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Today was the day. It had been a week since I had my dream. I've been trying to tell katsuki all week but each time something comes up and I couldnt tell him.

I wait until class is over. It was friday so after school I should be good to tell him. School goes by slowly. Soon it ends. The bell rings and we all stand to leave. Katsuki was talking to kirishima." Hay katsuki can I talk to you alone?" He looks from kirishima to me before nodding. I dont lead him back tot he doors. We go to the near by park. Sitting down he stares at me curiously. For the second time that week tears swell in my eyes.

"Cecilia it's ok you can tell me." He says staring at me worriedly. I nod sitting so I'm facing him." Did my brothers ever tell you when I was in the hospital the consequences of my soul alchemy if I use to much." He nods his face dropping in realization. A look of desperation crosses his face. A look so unlike him.

"Dont tell me, dont tell me it's that time. I cant loose you." I smile pulling him close." I have 5 years left. After that I'm to become the new truth." The damn breaks and I start sobbing." I dont want to die bakugo. I want to live a long life with you. I want to watch you become the number 1 hero."

He clutches my body pulling me close." It's going to be ok Cecilia. We'll find a way. I wont loose you." I feel tears fall on my shoulder. We both pull away and I see his eyes were red and puffy, probably just like mine. I lean forward kissing him.

"I love you katsuki" he smiles wiping his face." I love you too Cecilia!"

For the next few days me and katsuki just hung out together. He took me on a date to some fancy sushi place. I'd never had sushi before. It was really good. It was tough to think that in 5 short years truth would come for me and I would become the new truth. That's a big expectation.

Sighing I lay on my bed doing some homework. I was getting tired so I put my things on the floor and went to bed.

I wake to katsuki shaking me." Hay Cecilia come on your going to be late for school." I practically jump up throwing on the rest of my uniform and shoving my homework into my bag. I run to class barely making it. The bell rings a minute later." Whoa you ok Cecilia?" Mina asks giving me a worried look. I smile." Yah sorry I'm fine I just over slept." She nods turning back around.

I sigh pulling out the rest of my homework and hurrying to finish it. Luckily Aizawa came in a few minutes late so I had time to finish.

Aizawa walks in looking as tired as he normaly does." As many of you are aware in a few short months you will all be eligible to take the provisional license exam. We will still be focusing on regular school work but your P.E class will be extended by 30 minutes so I and or Allmight can work with you on developing your new signature moves. All heroes have a signature move or moves. This is a critical time for you to develope one or a few. So I want all you to work hard." We all nod our heads.

I was excited but worried. I use alchemy. Does that even count? Can I even have a signature move with alchemy? My signature move would normaly be my soul alchemy but I'm in no position to really use it. Well I can still use it as long as I dont overdo it. I think I can make it work.

"No Cecilia your brothers have made us fully aware of what could happen to you if you were to over do it. Your alchemy is very capable. You'll have to find something else. Trust me that shouldn't be an issue for you. Your a very smart girl. I have faith in you." Toshinori says making me smile while also raising an eyebrow. Its like he read my mind.

"Thanks toshinori but you give me to much credit. It's hard to think. Normaly I think better in the spur of the moment that's when my best fighting and plans come out. When your lifes on the line is when it matters. He stares at me stunned." Cecilia do you need to speak to the guidance counselor or me in private? You seem to have something on your mind." I stare at him. I did have something on my mind. Who wouldnt when they've basically been told they only have a few years left to live.

"Yah I guess this is as good a time to tell you then any other. A week ago truth came to me in a dream. He said I had 5 years before he came for me. I have 5 years left to live." Toshinori stares at me eyes wide, hand covering his mouth.

"Omg cecilia why hadn't you told me?" I shrug looking away." I'm still coming to terms with it myself. I havent even told my brothers yet. I dont know how to tell them." He pulls me into a hug. I really need a hug from him." Cecilia I may be your teacher but I'm still your stand in guardian. Your welcome to come talk to me anytime you need to at any time." I smile nodding into his shoulder.

" I still dont want you using your soul alchemy though. Not unless it's an absolute emergency."

"Ok toshinori, thank you. I really needed that." He nods motioning me back to where the others were. Just think Cecilia what could your signature move be. I think and think and think. I think back to all my friends and family back home. Mustang had his flame alchemy, armstrong had his physical strength integrated into his alchemy me and al can transmute without a circle making is able to perform alchemy much quicker then normal. I can do this.

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