You know i'd never want to leave you, right?

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Kara's pov

"I've scanned the entire city Kara, but his tracker isn't showing up on my radar." Winn voices through my cell phone. Mon-Els been gone since 4am and that was seven hours ago. I thought it'd be a good idea to give him some space but as the hours tick by I find myself more worried, and concerned. And the fact that I haven't slept since he's left isn't really helping with my current state of mind. "I'm gonna keep scanning the city, if I find something I'll call you, okay?" Winn exclaims reassuringly.

"Okay. Thank you Winn." I remark quietly. And although I am very thankful for his help my voice kinda comes off a stressed and I guess Winn can sense that.

"We'll find him Kara." He states calmly, his voice laced with sympathy and reassurance. But that really doesn't do anything to calm my nerves.

"I really hope so." I mumble before saying a quick goodbye and hanging up the phone. As soon as the beep sounded—indicating the call ended—I set my phone on the dining room table, and rest my head in my hands.

A million questions are running through my mind right now. Is he okay? Why isn't his tracker working? Why hasn't he called?...It's not like him to leave for so long without calling to let me know that he's okay. So that just makes me think that something bad happened to him or—my frantic thoughts are cut short when my phone starts vibrating against the wooden table. And to my disappoint it's Alex not Winn—well not disappoint per's just that Alex doesn't really know how to work a scanner.

"Hello" I greet, as I answer the call.

"Hey Kara!" Alex's voice booms through the speakers, her upbeat tone surprising me a bit, since she was so emotionally drained for the past couple of days. "I saw that you called me earlier, is everything okay? You called kinda early." Alex ask her upbeat tone turning into a more concerned one. Which is understandable because I did call her at 6:00am.

"No." I remark honestly. "Mon-Els been gone for hours, and Winn can't find him on the monitors, and I've scanned the city at least 9 times, but—"

"Wait, Kara slow down. You're speaking in tongues." Alex interrupts quickly. "What happened with Mon-El?"

"He left hours ago, and Winn and I can't find him." I repeat, after releasing a deep breath that I didn't even realize I was holding in.

"That's not like him. Why'd he leave?" Alex ask.

"Because I'm an idiot! I told him something that I knew he wouldn't react to well, and now because of me he's gone!" I state, sounding a bit angry. Although not at Alex, but myself. How could I have been so stupid?! He was already emotionally unstable by the time I told him, but now I think I broke him. And it's not that I regret telling him because I don't, I just regret telling him when I knew he wouldn't react well.

"Hey. Hey calm down." Alex's voice rings through the speakers in an attempt to calm me down. It doesn't work.

"How am I supposed to be calm Alex?! He's been gone for seven hours! Seven long excruciating hours! And I don't where he is or what happened to him!" I exclaim loudly, my voice cracking mid sentence. "This is all my fault" I add, my voice dropping in volume, as tears begin to cling to my eyes. I've been telling myself to hold them in all morning, because crying means that I've already lost hope...which is ridiculous because I'm usually the most optimistic person I know—that being because I literally stand as a figure of hope—but this entire situation is hitting too close to home. After dealing with the after math of not being with him for seven months, having to deal with not knowing where he is for several hours's scary.

"Kara, Mon-Els just as much of a fighter as you are. So if he's in any sort of trouble, which I know he's not, he's holding on, because that's what you taught him to do." Alex remarks. "So don't lose faith in him, because he's gonna be okay." She adds. I can practically feel the warmth of her soft smile through the phone.

"Okay." I remark nodding slowly at her words. A tear spontaneously slips down my cheek as she finishes. "Okay." I whisper again, but more to myself this time.

"Good, now go make sure you have at least two bottles of beer, because we're coming over." Alex states, causing a soft laugh to slip through my lips. That's the first time I laughed in hours.

"Will do." I state before ending the call. A small smile tracing my lips as set my phone back on the table.


Thinking back to my call with Alex it just know accorded to me that she said 'we're' coming over, we're as in not just her, so I was surprised to say the least when she walked into the loft with my earth-mother Eliza trailing behind her.

"Eliza? What are you doing here?" I ask as I move to greet her, after giving Alex a brief hug.

"Well I decided to come into town to visit the both of you! I've been meaning to ever since you mentioned Mon-El being back in town, but works" Eliza remarks chuckling softly as we pull away. "And I guess I came to visit right in the nick of time." Eliza states, before grabbing on to Alex and I's hands. "You girls have been through so much in the past couple of months. And I know I haven't really—"

"Mom. If you're gonna play the 'I haven't really been present in our lives' card. Don't. You've been more than present." Alex affirms smiling softly, as she squeezed our mothers hand.

"And plus Alex and I had each other." I add mimicking Alex's actions. This brings out another laugh from Eliza's face.

"Kara?" Eliza calls out, after a while of standing in a brief silence.

"Yes?" I voice, noticing the way Eliza was currently scanning my features.

"How long did you sleep? You have dark circles under your eyes" Eliza points out.

"Um maybe two—three hours." I state simply. Eliza sighs at my answer.

Ok so, what exactly happened?" Eliza ask, before turning her gaze towards Alex.

"Did I not tell you?" Alex questions. Walking towards us with a bottle of beer clutched to her hand. I didn't even notice she left.

"No, all you mentioned was Kara being upset about something involving Mon-El. And than you grabbed your keys and dragging me out of your apartment." Eliza states a matter of factly, before turning back to me.

"Mon-El's gone." I affirm averting my eyes to the floor to avoid Eliza's questioning gaze. "And he has been for almost eight hours now. I've scanned the city up and down, and Winn's been working non stop to try and track him but...we just can't find him."

"Oh honey." Eliza mummers quietly, before placing her hands on the sides of my arms nourishingly. Oh how I wish I could actually feel the comfort of her touch, but instead it feels more like a feather light stroke.

"Why don't you go sit with Alex while I make lunch? I can tell that you probably haven't eaten either." Eliza states before heading off into the kitchen, leaving me alone with Alex.

"Hey cheer up. I told you we'd find him." Alex mummers in a hushed tone, as she leads me to the dining room.

"I know—"

"Do you? Because you're still pouting." Alex exclaims as we sit down.

"I'm just—I'm still worried Alex." I state honestly, moving my gaze up to hers which showed an understanding look.

"I know, and you have every right to be after everything you went through these past couple of months. But the most important thing to have right now is hope." Alex states smiling softly. I mimic the action.

"You're starting to sound like me." I remark, enlightening a laugh from her.

"Well one of of has to." Alex affirms.

"What would I ever do without you?" I ask smiling genuinely at Alex.

"You'll always have me." She replies back as she reaches for one of my hands on the table. I might not feel the touch, but the gesture is more than enough to make me feel better.


"Wait so let me get this straight. Rhea told him that his father took his own life because he wouldn't return to Daxam, when in fact she's the one that killed him, because he let him go?" Alex ask summarizing the details of what I just told her and Eliza. I nod slowly in response.

"That poor boy." Eliza states solemnly, holding a cup to black coffee between her hands. She always take milk in her coffee, but the fact that she's been her for way longer than she expected—seven hours to be precise—I understand why she's drinking it black.

"Do you think he blames himself?" Alex ask, eyes laced with concern.

"Knowing him. Yes." I state rather simply as I run my hand across my face in a tiredly manner.

"Kara go get some sleep you've been up for hours." Eliza request, but I shake my head at her words.

"I'm fine." I state in what I hope is a reassuring voice, but Eliza reads right through me.

"Kara..." she starts again.

"I'm fine." I state again with a little bit of an unintended edge.  Eliza sighs softly at my weak testimony. "I'm sorry...I'm just—"

"—I know" Eliza states simply. I have a feeling she's referring to her and Jeremiah. The days after he was abducted by Cadmus she'd always be on edge, and let's just say that didn't make anything easier. "Well if your not gonna go to sleep could you at least eat something?" Eliza ask basically pleading as she points the the untouched meal she rested in front of me hours ago. I comply as I stick a baby carrot in between my teeth. It tasted flavorless, as was all the foods I've eaten when Mon-El left the first time around. But I didn't bring that up because the content small smile that spread across her face as I chewed was too happy to break.

"You heard from Winn yet?" Alex ask, filling to room with another sound beside my slow crunch's.

"Yeah. I asked him to track Mon-Els phone but he ended up leaving his phone here." So that explains why he didn't call.

The longer the clock ticks by the more worried and unsettle I get. I know Mon-Els more than strong enough to handle himself, but that doesn't ease my conscious.

"I'm gonna go scan the city again." I state, moving to the the widow, which is a casement window which allows me to open it like a door. But as soon as my hand touched the black metal handle, the front door opened. Reveling a disheveled brunette daxamite. "Mon-El?" I call out, as I slowly make my way towards him.

"I'm sorry, that didn't come sooner. I—" Mon-Els words are cut short, when I hastily engulf him in my arms, he returns the favor as he buries his head into my shoulder.

"—I'm just glad you're okay." I mummer softly, as tears of relief flood my irises.

"Yeah you had us in for quite a scare there." Alex's voice rings from behind as we begin to  pull away slowly. "And by us I mean Kara. I was actually the optimistic one for once." Alex adds chuckling as she also moves in to give him a briefer hug.

"My you really have changed." Eliza calls out, causing Mon-Els eyes to evert from Alex's to hers. It's hard to miss the confused expression on his face.

"Oh um, this is my earth mother Eliza." I announce causing Mon-Els eyes to light up with understanding and a hint of nervousness.

"Oh Hi! You must be Dr.Danvers it's both an honor and a privilege, I'm Mon-El." Mon-El exclaims reaching out to shake her hand. Alex and I both laugh at that. Those are the exact same words he used at thanksgiving dinner.

"We've met before sweetie." Eliza states chuckling softly, as she ignores Mon-Els hand and goes in for a hug. Mon-El gladly accepts it. As they pull away Eliza rest her hands on his cheeks, Mon-El smiles gingerly at the gesture. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again...but here you are." Eliza remarks smiling softly, his smile grows even wider at the words.

"You know I think she always wanted a son." Alex whispers to me, smiling coyly herself.

"Shut up." I remark just as softly, as I feel a blush begin to creep up my cheeks. One day he's gonna remember about the engagement ring and that both terrifies and excites me.

                               Mon-Els  pov

"So where were you?" Alex ask as we all settle down in the living room. Kara's sitting next to me one the couch, while Eliza and Alex were sitting across from us on the identical white chairs.

"The beach." I mummer quietly. Of knowing how they'll take my answer

"But I scanned the beach several times, how come I couldn't find you?" Kara ask, her eyebrows clenching in confusion.

"My legion ring...I turned on the cloaking mechanism." I replay, bowing my head down to avoid her shocked gaze.

"...did you not want to be found?" Kara ask, her voice filling with hurt.

" not really." I remark honestly. Kara nods slowly in response.

"Uh I'm gonna go start on dinner." Eliza states, after a while of sitting in an uncomfortable silence.

"Do you need any help?" I ask.

"Not from you sweetheart, you just rest okay? I can tell that you haven't gotten that much sleep either." Eliza states, causing me to take a quick glance at Kara who was currently facing the other way. I'm guessing, by the word 'either' means Kara hasn't slept much since I left.

"Alex..."Eliza calls out, tilting her head towards the kitchen in a not such a subtle manner. 

"Coming." Alex remarks quickly, as she basically hops up from the couch, to follow Eliza into the kitchen, leaving me alone with Kara.

"Are you mad?" I ask her after another moment of sitting in an awkward silence.

"...yes." Kara responds, her back still turned to me.

"Kara..." I mummers softly trying to get her to turn around, but she doesn't budge.

"A quick heads up would've been nice...'hey, I'm gonna be heading out for 14 hours, don't wait up' " Kara starts. "I-I thought something happened to you. But no, you were perfectly fine and safe at the beach, purposely hiding from me." Kara whispers softly. A tear rolls down, but she doesn't even bother to wipe it off.

"I wasn't hiding from you—I just didn't—"

"—wanna be found." Kara finishes for me. The pain in her voice, breaking something inside of me. "I get that you wanted to be alone, but you were gone for fourteen hours, Mon-El...I-I didn't know what to do with myself...And I would've gladly been on my way if I found you and you told me that you wanted to be left alone, because at least I would've known you were safe." Kara adds her voice barely above a whisper as she speaks. How could I have been so stupid? I already knew that she has a problem with people leaving and I just left...for hours without even saying goodbye. And she already had to deal with me leaving once, and I just made her relive that. The pain of not knowing where I was. The terrifying thought of not knowing what happened to me... I just made her relive those seven months.

"I'm so sorry." I mummer quickly, as I just now take in her perspective. "I didn't—I didn't mean to hurt you, I never meant to hurt you. I was just—... I don't even have a valid excuse. I'm sorry." I add, my voice cracking at the realization that I made her think I was leaving her, and that was never my intention. Ever. Kara turns to face me after a while, her eyes filled to the brink with tears. "I'm so—" Kara cuts me off with a chaste kiss. The salt residing from her tears, flavoring her soft lips. She pulls away slowly, her lips lingering next to mine for a moment before she pulls away enough, so that she's now holding my gaze.

"I forgive you." Kara mummers quietly. As she grabs my hand and proceeds to stroke her thumb across the back of it. I know her words are genuine, but I can tell she's still fazed about what I did.

"You know I'd never want to leave you right?" I ask her. She takes a moment to examine my eyes, before slowly nodding.

I open my arms, silently asking her to come here, and she does. Her head now resting on my chest, as she draws small circles onto my abdomen. The sound of running water and small talk from the kitchen begin to drown out, as I begin to drift off to sleep. Kara's hand is still running across my stomach, when she starts humming this melody which happened to be the same one my mother had my old servant sing to me when I was younger, every night before I'd go to sleep. I smile at the memory. Before mumbling the words 'I love you' Kara cuts the melody off short, responding by saying . "I love you more." I would've argued differently, but it seemed like this tiring day finally caught up with me.


By the time Alex and Eliza finished dinner—which turned out a-bit burnt than intended do to Alex's doing— they weren't surprised to find a certain daxtonion couple wiped out on the couch.

"Do we leave them or?" The younger Danvers women asked.

"Leave them. They've been through enough during the past 24 hours." Eliza replied smiling at the pair. "She's basically smiling in her sleep." Eliza calls out as she takes notice of how her adopted daughters mouth curved up.

"Why am I not surprised?" Alex mummers as she makes her way over to the couch.

"What are you doing?" The elder women whispers questioningly as she watches her daughter pull out her phone.

"What? This is cute. And I'm thinking of making a slide show of weird/cute events that they've gone through when they get married" The brunette called out as she snapped a couple pictures of the intergalactic couple. Eliza just laughed lightheartedly at the joke not knowing that her daughter was being serious.

"Well by the looks of it they should be getting engaged any day now." Eliza grins. She always did wonder what it would be like to have a son.

"You could say that again." Alex exclaimed as she tucked her phone back onto her back pocket, and made her way back to the dining room area, where her mother stood.

"You ready to go?" The DEO agent asked her mother.

"Yep." The scientist replied as she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

Alex takes once last glance at the couple, before quietly shutting the door. A smile remained on her lips even after the door closed, because she knew that her sister was with the man that could be all the things that she wanted, needed, and desired him to be, and what more could she have possibly want for her sister?


I actually kinda like this chapter 😂, and I hope you guys do too!

Anyways have a great day. And don't forget to cry about Karamel at least one time today. (Oh wait that's on my to-do list 💀)

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