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It was a quiet morning to go out for a nice walk around the river. It was somehow too quiet for this perfect morning. A shot caught at your dragon ear as the splashing of water was also heard.

"Is someone trying to drown a person?" You asked yourself as you walked down to the river.

Shiro was in the river knee deep as he held up his lance, waiting to make a move. He was completely soaked head to toe, his (h/c) hair even shined brightly in the light morning light. You were about to yell at him what he was doing, until as quick as lighting, threw his lance into the water and caught a fish. Shiro yelled in triumphed and looked at the fish while turning his lance slowly.

"Nice! I got a nice juicy fat one!"

"Hey Shiro." You called out hopping he heard over the loud water stream.

"Wha- oh hi (y/n)." Shiro looked up with a smile as he locked eye contact with you.

"What are you doing? Fish spearing?"

"I'm getting my breakfast! You want some?"

You eyed the fish on his spear. It did look good as you did sneak out of your room before Jakob could bring you your morning breakfast. He is probably freaking out right about now.

"Sure! I'm famished!"

Shiro broke out into a huge grin as he set the fish down on the fire, making sure to turn it every so once and a while.

"You're going to love my fish. I make the best and catch the biggest ones!"

"I can't wait to try it now..."

A chuckle came from Shiro as he pulled the fish back from the fire. It was a nice golden brown color as he tore the fish in half. He gave the other half too you. "Fresh off the fire!"

You smile and took it and bit into it. The flavor was nice and smoky, mixing in with the meat only made it better.

"This is wonderful!"

"I got more! There are plenty more than just the flavor of that fish!"


After about eating ten fish you were full, but Shiro could still keep going as he finished through the thirtieth fish. Shiro pat his stomach as you were happy, but full just as he was.

"That was great! I wish I could catch for you all the time! I like it when someone else likes fish!"

You looked at him with sleepy filled eyes as you looked at him. "What does that mean?"

"I-It means... I like you alright? When you were there watching me I caught twice the number of fish than I usually do. You make me stronger at your side."

Blush ran in your cheeks as you thought about it. "I-I don't mind you Shiro... but will you be able to handle me?"

Shiro nodded as he took your hands into his huge ones. "You make me want to train stronger to protect you and everyone else. I've never felt this way about anyone. S-so please marry me... (y/n)."

The hope in his gray eyes captured your heart as they neared closer to your face. A beat passed before you finally spoke the words. "Yes, I'll marry you Shiro."

He threw his arms up into the air and fist pumped it. "Alright! I got the love of my life to accept me!"

You giggled at him as you hugged him close too you. "You're silly. I guess that's the part I love most about you."

Shiro gave you a warm heart melting smile and cupped your face into his hands. "I'm stronger with you at my side." He whispered and pulled you closer to his lips, "Stay with me forever."

He sealed the promise with a kiss. It was light and filled with love. He held you gently close too him as you kissed back, a memory forever ingrained in your heart and mind.

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