinion is the best way to spend the day.

"Yes." Kara replies, as she sets her computer down on the coffee table.

"Wha...why didn't you tell me?" I ask.

"Well I didn't think you'd want me ruining the ending for you...again. You weren't so pleased with me when when I spoiled the ending a year ago." Kara states, smiling softly as she speaks.

"I did not see that coming." I remark, Kara just laughs at that.

"What exactly were you expecting?" Kara ask, her smile growing larger.

"I don't know, a ending where they're both still alive." I exclaim.

"Well sorry to break it to you bud, but that didn't really work out." Kara proclaims chucking again. "You should read Macbeth, it's another Shakespeare classic." Kara suggests, as she shifts her position so that she's currently sitting on her calve.

"Does it end on a happier note?" I ask, but Kara just shakes her head no, as she lets out another laugh. "You are by far the worst book suggester ever." I exclaim jokingly, as I set my book on the coffee table next to Kara's laptop.

"The point of Romeo and Juliet wasn't about a happy ending Mon. It's about love and sacrifice." Kara states.

"You know, they kind of reminded me of us in a way. The war between families, the falling in love with each other despite their personal background...the sacrifices." I state smiling sadly. When I lived in the future I always knew that I was missing something—or someone—in my life, and the necklace that I wore left proof of that. And it wasn't until coming back here that I realized how incomplete I was without Kara in my life.

"Hey." Kara calls out as she rest her hand on my knee, a soft smile tracing her lips. "We found our way back to each other didn't we?" Kara ask, her thumb beginning to stroke across my knee.

"Yeah we did, didn't we?" I ask letting a smile of my own grace my lips.

"Yes we did. And I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon." Kara exclaims reassuringly.

"Me neither." I remark. As I watch her crawl over to my respective side of the couch. She places herself between legs, and rest the back of her head against my chest. I spontaneously wrap my arms around her waist in response. "Do you believe in happy endings?" I ask, causing Kara to turn around to face me, she smiles before responding.

"I do." Kara remarks in a hushed tone, eyes trained on me even after she answers. "Do you?"

"I do." I state simply a smile of my own adorning my lips. "But only with you." I remark, causing Kara's smile to light up more. The yellow sun has nothing on her.

And audible sigh comes from here as her eyes flicker down to my lips "Only with you." Kara repeats, before leaning up to capture my lips in between hers.


I wanted to update yesterday but that didn't work out 😂. But I hope you guys enjoyed this.

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