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Jin blinked in confusion when he entered Burger Palace and didn't see Yoongi at the front counter. It was nearing lunchtime. Yoongi was normally the one at the counter at this time of day. Instead, Jungkook was standing there, waiting for the lunch rush. Jin approached the counter and peered past Jungkook. He didn't see Yoongi on the line or by the drive-thru window."Where's Yoongi?" he asked Jungkook curiously.

"Oh, he didn't come to work today." Jungkook answered rather simply."He said he's a little sick."

"Yoongi's sick?" Jin really didn't like to hear that."Oh boy. I should take him some soup."

Jungkook gave a simple nod."Take him some medicine too. He sounded stuffed up when he called."

"Good idea." Stepping aside, Jin pulled out his phone to call Yoongi. He needed to let his friend know that he was going to visit him. However, when the call was answered, he heard a voice that wasn't Yoongi's."Um, hello. Who is this?" He cocked his head just slightly to the side."Hoseok?" It took a moment for him to recognize the name."Oh, Yoongi's boyfriend. Hi. Where's Yoongi?" He was quiet for a minute as he listened to Hoseok."Oh, okay. I'm coming to his house soon to bring some soup and medicine for him. If he wakes up, let him know. Bye." Jin ended the call and made a small hum.

"Jin-hyung? What are you doing here?" Jimin had approached the front counter and stood next to Jungkook.

Jin's heart pounded as he looked at Jimin. He didn't think anyone could be more perfect than the shorter male."Oh, uh, I was just looking for Yoongi, but Jungkook said he's sick."

Jimin nodded in affirmation."Yup. Hyung has a little cold." Now that he was seeing Jin, this seemed like the perfect time to discuss a certain something with him."Can I talk to you in private for a moment?"

"In private?" Jin didn't know what to expect. He and Jimin had never really spoken extensively before. Now Jimin wanted to speak to him in private?"Okay."

Jimin made his way around the counter and grabbed Jin's hand, not thinking anything of it."Come this way."

Jin allowed himself to be pulled along. He followed Jimin outside and around the side of the building."Um..." He was so nervous. His crush was holding his hand.

"I only have a couple minutes to talk about this because the lunch rush will start soon." Jimin released Jin's hand."Jin-hyung, I know you're not currently seeing anyone. I have a friend who needs a date. I promised to set him up on a blind date." He really hoped Jin would agree to this."Will you be his blind date?"

Jin felt so stupid for getting nervous and excited. Jimin just wanted to ask him to be someone else's blind date? His crush was trying to set him up with someone else? It really was hopeless, wasn't it? Maybe Jin should stop nurturing his feelings for Jimin."Yeah." he softly agreed."I'll be his date." He couldn't even force himself to smile. He felt like Jimin just stomped his heart into the ground without even realizing it.

"Really?" Jimin grinned widely."That's great. I'll tell him during my next break. I'll let you know later when and where to meet him."

The front door of the building was opened, and Taehyung poked his head out."Jimin!" he called."We need you to come back inside and help!"

"Oh, I have to go. Thanks, Jin-hyung." Jimin gave a quick wave then hurried back inside to help with the lunch rush.


Hoseok walked around cautiously, making a mental map of Yoongi's house. He wanted to learn where each room was. After all, this wasn't going to be the only time he'd be here, right? It was so weird to be walking around while Yoongi was asleep, but he didn't want to just sit and wait. And he wasn't tired, so he didn't want to take a nap. What else could he do? Hoseok was getting hungry, but he didn't know where anything was. He couldn't possibly cook. And he couldn't order anything because he didn't know Yoongi's address. What should he do for food? He felt so helpless. With a heavy sigh, he wondered if there was anything he could do to help Yoongi feel better.

Carefully, Hoseok made his way to the living room, hearing the quiet snoring of his sleeping boyfriend who was curled up on the couch. Yoongi hadn't moved from the couch once yet today. He had slept there last night while Hoseok had slept in his bed. Hoseok had woken up this morning to the sounds of Yoongi coughing and sneezing. Perhaps it was a cold from getting soaked in the rain last night. Hoseok quietly approached the couch and felt around until he found Yoongi's face. Feeling his forehead, Hoseok was relieved that Yoongi didn't seem to have a fever. He just probably felt miserable from being stuffy. Shrieking, Hoseok was startled when his wrist was grabbed loosely. He quickly calmed down though when he heard a small chuckle."I didn't know you were awake."

"I wasn't." Yoongi shifted to lay on his back, gently pulling Hoseok's hand down a few inches."I woke up when you started touching my face, you weirdo."

"I just wanted to check your temperature." Hoseok smiled as he felt Yoongi begin to play with his fingers."I hope you don't mind, but I answered your phone earlier. I didn't want to wake you up. A friend of yours called and said that he's going to come by to bring you some soup and medicine."

"Ah. Jin-hyung." Yoongi knew Jin was the only one who would worry enough to bring him medicine and soup. He felt like an idiot when he heard a loud sound."Was that your stomach?"

Heat rose in Hoseok's cheeks, embarrassed by the loud grumble his stomach had made."Uh, yeah. I'm hungry."

"Shit. And you can't make anything." Yoongi sighed."Give me my phone. I'll order some pizza."

"Are you sure you should talk on the phone while you're so stuffed up?" Hoseok didn't want Yoongi to possibly make himself feel worse.

Yoongi sniffled and felt gross by doing so."It'll be fine. I've got the app for a nearby pizza place. No talking necessary."

"Well then, great. I love pizza." Hoseok would just be happy to get something to eat.

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