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Everyone needs a little posessive Jeonghan in their life so be prepared



I smiled brightly at the feathers that I collected, now tied to the dreamcatcher om the wall. Amazing. Twenty feathers in a week.

Wow that bird must be using the wrong shampoo.

I got up early, in a surprisingly good mood today. For some reason I decided to air my pillows, clean my room, make breakfast, even.

Seungcheol hyung and Jeonghan seemed surprised at my sudden good deeds, since I usually was a heavy sleeper and woke up late. Such a productive person I am.

"I'm heading to Ulsan with Soonyoung today," I say to Seungcheol hyung "did he tell you?"

Seungcheol hyung nodded, "He did. I said Jeonghan should come along and help, since he's quite good with kids."

Jeonghan following me. Nice.

Oh god why can't I just get over the awkwardness between both of us?

"Let's go," I say to Jeonghan, searching for shoes "you better be good with kids."

"I'm great with them, trust me." He smiled. That smile of his again. Its distracting.

At the bus stop, the charity squad was already there when we arrived, Chan clinging onto me for a hug.

"Noona! Finally you got better! I was so worried!" Chan exclaimed happily as he tightened the hug. I laughed nervously.

We boarded the bus, and since it was gonna take like, a few hours to Ulsan, Hoshi brought food to share with everyone.

China line were sitting behind me, and they were so cute that I wanna just squish both of them together in a bottle because they were too cute. I mean, how is Junhui feeding Minghao aeroplane-style and Minghao getting annoyed not cute?? I wanted to scream, gosh.

Hoshi and Chan were busy watching videos of dance competitions. Really, these two. Hoshi even brought his laptop and shared earphones with him.

And Jeonghan, of course, sat next to me, snoring away. Wonder what he did last night that he became this tired. All he did was just sing me to sleep, not like his vocal cords were ripped out or something.

I find it cute how his sleeping face was, just it was so innocent. Minus his snoring though.

You can't say no to taking a picture of this angel asleep. Like, literally.

I snapped a few pictures of him sleeping, and unconsciously giggled at how drool was going to come out of his mouth.

"Gotcha," His eyes snapped open, and I dropped my phone, shocked. Jeonghan laughed.

"You totally thought I was sleeping." He says. Duh. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Whatever," I say, feeling a little embarrassed, but smiling at my victory "But anyway I got these so I can blackmail you anytime~"

Jeonghan's eyes seemed like they didn't focus on the picture, though he was looking straight at my phone.

"Change your wallpaper," Jeonghan suddenly says.


"I think its just about time to change your wallpaper."

I stared at my phone. Oh right. The picture I took with Jisoo on our graduation day.

"But this means something to me," I say.

"Lia, change it, please."

"But you-"

Jeonghan pressed his lips onto mine, probably not wanting me to finish my sentence.

"I'm trying to help you forget your past, okay?" He says firmly, pressing the camera app on my phone and holding it up so that both of us were in one frame "smile."

I obeyed, though my heart felt heavy when Jeonghan changed my wallpaper to our selca.

"Hey, Junnie hyung, can't we do that too?"


"Lia noona and Jeonghan hyung - let's do that."

"You mean you want a kiss?"

"Um no I meant-"

"I'll gladly kiss you if you want me to..."

Damn china line and their bromance.


"ULSANNNNNNNNN!" Chan yelled at the top of his lungs, earning a hit from Hoshi on his head. Poor kid.

"Hush, we're in public. NOW LET'S GOOOOOO!" Hoshi screamed, this time earning a soft hit from Chan.

"Hush, we're in public." Chan repeats his sentence.

The Home wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It wad modern, like, not those old looking houses. It was pretty much a two storey bungalow or something, which to me looked like a mansion.

"Wow......this place is huge...." I stared at the house.

Meanwhile, china line got hyped up, "Hey Minghao! Look! It's your dream castle!" Jun says. Both of them got excited, since you know, they're really close to each other and pretty much will get married one day-

"Lia?" Jeonghan flicked my forehead. Harsh.

"You could've just kissed me or something if you wanted to shake me out of it," I say, rolling my eyes.

"I could. Do you want me to do it now?" He leaned in, dangerously close to me without warning.

I took a step behind, picked up my box, and took off running, "No thanks!"


The kids there were great, I'm telling you. I was awkward with kids, and since they were the ones who did the talking more, I was totally fine with it.

There were about some girls my age, though they were younger than me. We talked a lot - mostly about girl stuff. One of the girls, Shia, told me how she envied me and Jeonghan's relationship. She asked me to introduced someone to her, and that I immediately thought of Seungcheol hyung because damn he's solo.

But anyway he was just too old for a high schooler so nah. What a good looking grandpa he is.

Hoshi was just a goof around kids. He would try to do aegyo but the kids were boo-ing at him, and he ended up having his face looking like a duck, or a flatfish - if that's what he looks like.

Chan joined some boys for basketball, he became totally glued to the boys his age. Although he had hyungs, they told him his dance skills was amazing.

China line did a great job at dressing the kids as princes and princesses, giving the children rides on their back, pretending they were a magical unicorn or some dragon. Eventually, one of the small girls asked Jun to date her (although she was about seven but Jun said yes anyway).

And Jeonghan? He was a true angel. He was literally surrounded by kids from every corner, them hugging his legs, asking for a hug or perhaps a kiss. The little girls sat above him and did his hair, and he played Rapunzel with them.

The funniest part was when he was holding a baby in his arms. The woman told him not to, since the baby just finsihed eating, but Jeonghan was desperate to hold him that the baby ended up barfing on his face.

I didn't do much though - I talked with the girls, braided their hair, taught them make up, though I was surely bad at it.

The kids were really happy to get new clothes, especially the ones on china line's side, because of their extremely realistic princess and princes roleplay.

"Did you do well?" Jeonghan appears, sitting down next to me. I shrugged.

"I guess I did. The kids were cute. They really loved you huh," I laugh. So it was true that he was a natural with kids.

Jeonghan had this smile on his face. I don't know, I wouldn't say it was stupid, but it was strangely attractive, with his hair falling into his face.

"You know," he starts "looking at you with kids makes me feel like you're my wife,"


Jeonghan scooted closer to me, holding me down against the couch.

"Jeonghan not now please-" But he was too stubborn anyway. He kissed me, but I wasn't distracted.

"Your eyes, your thoughts, everything should be filled with me," he whispered "don't look at anyone else, but me."

Once again he latched his lips on mine, and soon he pulled away, breathing.

"I can't wait to have kids with you," He whispers huskily in my ear "moreover - make them." My breath hitched, and Jeonghan chuckled.

Jeonghan quickly left me in that position, laughing as he walked away, going towards the direction where someone was calling for him.

Shit, I wish he could stop making me hypnotized.

My lips kinda hurt, since kissing a posessive Jeonghan was a first. But it felt good, anyway.

"Noona, are you dating him?"

A boy appeared in front of me, which almost scared me to death, because he was standing so still like a statue.

"Gosh you scared me. About that....what do you think?" I ask.

The little boy's eyes trailed towards Jeonghan, who was laughing from a distance.

"You're falling for the wrong person, noona."

I squinted my eyes, "What?"

But the boy already took off, running.


"Thank you so much for visiting these kids," The caretaker says, bowing deeply "it's been a while since we've seen the kids smile like this."

Hoshi was being modest and all, but I noticed how he was trying to hold back his smug from the careraker's endless compliments about him.

I noticed Shia was watching Hoshi intently from a distance, so I walked up to her and nudged her sofrly by the rib.

"Go talk to him," I say "ask for his number."

"B-but a guy should ask a girl's number first," Shia replies. Geez she reads too many books.

"Go make a move already. I'm sure he'll be happy. Besides, the last time I asked him he said he was still single." I wiggled my eyebrows.

Shia finally had the courage to ask him for his number, and Hoshi gladly gave it to her. Its like reading a manga, to be honest.

I noticed how Hoshi was all-talk when it comes to girls swooning over him, but when it does happen in real life he just becones so small and shy and his ears turn red and look at how cute he is as a bunny.

Even one of Shia's friends asked for Minghao's number (though I told her not to bc Junhui is posessive af). Minghao blushed, and was about to give her a yes as an answer. But Jun pouted, being obnoxiously jealous, and dragged Minghao away from the girl just like that.

"Hey, lets go." Jeonghan tugged me by the shoulder, and I flinched a little at his touch.

Jeonhhan laughed, "You sure became sensitive after what I did huh? It's cute." Both of us were about to enter the bus when the same boy from before - stared at us.

"Mommy," he says, little hands tugging on the caretaker's clothes, eyes trailing up to Jeonghan "he's an angel."

The caretaker smiled at us, "Yes darling. He definitely is an angel."

"No, he's an angel," the boy protested "I can see his wings, they're black."

The caretaker's smiled darkened, but quickly laughed nervously.

When I turned to look up at Jeonghan, his eyes were on the little boy, his expression unreadable.

"Guess what," Hoshi says as we entered the bus "I can't believe she asked for my number!"

Jun rolled his eyes, "Whatever. You're such a big ass, but when you really face girls you're such a wrinkly dick." Wow Junhui, nice.

I noticed Jeonghan didn't speak much after that, so I placed my hand on top of his.

"Hey," I called "just forget about it, okay? He's just a little kid. Of course he was just joking."

Jeonghan laughed, "I can't believe you were actually worried about me."

"Wha- I'm not!" I protested quickly, and Jeonghan just chuckled, pecking my cheek after that.

"Don't worry, that kid's just crazy. Besides, he's young." Jeonghan says, resting his head on my shoulder as I nod.

Yeah. It can't be serious. That kid is five, maybe he read too much fairytales.

"Yeah," I agreed "you're an angel. A pure angel."

Though I felt a different feeling coming, I quickly shook it off, trying not to think of it.


Posessive Jeonghan bc i can

Anyway, i decided to make fallacy into two books hah yes bitches

So this chapter might give you second thoughts about Jeonghan, how he actually is.

I ship china line tgt so much my heart hurts omg

Hahah do leave a comment and vote, thanks so much for reading this story ♡

- Cee

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