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Yoongi didn't really know how he felt about this now. He had been all fine with Jungkook bringing his girlfriend to Burger Palace before, but now he didn't know if it was such a good idea. He hoped everything would go well. They had decided that Jungkook would show up with Chaeyoung near closing time. They were all going to eat dinner together and chat for a while."I texted Jin-hyung and asked him to join us." Yoongi told Jimin when it was getting close to time for Jungkook and Chaeyoung to arrive."After that bad date, I think he could use some time with friends. We could all chat and try to have a good time."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Jimin asked as he was putting away the last of the dishes he had washed."I mean, what if Jin-hyung is mad at me for that bad date?"

"Well, Jin-hyung...He..." Yoongi sighed softly."I highly doubt he could ever be mad at you."

Jimin cocked his head just a little to the side."Why do you say that?"

"All you did was ask him to go on the date." Yoongi couldn't say that it was because of Jin's crush on Jimin."You're not the one who made the date bad. Your damn friend is the one who made it so bad." Yoongi grumbled under his breath."I'd love to shove my foot up his dick hole."

Taehyung walked over and shook his head at Yoongi."Now see? That's the kind of thing you can't say around Kookie's girlfriend. Be more polite."

Yoongi placed his hands on his hips."I'll say whatever I want."

"Sure you will." Taehyung knew Yoongi better than that. He liked to pretend that he didn't care what people thought of the things he said, even though he really did care."Did you invite your boyfriend?"

"No. I wanted to, but I know Namjoon would have to bring him." Yoongi said with a sigh in his tone."I really don't want to see that fuckface, so I figured it would be best to just not invite Hoseok this time. I'm sure he'll understand."

Jimin shrugged his shoulders a little."Hoseok-hyung does seem like a really sweet person. I'm guessing he wouldn't want to bring Namjoon-hyung around Jin-hyung right now anyway."

"I hope Jin-hyung has a good time with us." Taehyung grinned widely.

"I'm sure he will." Yoongi had no doubt that his best friend would enjoy hanging out with everyone."Jin-hyung is a rather sociable person. So he'll like spending time with everyone to just eat and chat. Especially eat."

"I've never seen someone eat as much as Jin-hyung does." Jimin said with a chuckle."How does he stay so thin?"

Taehyung gave Jimin's shoulder a very small push."Jin-hyung is just cool like that."

"Um, I'm not actually that cool." Jin said as he was standing by the counter. He wondered how none of them had heard him enter. Perhaps they had been too busy chatting.

Yoongi turned to face Jin, feeling confused when he saw someone standing beside his best friend."You brought him with you?"

"Did you not want me to come or something?"

Jin rolled his eyes just slightly."I'm sure he's just a little surprised, Jackson."

"Well, yes, I am surprised." Yoongi hadn't expected this."Why did you bring Jackson?"

"Well, you see..." Jin nibbled on his lower lip.

Jackson grinned with a look of triumph."I'm his boyfriend now." he stated factually."I asked him out earlier today."

Yoongi had not expected this, despite the fact that he had made Jin promise to agree to date the next person who asked him out. He had not expected it to be Jackson."This is definitely unexpected, but I think it's a good thing."

"Good luck keeping him fed." Taehyung teased."Jin-hyung eats a lot."

"I eat a lot too, so I don't have a problem with that." Jackson lightly placed a hand on Jin's shoulder, like he wanted there to be some sort of visual sign that Jin was his.

Jimin eyed Jin and Jackson. He hoped Jin was feeling better and not quite so upset about the horrible blind date. He did feel awful about how it went."Jin-hyung, I'm sorry about the blind date." He just really felt the need to apologize.

Jin looked unsure of how to respond for a moment before making a small wave with his hand."It's okay, Jimin. You don't need to apologize." He couldn't possibly bring himself to blame Jimin for that horrible date. He liked Jimin too much for that. Hopefully, dating Jackson would help him get over his feelings for Jimin. Maybe Jackson would be a good boyfriend for him. He really hoped so.

Hearing someone come inside, Yoongi turned his gaze toward the entrance."Ah, Jungkook, there you are."

Jungkook held the door open for his girlfriend and smiled happily."Yup, here I am."

Yoongi made his way around the counter and smiled as he recognized Chaeyoung from the picture Jungkook had shown him earlier."You must be Chaeyoung. I'm Yoongi."

Chaeyoung let a sweet smile take over her lips."Jungkook-oppa has told me a lot about you."

"Oh, really?" Yoongi perked an eyebrow and looked up at Jungkook.

"All good things." Jungkook stated in defense.

Chaeyoung giggled cutely."He said you act tough, but you've really got the heart of a marshmallow."

"Yeah, a stale marshmallow." Jungkook joked.

Jimin decided to speak, not wanting to let his feelings for Jungkook get him down right now. This wouldn't be a good time to get upset, especially since Jungkook's girlfriend was here. Jimin really didn't want to ruin the mood."We'll get some food made for everyone. A bunch of cheeseburgers, right? Or do you just want a salad, Chaeyoung?" He assumed the pretty girl wouldn't eat much.

Chaeyoung proved him wrong though."I love cheeseburgers. Maybe I'll eat a couple and a salad."

This caused Jin and Jackson to both laugh lightly. Taehyung went to the food line with Jimin to get some burgers made. Yoongi nodded with approval."That proves it. You definitely belong with Jungkook." He thought Chaeyoung may be a really good girlfriend for Jungkook."I'll make a couple salads."

Jungkook made a motion toward a table."Let's have a seat." He stepped over to the table with Chaeyoung and watched her sit in the booth."See? I told you my friends would like you."

"I can't believe I was nervous to talk to them." Chaeyoung lifted a hand to twirl a strand of her hair."They all seem like really nice guys."

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