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Jungkook's P.O.V

After explaining everything to Taehyung, he did listen.. and once I was done, he said something that made me confused.

"A protector." He said, smiling. I tilted my head as I repeated it in a clueless manner.


He nodded, ruffling my hair. "A protector is someone who would protect the person they love or care deeply about."

"You used to be one."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

"You used to protect Jimin. Did you care about him?" He asked.

I looked down, thinking about it as I sighed. "I... don't know.." I answered truthfully.

Taehyung soon pulled me into a hug, making me surprised at the sudden action.

"H-hey... w-what's.. what's with the hugs..? Haha, you've been hugging me almost every minute now.." I asked, smiling a little.

"That's because, I want to make sure that you feel safe and loved." He answered.

I smiled as I hugged back. "You don't know how much... that makes me happy.. thank you.." I whispered, soon burying my face into his chest.

"Then, stay happy... because happiness suits you with that adorable smile of yours.." he said softly, stroking my hair gently.

"Now." He once again spoke as he pulled away, making me pout internally since I couldn't feel his warmth anymore. "Will you give Jimin another chance?" He asked, giving me hopeful eyes.

I smiled and nodded. "I'll consider it.." he chuckled and kissed my forehead, catching me off-guard.

Once he realized what he did, he quickly pulled away and looked anywhere but me.

"S-sorry." He apologized. I blushed a little, looking to my side as I smiled softly.

"It's ok... that was.. nice.." I admitted. I heard him laugh making me turn to him, confused.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Because, this was the very first time I got to meet the real you." He explained, making me blush in embarrassment. "H-hush..." I said shyly as I put my pointer finger on his lips.

A smile soon graced his lips as he stood up, pulling me up. "I'll take you home.. it's already getting dark." He said.

I nodded as we began walking, his hand not letting go of mine, which i'm thankful for.

I intertwined our hands together, making him turn to me with a sly smile.

"Please don't let go... It feels right.." I murmured, completely embarrassed.

"I won't.." he assured, holding my hand tighter as we continued walking.

Jimin's P.O.V

I sat down on my bed, reminiscing all the good memories I had with Jungkook and Jin hyung.

I sighed, looking at the knife beside me.

"Suicide is a sin.. but, wouldn't he be happy..?" I asked to myself as I slowly took the knife.

I whipped my head to my table when my phone started ringing.

I let go of the knife and stood up, taking my phone. My eyes widened once I saw that it was Jungkook who was calling me.

I let out a shaky breath as I answered the call.

"Hello? H-hyung?" Jungkook called out from the other line.

"J-jungkook, why are you calling at this hour..?" I whispered, feeling tears blur my vision.

"Hyung... i'm sorry for being so cruel to you.." he apologised, surprising me.

"W-what are you talking about Jungkook? It's fine! I-I deserve it after-"

"I don't care! I know you were scared, I-I... I guess I was just so.. so sad that no one would do the same for me.. I-I'm sorry because- because I hurt you..!" He said in a shaky voice as I soon heard him crying.

My eyes widened, as tears once again fell from my eyes, like I do every other night.

"O-oh Kookie... I forgive you, but.. I should be the one to apologise.. because I was never there to help you when you needed me the most.." I said, choking on a sob.

"T-that doesn't matter hyung..! I forgive you.." he assured, making me smile a real smile..

I sniffed as I soon whispered. "Thank you..."

"H-hyung... you should sleep now, it's already late, and we still have school tomorrow.. get enough rest, i'll talk to you again tomorrow~ sleep tight!" He said as he soon bade goodbye and ended the call.

I felt myself smile wider, when I realized that Jungkook was turning back to the same person I used to know and love..

"Get enough rest hyung! I'll talk to you again tomorrow to give a bear hug, so sleep tight!"

I sniffed, wiping away my tears as the smile never faded from my face.

I knew who did this, and I couldn't be anymore grateful to him.. I approached my bed and took the knife, putting it under my bed.

I laid down in my bed as I closed my eyes, with a soft smile plastered on my lips.

'Thank you.. Taehyung..'


Oof, cringe

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