Chapter 45.1

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JP (Original) POV

[My conscious is moved again. I find myself in Heartland while Duel World Carnival is taking place. I see on the papers that I'm facing off against Vetrix. Although I'm very happy to help. A certain someone isn't very happy to see me inside my head]

JP (XYZ): What are you doing? Give me back my body! I won't let you have it.

JP (Original): I'm not taking your body. I'm borrowing it.

JP (XYZ): Why would I let you do that?

JP (Original) You want to beat Vetrix right? And then Dr. Faker? With my help we can do that.

JP (XYZ): Why should I trust you?

Astral: JP, let's hear what he has to say.

JP (Original): Hello, Astral, my old friend.

Astral: Why do I feel like we've met before?

JP (Original) That's because we have.

[Astral (Original) appears]

Astral (Original): Hello, JP (XYZ). Good to see you again.

JP (XYZ): There's two Astrals?

Astral (Original): Allow me to explain everything.

[Astral (Original) explains everything]

JP (Original) Everything that happened in this dimension is my fault and I'm sorry. But I want to make up for it.

JP (XYZ) I'll trust you for now. Only to beat Vetrix and Dr. Faker. Cross me and you'll be sorry.

JP (Original): I understand. Now let me take over for a while.

JP (XYZ) Fine.

[JP is shaken awake by Tori]

Tori: JP, wake up or you'll be late to the finals!

JP: Thanks, Tori, I knew I could count on you.

3rd Person POV

[JP and his friends run to the arena where everyone is waiting. The crowd is super excited. Especially students from his school. JP stands on his side of the field. Vetrix approaches]

Vetrix: Well. Well. Well. The time for us to duel is at hand.

JP: You'll pay for everything you've done, Vetrix.

Vetrix: I have no idea what you're talking about.

JP: Don't play dumb. Once I beat you I'll go after Dr. Faker.

Vetrix: I don't mind that at all. You just have to prove yourself to me.

JP: That won't be too hard.

Vetrix: Let's get this show on the road!

[JP and Vetrix activate their duel disks]

JP: Duel disk, go! Duel gazer, let's roll! Duel Interface set! Time to feel the flow!

Computer: Augmented Reality Vision Link established.

Vetrix: Go Photon Transformation!

JP: Ready, Astral?

Astral: Of course.

JP: Me and Astral overlay ourselves to build the Overlay Network.

Astral: When two souls become one, the power of Zexal is revealed!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Zexal: It's over, Vetrix.

Tori: JP turned into Zexal again.

Bronk: That means he's serious business!

Cathy: So cool!

Mr. Heartland: Let's get the finals underway!

Turn 1- Zexal

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-8000 LP

Zexal: I'll start. My turn. I place Timegazer Magician in my Pendulum Zone!

Vetrix: Pendulum Zone? What are you talking about?

Zexal: It's rude to interrupt. I summon Dragonpulse Magician in ATK Mode!

Dragonpulse Magician: Scale 1: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 900 DEF

Zexal: Turn end.

Turn 2-Vetrix

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-8000 LP

Vetrix: That's all you have? What a pity. My turn. I draw. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and another two cards face down and end my turn.

Turn 3- Zexal

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-8000 LP

Zexal: My turn. Draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Twin Twisters! I can discard a card from my hand and destroy both of your face downs!

Vetrix: No!

Zexal: I summon Goblinbergh in ATK Mode!

Goblinbergh: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 0 DEF

Zexal: His special ability allows me to summon Rose, Warrior of Revenge from my hand!

Rose, Warrior of Revenge: Level 4- 1600 ATK/ 600 DEF

Vetrix: So you're going to XYZ summon?

Zexal: Not quite! I tune Level 4 Rose, Warrior of Revenge with my Level 4 Goblinbergh! Clustering wishes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon!

Vetrix: What's a Syncro Summon?

Zexal: I could explain but I don't feel like it. Battle. Stardust Dragon, destroy his face down! Shooting Sonic!

Vetrix: No!

Zexal: Dragonpulse Magician, attack him directly!

Vetrix: Ahh!

Vetrix-8000 LP - - - 6200 LP

Zexal: Turn end.

Turn 4-Vetrix

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-6200 LP

Vetrix: Despite your tricks, I will beat you! My turn. I draw. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and another card face down and end my turn.

Turn 5-Zexal

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-6200 LP

Zexal: My turn. Draw. I place a card face down. Battle. When I have Timegazer Magician in my Pendulum Zone and a Pendulum Monster attacks, you can't activate any trap cards!

Vetrix: What?

Zexal: Dragonpulse Magician, attack his face down!

[The monster is revealed to be Heraldic Beast Eale]

Heraldic Beast Eale: Level 4- 1000 ATK/ 1800 DEF

Vetrix: Sorry our monsters are equal in strength.

Zexal: Stardust Dragon, continue on where your friend left off! Shooting Sonic!

Vetrix: Hmph.

Zexal: Turn end.

Turn 6-Vetrrix

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-6200 LP

Vetrix: My turn. I draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Mystical Space Typhoon! Say goodbye to your face down!

Zexal: Sorry. Don't think so. I activate the special ablilty of my Stardust Dragon! By sending it to the Graveyard, I can negate your spell card! Victim Sanctuary!

Vetrix: Hmph.

Zexal: Now my Stardust returns to the field!

Vetrix: Urk. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and end my turn.

Turn 7-Zexal

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-6200 LP

Zexal: My turn. Draw. I place a card face down. Battle. Stardust Dragon, attack his face down! Shooting Sonic!

Vetrix: Urk.

Zexal: Dragonpulse Magician, attack him directly!

Vetrix: Ahh!

Vetrix-6200 LP - - - 4400 LP

Zexal: Turn end.

Turn 8-Vetrix

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-4400 LP

Vetrix: I will not lose to you! My turn. I draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Advanced Heraldry Art! I can special summon two Heraldic Beasts from my Graveyard. Say hello to Heraldic Beast Eale and Herladic Beast Aberconway! I now overlay my two monsters to build the Overlay Network! I XYZ Summon! Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Vetrix: Tremble before my Number Card!

Zexal: Hahaha.

Vetrix: What's so funny?

Zexal: This! Trap card, open: Black Horn of Heaven! When you special summon exactly 1 monster, I negate its summoning and destroy it!

Vetrix: What?

Zexal: Sorry. Nice try though.

Vetrix: Urk. From my hand I activate a spell: Heraldry Reborn! I can bring back Heraldic Beast Aberconway from my Graveyard in ATK Mode!

Herladic Beast Aberconway: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 900 DEF

Vetrix: I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and end my turn.

Turn 9-Zexal

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-4400 LP

Zexal: My turn. Draw. Battle. Stardust Dragon, destroy his monster!

Vetrix: Urk.

Vetrix-4400 LP - - - 3700 LP

Zexal: Dragonpulse Magician, destroy his face down monster!

Vetrix: Urk.

Zexal: Turn end. You're running out of options, Vetrix. You also have no cards in your hand. What are you going to do?

Turn 10- Vetrix

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-3700 LP

Vetrix: My turn! I draw! I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and end my turn.

Turn 11-Zexal

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-3700 LP

Zexal: My turn. Draw. Battle. Stardust Dragon, attack his face down! Shooting Sonic!

Vetrix: Urk.

Zexal: Dragonpulse Magician, attack him directly!

Vetrix: Ahh!

Vetrix-3700 LP - - - 1900 LP

Zexal: Turn end.

Turn 12-Vetrix

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-1900 LP

Vetrix: I will not lose to you! My turn. I draw! I place a card face down and end my turn.

Turn 13-Zexal

Zexal-8000 LP/Vetrix-1900 LP

Zexal: That was your last chance. Remember you can't activate traps when a Pendulum Monster battle. My turn. Draw. I summon Timegazer Magician in ATK Mode!

Timegazer Magician: Scale 8: Level 3- 1200 ATK/ 600 DEF

Vetrix: You have...

Zexal: Yes, I have more than one copy of a monster in my deck. Only a fool has only one. This is the end. Battle. Timegazer Magician, attack him directly!

Vetrix: I can't defend myself! Ahh!

Vetrix-1900 LP - - - 700 LP

Zexal: Dragonpulse Magician, attack him directly and end this duel!

Vetrix: I can't lose to you! No!

Vetrix-700 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP

[The crowd cheers as the duel ends. JP is proclaimed the champion of the tournament. JP smiled but it didn't last long because he still had more person to go after. Dr. Faker]

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