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^please watch first before reading and die peasants



"Alright boys! Music starts in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-"

"Slip into the diamond life, ah. Slip into the diamond life ah,"

And finally, it was the day of their concert.

I was busy backstage, sorting out their props and their costumes, since we were doing this for charity, the Home offered us help to repay us.

The boys did really well on stage, and not to mention, all of them looked extremely good. Who would expect them to glow up after a little hair dye and some hot ass suits?

I couldn't wait for them to perform that one Michael jackson song ; Chan did the choreography ; all of it. And here I am, being the proud noona of him.

Hansol and Seungcheol hyung slayed their rap too. Well, basically all the boys aced it.

And Jeonghan. God, just- Jeonghan-

He looked extremely good with his hair dyed into a dark red, I swore that made my ovaries explode ; no joke (didn't everyone else's too tho lmao).

"Eonni, can you please put this on the other entrance? It's for the next stage," I say, and she nodded, taking the mics away from me and left.

I wanted to watch the boys on stage soon though, they said we could watch them after a few performances.

Today was scorching hot - it's a surprise that it's still hot even when summer's about to end. I told them to at least lessen the amount of songs they were going to perform today because of the weather, but all of them insisted on doing what they planned.

And surprisingly, a huge crowd gathered to watch them, in this hot weather. I noticed most of them brought hats and a pair of shades at least to watch. Shia and Sohyeon did a really good job handing those flyers to the right people.

I should give out free cold water to the audience soon.

"Great job boys," I say, holding the curtains for them to enter backstage. All of them are already sweaty, jisoos.

I wiped their sweat away (Hoshi needed almost a packet of them) and told them to hurry and get changed into the kingsman af suits for their next performance. Let's watch woman's ovaries explode.

That sounded so wrong I'm sorry.

Half of them were done and there were still a few changing, so I furiously tapped on their door.

Chan was the second last to get done, and the last one just had to be the hella good looking angel today, Jeonghan.

"Jeonghan!" I knocked the door to his changing room "what's taking you so long?"

"Um- I'm having a little trouble here-"

"What is it? Do you want me to help you?"

"I um- can't button my clothes."

This jerk.

I held my breath before answering him.

"D-do you want me to help you in there?"

Jeonghan didn't answer but the door creaked open, revealing Jeonghan that was trying to cover his body.

I sighed and went in.

"Really, I asked you yesterday if the size was okay, and you said it was perfectly fine," I remarked, trying to get the buttons together "how did you even gain weight this fast?"

"It's my shoulders," he says. Ah right, so that was what made the shirt tight.

I tried not to check him out while I was doing the buttoning for him but I couldn't help but glance at his mid torso.

Better use the chance while I'm at it.

Jeonghan wasn't fat, he didn't have a cute tummy like Hoshi does (I ran into him and Seokmin competing on who has a better tummy and they were showing their tummies off bravely). He doesn't have abs either, it's just that his mid torso just looked solid.

"Like what you see?" Jeonghan asks me, and I fastened the buttons quickly.

"I can give it to you if you want," Jeonghan whispered, and this time I went red.

I kicked the door open and shoved him out of the changing room, closed it and squatted down, cupping my face despite the embarrassment.

• • • • •

My job was over now, the eonnies offered to help me do the rest backstage, so I had the chance to sit with Shia and Sohyeon to watch the boys perform.

"Man, its really hot," Shia says, fanning herself. I regret wearing black for the day but meh.

Sohyeon tugged my sleeve excitedly, "It's starting!!!1!1"


It was the Michael Jackson performance.

It was totally not like what I was expecting.

Since Chan choreographed it, I thought he would be a little cute or something but instead here he is, dancing on stage with intense hip thrusts and crotch and thighs on point.

Wonwoo, Mingyu, what have you done to this kid.

"CHAN MY SON, SLAY!" Shia shouted, cheering for him.

Soon it was Jeonghan's part, I can't believe he did the adlib for the girl's 'you know you want me'.


People's attention were on me and I quickly apologized.

Damn, Chan, I didn't know he was Michael Jackson's kid or something, his moves were so on point.

Everything was okay until Hoshi suddenly fell on stage, not moving after that. The boys stopped, and Shia rushed to get up.

"I told him not to perform in this weather but he was stubborn," Shia sighed, and took her stuff "I'm taking him to the doctor." She left. The boys dragged Hoshi backstage, and things kinda got out of hand ; the audience were chattering away at the sight they just saw.

Luckily MC Boo was there to save it.

"YOoooO LadiEeeeEsS tHis Is yoUR sTorYY!" Seungkwan started, and for some reason the audience cheered, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

"This song is dedicated to my mom, far away in Jeju." Seungkwan smiles cheekily and there were a few 'awwww's from the audience at how adorable he was.

I thought he was going to sing a ballad or something but instead-



As expected from our Boo Seungkwan. He sings this song really well though. And omg his English just got better.


"Yeah," Hansol hopped on stage "its HVC."

"Smart money bettin' I'll be better off without you, in no time I'll be forgetting all about you."

"YASS HANSOL SLAY!" I stood up and screamed at the top of my lungs,

"There's a million yous baby Boo so don't be dumb I got ninety nine problems but you won't be one like what?" (See the verkwan moment I did there (・ิω・ิ))

"TURNT UP-" I screamed again but choked on my popcorn. I turned around and bowed at the people at the back "sorry, sorry." I say and sat down. Sorry, I was just too happy.

I'm glad at the fact that VerKwan had a backup plan, these boys are geniuses.

And the performance went on till evening, and they did their very best.

• • • • •

"Congratulations boys!" I cheered, followed by their shouts of victory "you guys did so well!"

The boys were now happy children. Hoshi came back from the doctor, saying he was fine like he always does, but Shia blurted out that he hasn't got much sleep lately, and fainted because he was tired and also the hot weather. I swore she scolded him for a good five minutes and the whole time he just said sorry with his pouty face.

"C'mon fam, we gotta clean this place," I say, and the boys obeyed ; most of them going backstage since it was raining when they last performed and everyone was soaking wet. Such quick weather changes.

It was dark then, because of the clouds, and the rain didn't seem like it would stop.

The boys left and I found Jeonghan walking to the exit, wobbling around. Suddenly Jeonghan dropped to the floor and I quickly rushed to help him up. Is he also tired like Hoshi?

"Jeonghan? Are you okay? Oh my god do you want to go to the doctor?" I ask, helping him up.

Jeonghan shook his head, and I sat him on the bench.

"I think you should go home, you're having a fever Jeonghan. Was it the rain?" I ask, placing my hand on his forehead. It was hot, how did he suddenly caught a cold?

"No it's okay, I just feel light headed," Jeonghan replies.

I frowned, "I should get some water."

Jeonghan pulled my hand back, signaling me he didn't need water, "Stay."

"Alright. Do you want anything?" I ask him worriedly.

"Kiss me."


"Just kiss me, please." Jeonghan sounded desperate, and I didn't know why he wanted a kiss at this time but I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me onto his lap as he deepened the kiss.

We pulled away and he muttered, "Thank you." I just smiled and pecked his cheek.

"Lia! Help me clean these stuff!" Seungcheol hyung called me.

"You should go," Jeonghan says, letting go of me. I nodded and asked one more time if he really was okay, but he just smirked and said the kiss made him feel better. I just shook my head and went.

His eyes followed Lia as she left the place. He admits, the stinging pain in his head hasn't disappeared. It was pounding, he didn't feel better at all.

Jeonghan laughed bitterly, "She's never going to forgive me after this."

"It's time," Jeonghan muttered under his breath, looking at the black mark on his wrist and heaved a sigh.


I haven't updated in a long time sorry fam

I'm risking my sleeping hours before school starts for this chapter smh I'm gonna be so sleepy in the morning

I can't wait for this book to end! It's a shocking ending so prepare bc someone dies - JOKING FAM CHILL

thank you guys so much for the 42k ilygsm omg my hearteu-

- Cee

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