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"So what are your chances of getting laid on your next date?" That question earned a groan from Yoongi."What? I'm just wondering."

Yoongi eyed Jin with a perked eyebrow then lowered his gaze with a sigh."No chance." He didn't think it was possible for Hoseok to actually like him enough to get intimate. Besides, they had both agreed that it was too early for them to even think about doing anything intimate together.

"Why not?" Jin, like Jimin, had grown concerned with Yoongi's tendency to stay alone much of the time."Don't you like him enough?"

"Well, yeah, of course I do." Yoongi placed an elbow on the table and propped his chin on his palm."I just don't want to rush anything."

Jin sighed softly."You're lucky to have someone so cute to date. I'm having no luck."

Yoongi perked an eyebrow at Jin again."How are you having no luck? I thought guys and girls asked you out all the time."

"They do, but I turn them all down." Jin fidgeted with his fingers just a little."Yoongi, there's someone I really like, but he doesn't like me. He likes someone else."

"Who do you like?" Yoongi could see that Jin didn't know if he should admit it or not."I won't tell anyone, Jin-hyung. You can trust me."

Jin shook his head a little. He didn't want to say it out loud. He didn't want to be heard by the other people in Burger Palace."I can't say it..." Looking at Yoongi to catch his gaze, Jin glanced over toward the counter.

Yoongi knew that gaze. That was the gaze Jin used whenever he wanted to give a silent answer to something. Looking where Jin glanced, Yoongi spotted Jimin at the register. He was taking a customer's order."Oh."

Jin really liked Jimin, but he knew about Jimin's big crush on Jungkook."I can't say anything to him. I know he doesn't have any interest in me. Maybe I should move on and try to like someone else."

"Maybe." Yoongi felt really bad for Jin now. It must suck to like someone who was crushing on someone else. He glanced at his watch."Anyway, I have to go now. Hoseok and I are going out."

"Oh, having another cute date?" Jin perked up just a little.

Yoongi shook his head a little as he stood."No, not exactly. Hoseok wants to go for a walk. He said it will help me get used to guiding him around. I mean, I still tend to make him crash into things and trip. So I really need to start doing better."

"Yoongi." Jin chuckled lightly."You're smiling. That doesn't happen much. I guess you really do like him a lot."

Yoongi hadn't even realized that he had begun to smile while talking about Hoseok. He slumped his shoulders just a bit."He's a real sweetie, Jin-hyung. I don't deserve him. I don't even know why he likes me."

"Maybe you can ask him." Jin suggested. He didn't think it would be a big deal for Yoongi to ask Hoseok why he liked him.

"Fuck that, Hyung. I can't just ask him that." Yoongi's smile faded and was replaced with a lazy frown.

Jin rolled his eyes."Whatever. Just go. Don't keep your boyfriend waiting."

"I'm going." Quickly, Yoongi stuck his tongue out at Jin before leaving, having a slight moment of childishness.


"No. Just no." Yoongi had both hands covering his face, preventing himself from looking at Hoseok."Why are you dressed like that? Change."

Hoseok pouted rather adorably."Does it look really bad?" He was worried that Yoongi thought he didn't look nice.

"No." Yoongi peeked between his fingers at Hoseok's attire. How had Namjoon gotten Hoseok to wear something like this?

"So it looks good?" Hoseok's tone became slightly hopeful.

With hot cheeks, Yoongi gulped."Yeah, but that's the problem." He didn't like this one bit."If you go out like that, people are going to stare at you."

"So?" Hoseok didn't really understand. He wouldn't be bothered by people staring at him because he couldn't see them anyway."Why is that a problem?"

Yoongi groaned at how clueless Hoseok was about this."I don't want other people to fucking stare at you." he snapped."You're my boyfriend. Mine. Other people need to keep their fucking eyes off of you."

Now Hoseok understood. This made him smile and chuckle."Oh, okay." He thought this was so cute."I didn't know you would be so possessive of me, Yoongi-hyung."

Lowering his hands, Yoongi felt so weak for Hoseok right now. Those low jeans hugged his legs perfectly. Not to mention the wonders it did for his butt. The loose shirt drove Yoongi crazy as the low-cut v-neck showed off his collarbone and a little of his chest. Yoongi was having thoughts he knew he shouldn't have. He wanted to do things he knew he shouldn't do. Self-control was really important right now."Just please change into something else."

"Nope." Hoseok couldn't help but grin."I'm going to go out in this."

"I'm not taking you out like that." Yoongi could feel his heart practically pounding against his ribcage.

"You are, actually." Placing his hands on his hips, Hoseok kept grinning."I can tell that you like it. If you think I look good, I will keep this on. I want to look good for you."

That made Yoongi feel even weaker."You really want to look good for me?"

"Yeah, of course." Hoseok was okay with stating this."I want you to think I'm attractive."

Yoongi felt a strong tug on his heartstrings."Hoseok..." A smile came over his lips."I will always think you're attractive, no matter what you wear."

"Really?" Hoseok beamed happily."Yay!"

Giving in, Yoongi grabbed Hoseok's hand."Fine, you can keep wearing that. But I'll kick the ass of anyone who stares at you."

Hoseok chuckled, loving Yoongi's behavior right now."I don't think that'll be neces--" He stopped abruptly, completely surprised when something touched his cheek so softly. A pair of lips."Did you just..."

Yoongi blushed and intertwined his fingers with Hoseok's."I told you I would do it next time." he mumbled shyly.

"You're so cute, Hyung." Hoseok knew that he must be blushing, judging by how hot his cheeks felt after that little kiss.

"I'm not cute!" Feeling flustered and shy now, Yoongi grumbled to himself as he started pulling Hoseok along.

"Hyung." Hoseok said as he chuckled, managing to walk along with Yoongi.

"What?!" Yoongi didn't mean to raise his voice. He was just too flustered at the moment. He looked at Hoseok and saw that he was grinning so widely.

"I'm happy." Hoseok felt the need to tell Yoongi that. He wanted his boyfriend to know that he was happy with him.

Yoongi turned his gaze away and gave Hoseok's hand a small squeeze."Me too."

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