Yandere Camilla X Little Sister Reader

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Please see A/N at the bottom. It is really important

In the early dawn of the morning when Camilla rose, shining like the sun itself as her whole being was filled with joy. Though she was only a teenager, Camilla was already waiting to become a mother. Little baby Elise was the closes thing to being baby, but you were her favorite of the siblings.

Lately you've gotten a mini butler with you in training, Jakob, was his name and he would always do anything for you. Camilla thought it was cute, but she wanted to just hang out with you today. She opened the door to your playroom as cute little Jakob was playing with you.

When the door was wide open you turned around and smiled bigly. "Big sis!"

You ran your way over as Camilla picked you up and spun you around. You were the light in her world, the joy in her mornings, the reason Nohr's air was the all the better to breath in. "How is my darling little (y/n)~?"

"Just wonderful! Jakob is so much fun to play with!"

Camilla giggled as Jakob shyly looked away. "I bet he is. Tell you what, how about we dress you up and take you outside for a little bit. Father doesn't have to know."

If there was a smile to top off how big yours was, it would have to take a lot of cheek hurting. "Really?! I can't wait!"

"Well why don't we have breakfast, get dressed, and then go out into the fields?"

"Okay! Bu bye Jakob!"

Jakob bowed and started picking up the mess himself. Camilla feed you breakfast as you giggled when she started dressing you into a gray dress with ruffles that made the dress poof outwards.

Camilla stared at you, you were the cutest thing in the world. She smiled and nuzzled you close to her. "You're so cute~!"

You giggled, "Big sis! Your hair tickles!"

"Sorry." She pulled away, "Let's go out into the fields."


After the long horse ride Camilla set you down as the field of flower waved gently along the hills. The flowers were on both sides of Hoshido and Nohr, just barley spilling in between. The white and dark flowers mixing together sparked something inside you, it was deep inside to yet take action.

"Camilla! Theirs's a red flower! I'm gonna get it!"

It was on the top of the hill as when Camilla looked at it a sense of dreaded washed over her. "Wait (y/n) don't go up their!"

It was already too late as you picked the flower. Two shadows came over you as you screamed, but the two Hosidans grabbed your by the arms and legs.

"I got her!" The one said holding your arm, "We can take her away!"

"Do you think they'll make a good price on her?"

"Of course, if they lock her up in a tower far away from the castle why wouldn't she be?"

When the two were talking Camilla grabbed her steel small axe out from the bag she brought along. The Hosidans were too late to react as she copped the head off the one who was holding you tightly.

The other one screamed and let you go to reach for his own sword, but Camilla was faster as she quickly uppercut-ted his face and slashed him in the chest, dragging it all the way down to the stomach.

Blood spread all across her face as she held a peaceful smile while watching the live drain from their eyes. You sobbed and fell to the ground. Camilla bent down and picked you up, holding you close to her heart.

"There, there. No one will hurt you as long as I'm here."

"B-But... they died because of m-me..."

"(y/n), there will always be death. Just remember that and when the time comes for you to pick up a sword, or whatever type of weapon, there will always be death. Now, let's go back home and put you too bed."


Camilla gave you a little smile and rode you back to the tower, where you wouldn't come out years later because of just that one memory...

A/N: Guys thank you so much for your support and voting over this book, but I think it's close to an end. I think 100 chapters is good for this book and I only got 5 more request left. Hope you understand and I'm glad you guys stuck around for this book just for me :) But if you want I'll put up a speical chapter just for the end.

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