Chapter 45.2

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3rd Person POV

[JP didn't stay to celebrate. He immediately went after Dr. Faker. JP found him in his lab. JP's friends came with him]

JP: Dr. Faker! I know you're in here!

[Dr. Faker walks in]

Dr. Falker: Ahh! How can I help you?

JP: Don't play dumb. I'm taking you down! Arm yourself!

[JP pulls out his duel disk]

Dr. Faker: Getting straight to the point.

JP: You killed Yuma's father! Who was also my father! You will pay!

Dr. Faker: Do you really think you can stop me?

JP: If you saw my last duel I know I can.

Dr. Faker: Well, I believe you are all bark and no bite. Let's do this!

[JP activates his duel disk]

JP: Duel disk, go! Duel gazer, let's roll! Duel Interface set. Time to feel the flow!

JP/Dr. Faker: Let's duel!

Turn 1-JP

JP-8000 LP/Dr. Faker-8000 LP

JP: I'll go first. My turn. I place two cards face down. I place Timegazer Magician in Pendulum Zone. I summon Goblinbergh in ATK Mode!

Goblinbergh: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 0 DEF

JP: Its ability allows me to summon Junk Synchron from my hand!

Junk Synchron: Level 3- 1300 ATK/ 500 DEF

Dr. Faker: What will you do with two useless monsters?

JP: Just watch! I tune Level 3 Junk Synchron with Level 4 Goblinbergh! Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction! I Synchro Summon! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon: Level 7- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Dr. Faker: What's a Syncro Summon?

JP: I don't feel like explaining. You don't get an explanation. Turn end.

Turn 2- Dr. Faker

JP-8000 LP/Dr. Faker-8000 LP

Dr. Faker: My turn. I draw. I special summon Oracle of the Sun from my hand in DEF Mode. If you control monsters and I don't, I can summon this monster.

Oracle of the Sun: Level 5- 1000 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Dr. Faker: I summon Garbage Ogre in ATK Mode!

Garbage Ogre: Level 3- 800 ATK/ 1300 DEF

Dr. Faker: From my hand I activate a spell: Instant Fusion! I pay 1000 LP and this allows me to summon 1 Level 5 or lower Fusion Monster from my Extra deck but it can't attack and is destroyed at the end of this turn. I choose: Giltia the D. Knight!

Giltia the D. Knight: Level 5- 1850 ATK/ 1500 DEF

Dr. Faker-8000 LP - - - 7000 LP

Dr. Faker: I end my turn with a face down.

Turn 3-JP

JP-8000 LP/Dr. Faker-8000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. Battle. Clear Wing, attack his Garbage Ogre! Spinstorm Skystrike!

Dr. Faker: Sorry! I activate my trap: Hate Buster! Both of our monsters are destroyed and you take damage equal to your monster ATK!

JP: Ahh!

JP-8000 LP - - - 5500 LP

[JP falls hard]

Tori: Get up, JP! Get on your feet!

[JP stands]

JP: I place a card face down. Turn end.

Turn 4- Dr. Faker

JP-5500 LP/Dr. Faker-7000 LP

Dr. Faker: Hahaha. My turn. I draw. I sacrifice my monster to summon Mist Archfiend!

Mist Archfiend: Level 5- 2400 ATK/ 0 DEF

Dr. Faker: Now I attack you directly!

JP: Trap card, open! Mirror Force! Your monster is destroyed!

Dr. Faker: No! I pay 2000 LP to special summon Garbage Lord from my hand in DEF Mode!

Dr. Faker-7000 LP - - - 5000 LP

Dr. Faker: I end my turn.

Turn 5-JP

JP-5500 LP/Dr. Faker-5000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I summon Flamvell Magican in ATK Mode!

Flamvell Magician: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 200 DEF

JP: Turn end.

Bronk: JP's in trouble!

Cathy: He's almost out of options!

Turn 6- Dr. Faker

JP-5500 LP/Dr. Faler-5000 LP

Dr. Faker: My turn. I draw. I can't do anything. I end my turn.

Turn 7-JP

JP-5500 LP/Dr. Faker-5000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I summon Rose, Warrior of Revenge in ATK Mode!

Rose, Warrior of Revenge: Level 4- 1600 ATK/ 600 DEF

Dr. Faker: You're going to XYZ Summon.

JP: Correct. I overlay my Level 4 Flamvell Magician and Rose, Warrior of Revenge to build the Overlay Network! Cloaked in shadows and relentless in its objective, I call upon the most dangerous of dragons! I XYZ Summon! Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon: Rank 4- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Bronk: He's got another dragon?

JP: Battle. Dark Rebellion, attack his Garbage Lord! Mauling Mandible Charge!

Dr. Faker: No!

JP: Turn end.

Turn 8-Dr. Faker

JP-5500 LP/Dr. Faker-5000 LP

Dr. Faker: This is far from over. My turn. I draw. I special summon Oracle of the Sun from my hand! I now special summon Mist Archfiend from my hand. This card is destroyed at the end of my turn and I take 1000 LP of damage but I don't care! Now it will attack your dragon!

JP: Trap card, open! Mirror Force! Say goodbye to your monster!

Dr. Faker: Not again! I end my turn.

Turn 9-JP

JP-5500 LP/Dr. Faker-5000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I place one monster face down in DEF Mode. Battle. Dark Rebellion, take out his monster! Mauling Mandible Charge!

Dr. Faker. Hmph.

JP: Turn end.

Turn 10-Dr. Faker

JP-5500 LP/Dr. Faker-5000 LP

Dr. Faker: My turn. I draw. I place a card face down and end my turn.

Turn 11-JP

JP-5500 LP/Dr. Faker-5000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. Battle. Dark Rebellion, attack him directly! Mauling Mandible Charge!

Dr. Faker: Ahh!

Dr. Faker-5000 LP - - - 2500 LP

JP: Turn end.

Turn 12-Dr. Faker

JP-5500 LP/Dr. Faker-2500 LP

Dr. Faker: I will not lose to you! My turn. I draw! I can't do anything. I end my turn.

Turn 13-JP

JP-5500 LP/Dr. Faker-2500 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. Time to end this. Dark Rebellion, attack him directly and end this duel! Mauling Mandible Charge!

Dr. Faker: Ahh!

Dr. Faker-2500 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP

[As Dr. Faker falls to the ground, a ghost appears. JP knew exactly who it was]

JP: What are you doing here?

Voice: Making sure you're doing your job.

JP: I told you when I have them all I'll return.

Voice: We are losing patience!

JP: Well tell them that I have most of them.

Voice: Hmph. Very well.

[The voice disappears. Everyone is too happy to worry about what was said. All of JP's friends cheer for him. Astral (XYZ)looks at JP in fear. He knows that JP is hiding something from him. But what is it? Astral (Original) though knew what was going on. Both JPs knew that their past was coming to haunt them]

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