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Why isn't Jeonghan's hair dyed blackish blue :((( he just used hair chalk im saddd



"Hello hello, my name's Dibo! Here is something you should know! When you want a gif-"

I groaned. I told that kid Chan not to mess with my ringtones. That little shit.

I palmed my surroundings in search for my phone, when my hand finally found that greasy, half broken screen, I grabbed it and answered the call.


"Lia! Are you still asleep?" Seungcheol hyung's voice was heard.

"Yeah. But you woke me up. Why?"

"I forgot to tell you that I won't be coming home for dinner. Me and Hansol. We're in charge for more lyrics. So you can ask Jeonghan to cook something or eat some take-out."

I groaned. I don't want to be alone with Jeonghan. Again.

"Can't you write lyrics at home?" I asked hopefully.

"Nope, sorry. Jihoon wants them by today, if we don't hand it in on time he won't let us go home, got his guitar ready by the exit door."

"I can imagine that happening though."

"So you'll be okay right?"

"Yeah I will. Try to finish early hyung."

"Mhmm. And you kids stay away from making babies!"


"Joking. Later kiddo."

And he ended the call. I put my phone aside, wanting to snuggle back under the covers but no, dibo the gift dragon started playing again. I swear to god, that Chan kid.

"What?" I answered the call.

"Um, open the door for me please. I don't have the keys." Jeonghan's voice sounded tired at the end of the line.

I dragged myself lazily to the door, opening it. Jeonghan stepped inside with plastic bags full of food. My eyes widened.

"You bought these?" I ask, helping him with the food.

"Yeah. I was too lazy to cook. And I'm sure you are too. Come on, lets eat. I bet you're hungry," Jeonghan pulled my hand and guided me to a chair, telling me to sit down.

I grabbed a bowl, "You know, these are the times when I really love you."

Jeonghan pouted, "Only when I have food?"

"Well yeah because food before guys." I reply, mouth full "so what did you guys do today?"

"Meh. Just writing lyrics," He answered and shrugged.

Both of us were more focused on our food - mostly me brcause I kept ignoring his questions.

Soon we ended up on the couch, feeling stuffed. Sometimes I woder if Jeonghan unbuttons his jeans or something when he's full - like what other boys usually do. Mostly what my brothers do.

"So how's life?" He asks me.

I snorted, "Boring."

"Even after I came into your life?" Jeonghan sat up and pouted.

"Yeah. You rush things too much sometimes, and you keep changing." I say thoughtlessly, realizing that I just blurted out the biggest mistake ever.

"Whay do you mean rush things? Keep changing?"

"I mean - like that day when you told me about the kids and stuff."

"That was a joke Lia." He laughed, shaking his head.

"Yeah. I know. I just took it the wrong way."

We sat there not saying anything, letting the silence pass. The sound of the tv filled the room, the story about Max was on the news over and over again.

"Lia, are you mad at me?" Jeonghan asks, taking my hand and linked our fingers together.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because it seems like you are. And I'm asking because I don't want to lose you, I want things to work out for both of us, so that we'll understand each other."

I wanted to laugh. Why is Jeonghan being so serious?

Being quiet wouldn't help, Jeonghan was staring at me seriously like he expected an answer from me. I honestly wanted to keep them all to myself, so he wouldn't feel down.

"I'm not."

"You sure?"


Jeonghan just nodded and finally relaxed his shoulders.

"Can I just have one thing from you?" I ask, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"What?" He asks back.

"Can I have dickhead Jeonghan back?"

That might sound offending to him, but I knew that he knows what I meant. I just miss the old idiotic Jeonghan, the childishly mean Jeonghan like when we first met. I don't want us to be the quiet old couple. Our relationship gotta be something that means to us, and sometimes I just wanted him to act like how he used to, instead of being sweet and all.

Though him being caring and all is cute. Sure, he was sweet. But its a different kind of thing.

"What? I was a dickhead?" Jeonghan sat up and looked at me. I just grinned.

"Well like you know, like how we first met and-"

"Idiot," Jeonghan cutted me off and pinched my nose, then flicked my forehead.

I flinched at the pain on my forehead and covered it with my hands, "Yah! What the hell was that tor?"

"That was what Dickhead Jeonghan would probably do!" Jeonghan laughed evilly and started running away as I chased after him with a pillow in my hand.

It was chaos, basically. We messed up the house as we ran around, throwing insults at each other. It was offending, but we both understood that we were joking.

The chase ended with Jeonghan tripping and falling onto the sofa, while I finally threw the pillows at him.

We both ended up huddling together on the sofa, his arms around me as I leaned in and breathed the scent of him. He needs a shower I swear. I'm not saying his scent was bad or anything.

"That was tiring," Jeonghan sighs, finally relaxed.

"You're tiring," I laughed.

Jeonghan said nothing after that, and he didn't have to-him holding me in his arms like this was already enough. I was happy enough.

So this is what it feels like to feel safe, as long as I have Jeonghan.

"Lia? Can I ask you something?" Jeonghan mumbled.

I opened an eye, "What?"

"What was in the box?"

I didn't answer. My eyes snapped open at his question.

"Nothing. Just a few old stuff, its my past." I answer.

But Jeonghan didn't stop there, did he? I don't know why he was asking this all of a sudden. Yes, he had the right to be curious, but I told him its about my past, so that he won't ask me anymore. But he did. He just didn't stop there.

"What's the old stuff?" He questions me. Why is he so interested? Isn't he the one who wanted me to forget my past?

I wriggled out of his arms, getting up to head to my room, "Why are you so interested?"

"Is it wrong to ask?"

"Its my past. You want to help me forget about my past, so why are you asking this?"

"I'm asking because I want to help, Lia."

"Then no, I don't need your help to forget this one. My past is my past, my past is a memory. So stop barging in." I suddenly felt angry at Jeonghan, how he tried to butt in with my business. I don't want him to butt in.

Jeonghan grabbed my hand before I could go, "I'm asking because I care. Won't you tell me?"

I don't know why I'm being extremely sensitive with this. Tears started to fill my eyes, but I felt angry. What came out was angry tears-hot and heavy ones.

"Can you leave me alone?"

"But Lia, I'm trying to help-"

"There's a bunch of useless, stupid, childish letters in that stupid box! There, are you happy now? You wanna know why I wrote those? Because I lost my happiness! I lost my parents-my happiness! Are you happy now that I'm telling you all this?" I yelled. I didn't know how everything just turned upside down so quickly. One second ago we were laughing but now here I am, yelling.

"Do you think me telling you my past is helping me right now? Are you helping me right now?" I ask him, pointing at my tear stained cheek "do I seem like I'm happy? Do I seem like I've healed from my past from what you see?"

Jeonghan still had his grip on my hand, being hesitant to let go. I know I was harsh on you. But those letters were a part of me. I got rid of them, but for some reason its still here and it hurts a lot.

"You're not supposed to make me cry if you want to help me forget my past," I mutter under my breath, and pulled my hand away from his, leaving him alone as I head to my room.

He watched Lia leave. He watched her eyes filled with tears. He was speechless.

"I'm sorry," Jeonghan whispers.


This update sucks i know it doesnt makes sense

I just felt like it was time to turn the fun upside down coughs what even




Im getting more tired every single day idk whats wrong with me

Anyway i might end this book at chapter 30 or less? Idk it depends haha sO GET READY FOR BOOK 2 BICHACHOS

I need sleep

- Meh

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