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I really need some advice.

Yoongi couldn't decide if he was relieved or not that the text he had received was not from Hoseok. It was from Jin. There he was, sitting alone at a table for his lunch break, torn between opposing feelings. He really wanted a response from Hoseok. However, he was also super nervous and scared to see what Hoseok might text back. What if Hoseok didn't want to talk to him? That was something that really scared Yoongi.

About what?

There was only one thing that would cause Jin to ask for advice right now, and Yoongi knew that, but he wanted to get Jin to say it. There was nothing for several minutes. Yoongi started to think that Jin wasn't going to text back. He shifted his gaze out the nearby window for a moment before his attention was pulled back to his phone when it vibrated.


I need advice about my situation with Jimin.


Just talk to him.

You two need to work this out.


Just copying the advice given to you about Hoseok?

Yoongi stared at that text and let out a heavy sigh. He knew he needed to talk to Hoseok. He had reached out. Unintentionally, but still, an effort was made.


I texted him, Hyung.


You did?




Now you should talk to Jimin.

Come here.


Would that be a good idea?


Would you rather go to his house?

Or have him go to your house?



I'll come by there tomorrow.


Should I tell Jimin?





Just don't chicken out.


I won't.



See you tomorrow.

"Who're you texting?" Jimin so-nosily asked. When Yoongi slipped his phone into his pocket without an answer, he knew."Jin-hyung, huh? You think he's gotten over it yet?"

That choice of words seemed peculiar to Yoongi."Gotten over it? Like it's something he could easily forget?"

Jimin shrugged his shoulders so simply."Well, I mean, it's not like we can go back and change it. It's done. He needs to move on from it."

"He needs to move on?" Yoongi wasn't liking how this was sounding."You've already moved on from it?"

"Yeah." It had been easy for Jimin to move on from that. So he didn't see why Jin was still unnerved about it."We had sex. So what? We were drunk. That sort of thing happens. There's no use in dwelling on it. It's not like it meant anything."

It's not like it meant anything.

It meant everything to Jin-hyung! Yoongi hated this."Jimin, why do you even like Jungkook?"

"What's with this question all of a sudden?" Jimin didn't even know what would cause Yoongi to ask that.

"Just answer." This was not looking good to Yoongi. Not at all.

Jimin stuffed his hands into his pockets."He's hot."

Yoongi perked an eyebrow."And?"

"And what?" Jimin cocked his head just a little to the side."No and. Just that. He's hot."

"What about his personality?" Yoongi was really hoping to prove wrong the thoughts he was having."Doesn't his personality interest you at all?"

"No. Not really." Jimin was confused about these questions. He didn't know why Yoongi would suddenly start asking him these things."What's this about, Yoongi-hyung?"

This was troubling. Yoongi didn't like this one bit."Is this a result of you hanging around Namjoon too much? Or have you always been like this, and I'm just finally seeing it?"

"What are you talking about?" Jimin didn't understand.

Standing from his seat, Yoongi narrowed his eyes at Jimin."Appearance is all that matters to you, isn't it? You don't give a shit about anyone's personality. So long as they're attractive enough, you swoon over them. You don't really like Jungkook for who he is. You just like how attractive he is." This was pissing him off."And you never paid a bit of attention to Jin-hyung until recently because you weren't getting anywhere with Jungkook." He clenched his hands into fists by his sides."Jimin, you're fucking shallow."

Jimin's eyes widened just a little and for only a second before he frowned at his manager."Is it really that bad for me to like attractive people?"

"No, but it's bad for you to only care about looks and not give a shit about what's on the inside." It was quickly getting more and more difficult for Yoongi to refrain from punching Jimin."Jungkook is such a good person. He's caring and sweet. He is nice to everyone. And Jin-hyung is wonderful. He's protective of the people close to him and does everything he can to make sure his friends are happy and healthy. But to you, none of that matters. To you..." Yoongi was getting increasingly upset about this."To you, they're just handsome shells. Good on the outside, but nothing on the inside matters."

Letting out a huff, Jimin really didn't like the way Yoongi was talking to him, no matter how true his words were."So what? If I hook up with a man, I want him to be really attractive. Is that a crime?"

"You slept with my best friend, Jimin, and you're acting like it was nothing." Yoongi had enough of this. He was getting too angry."Go back to work. We'll discuss this some other time."

"Whatever, Hyung. I really don't see a reason for this discussion anyway." Not liking the way Yoongi had been talking to him, Jimin just turned and walked away. He could tell Yoongi was mad, but he honestly didn't see much of a problem with the way he acted. Though, maybe he could understand that Yoongi was being protective of his best friend.

Yoongi knew he should have controlled his temper a little better, but it had really upset him to finally see how shallow Jimin was. With that type of attitude, he doubted there was any way Jin could ever be with Jimin. Maybe Jin was as blind to Jimin's shallowness as Yoongi had previously been. But now Yoongi saw that shallowness. Maybe seeing that would be the thing that could help Jin get over his pointless crush.

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