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"I'm sorry (y/n), but it's for the town's people."

Nina was going through your stuff in your private quarters, looking for anything expensive to sell and give the towns people enough money to eat enough food and water. Nina opened up your dresser and when through it, blushing and giggling as she when through you underwear.

The door was turning open as Nina gasped and quickly dropped the underwear and dove under your bed. You entered into your room and stretched. "Man it was a long day today... Xander never seemed to shut up when talking about war planning. Thankfully Elise saved me in there and took my place."

Nina watched your movement and noticed how light you were on your bare feet. Pretty light for a tough dragon god. Before she knew it she was daydreaming about you dancing along with her under the stars. Dipping her down low and brushing the bangs out of her face, getting near to her lips as they brushed just on hers-

"Maybe I should go to bed early."

You started stripping down your armor as Nina's face when bright red and had her nose bleeding. She got out from under the bed and caught your hand before you could take off your pants.

"You're not stripping down in front of me!" 'Yet!'

You blushed and quickly put on a white shirt from your dresser. "Nina what the hell are you doing in my room?!"

"I-I was just getting a book!"

"What book? All my books are on the shelf." You pointed at your neat book collection.

"I-I-I was painting!"

"Nina you don't paint. Just tell me the truth!"

"Okay fine!" She pulled out the tiny bag that was strapped to her waist and opened it up, "I was taking some of your stuff..."

"Nina..." You took the bag from her with pained eyes, "I thought you stopped stealing..."

"I have!"

"Then why did you steal from me? I thought I could trust you..."

Nina sighed and sat on your bed looked down at the ground. "I was taking some of the expensive stuff you had in here to sell it and give the poor people around the town for money to feed themselves and their family. I thought if I could get some of your stuff and buy it the people could live for a year on food... I'm sorry (y/n)."

"Nina if you just told me I wouldn't have mind. You didn't have to steal from me."

"I'm sorry alright?! I still have a habit of stealing things! It's just who I am! A girl who daydreams and can't find love in her life but stealing!"

"Love in your life?"

"Oops..." her face turned dark red, "I-I didn't say that."

"Nina tell me the truth now."

"I-I daydream about love okay... I suck at talking to guys so I just daydream about my imagined love life... that will never happen."

"Nina I'm sure you'll find someone in your life who loves you."

"How do you know?" She voice rose with a hint of edginess, "You're a prince (y/n). It won't be hard for you to find love."

"Actually it is. Finding love when leading an army and when your half dragon is tough. I try to find a girl... and I have... but I don't know if she likes me."

"Tell me who it is! I bet you two would look wonderful for each other! Looking out into the sun set, talking lovingly with each other... and then... a kiss to seal it off!" Nina talked while looking out into the distance.

"Nina... that girl is you."

"I bet she will be happy- wait what?! You love me?! Even when I just tried to steal from you?!"

"You had a good reason from it, and I know you're trying you best not to steal anymore, so I'll help you if you marry me, Nina." You took her hand and kissed it.

Her eyes were getting wider and wider by the second. The dream man she always wanted was asking her to marry her! "I-I guess... but I'll be a horrible wife! Won't you want someone else?!"

"Nina, when I said that girl was you, I meant never looking at another girl when I only though of you." You got something off from the dresser and brought it over to Nina. When you opened your palm it was a ring. "So will you marry me, Nina?"

Nina face shined with happiness as she nodded, "My wildest dreams are coming to life! Let's see what the future holds."

You smile and slip the ring the ring onto Nina's finger and kissed her gently. Nina was happier than words could explain as the one true daydream she had finally came true.

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