Chapter 17

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Greetings my peeps! I hope you had a happy new year! And I also hope your enjoying the story? I bet you are! And look! I changed the cover! Do you guys like it? I kinda like it better than the first one. I might be going to be changing it a little bit to see if I can find one I really like. But oh well, I think it looks nice. And I'm sorry that it took me awhile to get this chapter up!!! First, I had a really big brain fart, then I decided to add information that I didn't plan on writing when I first started, so then I had to make sure the info was right and what I wanted, and to sum it all up. . . I'm back in school. . . . . . . . yay! NOT!!! So again, I'm sorry. And what you have all been waiting for . . . . . . . I dedicate this chapter to crkakita! She's my new follower and voter! Yay!!! So crkakita, keep reading, and I hope your enjoying the story. Actually I know cause you've voted on like every chapter . . . not that I'm complaining!!! Anyway, love you crkakita! Love you guys! Enjoy the story!


POV: Nobody's

Erza was standing in front of the Fairy Tail guild doors. She was having a hard time trying to convince herself to open the doors. He hesitation was making it so sh was getting soaked. All of a sudden she got a feeling she wasn't alone. She looked behind her to see that Juvia was on Grays back, and Gajeel had an arm around Levy's shoulders.

"Are you okay Erza?" Levy asked. Erza nodded.

"I'm just having a hard time convincing myself to go in there." Erza said facing the door again. "I mean how are we supposed to tell everyone what happened?"

"One step at a time." Gray said as they all walked forward to stand next to Erza.

"Sounds like a plan." Erza said and forcefully walked forward, and opening the doors to the guild. They walk through the doors and everyone turns to look to see who was walking in.

"Welcome back guys!" Max yelled from across the guild. Everyone welcomed them back but they didn't say a word.

"I need Erza, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Levy and Natsu, to come to my office please." Master Makarov yelled from the upstairs balcony. The group took a deep breath and walked up stairs to his office. When they got there Makarov noticed that there was one missing. "Is he not here yet?"

"No, not yet." Erza said. Makarov nodded.

"Well I suppose we can do this without him." Makarov said, and the group agreed. "Now. Tell me exactly what happened." The group told Master Makarov everything from the point that Lucy felt the magic energy to when they were waking up in the infirmary. "Well I suppose this confirms my suspicion." Master Makarov said.

"And what would that be?" Gray asked.

"Of why it had to be Lucy, that Kiara possessed." Makarov said. "There have been stories passed down generation to generation, and over time the true story gets altered. But I know better."

"What do you mean Master?" Levy asked. Master Makarov reached inside a drawer in his desk and pulled out a small leather bound book, and handed it to Levy. "Go ahead, open it up and read it." Levy opened to the first page and gasped.

"What is it shrimp?" Gajeel asked and leaned over Levy's shoulder. "Holy shit!" Gajeel yelled as his eyes went wide.

"Come on guys what is it?" Erza asked. Levy, unsure what to do, looked at master who nodded to her to read what was hiding within the books pages.

"The Tale of the Fairy and the Shadow." Levy said. "Written by: Fairy Tail's first guild master, Mavis Vermillion."

"What?" Everyone said with their jaws dropping to the floor.

"Go on Levy, read it. You should all know this." Master said and Levy nodded as she flipped the pages to the beginning.

"Once upon a time, there was a small town, it's name was Magnolia. But in that town there was two little girls. One named Mavis Vermillion, and the other Kiara Wood. They played together every day. For that's what they were born to do, since they were sisters."

"Wait! Sisters?" Gajeel asked.

"Keep reading." Master pushed Levy to continue.

"The girls knew that they weren't exactly blood related, and accepted that. For when Kiara was a small child, the town she lived in killed her mother for being married to a dragon. Then in revenge, the dragon burned the city to the ground. But when Kiara was found she was completely unharmed, for not even the ground around her was burned. She was protected, for she was the pure child of a dragon."

"Wait 'pure child of a dragon', what does that mean?" Erza asked.

"That a her mother and the dragon had a child together." Master Makarov said.

"Well that had to hurt." Gajeel said.

"As the years went on, Kiara was raised with Mavis and her family. They grew close and we're nearly inseparable. But one day the dragon showed itself to his daughter. And asked to train her. She accepted and left the small town, and Mavis behind."

"She just up and left?" Gray asked. "What the hell?"

"After six long years, Kiara returned. Mavis and Kiara were happy to see each other, but Kiara said she only returned to ask for help. For a dragon killed Kiara's father, and she wanted revenge. So Mavis and Kiara left to find this dragon and when they did, the dragon asked to fight in a certain place, the dark dragon asked to battle in the town were Kiara came from. The girls wondered why the dragon wanted to fight there. And dragon simply smiled and said.

'This is the place I killed your mother. And now, it's where I'm going to kill you!'

'Why did you you do it? Why did you kill my father?' Kiara yelled at the beast with not on speck of fear in her eye.

'I did not touch your father. My son was the one that killed him. And he also killed my son! Your poor excuse for a father poisoned my son! And now! I will return the favor!' The horrible beast yelled, as he blasted dark soul magic at the two girls."

"Dark soul magic?" Gray asked. "What is that?"

"Juvia knows." Juvia said. "It's an extremely rare dark magic that can only be used when a dark magic mages soul is corrupted. It's extremely powerful."

"Corrupted?" Erza asked. "How can that happen?" Juvia shrugged.

"Juvia doesn't know the answer to that." She said. "But Juvia does know that everyone has different tolerances for corruption. Some can be easy to corrupt, others not so much. There's also a few people that could never be corrupted."

"Sounds like Natsu." Gray said. Master Makarov smirked.

"It does indeed." He said. "Now Levy would you please continue the story."

"Luckily Mavis was able to jump out of the way in time. But Kiara was not fast enough, and was hit by the dark soul sync spell. Where the darkness, forcefully and painfully attached the evil to Kiara's soul. And she failed to push the darkness out."

"That's horrible." Erza said.

"Yes it was indeed." Makarov said nodding. "Now Levy please continue reading."

"After Kiara was taken by the darkness, she destroyed the dragon with ease. And when she walked up to Mavis, Kiara said.

'My dear sister, please come with me. With this power, and the rest that I have learned, we can get away from here. Imagine what we could do together! We can rule the world with it! Come with me.'

'I will not come with you. Destroying the world is not what I want to help you do. I won't let you walk away today, just to be able to destroy the world tomorrow.' Mavis answered quickly.

'Then I suppose I have no choice. I am sorry sister, that I have do this, but I can not have you stand in my way.' Kiara said.

She attacked Mavis and their battle began. They fought until sunset, when Kiara was weakened by the light."

"How could that happen master? How could the light weaken her?" Erza asked.

"The sunset and sunrise are one of the most powerful natural light. It can be extremely dangerous if used by the wrong people, but it's a good thing not many people know about it's power." Master Makarov said, delighted about that fact.

"I still don't understand." Gray said.

"Sunrise and sunset is a strainer for darker magics, creatures, even mages. They are especially harmful to what Kiara had become. Because at those times of the day, all the bright and beautiful colors in the sky, can weaken or even drown out the darkness. Temporarily of course." Master explained further.

"So the sky contains depletion magic?" Gajeel asked, and Makarov nodded.

"Only to those who live for the darkness. But also, as soon as the sun sets. Those dark magic users, can become even more powerful, because you would be surrounded by the dark." Master shivered.

"It's like the earth is giving you, your last chance." Levy said after thinking it through a bit.

"I couldn't agree more." Master said nodding in agreeance with Levy's statement. "Now if you would, please." He gestured towards the book.

"Kiara was brought down. But Mavis couldn't do it. She couldn't kill the one she grew up with. No matter how evil, Mavis Vermillion could not kill Kiara Wood. Her best friend. Her sister. So, Mavis cast a spell on Kiara. And there in the abandoned town were Kiara's mother was killed, Mavis turned Kiara into a tree. So she couldn't hurt a single soul. But Mavis couldn't just leave her there forever. Knowing that She would never have freedom again. Even though she was evil. So Mavis added to the spell that only a blood relative, could cast Kiara out of the tree, and into their body. But it could only be activated if the relative felt what Kiara felt when Mavis turned her into the tree.

'I'm sorry sister, but I can't let you destroy the world. I will never forget you.' Mavis said seeing her sister's eyes, one more time. And Mavis would go home and start a place called Fairy Tail, in honor of Kiara. For Kiara and Mavis always promised that they would start a guild. And because Kiara always asked her something when they were small. Mavis smiled and turned to the tree. 'Hey Kiara. Do you still think Fairies have Tails?'

The end."

And with that, Levy closed the book.

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