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"Finally, done!" I sighed in relief, throwing the broom to the side. When Seungcheol hyung called me to help him with a few stuff, he meant me doing the job and him just watching me finish it while eating burgers. He should get a tummy by now, I think. Don't all grandpas have tummies though?

"Oh yeah congratulations for accomplishing that and don't forget to take out the trash later on, and also switch off the stage appliances, and lock the rooftop's door too." Seungcheol, the step-grandpa-brother orders, taking another bite of his burger. My, what a sad reality for Liarella, his poor sister who does all these stupid chores.

"Hyung, you'll never get married at this rate," I say, tying the ends of the plastic bags into knots "you're getting old, and I want a sister in law!"

"You already have one, that Sohyeon girl." Seungcheol clicked his tongue in annoyance "and I didn't even give that girl permission to date my brother."

I rolled my eyes, "That kid is going to be an adult soon ; he's old enough to make his own decisions. And you're a legal adult, yet you still haven't got a girlfriend." And here I am nagging at him to get a girlfriend like a mom. I don't know if he's traumatized of love or something - maybe it's his past. Maybe Seungcheol hyung did fall in love before.

"Where's Jeonghan?" I ask.

"That boy went home early, he said he didn't feel too good." Seungcheol hyung answers. Stubborn kid, he didn't go to the doctor did he? And he won't go unless I force him to. I'll drop by the pharmacy to get him some medicine.

What is wrong with Jeonghan? These past few days he was looking so pale and so lifeless. He's been telling me how much he loved me, and I'm sick of hearing all the shits about him asking me if I would be okay if he left me. Of course I wouldn't be okay - I loved him.

Seungcheol hyung got up from his seat and stuffed the wrapper inside of the plastic bag, "I think I'll go solo. Anyway, here's the keys for the roof ; and some money. I'm heading home first." I'm starting to wonder if Seungcheol hyung is gay since he doesn't have a girlfriend.

I pulled his sleeve, "Wait what about me?"

"Take a cab home you nitwit!"

"This is why you don't need a girlfriend you twat!" I shot back, earning a whistle from Seungcheol hyung. It sounded more like a dying whale, since our whole family couldn't whistle.

I watched as Seungcheol hyung's figure slowly disappeared.

Why is it always me who has to get the job done?

I put on my hoodie, switching off the lights before leaving the room backstage. I made sure I brought my keys and the money before leaving so that I wouldn't cause any more trouble.

The bag of trash was so heavy, what did the boys even throw away?

'It's raining,' I thought, looking up at the dull grey -- almost colourless sky. Rain was pouring, and I decided to leave the trash near the entrance, hopefully someone would come to pick it up soon.

There was no sign of the rain stopping, so I stood by the entrance, waiting for the rain to at least calm before going back home. It was cold, though. This is probably going to take a long time.

"Should I buy some donuts too before I go home? Hansol's been craving those stuff-"

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a slight thud, somewhere nearby.

There was a figure in the rain, slowly getting up from his or her's fall. I couldn't really tell who it was, since the black hoodie was covering basically most of the person's features.

What on earth is that person doing here? In the rain? Really?

"Um- excuse me!" I shouted, despite the heavy rain drowning the sound of my voice "you might want to wait for the rain to stop before-"

The person stopped in tracks, hands slowly taking off the hood, and the rain poured heavily, immediately making his hair wet. A glimpse of red hue caught my eye, and I knew it was him.

"Jeonghan! What the hell are you doing??" I yelled. He already caught a cold from the rain does he want it to get worse now? He was a bit too far away and I couldn't see his face that clearly, the rain was blocking him from my sight.

"You idiot! Do you want to die in the rain? Get your ass here!"

"Jeonghan do you even hear me-"

Jeonghan suddenly stopped walking.

He turned to face me for a split second, flashing me his sweet smile with eyes filled with tears. The rain was a perfect alibi to make it seemed like he wasn't crying, but it was his eyes. His eyed showed me something.

And I immediately knew that something wasn't right.

Jeonghan started to run away. I quickly chased after him, ignoring the sounds of thunder booming and the lightning flashing. It looks like a storm, and it wouldn't get any better soon if we don't stay inside.

"Jeonghan! Where the fuck are you going?" I chased after him. He was unusually fast, despite the rain that made people hard to run in.

The rain was getting worse - it felt like sharp, cold needles poking on my skin as I ran even faster.

"Jeonghan please, stop-" I saw him finally entering the building to the roof, and that made me pace up, knowing we could talk in there.

Why was he crying?

No. Something bad isn't going to happen.

I saw Jeonghan taking the stairs up to the rooftop, and I tried to chase after him but I was tired, and shivering cold.

The weird thing is when I reached the top floor, Jeonghan was gone.

And the door to the rooftop was locked.

"How did he get out there?" I ask myself, fumbling with the keys and finally being able to unlock the door.

But I was too late. I knew I was.

Jeonghan was standing at the edge of the building, arms spread wide.


I tried pacing forward but it felt like the rain was stopping me.


The sound of thunder boomed, and I flinched.

Jeonghan turned around to me one last time, and our eyes met, his cheeks dripping wet with tears mixed with the rain. He opened his mouth-

"Choi Amelia, I love you."

A flash of lightning blinded me as I quickly shut my eyes tight.

And when I opened my eyes,

Jeonghan was gone.

He left me.

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