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*coughs* so... I won't be able to update the Yoonmin fanfic for awhile. Expect this book to be updated more than the other one since we really did not plan this out ^^"

*coughs* Anyway, enjoy!


Jungkook's P.O.V

I waited for Taehyung under a tree as he told me to wait for him there.

"Jungkook!" Someone called. I turned around, to see Taehyung crouched down as he tried to stabilise his breathing.

I looked at him indifferently as I tilted my head. "What exactly is the reason why you wanted to talk to me?"

He sat down, me following after. I stared at him blankly as he took a deep breath.

"I... I wanted to talk to you about what happened to you, why you're like this." He cleared.

I raised an eyebrow, and soon spoke. "Why do you want to know about it so much?"

"I-i'm doing this because I want to fix you..! I want to, because you're my friend." He said, not looking at me.

I let out a bitter laugh as a broken smile soon graced my lips. "You think you can fix me? How funny. You can't do anything to help someone that's far too gone-"

I got cut off when he soon hugged me tightly, as he trembled, catching me off-guard.

"I can.. and I will.. please, stop this and let me help you.."
He whispered on my ear.

"What do you know? You weren't there."

"I know, but Jimin told me everything that happened to you."

"Hyung! Promise to me that you'll always smile for me!"

"I can't promise that Kookie.."


"Because, what if the person that makes me smile alot would stop smiling for me?"

"He's the one that did nothing." I stated, trying to push him away, but I couldn't as he held onto me tighter.

"He didn't mean it, he didn't know what to do." He defended.

"He cares about you so much, Jungkook. Him just seeing you distancing yourself from him, hurts him."

"W-well, maybe if he actually did something, t-this wouldn't have happened.." I muttered, my walls slowly crumbling down.

"Hyung, i'll always protect you!"

"You shouldn't say that Kookie.. i'll be fine."

"You're not! You're bruised, don't expect me to just stand there!"

"You've known him for so long. Are you really gonna keep pushing him away?"

"S-stop.." I mumbled as I tried to squirm out from his tight grip, to no use.

"Why do they keep hurting me..?"

"I-i'm sorry Kookie.. I don't think i'll ever be brave enough to protect you too.."

"Please tell me what's wrong, what happened, i'll listen, and i'll help you."

"Stop it! Stop saying that you'll listen, stop saying that you'll help me when you won't!" I said, as I was in the verge of breaking down.


I saw his tear-stained face as he looked down on me.

"I-i'm so sorry..!" He apologised, rushing to me once the bullies left.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry..."

"Stop saying that.. stop apologising when all you do is just watch me get hurt.."

He looked at me with wide eyes as his tears fell. I slowly stood up, trying so hard to stay conscious.

"I hate you.." and with that, I limped to the infirmary.

He pulled away, giving enough distance for him to see my face. "That's not true.. i'm here, and i'll always be here for you.."

Taehyung's P.O.V

As I looked into his eyes, I finally saw emotions in them, it wasn't those positive ones.. it was pure sadness and betrayal.

I smiled softly at him, and I was surprised when he started to let his tears fall freely.

"Shh... take deep breaths, collect your words and thoughts, and tell me when you're ready to speak.. ok?"

He nodded, sniffling. I smiled, as I finally broke down his walls. I wiped away his tears as I rubbed his back soothingly. Hopefully, he would finally open up.

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