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"Stop staring at me, idiot." I mumbled.

"Good morning, beautiful." He whispered, kissing the corners of my mouth lightly as he smiled.

"Yeah, morning, now get off my bed, the space is too small." I groaned, trying to push him away.

We went home last night, soaked in rain, and we ended up catching a cold because of that. Jeonghan didn't mind though. He said as long as he can spread his germs to me, he's fine.

In other words being sick together.

It was Jeonghan's fault I caught a cold, cuddling in bed as he sneezed and sneezed. What is this, snotboy?

"We might as well get a king sized bed if we want to sleep together," Jeonghan retreated and finally got off the bed, stretching "you always pushed me off the bed when I was sleeping."

"Yeah because you were apparently too close," I say. It wasn't my fault I pushed him off the bed, he knew I did karate in my sleep so why so close?

"Hey Lia, did you know that the water bill is increasing?"

"Yeah, Seungcheol hyung told me that."

"Let's save water."

"Like what? Not washing up after shitting?"

Jeonghan had this cheeky grin on his face-the one where he would show his teeth-and I could tell he was up to something.

"Shower with me?"

I threw a pillow at him as it landed straight on his face, "Dream on." I muttered and walked away, hearing Jeonghan's muffled laughter from a distance.

• • • • •

I spent the whole day in their practice room, and honestly I was already tired monitoring them. I didn't do anything, just sitting there watching them. Sometinss I would look up some stuff on my laptop to kill time.

"We're done!" Chan threw his hands in the air, signaling that practice was over. The boys were sweaty as ever after dancing for the thousandth time. And I'm here wondering how they can keep up with all those hard dance moves.

I wish they could just stop and go take a shower because honestly they're really sweaty. I could actually see sweat circles under Seungcheol hyung's pits.

But anyway lets ignore that shall we?

"Alright kids gather around," Seungcheol hyung shouted, and everyone obeyed, gathering in front of the big screen. I prepared the pictures of the stage to show all of them.

Jeonghan flicked the light switch off, and the next moment everyone started screaming.


"I'll just stay frozen like this."


"I'm a ghooost~~~ oooOoOoooOOh~~"



"Calm your asses down everyone!" Hoshi yelled. Everyone settled down, that is ; after trying to stop Jihoon from shoving an oak tree up Seokmin's ass when he accidentally palmed Jihoon's thingymajingy.

The projector was on, and there was light from the screen.

"Alright so newsflash, I already-"

I was cutted off by Jun, "Is it good news or bad news?"

I shot him a look, and he finally settled down to listen, "I found the place where we can hold the concert," I started showing them the pictures "It won't cost as much, it's in the middle of the public, and its large enough."

"Audience will be seated here," I traced the spot on the screen "the stage is complete with mics and speakers, so we can rent them. The price of the rent isn't included in the price for stage rental."

"So the stage settings will be like this, you will enter from here and exit from here. Lighting sets will be from up here, and meanie couple I know its dark but please stop your heated makeout session at the back please."

Mingyu pulled away from Wonwoo, still in a daze as everyone's gazes landed on them.

Wonwoo pointed towards Mingyu, "He started it." I could actually here Chan giggling over there. This kid really ships them huh.

• • • • •

Only a few of us were left at Hoshi's studio. Chan, Hansol and Seungkwan were stubborn, saying that they would stay and help us. But they ended up falling asleep, sprawled on the floor after trying to come up with ideas for the banner.

Meanie couple left, obviously. Probably to continue it at home or something. And they didn't even care about leaving Chan alone. Geez.

Seungcheol hyung insisted on helping too, but I forced him to go gome since he had an important event tomorrow. He wouldn't be attending practice tomorrow. But be said he'll try to make it if he finishes early.

Hoshi and Minghao were busy spray painting some cardboard for props and stuff, while Junhui and I stayed up sketching stuff for the flyers. Junhui's art skills were no joke ; he could be the next Picasso.

And Jeonghan stayed with us too but I had no idea what he was up to.

Jun shouted as a sign of victory that we ended our sketches, and he said that if we finished early he wanted to talk about ways to impress Minghao. He complained about the fact that Minghao seems like he was losing interest in Jun.

I did tell him though, and not sure if it's gonna work or not.

"Have you ever kissed Minghao?" I ask.

Junhui tilted his head, thinking, and finally came up with an answer, "Once."

"How did it go?"

"It was great! I remember Minghao smiling through the kiss," Junhui beamed, remembering that time "though one day I want it to be a little intense."

I froze at his statement, "NO." I couldn't imagine Jun eating Minghao's face or something. Scary.

"Anyway, I think this should be it. The sketches are pretty simple but I'll make sure to add colours to it soon." Junhui got up and packed the papers into two files, one for me and the other for him to bring it home.

"Thanks Jun. Rest well." We exchanged goodnights as I watched him leave.

Leaning back, I stretched, yawning at the lack of sleep I was having lately. It was late, and I wanted to go home but I wanted to wait for Hoshi and Minghao to finish.

Jeonghan passed by and I smiled, "Hey Jeonghan, what were you up to?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Me? Nothing much."

"Shouldn't you be helping Hoshi and Minghao though?" I frowned.

"Do you think I care? "

There it is again.

"Do you think I care about all of this? I'm doing this because you pushed me into this, Lia." Jeonghan pulled out a few bottles of water from the fridge "I told you to keep your mouth shut about me being able to sing."

"I thought you cared," I mumbled.

Jeonghan chuckled, "You think? Does it look like I cared this whole time? It was fake, Lia. Fake. I don't give a shit about those kids out there, and how hard Hoshi or you or everyone who worked on this, it was a waste of time."

"I could've been sleeping if you didn't get me into this." Jeonghan spat, slamming the fridge door shut as he turned to leave.

I ran to him and grabbed his hand before he could leave.

"Why are you like this...?" I ask, the sound of my voice breaking.

Jeonghan heaved a sigh.

"Go away Lia. I'm just tired."

Honestly, my heart hurts.

Little did she know, the maknae who was pretending to be asleep heard it all.

• • • • •

"I'm heading home now, try and finish early guys," I put on my jacket and slung my bag on my shoulder "you guys worked hard today!"

I heard Hoshi and Minghao yell back with a few 'yes-es' and some encouraging words, and I headed off to leave.

"Wait- Noona wait!" Chan called me and ran after me, making me stop in tracks.

"Chan? Why?" I ask.

Chan was by my side now, and he finally caught his breath, "I'm going home too."

"Don't you want to wait for Hoshi hyung?" I ask him.

Chan linked our arms together and grinned, "I can't let a pretty girl walk home on her own!"

I laughed, "You've grown, kid. Though its more like me walking you home." Chan laughed too after that.

We took a shortcut to go back to his house, the cab, of course. Chan was willing to risk his pocket money to fet home. Such a nice kid he is, I felt guilty about it.

The cab dropped us off at the side of the street, and what's left for us was to walk back to his house.

"Noona, what do you do with the person you like?" Chan asks out of the blue.

"Hmm? You mean like dates?" I ask back. Chan nods.

"Hmm....maybe people like you should try those cliche dates. Besides, you're still young. Like the movies or the cafe or-"

"No I meant you and Jeonghan hyung."

My mouth turned into the shape of an 'O' as I nodded slowly.

"We don't do much. Just being together is already fine," I reassured, earning a other nod from Chan.

"Do you and Jeonghan hyung fight?"

"Childish fights? Akways."

"No, serious fights. Has he ever been mean to you? Did he hit you? Was he mad at you?"

I pursed my lips.

Mad at me? Yes. A few minutes ago.

He didn't have to blurt that out if he was tired. I know he worked his ass off for this, but if he was tired he could've just went home. No need to spit those things in my face.

I don't understand Jeonghan. There's a lot that I still don't understand about him.


"Oh sorry," I laughed bitterly "Mad at me? No of couese not. We're always happy."

Chan didn't show the slightest bit of a smile on his face. For some reason he was really serious. I understand that he cared, but-

"You should tell me if he ever gets mad at you." Chan mutters. Should I? You're a kid who can't keep his mouth shut when it comes to secrets.

"Thanks for asking, Chan." I reply.

We got closer to his and meanie couple's house, and along the way we talked about his dad who hasn't had a wink of sleep these days. Work was overpowering him.

But Chan wasn't the slightest bit happy. Strange for a bright kid like him.

"Noona, if Jeonghan hyung ever hits you tell me okay?" Chan says, sounding all sulky.

"Alrught Chan, wow you're so hyped up about our relationship. Do you sh-"

"I'm just scared you're falling for the wrong person, noona." Chan cuts me off.

His words sounded similar. It was the words that Max had said to me.

What is it about Jeonghan that everyone seems to know but not me?

"He might hurt you, noona. Just be caref-"

"Chan let's stop talking about this," I laughed nervously. Chan obeys, and once we reached his house we exchanged phone numbers (because he wanted mine so bad) and off he went.

I wss still standing in front of his lawn when there was an incoming call from Jeonghan.

All I did was stare at the call, before pressing the 'end call' button.

Eventually Jeonghan tried calling me again but I rejected all of them. Then he sent me a text message instead.

"I'm sorry," he wrote.

How many times must you say that though?

I didn't want to face Jeonghan. If I went home, no matter how hard I try to avoid him he'll try to talk to me, by hook or by crook.

"If Jeonghan hyung ever hits you tell me, okay?"

I scrolled through my contacts and called Chan.

"Yes noona?"

"Mind if I stay at your place for the night?"

"Sure! I'll tell Wonwoo hyung to get some spare mattresses. Wonwoo hyung- argh there's those moaning noises again...."

"That's alright Chan! Just open the door, no need to call for Wonwoo..." I trailed off. Those horny shits.

Chan welcomed me inside, and I was ready to rest when Jeonghan sent me another message.

"I'm sorry, Lia. I mean it."

"I love you."

Can I trust him?


-unedited, sorry for the shitload of typos



Oh and i wanted to tell you guys that i might focus less on b.s and homeless, bc k want this book to end first.

Please do not push me to update guys!!!!! I have a life outside of wattpad too!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly I'm having trouble trying to write these days sobs

Thanks guys ♡

- Cee

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