5- Morbius

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I claim no right or claim to own any of the characters featured in both the Ghost Rider series and/or the Yugioh series. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. As I appreciate any and all advise given to me as I also appreciate any help given to me for this story. Thanks!

5 - Morbius

Yugi thrashed about in his sleep as something felt off. His own blood threatened to consume him. Atem couod even feel it through the void as he forced Yugi to wake up. Yugi bolted sitting up right as his eyes were blazing red which caused Atem to curse out loud. In spirit form he couldn't use the mystic puzzle without Yugi's help. Atem had to act fast or else he would loose his human host to his blood lust. Atem used his powers to call upon help from the creatures that existed within the Shadow Realm.

*Come and aid me of spirits of the Shadow Realm. Come forth Shining Angel and Amazoness Paladin.* Atem called out mentally. The two creatures materalized before Yugi. *Shining Angel feed him your blood. Amazoness Paladin use your powers to heal my host.* commanded Atem. The two creatures did as commanded as Yugi's fangs pierced into the Shining Angel's arm when the angel bore his arm to Yugi. Yugi drank deeply as both creatures used their powers to help out Yugi. Slowly Yugi's eyes returned back to their somewhat normal color of a deep purple as he had small specks of red. Yugi gasped suddenly letting go of his hold on the Shining Angel. He nearly stumbled out of his bed but luckily he was caught by the two Shadow Realm Creatures. *Yugi are you all right?* asked Atem in concern.

"I will be all right Atem. Thank you for your help. It has been a while since I had such a strong lust for blood." replied Yugi weakly.

*No Yugi, it was more than that. It was like you were feeling and sensing someone elses blood lust. It was much stronger than anything that I had ever felt before.* replied Atem.

"Was it Bakura's?" asked Yugi as he slowly laid back down on his bed as the two creatures that Atem had summoned disappeared.

*It was not Blade's. But someone elses. I am know sensing three new items as well as allies. No doubt that the blood lust you and I were feeling is from them. No doubt that Blade felt it as well.* replied Atem. This caused Yugi to moan out loud. *Don't worry Yugi, we shall find these three much more quickly than before if we use Blade's mystic ring. It can direct us to where the other three mystic items are at. Now get some rest, you are still a little weak from what it was that we had sensed. We will feed again in the morning.* replied Atem. Yugi slowly closed his eyes falling back asleep.

The next morning, Yugi was awakened by the sound of someone knocking on his hotel door. Slowly Yugi got up as he still felt out of it. When he opened the door he could see both the new Caretaker, the new Doctor Strange, and Blade.

"Hurry we need to act fast. Both Yugi and Atem felt it much stronger than I did." stated Bakura. Both Pegasus and Odion didn't argue with the half vampire. Pegasus offered Yugi his arm once Bakura had slit his wrist. Yugi's fangs fully lengthened as his eyes turned blood red. Pegasus tried not to winse in pain when Yugi's fangs pierced into his skin. As Yugi drank Pegasus's blood, Odion used his powers along with the mystic rod to quel Yugi's blood lust. Odion could feel Atem's magic also helping as slowly but surely Yugi came back around gasping as he let go of Pegasus's arm. Odion healed the wound on Pegasus's arm as Yugi blinked a few times as he ran his hand through his tricolor hair as his eyes turned back to their normal deep purple color.

"Thanks guys. Lets hope that doesn't happen again anytime soon." replied Yugi.

"You lucky that Atemu knew what to do when you go into a blood lust even if it wasn't yours." stated Pegasus.

"Now it seems that I have to find the owners of these three new mystic items. Bakura, I could really use your help." stated Yugi.

"Of course Yugi." replied Bakura.

"Unfortunately that's only part of the problem. It seems that a new prophecy has come up. As day draws near and the battle is close at hand. You will learn to accept one of your greatest fears. Light and dark shall damage the soul. In order to find peace, you must link the two together. But when the seal breaks, it will make one into two. Only together will one wish come true. With evil vanquished, the Earth shall be safe as the angels true promise will be kept. Only the angel Uriel knows what he had promised Atemu from long ago." stated Odion.

*When the darkness of old is no longer. Two paths shall appear before you but one choice will be yours alone. The path of life to continue on living or the path of eternal rest of which you have greatly earned. The one that you choose is the one that I will grant.* replied Atem. *The only darkness of old that I know of is Zorc, the dark one. I had banished him long ago to an alternate universe never to return. I hope that whomever is gathering up these evil forces don't figure out a way to bring him back.* added Atem.

"Meanwhile we have to find the other three Midnight Sons before the forces of evil can." stated Bakura.'

Meanwhile...Blackout, Centurious, and Succubus were on their way to deal with one of the newer members of the Midnight Sons. Black Rose wanted the three of them to turn this human over to their side. According to Zadkiel, the human's name was Mako Tsunami. A singer whom goes by the stage name of Morbius. (in the comics, Morbius was a doctor whom tried to cure himself of a blood disease but ended up becoming a living vampire) The three of them were chosen because with their gothic looks, they could easily pass for Morbius's back up crew. Mako was a Gothic singer whom often got dressed up as a vampire for his shows. Succubus used her powers to bewitch three of the crew members as Blackout drained them dry.

"Was that truly nessecarry Blackout?" asked Centurious as the vampire wiped his mouth clean.

"Not really but, it was incredibly satisfying." replied Blackout.

"Just make sure that you don't kill the human. I can't turn him if you kill him." stated Centurious as the vampire just shrugged him off.

At that same moment...Bakura and Yugi were driving on thier motorcycles as Bakura's ring pointed them both to a concert. When Atem saw an image of Mako Tsunami dressed up as Morbius on a local newspaper, the singer was wearing a mystic bracelet, an item that Atem once wore when he was pharaoh. (yes I know that there is no such item in the series but when I decided to add three new Midnight Sons, I also had to create three new items) Most of the items that became the mystic items had all belonged to Atemu when he was pharaoh. As they drove to the concert, Yugi could see the medallion of power glowing on the mystic bike's gas cap as he could also feel the slightly burning sensation on his right hand as on the palm of his hand was also a branded version of the medallion of power meaning he could transform into Atem at anytime without using the mystic bike. The strong smell of innocent blood smelled familar to Atem as he had smelled this smell once before. He then remembered Duke's words about old enemies stiring up trouble and coming back to life.

'Please don't let it be him. There is no way that someone could have brought him back.' Atem thought to himself. *Yugi don't envoke the change just yet but be careful, it seems that Blackout maybe back.* stated Atem mentally. Bakura could hear and see Atem clearly as he ground his teeth remembering back to when he and Yugi first teamed up against Blackout. Atem had risked going into a blood thrawl transforming into his truest form to deal with the vampire. The two heroes finally arrived at the concert.

Backstage...Mako could feel as if something was wrong as he could see his golden Egyptian bracelet lightly glowing.

"What in the world?" Mako asked himself as the glow slowly dispursed. "Something doesn't feel right. Why is it that I have a bad feeling about this concert?" Mako asked himself as someone knocked on his dressing room door. "Come in." Mako replied. His manager Zigfried von Schroeder entered the room.

"Its almost time Mako. Are you ready to rock?" asked Zigfried. Mako just nodded his head as he put on the last bit of touches to his makeup. As Mako and Zigfried left for the stage, Mako noted three new back up crew members that he didn't recognize. He could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up when he walked past them as the three of them were talking to one another.

'I got a bad feeling about those three.' Mako thought to himself as he could hear the crowd chanting his stage name.

Up front...both Bakura and Yugi blended in with the crowd as Bakura was dressed in his usual gothic clothing that he wore to slay vampires. He wore a black short sleeve tattered tee shrit with a red cross and a pair of black pants with large slits and red buckles. He didn't bother wearing a pair of sunglesses over his red slitted eyes. The mystic ring was attached to his side pointing up to the stage. Yugi was dressed up in Atem's motocycle leathers as Atem has used his powers to change only Yugi's clothing so he would blend better into the crowd of people. Both heroes were on the look out as they knew that Blackout was somewhere in the crowd. Mako took the stage dressed in a tight vampire gothic leathers as his dark spikey raven wing hair clashed against the dark purple leather and deep red tattered cape. His face was not entirely covered in make up as he wore black eye liner and white eye shadow around his eyes and red lipstick on his lips. Mako began to sing as he was joined by the stage crew. Blackout, Centurious, and Succubus joined him up on center stage as Succubus used her powers to seduce Mako.

*Dam it! They are on the stage!* snarled Atem as he watched as Blackout's fangs pierced into Mako's throat.

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