Things you wouldn't have known!

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So as plenty of you know, or maybe it is only stream people that know... I forgot who I've said or told this to. But anyways, a lot of things currently in F2R/GF/DC were originally from GAME OVER

Yes, indeed. When I cancelled GAME OVER I was very sad, but I didn't want it to die out like that, so I implemented a lot of things into the storyline last minute. This first begin sometime during F2R after the death of Seto's parents.

It started with something that bugged me, and if you haven't read chapter 9 of GF don't continue on. Anyways, I'm sure many of you guys remember Valen, grrrr, Valen the coachman, aka the cockroach as some of you guys nicknamed him.

Anyways when Seto was on trial and Valen was called to testify, I'm sure many of you were really f*cking confused when Valen randomly lied after confessing Seto's father was a sorcerer. Don't remember, let me quote what happened:

"Valen, did you see anything that would tell you this boy is indeed a sorcerer?"

Seto stared intensely at the ground, he hung his head in defeat. Valen would say what he say in Duhita and it would be over.


Remember now? Now, this really really bugged me after awhile because I literally decided I would screw with you guys and f*cked around with Valen's character. So originally, there was no reason behind that, but after awhile, the lack of logic got to me and I decided I would figure out a way to make it make sense. 

First GAME OVER implement was the addition of the Ender family. Not the Nyx, the Nyx has been there from the start. But my OC's Alista, Alias, and Aveon, all of them were characters I created over a year ago that I played around with for fun. But I wanted to put them in a story so GAME OVER was that story, until I cancelled it. Then I last minute threw them into F2R after remodeling the whole plot. This allowed me to give a reason to Valen's behavior through Alias. 

So i changed Valen's sotry and made it so that the real Valen had died of old age and never betrayed the Magi family, Alias was ordered by the Nyx to take his place temporarily and assume Valen's role in order to ensure the hanging would happen. For reason I can not explain, just wait till next chapter. 

Now as for how Alias disguised himself is the second implement, F*&%#$$%^  $^$$%. This is a thing I created for GAME OVER that I also can't say lol, because GAME OVER spoils. Now, why did Alias lie, because the Ender family is bound by their word. I realized when I made Valen promise stuff back in Duhita, that meant I could use Valen's weird response in trial as the Ender's way of following their word. Valen promised not to tell of Seto's breakdown, and as such it made it so much easier to make Valen actually Alias.

Fourth implement, the void swords! Or really just sword, as in GAME OVER there is only one sword, but they do not hold special powers. Alista's sword does not grant Alista teleporting abilities and dimensional travel, and Max's sword doesn't exist in GAME OVER. But the idea of the sword as God Killing swords did come from GAME OVER along with the idea that there can only be one wielder. 

5th implement. The caretaker of the void Nol. So when I cancelled GAME OVER I was working to make it an actually book, I didn't get very far... I replaced like two youtuber's with names of my own creation, and Notch and Hero's names. Anyways, Herobrine's new name for my story was actually Nol.

I created the caretaker of void originally for a different purpose that I change last minute in Chapter 2 and 13 of DC. and though Nol was Hero's replacement name in GAME OVER, Nol is NOT Herobrine in my book. Nol is his own character in the book. 

Also, do you guys see the joke in Nol's name? If not the pronunciation of his name is the same way you would pronounce the world null. If you still don't get it... look up synonyms for the word null, it should be obvious then.

6th implement, Seto's curse marks. GAME OVER Seto has the same marks as F2R Seto, but for different reasons. Anyways, I liked the marks and so I created a scene were Seto would get those marks lol.

7th implement Jason as an engineer. Yes. In the original plot, which I'll make a separate chapter on about, but long story short, Jason was a farmer and not an engineer.

That is all I can think of right now.

But hey, was this interesting? Hopefully not too confusing :P

NEXT TIME: F2R's original plot! 

(I'm gonna write that up right now.)

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