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Entering the cafe where Jin worked, Yoongi hoped to find his friend in a good mood. He really hoped the blind date had gone well. Maybe Jin had been able to bond with the mystery guy and forget about his feelings for Jimin. What Yoongi saw and heard when he entered the cafe was enough to show him that nothing was okay. Looking ahead at the counter, Yoongi easily spotted Jin. It would be impossible to miss the tall man who was currently shouting at one of his coworkers.

"That is the second latte you've spilled today, Jackson! Get your shit together!" Jin scolded rather harshly. Thank god for few customers. Otherwise, this would be an even worse situation.

"It was an accident!" Jackson shouted back.

Jin slammed down an empty cup he had been holding."You need to stop having these accidents! My god! You keep dropping things as if your fingers are made of butter!"

Taking off his apron, Jackson shoved it against Jin's chest."I don't know what twisted your panties today, but I'm sick of it! I quit!" He stormed out from behind the counter, stomping past Yoongi on his way out of the cafe.

Yoongi approached the counter and sighed as he saw Jin using Jackson's apron to clean up a mess that was all over the floor, clearly the spilled latte."You okay, Jin-hyung? What's gotten into you?"

Jin groaned then let out a heavy sigh, tossing the messy apron aside."I don't know what to do, Yoongi." he admitted."Maybe I should just give up."

"Give up on what?" Yoongi could guess, but he wanted to let Jin say it.

"On dating." Jin didn't think dating was worth all the disappointment.

Yoongi rolled his eyes."Wow, you give up so easily."

"Excuse me?" Jin turned a glare up toward Yoongi from where he was sitting on his knees on the floor beside the remaining residue of the spilled latte.

"You had one bad date, Hyung. Just one." Yoongi was actually a bit annoyed by this."You always encouraged me to let Jimin set me up on blind dates, even though they kept going wrong. You know I got my hopes crushed several times. But you can't handle having your hopes crushed once?"

Jin's glare weakened."But it just seems so hopeless, Yoongi. Now I know why you always said that you wanted to quit."

"I almost did quit." Yoongi placed his hands atop the counter and made a small hum."I wanted to give up, but I was convinced to go on one more date. That date was my lucky chance. I now have Hoseok because of that." He smiled fondly as he thought about his cute, blind boyfriend."If you give up now, you'll never know if your next date is your lucky chance or not."

"But my date will never be Jimin." Jin was accepting the seemingly impossible chance of dating his crush.

Yoongi rolled his eyes."Good. No Jimin for you. Find someone better."

Jin shook his head as he lowered his gaze."No one is better than Jimin."

"You'll find someone, Hyung. I know you will." Yoongi smiled softly."Trust me. If I can get a sweet boyfriend, so can you." He was pleased when he saw Jin nod in agreement."Now, first of all, you need to call that Jackson guy and apologize. You were a bit of a dick."


"So Jin-hyung is going to try to find a nice date?" Hoseok asked as he laid his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

"I don't know. I hope so." Yoongi stared ahead at the TV. He was watching some lame detective show while Hoseok was obviously just listening to it. Though, they both didn't seem to be paying much attention to it.

Both of Hoseok's hands were holding onto one of Yoongi's hands, gently playing with his fingers."I'm sorry his date didn't go well. I heard about it from Namjoon. He complained about it not going his way and told me all about how Jin-hyung reacted to his advances."

"You have no reason to be sorry, Hoseok. Namjoon was a dick. That had nothing to do with you." With a soft sigh, Yoongi leaned his head back against the couch and stared up at the ceiling, not really having any interest in watching the detective show.

It got quiet as they both stopped talking. Hoseok snuggled a little closer to Yoongi, pressing against his boyfriend's side. After a few minutes, he spoke up."Yoongi-hyung, can I have a kiss?" He felt Yoongi get tense."Do you not want to kiss me?"

"No, no, I do." Yoongi didn't want to admit that he wanted to kiss Hoseok more than anything in the world right now. That was just embarrassing.

"Well then, kiss me." Hoseok lifted his head from Yoongi's shoulder and shifted a little on the couch to fully face his boyfriend.

Yoongi looked at Hoseok and almost chuckled at how chipper Hoseok seemed to be just by knowing that he was going to get a kiss. Using his free hand, he gently brushed his fingers against Hoseok's cheek before cupping his jaw."Hoseok..."

"Oh, right." Hoseok leaned down just a little, remembering that Yoongi had needed him to lean down last time.

Leaning in close, Yoongi connected their lips in a simple, sweet kiss. It only lasted a couple seconds. When he pulled away, he cocked his head to the side when Hoseok giggled."Is something funny?"

Hoseok shook his head."No, not at all. I just think it's really cute how tender you are."

"Do you not like it?" Yoongi hoped he wasn't doing anything that displeased Hoseok. He really wanted to be a good boyfriend.

"I do like it, Hyung, but..." Hoseok slid his hand up Yoongi's arm, his fingers gently drumming over his slender shoulder. Feeling his way up the side of Yoongi's neck, he smiled as he mimicked the way Yoongi was cupping his jaw."I want more. Can I have more?"

Yoongi's lips formed a sort of smile that seemed to be mixed with a slight smirk."Of course you can have more." As much as he was shy and nervous about kissing Hoseok, it was something he really wanted to do. Connecting their lips again, he didn't pull away this time.

Hoseok felt like fireworks exploded within his chest as Yoongi's lips began to move sweetly against his own. He felt like melting. His hand that was still holding Yoongi's hand adjusted itself to lock their fingers together. His other hand slipped around to gently touch the back of his boyfriend's neck.

Slipping his hand down away from Hoseok's jaw, Yoongi moved it to the blind guy's hip. His eyelids fell closed as he was melting into this kiss. This was the most wonderful thing he had experienced in long time. However, this didn't last much longer.

Being startled by a loud sound, Hoseok quickly pulled back from Yoongi and let out a small shriek."Oh my god..!" Once his mind processed what the sound had been, he pouted, feeling dumb."Stupid show..." He had been startled by a gunshot that happened in the detective show.

"You're really cute when you get scared over little things." Yoongi said with a chuckle as he grabbed the remote, turning off the TV."So to be continued?"

"Yeah. Some other time." Hoseok needed to give his heart a chance to stop pounding.

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