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The dreaded day came. Their wedding day. Adrien got up early and was pestered with questions on 'Was he ready?' or 'Do you need anything?'. Everyone knew he didn't want to get married. He just wanted to rule a kingdom on his own, not having to worry about a wife to spoil or kids to turn rotten.  Not that he would.  He would raise them on kindness. With Marinette. The only person he could ever love.

Marinette sat at another lesson on posture and how to sit and stand. Guards attended everyone of her lessons now so she wouldn't run or do anything violent. She hated it here. She just wanted to be with her real family. Sabine and Tom saw her unhappiness and even told the teachers to stop coming but they didn't. They insisted that they teach her and make her a real Princess.

Marinette straightened her back as books were stacked on her head. She walked slowly. One foot in front of the other. right, left, right, left, right left, slip. Marinette slipped on air and fell back onto the ground.  She immediately picked up the books and ran to the other side of the room. The teacher shock her head and slapped Marinettes calfs. "It'll be hidden by the dress." Marinette bit her lip and held back the scream of pain.

At noon her lessons stopped and she got ready for the wedding.  Adrien put his tux on and Marinette put on her dress that she also hated but didn't complain. Adrien tucked the dead flower into his coat pocket and read as he waited for night.  He didn't want to do this but if it made others happy he'd do it.

Marinette sat at a table while Rose and Juleka did her hair.  Everyone knew she was unhappy here but didn't speak up.  the two meet up with Alya and Nino and devised a plan to make them happy. They finished her hair and slide her dress on. Marinette looked in the mirror.  She hated it. She hated the way she looked. Sounded. The dress.  She hated everything about today. But didn't complain. She bit her tongue and waited for midnight. "It makes others happy." She chanted to herself.

Night hit and Adrien was guided outside into the courtyard. Plagg growled and Ivan nodded. Plagg ran off.  Adrien stood at the alter and the music started. Lila started down the isle and Adrien groaned. She tried to look pretty and elegant but didn't. She looked awful in Adriens eyes. They said their vows. "Do you Lila Rossi take Adrien Agreste to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Lila smiled.

"Do you Adrien Agreste take Lila Rossi as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked and Adriens heart dropped.  He didn't.

He spotted Ivan out of the corner of his eye. "I-I-I." Everyone was waiting while Adrien hesitated. "I don't!" He finally yelled and ran to Ivan. He hopped onto his back and Ivan ran.

"Stop him!" Gabriel yelled and everyone chased after the boy on a bear.

Marinette walked down the isle. Alya and Nino hid Plagg behind them. She looked perfect with no effort.  Marinette didn't want this but it made others happy so she's doing it. Tom stopped at the alter and Marinette stood with Nathanael who was over the moon. They said their vows.  "Do you Nathanael Kurtzberg take Mairnette Dupain-Cheng as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He smiled big.

"Do you Marinetet Dupain-Cheng take Nathanael Kurtzberg as you lawfully wedded husband?"  Everyone waited for her answer.

"N-no." Marinette stuttered.  "I don't." Marinette walked away and Plagg jumped out from behind the two. She got on his back and he ran as fast as he could.

"After her!" Nathanael gritted his teeth as people ran after the girl on a puma. Alya and Nino hopped onto horses and chased after her seeming like they were helping Nathanael but were helping her. They stopped at the edge of the forest. Adrien hopped off Ivan when he saw Marinette. "Get her!" Two people grabbed Mairnette by the arms.

"Marinette!" Adrien yelled and ran to her. Marinette looked up from her blurry vision and saw Adrien. She got out of their grip and ran to him. People chased after them as they got closer.  Rose, Juleka, Alya and Nino cheered with the animals as they got closer to each other. Marinette jumped into Adriens arms and he caught her. Her legs wrapped around his waist. She grabbed his face and kissed him and he gladly retuned the kiss. "I love you!"  He exclaimed and Marinette blushed.

"I love you too!" Marinette said through blurry tears of joy. They kissed again and deepened it every chance they got.  "I do."

"I do." Adrien smiled and put his forehead on hers. Everyone stopped running but Lila and Nathanael who stormed over to the two.

"He's my husband!" Lila tore Marinette off of Adrien. Nathanael picked her up and carried her onto a horse.

"Marinette!" Adrien yelled as people dragged him away from her. The horse started to ride off.

"Adrien!" Marinette yelled through blurry vision.  They didn't want this. The animals were cornered. "Help me!"  Marinette yelled as the horse went faster. Alya, Nino, Rose and Juleka were put in handcuffs for stopping a royal marriage. "Adrien!"

"Marinette!"  Adrien yelled back.  He fought off the guards holding him back and ran after the horse. He was of course slower then it so he stole a horse and caught up to them. "Jump if you trust me!"  He reached his hand out. Marinette looked at it then him.  "Do you trust me!"

"With my life!" Marinette jumped. Adrien wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her onto the horse. He turned around to the forest. "Ivan! Plagg! We have to help them!"

"Okay." Adrien nodded and pulled out his sword. This was going to get ugly.

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