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Two weeks. Two weeks until their weddings. Two weeks until they would get married on the same day to different people, they just didn't know about the day. Adrien sat in his room reading. Lila won't let him leave the castle and he doesn't complain. He would only leave to see one person and that person was to be wedded to another.

Adrien groaned and threw his book across the room. He's been reading the same page for half an hour. Each word bringing him back to the forest or Marinette or them in the forest. He doesn't even remember what brought him into the woods in the first place but was glad he did. "What's up wth you?" A familiar voice laughed.  Adrien turned his head and saw Alya and Nino at the door.

"What're you doing here?" He asked and walked over to them.

"You seemed like you needed the company." Nino crossed his arms and sat on the bed. Alya leaned against the wall and Adrien sat at the desk. His room was small but way bigger then his normal one.

"You don't even know." Adrien rested his head on the desk and poked the dead flower on his desk.  He wanted Marinette. He loved her. But couldn't have her anymore. She was with Nathanael.

"You love her!" Alya squealed and Nino covered his ears. Adrien lifted his head.  "You love that girl!"

"D-do n-n-not!" Adrien turned red. He was but couldn't be with her.

"You so do!" Nino ganged up on Adrien with Alya.  "You love Marinette!"

"So what if I do!  I can't marry her anyway. We're already engaged to different people."

"Yeah engaged. You can always have second thoughts." Alya crossed her arms.

"Yeah but not when it comes to this." Adrien sighed and rested his head on the desk. "We were assigned someone to marry so we have to marry them."

"But doesn't your happiness matter?" Nino asked.

Failed again.  Marinette failed another one of her classes to make her a proper Princess and failed at sneaking out of the castle. She just wants to see Plagg and Tikki and the rest of the animals again. She just wants to see Adrien. He might not return her feelings but she makes her feel safe and...home? She's never had a home but Adrien. Oh boy if you had her write a list of things she loved about him she could write for hours.

"No right right left! Stupid girl!"  Her teacher slapped her feet and Marinette stepped back before the ruler could hit. She hated this. If she messed up she would get hurt.

"Stop saying that!" Marinette snapped.  "I'm not stupid! You're just bad a teaching!" Marinetet stormed out of the room and up to hers. She's been wearing an uncomfortable dress that has been squeezing her. She literally tore the dress in half in hopes of getting it off. She got it and threw it to the side. She took of her uncomfortable high heels and broke the heel. She ran into her closet and looked for the dress Adrien gave her.  She couldn't find it.  "What happen to it!"

"Prince Nathanael had us throw the dress away." Rose came into the closet. Marinette yelled at her to get out and she did. Marinette was losing it.  Everything in her world was disappearing. She eventually found the dress tucked and hidden away in Nathanaels closet and put it on.

She ran to the castle doors and made a break for it.  She hated it here.  She wanted to go back to the forest.  Back to Adrien.  Guards caught her by the arms at the gate and she screamed at them to put her down. They didn't. they dragged her back into the castle and she cried hard. They put her in her room and locked the door. She dove her head into the pillow and cried harder. Sabine came in and tried to calm her down to no avail.

Adrien sat in his room thinking about the question Nino asked. Did his happiness matter?  He never thought about it.  He only cared about other people's happiness. Nino and Alya left hours ago and he lied on his bed thinking about what made him happy.

The Forest
His Mother

Marinette, the only person who could actually understand his struggles fully and give a reasonable response. He wanted to see her. He wanted to be with her. He wanted to be marrying her. But couldn't, they were engaged to different people. He knew when the wedding was. In two weeks. On Friday at midnight. A full moon that night. A full moon is when every Royal family would get married. Adrien groaned and rolled onto his side. He looked at the empty spot next to him. Blue hair came into view. He rubbed his eyes.

"Marinette?" He mumbled. He looked again and there she was sleeping. He smiled at her sleeping face he always saw when he visited her at night. He loved visiting her at night. That's when they would just stargaze all night. He blinked and she was gone and it was just the bedsheets. "I miss you." He whispered and lied back down on his back. He didn't sleep.

The animals knew something was wrong when Marinette nor Adrien came back.  They decided to scope it out but Plagg was forced back into the forest and Ivan was tranquilized and put back into the forest. They formed a plan. Tikki found out that they would be getting married on the same day and Mylene shared that they liked each other. Kim and Alix found out they would be marrying different people and they day of the wedding. They planned to get them together.  Even if it cost them their lives.

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