Messed Up

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'Follow me,' Melody led Sota behind the Cricket Club and went through the unlatched door secretly and quietly. They climbed over the fence/gate/door of sorts in order to make it seem as though they were totally not late.

It was a quarter to 7.

Brian wasn't pleased at their absence.

'Shh, this way, then Brian won't see us,' she whispered to him.
When she turned around to walk forward, she saw non other than Brian's tapping shoes.

'Uh oh' she muttered.

'Uh oh is right! Where have you two been??'

'We aren't that late! Sorry'

'It's not about the fact that you were late, it's the fact that none of your parents or guardians knew where you guys were all night. They were all so worried about you guys! They called me and said you never went back home! SO WHERE IN ROBERT JEKYLL'S LABORATORY WERE YOU GUYS ALL NIGHT!!!'

Pissed Brian is not a good Brian.

'Uh...' They exchanged eye contact, shifted uncomfortably and glance at each other with embarrassment as they proceeded to answer the question with great difficulty.

'So.....what you're saying is.....YOU BASICALLY ELOPED FOR THE NIGHT?!'

'Well........that's one way of putting it,' Sota winced.

Brian did not go easy on them for that.

As a punishment, they had to do 100 laps around the gym and cook that day's breakfast. Which really wasn't smart, because making them make breakfast equals to punishing the whole Team Borser with inedible food.

'Why!! Why do you do this to us, Brian?' Yuzuru whined about the food.

'Because it is partly you guy's fault for not looking out for your younger teammates.'

Javi grumbled along with Yuzuru.

Nam asked, 'so where were you guys, Sota?'

'We kinda went around town doing....well, not really doing anything....'

'Yeah we kinda just hung out like normal people do, just that it was in the dead of night.' Melody added.

'That's very brave. Toronto is sketchy at night I'll say.' Javi noted.

Just then, Brian came to thier dining area with widened eyes.
'Dy, Sota, you two wouldn't happen to be the two people in this photo, now would you?'

He showed them a news article titled 'Local Heros Fight Man In Black', taken from the newspaper, written about two teenage kids fighting off a robber that morning on Queen Street West, and helping at lady retrieve her stolen purse.

As they both read it, they made eye contact again, not knowing what to say.
'Uh, it might be us?'

'What do you mean it might be? It either is or not!'

'Um yes, it is?' They answered with a questioning tone.

'I thought so. Now tell me what happened? From the article, it would seem that you guys did manage to do something good when you ELOPED' Brian commented, emphasising the word he used to describe their night out as.

After an explanation that seemed to interest everyone, Brian was convinced of their story and actually rewarded them for being Local Hero's.

The training camp ended in the next two days off tiring work outs and practices. And not long after, it was the 10th of February. Brian now travelled alongside Sota and Melody to Lillihammer, Norway for the 2016 Youth Olympics.


Official pratices started the day after they had arrived. And after that training camp, they were more than ready to endure the practices and run throughs.

Despite the the weight of the competition they had to carry, they were looking forward towards the event as they both had a thirst to prove themselves, especially after what happened at both their Nationals.


During the Opening Ceremony, Melody had almost no one to talk to.

Sota had left her and started yapping with his Team Japan mates.

When a voice came up to her from behind and tapped her on her shoulder, 'Hello again.'

She whipped her head around to find the one and only Roman Sadovsky standing behind her.
'Hey! I haven't seen you in a while! How are things going?'

'It's good. I mean, well after this competition, my season's basically over since I didn't get the Junior Worlds spot, but I think it's a good thing, cause then I can actually start working on my jump consistency that I have issues with due to the growth spurt'

'Yeah, I noticed hahah. You're so tall! I'm like at your shoulder. Are you 5 foot 10 or something?'

'Close enough. 5 foot 9 and a half actually.'

They looked around awkwardly for a moment before deciding to sit down beside each other.

Roman started, 'so....your Japanese friend, Sota Yamamoto, has left you again huh? Feeling lonely and out of place?'

'Well, yeah, basically. And it's not as if he actually meant to leave me, It's just that he hasn't been able to see his Team Japan friends very much. So I am glad to let him get caught up with them.'

'Wow, you're understanding. I'd be feeling pretty low if I were you.'

'Yeah, I guess I would feel that way too if I didn't have you to keep me company. ' She smiled appreciatively.

He smiled back and then changed into a smirk.
'So...are you and him dating?'

Melody almost choked on her own saliva.
'Wha-- what? How-? You- I mean, we-...uh-'

'So you are?'

'No! No, we aren't'

'Oh, thank goodness'


'Cause I think I like you'

No no no! Roman did not just say that! He likes me? In THAT way?? No! Why is this happening to me? My life is crumbling!! I hate my life!!!!

Roman poked her cheek.
'Hello?? I said I like you. Why have you spaced out? Earth to MELODY!'

'Uh, huh?' She snapped out of her thoughts.

'You like him, don't you? Sota? You choose him, right?'

She couldn't keep her Jaw from dropping open.

'Close your mouth. You might catch a fly'

'I don't know what to say... How can you be so calm?! Why did you have to tell me this at this time?! Right before competition?!'

He just chuckled as if it was no big deal.
'Chill, I didn't mean to panic you. I just wanted to tell you that cause I couldn't keep it in any longer. And this felt like the right moment.'

'And you didn't think that telling me now might affect how I feel?!' She half yelled.

'Quiet. Everyone can hear you. And no, I didn't think it might affect you cause I already sort of knew you wouldn't feel the same for me. I guess I could tell you liked Sota, not me. And even though I hoped it might change your mind and make you give me a chance to make you like me, I knew it probably wouldn't happen,' Roman smiled sadly.


'Yeah, it kinda is, eh?'

'Aha, that's so Canadian. The 'eh' thing.'


'Can we still be friends?'

'I don't see why not. I don't have a problem with that.'

'But...I don't want you to feel like I've friend zoned you'

'But you have,' he laughed.

'But...that seems harsh'

'No, it's not. It's okay. I'll be fine. Let's just be friends like we are and forget about it.'

'How can I forget about it? It's not everyday that someone confesses to you'

'Yeah but, that's life.....and wait, woah, no one's confessed to you before me?'

'Well, actually.....uh....Sota did....a few weeks ago...'

'Ah, and you've told him how you feel?'


'What? So you friend zoned him?! Now that, is harsh'

'No, I didn't. He said that he just wanted to tell me that. And that I don't have to answer him immediately. He said he'd be willing to wait forever for me to figure out my feelings.'

'You should tell him. I can tell you love him. And from what you've told me, it would appear that he loves you very much too.'

'What do you mean?'

'Gosh, could you get any denser? He basically said that he'd suffer for you'

'He didn't say that,' Melody frowned.

Roman sighed and explained,
'You're indirectly making him endure pain as he waits for you to figure out your feelings for him and tell him. In that way, he is suffering. He's suffering from knowing that the girl he's willing to wait for might not even like him back. But because he loves you, he's willing to suffer just like that'

That made Melody sink deep in thoughts. Roman helped her see a whole different point of view she never knew of.

Wow, I'm so selfish. Sota's enduring so much because of me...and I'm here being all friend zone-ish to him. I'd be so upset if I were him. How does he do it? How does he hide his pain or suffering, as Roman put it? I wonder if he is really hurting because of me?
I AM A TROLL!! I'm making him suffer without even realizing it!!! I DON'T DESERVE HIM!!!
She mentally yelled.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the room....

'Hahaha I knew you liked her!' Koshiro Shimada teased Sota whilst pointing at Melody.

Kaori Sakamoto and Yuna Shiraiwa laughed along teasing Sota after he had told them that he confessed to Melody.

Sota flushed an embarrassing red.
In his heart, the pain couldn't be worst.

What's worst than having to wait for someone who might never be the one?

Dear Melody,

I wish you knew just how much I'm hurting,

Then you'd come to me and heal my pain.

Like a soft sweet memory,

You are indeed my melody,

You play endlessly in my mind,

How I wish you could be mine.

I know I told you I'd wait forever for you,

But the truth is, I can't...

I can't keep waiting....

It hurts too much....having you around me, but knowing that I can't be with you....

I just can't wait for eternity... ....

But I will,

Only for you,
my melody.

I know winter Youth Olympics hasn't started yet, but I'm just so excited for it :)))))))))))

I got to see Nam!!!! Today!!!!!
He skated at my local rink for Feb Fest and an ice show called Imagination On Ice, I think???
Oh well, who cares what the ice show was called, the point is, I managed to get a picture with him!!!!! *fangirls like mad*

And I'm sorry x_justafangirl_x, but there was so many people, I didn't get to talk to him and tell him that I have a pen friend who says hi :(( I know I told you I'd say hi to him for you, but SORRY :((((

Anyways, thanks for reading :)

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