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Seungcheol was the one who woke me up, telling me to get ready to go. I'm surprised he woke up before I did this time.

Breakfast was ready on the table, and that was a surprise too. Lia woke up before all of us did-she made pancakes with maple syrup for the three of us, and left a note on the table saying that she left for some stage hunting.

I shoved a few pieces of her pancakes into my mouth hurriedly, knowing that the three of us were already late for practice. Seungcheol told me to just leave the dishes there, though I insisted on washing them a little bit.

Lia didn't wake us up today, and I was curious why.

I got into the car, buckling my seatbelt. Hansol was snoring away in the backseat, and I wondered if Jihoon really did force him to write lyrics till morning that Hansol almost mistook his closet for a bathroom.

Close thing he didn't shit in there though.

"So what did you guys eat last night?" Seungcheol starts a conversation, eyes focused on the road.

"I bought some takeout," I answered, trying to stop myself from smiling as I remembered Lia saying she loved me most when I had food. I'll get her more food then.

"Really?" Seungcheol glanced at me for a second as he raised his eyebrow "you're smiling like an idiot, Yoon Jeonghan."

"I'm not," I denied, trying to make my face as serious as possible.

"Whatever you say. How's things going on between you and Lia?" Seungcheol asks me again. Honestly I didn't know what to answer because of what happened recently, but we are good, I guess.

"We're okay." I replied.

"You guys don't seem that close though."


"I think you guys got awkward after this relationship. No more childish fights and brushing each other's hair, and I find it kinda weird," Seungcheol remarked "you should make a move on her."

I already did, a thousand times-in fact.

We reached Hoshi's studio, and Seungcheol pulled into a parking lot before unbuckling his seatbelt, "You should take her out somewhere. She likes fish and chips. I like fish and chips too." Seungcheol winked before leaving the car.

I laughed, "What, are you hinting on me to take you for fish and chips?"

"Of course! You've been spending so much time with Lia," He pouts.

"Says the one who asked how Lia and I were doing." I remarked.

The two of us entered Hoshi's studio, but then Seungcheol ran back to his car-he forgot Hansol was still sleeping in there. That kid didn't make a sound in the backseat that neither both of us remembered he was there.

"Jeonghan hyung, did you practice high pitches last night?" Hoshi asks me. I lied saying that I did, though I knew I would get caught lying-Jihoon can tell who practiced and who didn't.

We proceeded to each unit's practice room. Jihoon was a bit late since he needed to finish a few more tracks for oyr song, so Seungkwan, Seokmin and I were left in the vocal rooms to practice a few chords.

We ended up talking instead, because you know hw bth of them are.

"Hyung, did you practice?" Seungkwan rushes and asked me as soon as I entered the room. I just shook my head and put my finger to my lips, telling him to be quiet about it.

Seungkwan wad hyped up again today-he always was-he told us about how he didn't practice because there was a bunch of homework that he had to do, followed by his geography assignment that he had to redo because the teacher said it was 'not related to the topic'. It turned out that he fell asleep while finishing his assignment.

Seokmin practiced-kind of. After he finished his radio schedule at kiss the radio he asked Ryeowook sunbae to help him a little with practice. Ryeowook sunbae told him to practice more at home but Seokmin didn't to and instead he went straight to bed.

To be honest I would too.

We were fantasizing about how we didn't need to use our voice today for singing, and just talk all day. Both of them were fans of Sistar-hence Seungkwan always humming to Shake It these days.

Hoshi suddenly bursts through the door of our practice room, and we knew we fuckrd up.

"Jihoon's coming late today eh? Well then. Get your asses out and practice your part for Shining Diamond." He ordered, and exited the room. Surely we had no choice but to follow, who would dare fight Hoshi though? He's just the same as Jihoon when it comes to practice.

Only that he wasn't half as scary as Jihoon. Or that was just what I thought.

Anyway let's talk about the song Shining Diamond.

The song came from Hansol, who got inspired by his sneakers (or velcros) and honestly nobody knows why he was inspired by dem shoes. Lia told me once that Hansol named all his shoes, and one of his favourites was this pair named Diamond.

I don't know why its related to shoes but Hansol told us that those pair of shoes still stayed the same way even after he stepped on dirt and mud and dog shit and all those stuff.

And for some reason, we all got damn inspired by a pair of shoes-because well, idiots; all of them.

I'm not though. I'm an angel. I'm different.

"Fish and chips tonight huh?" I muttered softly to myself, thinking about Lia.

Wouldn't it be nice if I could see her always happy? I love her, really, from the bottom of my heart.

It's just that she doesn't know what's going to happen to her next, and I'm scared that I won't be there for her.

• • • • •


The tinkling noise that my phone made when I received notifications made me reach for my phone that was in my bag while I was busy rushing through the busy streets in Hongdae.

It wasn't that busy-just crowded with people since today's a Saturday.

A message from Yoon Angel.

Jeonghan changed his own contact name by the way. I was insisting on putting it with just Jeonghan but he stole my phone and changed it to the way he wanted.

Yoon Angel: Let's have some private time tonight ;) together ;) just me and you ;) I wanna make it a night you'll never forget ;))))

Me: ew no

Yoon Angel: so you're turning down my offer for fish and chips. Alright then, I'll just bring Coups instead #JeonghcheolSails

Me: wait what


Yoon Angel: beg for it ;))

Me: stop sexting me u dick

Me: I'm going

Me: pls take me plsssssssssss

Yoon Angel: okay bby

Yoon Angel: i will

Me: good ily

Me: why jeongcheol tho

Yoon Angel: just in case if I turned gay

Me: oh

Me: go practice, Jihoon's gonna kill you >:)

Yoon Angel: fineeee

Yoon Angel: bye

Yoon Angel: i love you

Me: okay

I smiled and shoved my phone back inside my bag.

Sure, I decided to go stage hunting today. So I called Shia and asked her to come with me. Basically because I don't really know the way around here and duh, just girls.

Shia promised she would wait near a coffee shop somewhere, but I still haven't found it yet.

"Where do I go now? Geez," I stopped running and stood at the side of the street. This place was less crowded compared to other ones. I wanted to call Shia but suddenly a woman gently took hold of my arm, making me drop my phone from her sudden approach.

"Hello honey, are you lost?" She smiles at me. I picked up my phone and put it back inside my bag, nodding back at her.

"Mind to drop by for a while to get your fortune told?" She asks me. I hesitated for a while, knowing Shia was waiting for me. But Shia might be lost too.

A few minutes wouldn't hurt right?

"Sure, I'll go." I replied, nodding.

"Great! Come with me," The woman took my arm and led me towards her small stall, I didn't notice it when I looked around.

She's got everything. Tarot cards, Crystal balls, tea leaves. I don't believe in all this but once in a while I would look at my horoscope things. Some of them aren't that right though.

The woman told me to pick a few cards. Three, usually. After picking a few, She studied them, and clasped her hands, placing them on the table before telling me.

"My my, such surprises awaits you," She starts, holding one card in her hand "this card-since you are in a relationship right now, its still new and awkward. Your relationship will eventually bloom to become a beautiful flower."

"However, the flower will not last long. It will eventually wilt-quicker than you expected. Treasure the flower while you have time," She reached out for another card and held it up "another flower is about to bloom-after the first wilts. You just have to wait for it, soon. Trust me, you'll be happy."

"The last card tells you about extreme bad luck," She put down the last card and shuffled all of them back into one stack "you must be careful with the evil-and their lies, especially. No matter what you do, you cannot avoid the darkness that's coming to you. Whatever you do, don't easily believe what you think is right."

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to believe in whatever she said, because you know how these type of stuff are. You can't count on fortune telling for everything.

Though I was shocked when she mentioned our relationship that was starting to bloom. It's a good sign, right?

"That'll cost five please," The woman grinned at me, interrupting my thoughts. I laughed along.

After paying, she told me to come again soon, and I said I will even though I didn't want to.

But something popped inside my head before I went out the door and left.

"Hey," I say, turning around back to face her "can I ask you something?"

"Sure that'll cost some for a question." She answered. I rolled my eyes and handed her another five.

"What does finding a feather mean?" I ask.

"Hm, people don't ask that question these days," She mutter "it means angels are near. Each feather has different meanings, though. Depending on what colour. Why, did you find one?"

A bunch, I thought.

"I found quite a lot, what does white ones means?"

"White ones tell us about purity," she tapped her chin, thinking "it tells you that your angel is already here."

"How about black?"

"It means that your angel is protecting you. But also, black feathers mean bad luck."

"Then what does a black and white feather mean?"

"Now that's a rare one," she says, standing up "it means-change is coming."

• • • • •

"So how are you and Jeonghan oppa doing?"

"Hm?" I asked back, not hearing what Shia said. Pretended not to hear, that is.

"I asked, how are you and Jeonghan oppa doimg." Shia repeats herself, and plops herself on a bench "don't pretend like you didn't hear it, eonnie."

"I really didn't," I lied, sitting next to her "we're okay."

"You guys are so boring," Shia scoffs, and takes out her phone "Hoshi has been spamming me with messages these days."

I chuckled, "Lucky you then. I'd rather that than a guy who never texts me."

"But he's texting me at the wrong hours," Shia pouted, scrolling through her phone "I got caught once in my class when he texted me."

I just laughed. Hoshi and his moves.

Shia and I had to take different trains, so she went home first. We said goodbye and I thanked her. Gosh, when will the train arrive, I'm late.

It turned out we already found a stage-it was big and in the middle of the bustling crowd, complete with benches as seats and the stage lighting. Apparently Hoshi asked for Shia's help too, so Shia already knew what we were supposed to be searching for.

The price for the stage was surprisingly cheap, so that was a good sign, because basically we're doing this for charity.

I boarded the train as it arrived and sat down. My phone dinged, showing a message from Jeonghan.

Yoon Angel: where r u :(((

Me: sorry, the train was late :')

Yoon Angel: keep me entertained pls

Me: soon, I'm on the train rn

Yoon Angel: awww pls :(((

Me: fine

Me: why did the chicken cross the road

Yoon Angel: not this please

Me: It's entertaining so

Yoon Angel: nvm lol, hurry up and get here okay :D

Yoon Angel: have a safe journey bby ❤❤❤

Me: I'm not on a flight silly

Me: but anyway okay

Me: this is cheesy bye

Yoon Angel: bye ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Me: stop spamming hearts omg

I waited for Jeonghan's reply but he didn't, and I assumed he fell asleep or it was just that his battery died. I just want to go home and sleep, to be honest, but hey-he's treating me to fish and chips. Treating me.

When I finally arrived at the new station, I walked past the crowd and up the flight of stairs that could make me lose a bunch of weight. The restaurant wasn't far from here, I guess.

I looked through the transparent glass windows-searching for Jeonghan. He wasn't there at first, but I finally found him sleeping on a table, his head down.

"Wake up idiot," I poked his shoulder and sat opposite of him. Jeonghan opened one eye to look, and then rubbed his face when he was finally awake.

"You're really tired huh?" I ask. Jeonghan just nodded.

"Since Jihoon wasn't here today we had to practice the choreo," Jeonghan heaved a sigh "honestly dancing is more tiring than singing."

"You did a great job then," I grinned. Jeonghan smiled back at me, liking the compliment.

Our food arrived then, since Jeonghan ordered it before I arrived.

"So what did you do today?" He asks me.

"Shia and I found a stage, it was complete with everything," I told him, excited "Hoshi's gonna be so happy."

"Aww but what about me?" Jeonghan pouts. Ugh stop "I'm happy too."

"No you're only happy once I send you nudes."

"And that never happened."

"You're not Mingyu, gosh."

"Mingyu doesn't ask for girl nudes. He asks for guy nudes." As in, diqs.

"He does-" I mutter back "-sometimes."

"What else did you do today?" Jeonghan asks more. He's almost finished with his fish, how on earth did he eat so fast without savouring the food I'm-

"I got lost when I was in Hongdae! It turned out Shia was lost too but she found me instead," I chuckled, spooning another piece of fish in my mouth "oh and I also got my fort-"

I quickly ended my sentence there. Jeonghan seemed confused at first, "What did you get?"

"N-nothing," I answered quickly. Jeonghan seemed curious again but let it slide.

I decided not to tell him about the fortune telling thing. What if I hurt his feelings in case he knew? The woman said that the flower will wilt-the flower as in our relationship.

Its just my choice to believe it or not.

There was another thing that the woman meant, maybe. Something that I just didn't know.

But I just didn't want to tell him.

• • • • •

"I'm stuffed," I groaned, as we walked down the street, side by side.

"You're happy now?" Jeonghan asks me.

"Very." I answered with a grin.

Jeonghan looked down at our hands that were connected, only that I was holding just his pinky instead of lacing our fingers together.

He laughed at the sight, "Why are you holding just my pinky?"

"I don't know-it feels nice," I replied, truthfully.

Though it was peaceful just walking like this side by side, I decided to ask him a question. Maybe it wasn't such a big deal to him-or to me either-but I was curious. And maybe it's the right time to ask now.



"Are you really an angel?"

Jeonghan laughed at my question. It was nice-his laugh. Its airy and comforting. It feels like I've never heard him laugh before, which is weird because he's laughed dozens of times.

Somehow something about his laugh means something else.

"Of course I am, Lia. Why? You want to become one with me?" He asks, nudging me. I shook my head quickly.

"No thanks, I'm too not innocent to be an angel," I remarked.

The weather just wasn't on our side today. It started raining-heavily, to be exact. Jeonghan dragged me to a phone booth for shelter, since neither of us brought an umbrella.

Now we're stuck here in this small space.

I was standing up, flat against the wall. Jeonghan sat down on the floor, though he was more like squatting down.

The rain was getting heavier, with the lightning and all. It was scary, to be very honest.

And the weatherman said that it wouldn't rain today. But hey, it's not him who decides the weather.

I heaved a sigh. This is gonna take a long time.

Suddenly I was so interested in asking Jeonghan questions. I need to find out what the fortune teller told me, it was making me feel anxious.

"Jeonghan, do you have wings?"

He stood up, and leaned back against the wall, "Yes I do."

"Can I see them?"

"You can't."


"You'll break mine."

"Oh." I sounded a little disappointed then-though I didn't mean to. Jeonghan makes this sounds so realistic, to the extent that I wondered what his wings looked like.

Jeonghan chuckled, taking a step closer to me as he closed the small space between us both, "Why are you asking Lia?"

"I-um, just curious," I replied, backing away-though it was useless because I was already leaning against the wall.

"And what makes you curious huh?" I was practically trapped between his arms now as he leaned closer, and I was torn between kicking his balls or sliding down so I could escape.

"Because you said you were an angel so.." I trailed off. I didn't want to look at Jeonghan straight in the eye-he knew I would be lying.

"Really? You've never believed in those stuff before." Jeonghan says again, now making me panic "what made you change your mi-"

I finally gathered all my courage to finally stand on my toes and press my lips against his, shutting him up. Payback.

He did seem shocked-like what my reaction used to be whenever he did this to me-but he played along too, kissing me back.

"Look at you, so happy after getting a kiss from me huh?" I chuckled as I saw Jeonghan's face turned red from embarrassment. And you thought you would make a move first. Sike bech.

"I wasn't expecting it," Jeonghan retorted. I just hummed in response.

Sure, I thought, and looked out the window for the rain. It looks like the rain won't stop-though the lightning and thunder were no longer there. I badly wanted to go home, since I was tired and how long are we going to get stucked in here anyway?

The house isn't that far away, we could just walk.

"Let's go home," I say, taking Jeonghan's hand before walking out of the small space.

"In the rain?" Jeonghan asks me.

"Yeah, come on it'll be fun!" I say, tugging his arm.

"Yeah but it's raini- RACE YOU TO OUR HOUSE!" Jeonghan took off without warning, and I chased after him. Seriously, this kid.

I took the lead then, but Jeonghan caught up to me and lifted me off my feet-carrying me on his back all the way back to our house as it rained. It was fun.

I finally understood what "treasure the flower while you have time" means. And I will.


Its 3 am shalalalalala

This is over 3000 words im-

Y'all are asking for clues and here i am sending winkwonk faces to you guys as answers ;))

But anyway, what y'all think will happen ;))

Did u guys know that i just blurted the whole storyline of this book in this chapter? Find the clues hm ;)

Oh and i was wondering, before i start book 2, should we have a q&a session for the characters in this book? The author too lol, comment what y'all think abt the q&a thing kay?

I swear im so excited for book 2 omg

Just a few more chaps until fallacy ends ;)

I cant sleep tbh, and i ate a bunch of kimbap today bc i can

- Meh

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