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Things were awkward for Jin at the beginning of the date. He didn't know what to do. Sure, Namjoon was attractive, but he didn't seem like Jin's type. Was he Namjoon's type? Should he ask? No. That would probably be weird. He let out a heavy sigh as he tried to calm his nerves while looking at the beverage section of the menu.

"Hey, just try to relax." Namjoon spoke soothingly."You don't need to be nervous."

Jin peered across the table at Namjoon and pouted just slightly."This is just new for me." he admitted."I've never been on a blind date before. I haven't been on a date at all for a few years now. I guess I'm out of practice."

Namjoon smiled at that."Maybe I can help you get back into the swing of things."

"Maybe." When a waitress came by to take their orders, Jin simply asked for sweet tea.

Namjoon ordered iced coffee."Are you not a fan of coffee?" he asked curiously.

Jin shook his head."I don't like the taste."

"The caffeine can give you a good buzz." Namjoon loved caffeinated drinks.

"I don't need it." Jin shifted his gaze around a little. He didn't know if he was supposed to show more interest in Namjoon or not. Should he? But he wasn't interested. Namjoon was handsome, sure. But it took more than just good looks to grab Jin's interest.

Namjoon perked an eyebrow at Jin."You don't need caffeine to keep you going? You sound like my type of man."

That made Jin curious."What do you mean?"

"Well, I like a man who can keep going in the bedroom." Namjoon stated honestly. He wasn't planning on being subtle. He saw no point in beating around the bush.

"Excuse me?" Jin was appalled. Did Namjoon think it was okay to talk about this during their first date?

The waitress returned and set down their drinks."Do you two need a few more minutes to decide on your orders?" she asked.

Namjoon smiled at the waitress and closed his menu."No, I think we're--"

"A few more minutes please." Jin interrupted. When the waitress walked away, he closed his own menu as well."You need to explain yourself before this date can continue."

A light chuckle came out from Namjoon."Explain myself? Listen, if you want to get to know me, I know a much faster way." He peered across at Jin, giving his most seductive expression. This always worked on cute guys.

However, it didn't work on Jin. He could tell what Namjoon meant."If you think I'm just going to bend over and let you fuck me on our first date, you're wrong."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'll bend over if you don't want to." Namjoon said with a wink."Either way is fine with me. As long as one of us gets fucked by the other, I'll be satisfied."

"You're such a pig." Jin mentally scolded himself for coming here. He should have known a blind date was a bad idea. He had hoped it would turn out well, like Yoongi's blind date with Hoseok. But that didn't seem to be the case here."I'm leaving."

"Wait, what?" Namjoon was confused. A man was actually turning him down? This never happened."If you want this date to be more exciting, we can go into the bathroom real quick." he suggested.

Giving an appalled gasp, Jin grabbed his glass of tea."You disgust me." He splashed the tea all over Namjoon then stood, walking away."Fucking prick." he cursed under his breath.


Namjoon grumbled to himself as he entered the front door of his and Hoseok's house. Kicking the door shut, he groaned."Guess it's just me and my hand tonight."

Hearing that Namjoon was home, Hoseok called out to him from another room."How did the date go?!"

"Fan-fucking-tastic!" Namjoon called back."The guy was hot but super uptight!"

"So no luck?!" Hoseok was actually surprised. It wasn't normal for Namjoon to go out and not bring a guy home.

"None! Zilch!" Namjoon made his way into the living room and saw Hoseok sitting on the couch. The TV was on, and Hoseok seemed to just be listening to a documentary that was playing."If I don't get a good fuck soon, I might have to ask you to share your cute little boyfriend." he joked.

Hoseok chuckled."That'll never happen. Yoongi-hyung is only mine."

"You haven't had sex with him yet. So that means he might be willing to sleep with someone else." Namjoon didn't think it was possible for someone to be faithful in a relationship without sex. Hell, he was never faithful in a relationship with sex."I mean, I've seen a bit of his short temper. That little guy really needs to enjoy a good fuck."

"Yoongi-hyung would never cheat on me, Namjoon." Hoseok was sure."I trust him."


"What's your problem, Jimin?" Yoongi asked as he used a napkin to wipe off the counter while there were no customers. He was back at work after staying home for a couple days."You've been frowning all day."

Jimin just shrugged his shoulders."I don't want to talk about it."

Yoongi perked an eyebrow. Usually, Jimin would talk about his problems. He and Yoongi were pretty close, so there was no reason for them to keep secrets from each other."Are you sure? You know I'll listen." Yoongi knew he could be quite rude to Jimin sometimes, but he knew when to be nice.

"I'm sure, Hyung. Thanks though." Jimin sulked away from the counter and grabbed a cup. He made his way to the soda dispenser and filled up the cup. He knew Yoongi didn't care.

Being concerned about Jimin's unhappy behavior, Yoongi went to Taehyung. He wouldn't normally do this because Taehyung annoyed the fuck out of him, but he figured Taehyung would know what was upsetting Jimin."Hey, Tae." Yoongi said as he leaned his side against the wall near the drive-thru window."What's up with Jimin?"

Taehyung glanced past Yoongi, making sure Jimin wasn't close enough to hear them. He had four simple words that would make it clear why Jimin was unhappy."Jungkook got a date."

"Oh." Yeah, that definitely explained why Jimin was so unhappy."I feel bad for Jimin." Yoongi said softly."But I also feel like he deserves it."

"What?" Taehyung wasn't sure if he heard that correctly."How does Jimin deserve it?"

"Just forget it." Yoongi turned and walked away from Taehyung. As much as he knew Jimin was saddened by the fact that Jungkook was no longer single, Yoongi also thought Jimin deserved a bit of the way he was feeling after making Jin cry by asking him to go on a blind date.

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