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Two days later....

Caleb pov

Ding dong.
Oooh that must be them! I raced downstairs to open the door. Man, I haven't seen them in forever! Last time I saw them was at me and Faith's college graduation. I opened the door to see them standing there. Huh. They have certainly aged well. Faith comes trotting down the stairs.

Faith pov

Caleb must've answered the door. I wanted to see who it was. Atlanta and Tyler followed behind me. I slowly went downstairs.
"Caleb, Honey..... Who's at the do-" I stopped in my tracks. In the doorway stood Madison and Ki. I squeal and go hug Madison.
"MADISON! It's been so long!" (Ref.) I squealed. She let out a little laugh.
"Heh. Yeah. It's been a while. How've ya been?" She asked. I quickly led them inside. They took a seat on the couch. The kids came parading into the room.
"AUNT MADISON! KIKI!" Squealed Atlanta. She went over to hug both of them.
                "My my, you have certainly grown!" Madison said, placing Atlanta on her lap.
"Where's my present?" Atlanta asked innocently.
"ATLANTA! Apologize right now! That wasn't polite!" I chided. Atlanta looked down, glumly.
                 "Sorry aunt Madison and Kiki." Atlanta apologized. Madison chuckled.
                  "Ha. Quite all right Atlanta, now share these cookies with your brother." Madison said, giving Atlanta a tin of cookies.
                     "Atlanta, sweetie, use your inside voice." I say patiently. Tyler comes trotting down the stairs. Huh. I thought he followed me. Oh well. He raced over to Atlanta and took a few cookies out of the tin. We continued chatting for a bit. The kids played while we talked.
"Aunt Madison! Unc- Kiki! Look what I drew the other day!" Atlanta beamed. She held up her picture of a bunny.
"Good thing she caught herself before she called him uncle." Caleb whispered in my ear.
"Yeah, but it would be easier for them to call him uncle. Why won't they just get married already! It's my otp!" I whispered back.
"NOT HAPPENING!" I hear Madison call from across the room. How did she hear us?!! Oh well. Tyler was sitting on the couch. His face suddenly lit up.
"OOOOOO KIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKI!! I NEED TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING!!'" He shouted. He grabbed Ki by the arm and dragged him upstairs.

Tyler pov

Eeekkk!!! I can't wait to show him Mason! I opened the door. I made him sit down on my bed and cover his eyes. I wheeled Mason out and turned him on. He started rolling around the room.
"Ok! Now open your eyes!" I say. He opens his eyes. His eyes widen and a grin tugs at his face when he sees Mason.
"You built this yourself?!!? This is incredible!" He says. I beam with pride. Hehe! He likes my robot!
                 "Hey. You like this robot? Here I wanna show you something. It's in my car." He said. We went downstairs and told mom and dad what we were doing. He led me to the trunk of Aunt Madison's car. I watched as he popped the trunk and pulled out a little piece of metal. He pressed a button and the piece turned into a full sized robot! Whoa! It looked like a human sized model of one of those kiddie robots! Cool! I heard the door open and close.
               "Kiki? Faith wants us inside for din-" I hear Aunt Madison call. She stops dead in her tracks when she sees the large robot.
                "Not gonna ask. I didn't see anything." Aunt Madison said, turning her back. We watched as she went back inside the house. I look at Ki and start laughing.
          "Heh. Aunt Madison is a funny aunt!" I say.  
           "Yeah. She sure is." Ki said, getting a bit spaced out. He sat down in the trunk of the car.
            "Hey. Uh Ki? I have a question." I state. He still looks dazed and just gives a simple nod.
             "Why don't I have an uncle?" I ask him. He snaps to attention. I see him get flustered.
               "Uh. Um. Uh because uh. Uh Your Aunt I guess hasn't married anyone yet." He stuttered. Ah. That makes sense. Though I don't why he is flustered. He was fine just a moment ago.
               "I wish you were my uncle." I finally say after an awkward silence. His face became really red.
                "Uhhhhhhhhh....... Well. Uh. That's uh. Nice? Oh uh. Geez look at the time! Didn't Madison say it was dinner time or something?" Ki says, putting the robot up and closing the trunk. He swiftly led me back inside for dinner.

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