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Jeonghan and his jawline can go awei pls



Me: Can i talk to you

Me: pls

Shia Labeouf: mhmmm spill it

Me: Jeonghan's been acting like shit lately

Me: what should I do?

Shia Labeouf: what, is he drunk?

Me: no its more like "i love you" for five minutes and the next thing he's like "fuck off"

Shia Labeouf: well someone's on his man period

Me: (ーー;)

Shia Labeouf: fine sorry omg i was just tryna joke

Shia Labeouf: maybe its just for a matter of time

Me: no he did this twice-




Shia Labeouf: Hoshi taught me that

Me: whatever

Me: i did laugh a little tho

Shia Labeouf: (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

Shia Labeouf: alright so what were you saying

Me: he did this twice

Me: the first time he told me to fuck off was because he was tired and maybe i understood that bc he was sleepy

Me: but this time he was fully awake and all and he said he didn't care about the concert and what Hoshi worked on and what we all worked on or the money or the kids

Shia Labeouf: Σ(゚Д゚)

Me: i know your keyboard just updated so can u stop with the emojis pls

Shia Labeouf: can't help it sorreh

Shia Labeouf: were you like, mean to him or anything?

Me: no

Me: we even slept together last night

Shia Labeouf: (✽ ゚д゚ ✽) !!!!!!!


Me: not that you idiot he cuddled with me and we got sick together

Shia Labeouf: awww #goals

Shia Labeouf: you had his germs tho

Shia Labeouf: Lia+Jeonghan germs= Germ babies

Shia Labeouf: ( ・ิω・ิ)

Me: Shia i swear to god-

Shia Labeouf: FINE SORRY

Shia Labeouf: k I'll be serious

Me: so basically what do i do?

Shia Labeouf: ur hurt right?

Shia Labeouf: are you mad at him?

Me: im not mad im just confused

Shia Labeouf: look, if he continues to act like a jerk to you, then you should stop

Me: ??

Shia Labeouf: I know he's a beautiful angel that you treasure

Shia Labeouf: but if he acts like shit to you, then leave him.

(@coupshyung i really liked your comment so i decided to use it as a dialogue hehe sorry (^・^)

• • • • •

"Noona! Wake up!"

The door swung open, and Chan bursts inside the room.

"Get ready, Hoshi hyung wants to see the stage today. We'll have rehearsals there!" Chan beamed, excited. I was still in a daze after waking up, just nodding at his words.

Chan dragged me to the table for breakfast. Mingyu and Wonwoo were already up, sitting on the couch with mugs of cocoa in their hand.

"Morning Lia," Wonwoo mutters.

"Shut up, both of you won't even keep it down last night," I grumble, shoving half of my toast into my mouth "I barely got any sleep!"

Honestly, I wonder how Chan lives with them, and I wonder why he's still a fetus after all those horrible sounds. Wonwoo's screams are my nightmare, I swear.

Mingyu just grinned sheepishly in reply.

Thankfully they didn't ask why I was staying at their place, I think Chan explained to them my excuse. It was just late and I was too lazy to drag my ass home.

I texted Seungcheol hyung last night, and he said it was okay as long as I didn't join meanie making babies. Gross.

I put the dishes back in the sink, and went back to hear my phone ring.

A call from Jeonghan.

I pressed the end call button.

• • • • •

"Alright guys! Warm up time!" Hoshi yelled. The twelve boys were now on stage, and I called Shia for help to check the stage equipment and all.

"Cue the music noona!" Seungkwan yelled.

I sighed and nodded, pressing play on the music that Seungkwan assigned me to play.

"EVERYBODY KNOWS!" The boys yelled in unison.

"Pink, HOT pink HOT!" Seungkwan stepped up and started dancing, like really on point, even the bodyrolls. Seokmin and Hoshi joined him soon enogh, making the remaining boys roll on the stage, laughing. Seungkwan as LE is really something.

"YASSS BOO SLAY!" Shia shouted.

Hoshi told us once that by doing girl group dances as warm ups would help, and for some reason they always do Exid's songs. Soon enough they requested Up and Down, and please cleanse my eyes because I did not just see my brother do that dance. Seungcheol hyung, please, you're a grandpa.

They did more girl group dances, the sexy ones and the cutesy ones, can you even imagine wonwoo cosplaying as a lolita and dancing to me gustas tu? Another nightmare beside his moans.

"Aaa aa, naega hosh," Hoshi tried his mic.

" I WILL LEOB YOUUU EON KONDI SEO CURRYYYYY!" Seungkwan's voice suddenly boomed through the speakers as he suddenly sang, causing the speakers to make this screeching sound. I quickly lowered the volume. Its unconditionally, Seungkwan.

"BOO SEUNGKWAN!" I yelled.

"Sorry noona!" He yelled back, and grinned sheepishly.

I cued the music and they started their practice, with Shia rooting for them. Who knew Jihoon could compose a good ass song about Hansol's shoes.

"Woo! Go Hansol!"

I turned to see the owner of the voice, it was a girl, cheering for Hansol.

"Hey its you!" I say, greeting her. She shyly walked to me and bowed.

"Sorry for coming here all of a sudden," Sohyeon if I remembered her name correctly, apologized "Hansol invited me today."

"Great! You can stay and watch, don't worry. Did he ask you out already?" I blurted out, and her cheeks flushed.

"We're.. he kinda.. yeah…" she trailed off. My eyes widened.

"You're official??" I ask, earning a nod from her. I turned to face the stage.


And suddenly Seungcheol hyung slipped and fell during his part.


• • • • •

"Alright boys, good work." I handed each of them a towel as they went down the stage. The rehearsal was fine, and as they rehearsed a lot of people passed by. Shia and Sohyeon went on handing them flyers for tomorrow's show.

"You were great!" Sohyeon approached Hansol as he wiped his face with the towel. Let me just observe both of them so I can tease him about it later.

"Thanks for coming," Hansol grins at her. oooOoOoooOOh.

Sohyeon's phone rang, and she shoved her phone back inside her bag and turned to look at him.

"It's my mom, I gotta go," She says, tiptoeing and planted a chaste kiss on Hansol's cheek before she walked away "good luck for tomorrow!"

And Hansol just stood there with this blank face and his mouth gaping open, his hand trailing up to his face to touch the spot on his cheek "Bro……."

I just laughed at his reaction.

"Bitch snap out of it!" Seungkwan sassed out of nowhere, slapping Hansol "we gotta get home, we promised to get our homework submitted by tonight at school!" Seungkwan dragged Hansol away from the stage, telling us that they were heading home first.

Seokmin left to go to his radio show to host it (I told him to promote our concert), and China Line left to go back to the studio since they were in charge of the outfits.

Hoshi said he didn't feel too good, so Shia and Chan insisted on taking him to the doctor for a checkup.

"So who's gonna help me then?" I asked myself. Everyone's leaving. Oh wait there's Meanie-

"Sorry Lia! Gotta run! We're in charge for the food tomorrow so we gotta work!" Wonwoo amd Mingyu dashed past me, bursting with laughter.

"Yeah working to get babies!" I yelled back in annoyance.

Seungcheol hyung passed by, and I ran up to him, "Ah hyung! Will you help me clean the stage?" I asked him hopefully.

"Sorry Lia, I have to go, there's some drunk guy at the cafe, and I need to see. Gotta run nitwit." He put on his coat and ruffled my hair, which is not the right time because I'm honestly burning inside.

The stage was empty and I was mad.

"Fine! I'll clean all this shit up!" I screamed.

Screaming won't help anything, Lia. Positive thoughts, they've worked hard enough.

I placed the mics and wires in a box and struggled my way backstage with the heavy box in my hand. The waiting room backstage was dirty, a
since the boys ate like a pack of wolves, gobbling down everything and leaving the leftovers.

"Seungcheol hyung will never get children if he takes care of them like this," I mutter under my breath and grabbed the broom, starting to sweep the floor.

"Need help?" A hand reached for the broom in my hand, and I already know who it is.

"No, you can go home and do whatever the fuck you want." I retorted.

"I just want to help-"

"You don't need to. It's not like you give a shit about this, so just go home!" I say, and Jeonghan seemed shocked at my words. What does he need to be shocked for? What I said was true.

"Lia I-"

"Don't touch me," I say when I felt his hand creeping up my arm.

Jeonghan still had his grip on my arm, and I asked him to let go but he didn't.

I was angry.

He pulled me so that I was facing him and closed the gap between us, tilting my chin up so that I met his eyes.

"Jeonghan, let go." I say firmly.

"Why are you like this?" He asks me.

The question here is why are you like this?

"Must I always be forceful to you?" He sighed and finally let go of me.

"Are you getting bored with me?" I ask him.


"Am I bothering you?"

"No, of course not."

"Be honest Jeonghan!" I stomped past him "can't you just tell me what I did wrong? What part of you that I don't know, Jeonghan?"

"You did nothing wrong, baby." He placed his hands on my shoulders, and I held back the urge to brush his hands away.

"Then why are you like this to me?" I ask again.

"What did I do?" He asks me back.

Stop acting, Jeonghan. Please.

"You hurt me, that's what. Stop acting like shit, Jeonghan. Stop pretending that nothing happened." My voice cracked, and I was sure I was going to cry in front of him.

When was the last time he made me cry? When he told me to fuck off? When he stained my white sweater?

"Just tell me, what did I do?"

"You said you didn't care. You said it was my fault that I got you into this," I wanted to say more but I was drowned by my own tears. Exactly, crying for a childish reason again. Nice, Lia.

Jeonghan seemed taken aback by my words, "..I said that?"

I just nodded. Didn't he remember?

"I didn't mean it…" he murmured, wiping my tears away with his thumb, and cupped my cheeks.

"Listen, I love you, okay? Maybe I was just tired…when people are angry they don't mean what they said. I'm sorry." Jeonghan leaned in and kissed my forehead.

I just nodded, debating whether to believe him or not.

"I know he's a beautiful angel that you treasure, but if he acts like shit then leave him." Shia's words echoed in my head.

"Jeonghan, you won't leave me right?"

"Me? Never."

"Promise me, I don't want to be left alone."

"I promise Lia, I'll be by your side." He pulls me into a hug, and I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

And she believed him.





- cee

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