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Yoongi held onto Hoseok's hand tightly as they hurried along the sidewalk. He had to be very careful while guiding Hoseok now because they were moving faster than usual. Maybe running with a blind person was a bad idea, but they both really needed to get inside. It was getting dark out, and the rain had come. It had started as a light drizzle, so they hadn't been worried, but that drizzle had quickly turned into a heavy downpour. As they ran along, Yoongi told Hoseok a few times to be careful, though he knew there wasn't much Hoseok could do.

Since it was closer to where they had been, Yoongi led Hoseok to his house. Unlocking the front door, he brought his boyfriend inside."S-sorry..." he stammered from loss of breath.

"Is this...your house..?" Hoseok panted to catch his breath. He heard Yoongi close the front door then felt his boyfriend release his hand.

"Yeah." Yoongi pushed some hair away from his face then turned to look at Hoseok. Oh god, this sight made his breath get caught in his throat. He stared. How could he not stare when his cute and handsome boyfriend was dripping wet? Those tight pants clung even tighter to him. That shirt became see-through and stuck to his body. Snapping back to reality, Yoongi cleared his throat."Wait here." He kicked off his shoes then quickly scurried away.

"Uh, okay." Hoseok wrapped his arms around himself, shivering from being wet and cold. He felt like a soaked kitten. He wondered what Yoongi was doing and how long he would have to wait here.

"Go ahead and take off your shoes!" Yoongi called from where he had gone.

Hoseok made a small hum and removed his shoes. He did his best to place them neatly beside the door. Soon, he heard Yoongi return."I'm cold~" he whined.

Yoongi smiled softly."I know." Holding out a towel he had retrieved, he reached up and gently moved it over Hoseok's head."Let's dry you off a little. Then, I'll get you something dry to wear."

As Yoongi began to dry his hair, Hoseok couldn't help but laugh a little. It felt nice to have his boyfriend taking care of him like this."Aren't you going to dry yourself off too?"

"After I'm done taking care of you." Hoseok was Yoongi's first priority right now. As he focused on drying his hair, he tried so hard to keep his gaze above the other guy's shoulders. The sight of wet perfection below those shoulders had actually turned him on a little. He really didn't want to get turned on while taking care of Hoseok. Still, keeping his gaze up wasn't really helping much.

Hoseok enjoyed the feel of his hair being dried like this. He smiled as the fluffy towel was soon rubbed against his cheeks then slipped down to his neck. He could also feel Yoongi's hands beginning to shake."You seem cold. You should dry yourself a bit."

"I'm fine." Yoongi found himself peering at Hoseok's lips. Should he kiss him? Would Hoseok like that? Yoongi bit his bottom lip and tried to push away that thought. He didn't have Hoseok's permission to kiss him. Should he ask? That would be too embarrassing. Ah, fuck it."Hoseok, can I kiss you?"

Hoseok was really surprised by that question. He had not expected it at all."Um..."

Not receiving an answer right away, Yoongi's mind filled with regret for asking."I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. It's probably too soon."

"No, no, it's okay. Don't be sorry." Hoseok couldn't stop smiling. He didn't think words could explain how happy he was to know that Yoongi wanted to kiss him."Yoongi-hyung, I would love a kiss."

Clutching the towel in one hand, Yoongi lifted his other hand to ever-so-softly caress Hoseok's cheek before cupping his jaw."Uh, Hoseok..." Well, this was embarrassing."Lean down a little."

Hoseok stifled a small chuckle."So cute~" he cooed as he leaned down.

Yoongi retracted his hand."Well, now I don't want to kiss you. Brat."

"Aw, I'm sorry, Hyung." Hoseok pouted so adorably."Please kiss me. Please~"

"Fine. Just be quiet." Yoongi leaned in slowly, hesitating when their lips were mere centimeters apart. His heart was pounding, and he hoped he would do this right. Not that he had never kissed anyone before. He had. He just wanted it to be meaningful with Hoseok. He wanted it to be special and sweet. And quite honestly, he was scared. He was committing to a relationship that was so tender, something he wasn't used to. Mustering up his courage and confidence, Yoongi connected their lips, finally.

Hoseok felt a surge of powerful tingles rush through his body, born from the feeling of Yoongi's lips against his own. This wasn't his first kiss, but it felt like it was. As quickly as it had begun, the kiss ended. Hoseok resisted a whimper when Yoongi pulled away."That's it?"

Yoongi perked an eyebrow as he nervously fidgeted with the towel."Yeah. Were you expecting more?"

"Well, no, but it was nice." Hoseok straightened himself up and grinned happily."I love the fact that we're taking this slow. It really means a lot to me. And you're such a gentleman."

Blushing, Yoongi threw the towel over Hoseok's face."Shut up." He didn't know how his boyfriend could say such words so easily.

Hoseok laughed and pulled the towel off of his face."So you mentioned dry clothes." he said to change the topic."I'm still cold."

"Uh, yeah." Shyly, Yoongi grabbed Hoseok's hand to lead him along."I'll get you some of my clothes. You can change in my room."

"Ooh, you're taking me to your bedroom~" Hoseok teased.

"Hush." Once he got Hoseok into his bedroom, Yoongi grabbed some clothes from his closet and gave them to his boyfriend."While you change, I'll change in the bathroom."

Hoseok felt lost when Yoongi walked away from him. He wanted his boyfriend to stay by his side, but he knew they both needed to get changed into dry clothes."Yoongi-hyung."

"Yeah?" Yoongi stopped in the doorway on his way out of the room.

Hoseok lightly bit his lower lip, a blush on his cheeks."Can I have another kiss?"

"No!" Yoongi rushed out of the bedroom, able to hear Hoseok laughing at his little outburst. His heart felt like it grew wings and flew straight to Heaven.

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