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A tree of darkness, its rough bark felt like the softest pillow under my heavy head. The soft, hazy leaves tickled my jaw as if the darkness itself tried to wrap its comforting hands around my vulnerable, weak self.

If there was thing that could bring me to nirvana, it was the comfort of quiet darkness.

But something sharp will always shatter the thin glass of solitude.

I didn't wake up slowly, or uncertainly. I woke up to sharp pain in my side, like poisoned claws that had just second before been dipped into bowl of salt. I took in a sharp breath, my eyes flying open as I placed my hands over my wound protectively, consiously hoping that it would ease the pain, or better jet, take it away. But if anything, the sudden jolt of my body made it worse.

I gritted my teeth, pressing my eyes shut for couple of short seconds. Waiting for the pain to run its course and settle a little

It didn't help much.

I let out a shaky breath, feeling something soft wrapped around my torso. I clamped my teeth shut, hissing when my pointed teeth pierced the inside of my cheek slightly. I traced the cloth, flickering my gaze down.

It was dark blue, soaked with blood and tightly tied over the bullet wound. I regocnized it as Pietros dark blue hoodie that he had snatched from somewhere this morning.

I looked up when I sensed Pietro, he crouched down letting out sigh of relief. "thank God, youre not gonna.. You're, I mean, you're gonna be fine, dude." he said shakily, eyeing the dark soaked and ripped hoodie.

"where-" I sucked in a breath, slapping Pietros hand away when he pressed on the wound, the gesture made him flinch. "w-where are we. H-how long was I ou-out?" I asked him, looking past his troubled eyes.

"not for long, actually, it has only been couple of minutes, or half an hour, I don't know. I'm surprised --even though relieved-- I'm still surprised you're conscious. We're couple houses from the hotel we stayed in. And we need to get that pulled out, okay? I don't, I--" he stopped talking, he was shaking I realized.

Face pale as his hair and eyes wide with panic, he kept curling and uncurling his shaking fingers.

Seeing him panicked made me panic.

"it's fine, Pietro." he looked down at me, I could almost see the glass in his blue eyes breaking.
I could feel the pullet still under my skin, but I could bear it. I've had worse.

"fine, you say it's fine!" he hissed, gripping his wind swept long hair in distress. "I'm no doctor, Atlas! But even I know that when there's blood pouring out from your torso, it needs to stop. You're a human for heavens sake, not a pottle to be drained from liquid and then be filled again, okay? I, I mean we must, no I need to" he looked around wildly "need to find." he mumbled, yet simply by the look on his face I knew his mind was empty. "I need to find someone who takes it out, the pullet. Fast, I, Atlas."

"First of all, calm down. You're-- you're not going to do anything when you're mumbling like an idiot, Pietro. Secondly. Get us some fire, warm water, and needle and thread. And please, don't close your eyes when you take the pullet out." I said calmly, forcing myself to take deep breaths. I was surprised, because I had no idea how did I know I needed exactly those items. "uh, what?!" he shrieked, and I was convinced he was pulling out his hair in tuffs.

I forced down a groan, knowing any wrong movement would send another jolt of pain in my stomach.
"Pietro--" I sighed, dropping my head against the cold stone wall.

I half closed my eyes, vaguely hearing the distant sound of cars, walking people and something heavy crashing into building. And shooting, I could hear shooting in the distance.

I was focused back to Pietro when he crouched don't next to me, mumbling no's as his shaking fingers made me tilt my head, so I'd look up to him. He slapped the side of my face, making my eyes focus on his blue ones.

"Hey, Atlas. Look here buddy." his voice was firm and quiet. "Don't, don't close your eyes." his voice broke, and I was sad.

Because I felt it, I felt how I was drained of will to live. My fingertips were already numb.

I had always imagined how I'd die. I had been sure that my death would be heroic, would be for the sake of Hydra, do something good for humanity.

But here I was, sulken against cold and dark house, laying in an alley way that was stinking and crazed Pietro madly trying to save me.


I ignored his pleas and forced hopeful words, instead, I focused on the person coming out of the shadows. I could feel her, but it was dulled, my senses were dulling.

I tried to warn Pietro, but he was too busy trying to understand the situation.

"Pietro." a soft, melodic and broken voice whispered from the shadows.
The pale haired man stood up in a flash, balling his hands into fists as he glared at the woman who emerged from the shadows. Pietro was still as the cold building I was leaning against.

"How do you know my name." Pietro growled, and I was taken aback by the anger in his voice.

"You don't... You don't know me?" the girl asked, her voice broke. I couldn't see her as Pietro was standing in between us, shielding me from the Enchanted woman. But I could still feel her emotions, they were weak, the small thin line that I often felt, was weak and almost non existent. She was terrified and happy at the same time. And she was hurt, her mind was trashed and broken.

"just go away, leave us alone and take your friends with you. We want nothing to do with you lot." Pietro said threateningly, his shoulders tense.
The girl cleared her throat, taking a hesitant step closer.

"your friend, he needs help. We can help him, please. We'll talk and I will explain everything. There's a lot... We need to discuss, but your friend, Pietro. He needs help and fast." the woman said gently, her voice quiet as he cooed him, as if she was talking to a frightened animal.

I wanted to shout at Pietro, wanted to yell at him for being stupid, he should have ran already, not stay here like a sitting duck waiting to be killed.

"No, I have it handled, leave us alone."

"but he's losing a lot of blood, it's only matter of minutes."

My arms were numb and I felt nothing from the waist down.

"Hey, eyes open." I looked up tiredly, not remembering closing them.

"okay, okay! just, help him please!" Pietro ushered the girl, his voice couple of octaves higher.

I was mad, but my head was pounding. I couldn't warn him, couldn't scream at him to go.

I was... I was dying.

What an awfully big adventure the couple of last days I've had.

And perhaps there was something other waiting for me. I've always thought what dying feels like, I thought that when I go, I will have no regrets.

But now I do. Pietros terrified eyes will haunt me even when I'm gone.

I closed my eyes, feeling someone's small, warm hands roam my temples and touch my wrist, searching for pulse.

It's too late.

Too late.

I heard whistling, and earringing explosion that hit us.

And I was finally in dark, haunting and quiet paradise as the arms of shadows wrapped around me as if they'd been waiting for me.





It's so not the end.

It's only beginning.

I'd like to hear your thoughts and theories about upcoming chapters.

Also, I was wondering what do you guys feel about the characters? And how does reading that book make you feel?

Just curious.

Thank you, friend. I love you. X

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