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When Yoongi awoke, he was confused. Was this the hospital? Why was he here? The last thing he remembered was answering the phone in Burger Palace. Hoseok? Everything that happened after that was a blur. As Yoongi slowly shifted his gaze around, he tried to remember what had happened. His head was hurting though, which made it hard for him to think. What happened after I answered? He couldn't remember. Did we talk? I don't remember.

This was rather concerning for Yoongi. He couldn't remember what had happened after answering the phone call. It was a blank. Though, he could guess that he might have gone into a really bad panic attack. Whenever his panic attacks got super bad and no one was around to help him calm down, he would often not remember it. It would just be a blank in his memory. He supposed that was common though.

Sitting up, Yoongi glanced around the room to find that he was alone. How did I get here? That was a blank too. Maybe he could ask a nurse or doctor and get out of here. He felt fine, just hungry. So he shouldn't need to stay any longer. Finding the call button nearby, Yoongi pressed it to call for a nurse. A nurse entered just a couple minutes later.

"Good morning." She greeted with a sweet smile."It's nice to see you awake. How are you feeling?"

Yoongi almost didn't know how to react. He was almost speechless as he mentally dealt with the sight of the beautiful big-breasted nurse. Slightly shaking his head to make himself focus, he answered."I'm feeling okay, I think."

"That's wonderful." The nurse grabbed a thermometer from a drawer and put a cover on it before stepping closer to the bed."Let's take your temperature, then I can get you some breakfast." When Yoongi opened his mouth, she carefully inserted the thermometer, placing the end under his tongue. It was pretty silent until the thermometer beeped to signify that it was done. Pulling it out of Yoongi's mouth, she smiled."Well, you don't have a fever. That's good. You were a little warm when you were brought in last night."

That brought up Yoongi's biggest question."How did I get here?"

The nurse made a small hum."You were brought in an ambulance with a young man. He left a note for you at the nurse station. I'll retrieve it for you." That said, the nurse left the room.

A young man? But who? This didn't make a lot of sense to Yoongi. He had been the only person in Burger Palace. The only person who knew he was still there that late would be Hoseok. Hoseok couldn't have been the one to bring him here because his blindness would make him unable to do that.

When the nurse returned, she held a note in her hand, holding it out for Yoongi once she approached the bed."This is the note he left. He requested that it be given to you once you woke up."

"Thank you." Yoongi accepted the note and read it.

'I couldn't wait around, so here's my number.

Give me a call to let me know you're okay.

Hoseok's super worried.


Viewing Namjoon's number at the bottom of the note, Yoongi wondered if he should call now or wait until he would get home. Looking at the nurse, he figured it was time for him to leave anyway."Am I good to leave now?"

The nurse gave a simple nod before speaking."From what was described to us last night when you were brought in, you had a panic or anxiety attack. You are stable and calm now, so yes, you are free to leave. Just make your way to the front desk and sign yourself out at discharge."

Yoongi watched the nurse leave the room again then got up from the bed. He folded the note and stuck it into his pocket. Leaving the room, he glanced around to orientate himself and spotted an arrow on the wall that pointed in the direction of the front desk to keep patients and visitors from getting lost or confused. Yoongi followed the arrows on the different halls and made his way to the front desk.

After speaking to the woman at the front desk and signing himself out, Yoongi left the hospital and pulled out his phone. Turning on the screen, he saw that he had numerous unread texts and some missed calls. It was 10 o'clock, and he was four hours late for work. He was the only one with keys to Burger Palace, but it must have been left unlocked all night while he was in the hospital. Yoongi sighed and read through his texts.


Where are you?

You up?

You coming to work?


Why were the doors left unlocked?

You okay?


Is everything okay?

We're worried that you're not answering.



Jimin texted me and said you didn't show up for work.

I stopped by your house.

Where are you?

The missed calls were from Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin. Yoongi sighed, feeling bad about causing everyone to worry. Tapping Jin's contact, he decided to call him first. As he waited for Jin to answer the call, he leaned his back against the wall of the hospital, standing by the doors. It didn't take long for Jin to answer though. Yoongi didn't even get a chance to speak before his ear was assaulted by Jin's worried voice.

"Yoongi, where have you been?!"

Yoongi sighed, knowing that Jin must be really worried about him."I'm at the--"

"You didn't show up for work and didn't even call!"

"I know. I'm at--"

"Everyone's worried! Is everything okay?!"

"Jin-hyung, shut up for a minute and let me explain!" Yoongi huffed when that worked. Now having a chance to speak, he used a calmer tone."I'm sorry for making everyone worry. I just woke up not even a full hour ago. I'm at the hospital."

"The hospital?! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!"

Yoongi slumped his shoulders a little and stuffed his free hand into his pocket."I'm fine. I guess I had a really bad panic attack last night. I'm still hazy on how I got here, but I'm okay."

A heavy sigh of relief could be heard from Jin."Do you need me to pick you up?"

Before he answered, Yoongi could hear some shuffling around, like Jin was getting ready to leave."If you don't mind, Hyung."

"Of course I don't mind. I'll be here soon. Which entrance?"

"I'm by the main entrance." Yoongi got a small hum from Jin, then they both hung up. Next, Yoongi pulled the note out of his pocket and looked at Namjoon's number. Figuring it would take Jin at least twenty or thirty minutes to get here, he had enough time to talk to Namjoon real quick about last night. So he dialed the number before stuffing the note back into his pocket.


Yoongi was really uneasy about talking to Namjoon since they had only met a couple brief times."Uh, hi. It's Yoongi."

"Oh, hey. How're you feeling?"

"I'm okay. Just leaving the hospital now." Yoongi shifted his gaze around to keep an eye out for Jin's car, though he knew his best friend couldn't possibly get here this quickly.

"That's good. Hoseok was super worried about you. That was quite a scare for him."

That made Yoongi feel really bad. He never wanted to scare Hoseok."I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault."

Now that Namjoon knew he was okay, Yoongi had a question."How did you get to me and get me to the hospital?"

Namjoon probably knew this was coming."Well, after Hoseok called you, he came to me and said that he was worried. He freaked out and said that we needed to get to Burger Palace immediately. I drove us there and searched around for you." he explained."I know I'm not supposed to go into the back because I'm not an employee, but I went back there anyway and found you on the floor. Hoseok called an ambulance, and I rode with you."

"What about Hoseok?" Yoongi found himself hoping Hoseok didn't ride in the ambulance with them. He didn't want him to be scared or freaked out.

"Hoseok waited at Burger Palace with my car. He said he didn't want to get in the way in the ambulance. I ended up having to take a taxi back to Burger Palace to get him and my car."

Yoongi felt really bad about causing Hoseok to feel scared, and he also felt bad about Hoseok being left alone at Burger Palace at night. He hated his panic attacks."Alright. Will you tell Hoseok I'm sorry for scaring him?"

"Sure, I'll tell him, but you really don't need to be sorry."

"Thanks. I have to go now." Yoongi didn't give Namjoon a chance to say anything. He hung up as he saw Jin's car coming closer to the entrance to get him. Stepping over once Jin stopped, Yoongi got into the passenger seat."You must have really floored it to get here so fast."

"I may have gone only a little over the speed limit. Shush." Jin pulled away from the entrance and started driving."Are you sure you're alright?"

Yoongi nodded, despite Jin's gaze being on the road ahead."Yeah. I'm going to call Taehyung and let him know I'm on my way."

"On your way?" Jin didn't like the sound of that.

"On my way to work, of course." As Yoongi turned on his phone screen, it was covered by one of Jin's hands as the other one remained on the steering wheel."Hyung?"

There was a stern expression on Jin's face."You just got out of the hospital. You're not going to work. I'm taking you home."

Not wanting to argue with his hyung, Yoongi sighed."Alright. At least take me by there long enough to give them the keys."

Jin held his hand out expectantly."Just give them to me. I'll deliver them after I take you home."

Fishing the keys from his pocket, Yoongi set them in Jin's hand."Thank you, Jin-hyung."

"You're welcome, Yoongi."

"You're the best."

"I know."

Yoongi chuckled and turned his head to peer out the window. Maybe it would be good for him to spend the day at home. He did feel guilty for causing everyone to worry though. He would try to make up for that some other time.

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