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Hoseok sat in silence, eating a slice of pepperoni pizza while listening to the conversation happening between Yoongi and Jin. He knew it wasn't right to listen in on other people's conversations. He had offered to eat in another room, but they had said that it was okay for him to remain with them. Hoseok was starting to feel really awkward though. This certainly was a conversation that should be private, especially since Jin sounded very upset, like he might actually be crying.

"You really like Jimin enough to get this upset over it?" Yoongi asked as he watched a couple tears trickle down Jin's cheeks.

Jin nodded and felt pathetic."I really like him, Yoongi." He sighed heavily."But I've agreed to go on a blind date just because he asked me to."

"Is he setting you up with a guy or a girl?" Yoongi ate a spoonful of the soup Jin had made for him. He actually wanted to eat some of the pizza, but he knew soup was better for him right now.

"A guy." Jin rubbed his eyes a little.

Setting his bowl of soup down onto the coffee table, Yoongi sighed."Maybe it'll be okay, Jin-hyung. This blind date might be what you need. You can try dating someone and forget about Jimin. You can move on and actually be happy."

"But I don't want to move on, Yoongi." Jin's voice was getting unsteady. His lips quivered as he was trying to resist the powerful urge to start crying. He hiccuped as a small sob slipped out.

Yoongi felt weak right now for his best friend. He wished there was something he could do to cheer him up."Do you want some comfort, Hyung?"

"Yeah."  Jin whined as he leaned closer to Yoongi, wrapping his arms around the shorter guy.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I never said you could hug me." Yoongi gave Jin a small push.

"Sorry." Jin sniffled as he pulled back.

Groaning, Yoongi gave in so easily."Fine. Hug me." He really didn't mind being hugged by Jin. He just didn't know how to react to it.

Jin put his arms around Yoongi again and rested his forehead against his friend's shoulder."Thanks, Yoongi." This was something Jin really needed right now.

Hoseok couldn't help but laugh lightly."You two are so cute. Such good friends."

Feeling embarrassed about his soft side showing again, Yoongi looked at Hoseok with a narrowed gaze."Just so you know, I'm glaring at you so hard right now." he told his boyfriend.

"That's okay. I bet your glare is adorable." Hoseok bit into his slice of pizza, pleased to find a piece of pepperoni."Mm~"


This seemed like a very bad idea to Jin. He didn't think he should be doing this. He wanted to stick with his feelings for Jimin. He didn't want to forget about his crush and possibly like someone else. But how could he possibly just cancel this blind date when his crush was the one who asked him to do it? Still, after crying at Yoongi's house and being told to give this a chance, Jin was trying to force himself to be okay with this.

Jimin had texted Jin to let him know when and where to meet his date. That simple text had caused the crushing feeling to return. Jin wanted to cry again. However, he just swallowed the lump in his throat. Not really having much of a choice, Jin started getting ready for the date. It was getting close to the time for him to meet his blind date at a small restaurant. He didn't know why that restaurant had been chosen for their meeting place, but he wouldn't argue. He actually liked the food that was served there.

Trying not to think too much about the possibility of maybe liking his date, Jin decided to take a quick shower. He wanted to smell good. He didn't want to show up and not smell nice. After all, Jin was a firm believer in maintaining great personal hygiene. After his shower, he combed his hair and brushed his teeth. He got dressed then peered at himself in the full length mirror in his bedroom."Okay." he spoke to himself, being nervous."I look okay." He hadn't been on a date in a few years. His last relationship had a messy ending, so he hadn't been in a rush to start dating again. So this was scary for him.

"I just have to meet him." Jin reminded himself."A blind date is like a test. It's not a commitment." Taking a deep breath, he exhaled slowly to try to calm himself."Well, here goes nothing." Jin left his house and made his way to the restaurant. When he got there, he bit his bottom lip, inwardly hoping this would not be a disaster. Entering the restaurant, he glanced around. Where had Jimin told him his date would be sitting? The last table on the left? Looking in that direction, Jin made his way toward the last table. Sure enough, a man was sitting there alone.

Being approached, Namjoon looked at the man who had stepped over to his table. Damn, this guy was handsome."Hi. You're Jin?"

Jin was slightly relieved. He would have been embarrassed if he had approached a wrong person."Yes. What's your name?"

Namjoon felt lucky. Jin seemed to fit his tastes so far. Of course, Namjoon didn't have much of a preference. He just loved guys who were either really cute or really handsome. Besides, they were all the same once he got them in his bed."I'm Namjoon." He made a small motion to the seat across from him."Have a seat. Let's get this started."

"Yeah, okay." Jin really hoped he wouldn't end up regretting this. But maybe this would turn out alright. Maybe it was good for him to attempt to date someone after being single for a few years. He just really didn't want to be hurt or disappointed.

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