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Marinette lied still in her sleep sweating. Adrien dabbed the wet towel on her forehead. Mylene was in Marinettes arms asleep with her. Nathanael stayed in the room as Sabine and Tom went back to their castle preparing to take their daughter home. "Where did you find her again?" Adrien asked and looked at Nathanael.

"I found her in a cave on a haystack surrounded by animals." Nathanael answered and sat on Marinettes other side. He held her hand and it was sweaty. She does have a fever but it has gone down. A maid came in and put a tray on the side table then left. It had soup and water on it.

"Marinette wake up." Adrien gently woke her up. Marinette fluttered her eyes opened. "Here let me help you." He propped up pillows and helped her sit up. He put the tray on her lap. She grabbed the spoon but her hands shacked.

"C-can you help me." Marinette asked and Adrien nodded. He took the spoon and fed Marinette the soup. She drank the water and he put the tray on the side table and a maid came in and took it away.

"How're you feeling?" Nathanael asked and Marinette looked at him.

"F-fine. Who are you?" She asked and pet Mylene.

"I'm Nathanael Kurtzberg. Your fiancé." Nathanael smiled. "And you probably didn't know this but you're a princess."

"N-no I'm not. Princesses are beautiful and I'm not." Marinette held Mylene close.

"But you are beautiful." Nathanael smiled. "We'll be getting married in a few months."

"Why? I don't want to get married." Marinettes face was pink from her fever, now a small cold.

"Your parents asked me to." Nathanael smiled and Marinette felt dizzy but she felt like running. Running far.

"Marinette lie back down." Adrien pleaded as Marinette got off the bed and stumbled to the door.

"No I can't. I need to feed Ivan and Plagg and all the animals." Marinette slurred her words as she opened the door and walked through the castle to the front door.

"Marinette you need your rest. You can't go back right now." Adrien pleaded as she tried to open the door. She fell to the ground. He picked Marinette up and put her back in the bed.

"They're hurt. I need to help them." Marinette slurred again. "I need to help them." She sat up.

"Marinette please lie down." Adrien gently pushed her back. "I can go help them just stay here and rest." He said calming her.

"Okay." She fell asleep and Mylene jumped on Adrien. He walked into the forest and to the cave. Nathanael was following him.

Plagg and Tikki came up to Adrien and he laughed when Plagg licked his face. Tikki was limping and Plaggs scratch grew bigger. "Let me get you some help." Adrien said and they nodded. Adrien helped them to the castle with Ivan's help. Alya was about to scream when the animals entered but he glared at her. He helped them to Marinettes room and they lied by her bed.

"N-need a-any help?" Alya was terrified.

"A first aid and a lot of meat." Tikki rubbed her head on Adriens arm. "Oh and lettuce and berries." Alya ran and came back with Nino with everything. Adrien fixed Tikkis limp and bandaged Plaggs back. He fed the animals including Kim and Alix who's names he never got to learn.

"Why are there animals in here?" Nino asked as Ivan hugged Adrien.

"They're Marinettes friends." Adrien said out of breath. Marinette sweated in her sleep and Ivan let go and licked her forehead. Marinette groaned awake and Tikki crawled into her bed.

"Y-your s-s-s-safe." Marinette shivered. Plagg lied down behind her and wrapped his tail around her waist. Marinette lied down on Plagg and fell back asleep. Ivan bit the blanket and brought it up on her then lied down on the side of her bed. Mylene, Alix and Kim lied down on the bed with Marinette, Plagg and Tikki and fell asleep with them. But Marinette didn't sleep. "I n-need t-to g-g-g-g-go." She shivered and started to stand.

"Marinette you need to sleep." Adrien stopped her from leaving the bed.

"I-I-I-I'm f-f-f-f-fine." She shivered again.

"No you're not. You're sick please lie back down. I'll make you something to eat."

"P-P-Promise you'll m-m-m-make it?" Her face was already pink but turned pinker as Adrien lied her down.

"Promise." Adrien smiled. "If she tries to get out of bed again get me or wake up Ivan." Adrien left the room and Alya gulped. Plagg woke up and put his head on Marinettes lap and purred while Alix and Kim moved to the floor to sleep. Tikki lied at the foot of the bed.

"I'm M-M-M-Marinette." She weakly smiled.

"I'm Nino and this is Alya." Nino gulped. "They aren't going to hurt us. Are they?"

"Only if you hurt me. They're my family." Marinette weakly smiled again then broke into a fit of coughs. Tikki woke up and hit Marinettes back with her hooves gently trying not to hurt her. Marinette stopped and Tikki lied down next to her.

"What're all of their names?" Alya asked as Mylene jumped into her arms.

"That's Mylene. The coyote is Kim, the fox is Alix, the bear is Ivan and then Tikki and Plagg." Marinette lied down and Nathanael walked into the room with guards.

"Get all of these animals away from my fiancé." He ordered them and they nodded and tried to grab them. Ivan woke up and growled loudly. He stood on his hind legs and the guards brought out their swords.

"Woah!" Adrien yelled and ran into the room. He pushed Ivan back onto all fours and he snarled then turned back to Marinette. "You don't do that to her family." Adrien said while walking to the bed. he gave Marinette the tray and she was stable enough to eat herself.

"Her family? Her family aren't these diseased animals." Nathanael crossed his arms.

"They aren't diseased. They're kind and compassionate and caring. They took care of her for ten years while her parents were looking for her! They raised her!" Adrien raised his voice.

Plagg growled. "See! That animal will attack everyone in sight! I'm trying to protect my fiancé."

"He won't attack unless I say so." Marinette weakly said and held Plagg back and he purred. "None of them will unless I say so or someone provokes them." Marinette broke into another coughing fit and Tikki helped her out of it. Marinette felt dizzy and started sweating. Ivan licked her forehead and she lied down on Plagg and used him as a pillow. She fell asleep and Alix and Kim moved the tray so she wouldn't hit it in her sleep. They lied down next to her to keep her warm and fell asleep with her.

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