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Hello my lovelies-

Saturdays mean UPDATE CENTRALLLLL. Grab a coffee, a monster, a Red Bull, or whatever caffeine source, and drink that motherfucker because I, Naomi Suki - O'Leery have UPDATES for you. Enjoy this chapter, my lovely people.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

Y OU R   B E S T F R I E N D 

lorenzo berkshire

I patiently waited for Lucille to fall asleep after her manic episode. She was still shaking, and she was still sobbing. I encouraged Onyx to sleep with Blaise at our dorm tonight, given that Lucille needs the space, and Onyx did not hesitate to take the offer.

"He told me h-h-he needed to temporarily let me g-go!" She screamed, as her lips quivered. Lucille threw things around the room, and just sobbed manically. It was overwhelming for the both of us, but someone had to be there for her. For them, I mean.

It took me a while to calm her down. Now, all I'm waiting is for her to fall asleep so that I can talk to Draco.

Where do I even start with him? How do I even begin the conversation without him wanting to throw a bloody punch at me?

My thoughts came to a halt as soon as I heard Lucille softly snoring. I glanced at her and pulled the blanket over her body, as the soft snores soon became more prominent.

I crept out the door, gently closing the door of her dorm. I sped down the corridor, hoping that Draco is in the commons, but my instinct tells me he's at the Astronomy Tower.

I reach to the commons and quickly scan the room. No sign of the bloody blonde anywhere.

So that must mean he's in the tower sulking in his thoughts; A place where we both used to sulk.

After many turns and walking, I finally reach the Astronomy Tower. 

There's no sound other than the rustling of the tall grass outside, the crackling fire that keeps corridors lit, and the wind whistling in any crevice it seeps. 

I climb up the spiral stairs with speed, because fuck these bloody stairs.

I reach to the top to see Draco sitting by the window sill, looking out into the ambient scenery outside. As I heavily pant after all those fucking stairs, Draco's head turns to me, assuming that my heavy breathing startled his thoughts.

He looked at me with frustration, and defeat.

"Draco," I softly said, hoping that he doesn't fucking lash out on me. "Can we talk?"

"I'm sorry," He said immediately. "I shouldn't have reacted like that, Lorenzo-"

"Draco," I cut him off, "It's okay,"

He huffs. "It isn't okay, and you and I both know that-"

"When I say it's okay, it's okay, so don't stress about it, please," I assured him, taking a seat right next to him. A moment of silence emits as he stares out the window. "So, what are you thinking about that you had to come up to the tower?"

Draco sighs, fiddling with his rings. I briefly examine his rings and notice that he's still wearing the black titanium alloy that I got him in year 3. 

"It's for you, stupid," I laugh as Draco rolls his eyes. 

He grabs the small box from my hands and opens it. Draco gently pulls out the black titanium ring from the box and smiles. 

"I got the same one," I said as I held my hand up, "Look."

He looked at my hand and his grin grew wider. Draco put the ring on his finger and examined his hand from a distance.

"Do you like it?" I ask him. 

"Of course I do, Lorenzo," He exclaimed, "Our ring collecting starts today, my friend," Draco pulls me into a hug.

"Happy birthday, Draco," I told him. We pull away from our hug and looks at it once more with glistening eyes.

"And happy birthday to you, too, Lorenzo," He said, as he made his way towards the dorm closet. He opens the door and there the Nimbus 2001 stands. 

"You're fucking joking!" I yell, as I grab the Nimbus by its handle.

"Nope," He jeers. "You deserve it, Enzo."

I run my fingers across the engraving of my name, along with another message

L O R E N Z O  B E R K S H I R E 

Y O U R  B E S T F R I E N D ,

D R A C O  L U C I U S  M A L F O Y 

"The task," Draco interrupts, as I look back at him. "I had to fucking let go of-. Of Lucille," He looks back down at his hands.

"Surely that's not forever, right?" I question.

"No, bloody hell  fuck no," He snapped, "I just need to focus on this task to ensure safety for my family, and for her,"

"Draco," I speak, "She's in pain-"

"And I'm not?"

"Draco I never said tha-"

"Okay, well, fucking consider my feelings for once?"

"I do! Draco, I do! You just make things so difficu-"

"Ask yourself why!" He snaps, as he gets up from the window sill.

I huff, and run my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"Why, Draco," I queried.

Draco leans against the railing and parts his lips, inaudible.

"To be honest with you Lorenzo," his voice cracked, "I don't know either."

A moment of silence emits yet again.

"It doesn't-. It doesn't always have to be this way, Draco,"

"I have heard that so so  many times, Lorenzo. I mean, what else am I supposed to do?"

"Oh, I don't know! Maybe um.. Maybe change?!"

"But how!" He shouts, pushing himself off the railing and pacing back in forth in frustration.

"Let Lucille, and let me, fucking help you! Merlin's beard, Draco!" I snap. 

"Just forget it, Enzo. I'm unrepairable," He huffs, sitting down next to me in defeat. He looks down, and a small tear rolls down his cheek. "I'm exhausted, Lorenzo. I just want to live my life with Lucille, and I can't even do that."

"You're not unrepairable, you fucking toad," I badgered, "and you will live your life with Lucille. Maybe not right now, clearly, but soon enough you'll be able to live the rest of your bloody life with her. Don't you want to look forward to that?"

"Fuck's sake, Enzo, of course I'm looking forward to that," He breathes. 

"Then look forward to change, too," I suggested. "She's not giving up on you, Draco. I reckon that you do the same."

"I'd never give up on her, Enzo-"

"Then why would you let her go?"

"It's just for now,"

"And you're sure that'll do any good?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely, Lorenzo. I can't focus on repairing the cabinet whilst Lucille runs freely in my mind as she pleases-"

"What, so you think temporarily letting her go means your mind will, too?" I scoffed, "You're clearly a fucking idiot,"

"I know what I'm doing-"

"I'm not sure you do-"

"Lorenzo, I will fucking break your jaw right here right now," He snapped. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "But I won't,"

"Oh? And why's that?" I jeered.

"Because Lucille needs someone, and I clearly can't be there for her," He continues, "So, can you be there for her? While I fucking do what I have to do? Can you please be there for her?" He begged.

I looked at him, and his eyes are starting to pool. Lucille really did a number on him, and it sort of makes me relieved that he's letting it all out like he should.

"Of course, Draco. Not even up for debate," I reassured him. 

I scoot closer to him and force him into a hug, knowing that he needs it. 

Though he hesitates, to my surprise, he hugs me back. 

"And Draco," I cooed, "You know I'll always be here for you, too."

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