26 (Unedited)

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Siddharth's P.O.V:

I felt cold tremors arrive all over my body as the door of my dorm flew open. Squinting my eyes, I tried not to shout at the person who entered and attempted to get back to sleep.

It was a fail though.

There was this restlessness in my body. I felt goosebumps arrive on my arms, eventhough it was summer. My heart was beating loudly, I could even hear it in my ears. Taking deep breaths I tried to calm down. But the feeling was taking over me as I slowly fell in the arms of a nightmare.


I was crying in bed, the nine year old me. I could still feel her touch on my skin, it burned. It burned all over, I started scratching my arms as I held back a sob.

The weather wasn't helping either. Thunder and lightning conquered the angry night as I shivered and backed up against the wall. The lights of my room were still off as I didn't had the courage to actually see the aftermath. I knew if I saw it, then it would make everything real. And I wanted to pretend that this was just another nightmare I was stuck in. Sadly it wasn't the truth, I could even smell it.

I cried in a lonely corner. Wishing to be Karthik. If I was him, then my life wouldn't be this hard. He had it all, loving parents, sisters and friends that treated him like a damn king.
And Karthik wasn't even grateful, he whined and cried out all day. Saying harsh to his sweet mother. He didn't deserve their love, their attention. I hated him as at this moment he must be sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms not caring about the thunder that terrorised me just a block away.

I wish I could snatch all his happiness and show him how it felt to live in the background as his parents pampered him. They never noticed the tears in my eyes as I stared at Karthik with envy. I wish I had someone who would pamper me just like him. Love me and praise me even when I am in the wrong.

Suddenly thunder flashed and I realised that instead of sitting on my bed I was near the seashore. A hand wiped away my tears. I turned towards the person but she engulfed me in a hug before I could look at her face.

I felt a feeling arise in my chest as the goosebumps ceased.

"I am here, Sid" She murmered caressing my head as I stopped shivering and enjoyed her embrace.

"Who are you?" I found myself asking her. I wish I could see her face but the embrace was so sweet that I didn't want it to end. I could feel the calm aura she exuded and the way she gently caressed my face.

But she didn't reply for a long time. It made me wonder whether she heard my question or not. The wind was gentle just like her caress and the moon hid behind the clouds in the starry night. The water near my toes was cold but it didn't matter as I felt alive for the first time. I felt something new inside me, my heart was fluttering and a smile encased my circular face as I lay in her arms.

There was a blissful silence surrounding us, I could feel her breath on my exposed neck. And for the first time a woman's touch didn't repulse me. I suddenly felt her hot breath in my ears and shuddered. It passed and I felt her lips land on my forehead. It made me sigh. Her kiss was filled with gentle adoration and the way she kissed me was innocent.

She exuded a feeling that I always craved for but never received.


I could feel her shivering then a water droplet fell on my neck. Another drop followed as I felt the rhythmic fall of her chest increasing.

She was crying. And it made me sad. I wanted to wipe those tears away and console her like she consoled me earlier. I could feel my heart tightening as she hiccuped her silent cry was accompanied by painful whimpers at the end. Every whimper of hers twisted my heart.

I hugged her tight and patted her on the shoulders softly. I could feel her calming down as she tried to stop her whimpers but the tears went on for a long time.

Then as if she was in pain she cried out loudly. Her voice sounding familiar. I felt as if I have heard her cry before.

"I love you, Sid" She whispered in my ears before pushing me into the water. I closed my eyes in shock and when I reopened them sunlight hit me. And I realised it was a dream. A pleasant one though as usually my nightmares kept me up.

Although it began with a nightmare the lady's hug helped me. I felt charged up because of her magical embrace. A smile lit on my face as I hugged myself, trying to rejuvenate the lingering power of touch. Her touch left me with warmth. And I wish I could see her face before the dream ended.

I love you, Sid

The sentence made me smile, not the cocky one but a genuine smile. My hands itched to hug her again. I was craving the warmth she exuded. The love she had in her fingers and the naivety she had in her voice as she confessed.

I knew the woman was just a virtual dream my subconscious mind created. Nobody would hug you so tenderly and whisper such sweet things in your ears in real life.

She loved me.

Wow. What a joke!

Dedicated to:



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