Chapter 79

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Doctor was checking Vivaan.His pain was much better now.While Shivani and Reyaansh were busy.With each other.Vivaans eyes were fixed on someone.Varna was standing.Right beside.She knew his gaze was at her.He smirked.

D-"Vivaan you are perfectly fine.Need to take care.Of working late hours.Give rest to your back."

Sh-"Thank you Doctor.There is nothing major right."

V-"Mom Im fine.Didnt you hear.What he said."

D-"I understand.Mothers concern.Come I will tell you.What he needs to care of.Ok Vivaan.See you.No more uncomfortable sleeping positions.It may strain your back further."

Shivani Doctor and Reyaansh were.At door when Vivaan shrieked in pain.Varna caught his arm.Giving him support.He looked at her.From corner of his eyes.He knew there wasnt only concern for him.Something else too.But she is scared to admit.Varna frowned as she felt him.Easy and staring at her.He smiled and raised his brows.

Var-"Let me call doctor.You are in pain."

He caught her hand.Pulling her to him.She was shocked to see him.All fine when he winced in pain.Few moments ago.He smirked.

V-"He cant heal my pain.Person who has given this pain.Can only heal."

She got up in process.Hurting his hand and shoulder.He smirked seeing her leaving room.

V-"Listen make something nice.For lunch today."

Nothing in life goes smooth.With efforts or pain.Varna was getting same feeling today.From morning she has started.In her mission.Of making perfect shaped Jalebi.But every time she tries.Result was coming weird.She was to give up finally.

L-"Varna you are trying.From morning.Leave it now."

Var-"I cant give up.So soon."

L-"Soon?Is it soon.Look at your face.Exhausted."

Nandini came from work.She could smell.Fresh aroma of something from kitchen.She could see Varna with chef hat looking.Cute like doll.Lata briefed her about mission Jalebi.Taking tea out for everyone.

N-"What perfect way.To end my hunger.Relish these fresh Jalebis."

Var-"They look horrible.I think I have to give up."

N-"Whats there on shape.Taste is all that matters.Yum this is so good."

Var-"You are saying that.To keep my heart."

N-"Promise on Jalebis.No."

Both had a light hearted moment.Varna thought to give last try.While Nandini left to change.Everyone were out having.Good chat with evening tea.Varna Shetty never fails.She didnt knew why.After long this challenging spirit.Inside her was back.Mission Jalebi will be successful for her.She started again.Taking batter.Before that she thought of some trick.Some batter was spread on her forehead.She looked too cute.Biting her nails.Someone couldnt keep his eyes off.From her standing near kitchen door.He came back from office.As usual looking for his wife.To annoy her.He was surprised to know.She was into something.Whole day.

Varna took deep breath.Aiming to shape perfect Jalebi.On oil in the pan.When she felt actually.Design was going perfect.She smiled for moment.But then realized.How her hand was doing that bit.On its own.She could feel his breath.On her cheeks.Her heartbeats almost stopped.Feeling him close to her.His hand tightly on her wrist.Guiding her perfectly.She wished to push him away.Right that moment.But she didnt.His smirk and those calm eyes.As if took her in some different world.Their eyes met.Taking them to some world.Where nothing existed.

V-"Why do I see.Something for me in your eyes."

Var-"There is nothing."

V-"Then stop staring at me."

Var-"Im not."

The cough of third person.Got them back to world.Both stepped out.Nandini  tried best.Hide her smile.As she approached them.Caught embarrassed.In situation.All she could see.Was big shaped Jalebi.On pan.Which was almost fried.She took it out on plate.

N-"I havent seen.This beautiful Jalebi in my life.Great teamwork.I must say."

Varna run away from there.Making Nandini laugh.While Vivaan glared at her.

Jalebi became hot topic.In dining table.While they were served hot and crispy.As dessert.Varna wouldnt stop.Becoming red with teasing.Remarks from Reyaansh and Nandini.Vivaan stayed mum.Obviously giving her weird looks.

She was folding Pranushs clothes.At night.Keeping them neatly.He came faking yawn.Acting as if he was sleepy.Little one was on bed.Joining his father.He knew it was time to play before going to sleep.Varna smiled seeing chub.So hyper.Vivaan faked to get hurt.Placing him on his torso.Every time he gave that expression.Pranush would squeal.Give him heartful smile.

V-"You have become.So heavy chub.Show me your muscles."

As baby continued shower love on his father.Varna came to change babys clothes for night.She powdered him.Making him wear comfortable dress.He was dancing.Standing on bed holding her hand.Joy of both Vivaan and Varna.Doubles seeing this little fellow.In his best mood.

V-"Someone looks very happy today.Pranu did you also get Jalebi."

Mention of Jalebi.Took away smile from Varnas face.She made Pranush sleep.On bed between them.Then dimmed lights.Vivaan patted on babys chest.Kissing him night.As he went to deep slumber.He then saw his wife.Adjusted on couch.With book on her hand.

V-"Didnt knew.Reading book is not allowed on bed."

She raised her eyes.Finding him on bed.Staring at wall.As if having a conversation.Rolling her eyes she didnt pay him attention.But he wasnt less adamant.He kept on blabbering.Something or other.Which ended up.On making her shift on but.But book was left on couch.She covered her face with blanket.Not interested to argue with him.Vivaan smirked.Dancing on his victory from inside.

V-"Says she hates me.Doesnt fail to hear what I say.My beloved wife."

Varna was applying butter on toast.Looking lost somewhere else.From morning Vivaan was being.Normal unlike other days.He didnt annoy her.Cribbing for small things or willingly.Messing up things.So that he can call her every minute.This didnt go well with her.What if he has some other plans.

While everyone were having breakfast.She saw him coming down.All dressed for office and she went to kitchen.To get something.He took his seat smiling at everyone.But his eyes looked for her.He excused himself from there.

She was pouring juice in jug.When almost threw it on floor.He came behind her.His front touching her back.He caught jug on time.Giving her playful look.

V-"Be careful Varna.Are you alright."

Var-"What are you doing.I mean.Why are you here."

V-"Is there any rule.I cant come to kitchen."

He was conversing with her.Still standing in same position.Could see from her face.She was going weak.Something that happens.Whenever he gets closer to her.She didnt miss stare at his face.He looked handsome.In royal blue blazer.Hair gelled and those specs.He wore.His gaze was piercing her from there.In moment he got closer to her ear.Whispering leaving hot breathes.

V-"I Know I look hot.Dont have to stare at me like that."

She shut her eyes.Holding jug and wanted to run from there.He held her hand.Not in mood to free her.

Var-"Let me go.I was thinking.Why you didnt to anything.To annoy me.What do you get.Doing all this."

V-"I love seeing that tension.Redness that comes on your face.You look beautiful.Wiht all that."

His husky voice.Made her heart flutter.Only she knew how she gained control on herself.She succeeded on freeing herself from his hold.

Varma made sure she was at distance.From him on breakfast table.She fed Pranush with great difficulty.As Vivaan moved around.Whole time on pretext of getting.Something or other.Keeping others busy.Engaging them in some conversation.She had enough.She wiped babys mouth.Done feeding him.Saw him sitting on his place.Having breakfast.Finding it safe she went to her chair standing there.Finding toast and buttering it.Within seconds he was just there near her.Knife fell from her hand.With this sudden shock.He picked knife for her.Slowly whispering.

V-"Why do you even try.At smart.When you arent.No matter where you run off to.You will always find me.Beside you.You can think of leaving me.I cant.Never."

His words had deep meaning.She knew but at moment.His presence was too much.Distracting for her.With everyone around she felt more scared.It was when he passed toast to her.His intenze gaze had such effect on her.He left from there munching on an apple.She came out of trance.Seeing toast was done.He did it for her.He could see her smirking at her.From bit far.He was becoming dangerous.For her.

Varna was almost starving.From morning.Thanks to Vivaans continuous efforts.Make her go weak.She was in room.Handling Pranush who was in bad mood.His brows frowned every time he tried.Taking attention of his mother.Who was in some other thoughts.Vivaan was ready for office.He came back to room.

V-"So lost thinking about me.Dear wife."

He broke her trance.His voice made her tremble.Why does he have to get so close.She took step back.Picking up Pranush in her arms.As safety.He smiled at childish.Effort of his wife.He adjusted his specs.Got another step closer to her.She frowned.

Var-"I have kept your things.On bed."

V-"I have eyes.I know.Im here to say goodbye."

She got scared seeing him.Advancing towards her.Way he was going from morning.She wasnt sure if he.Was to take what step.Her throat dried.As he approached her.More closer and she shut her eyes.Her heart beating fast.She was expecting something to happen.Till he surprised her.As she opened her eyes.She saw him placing kiss on Pranushs cheek.Moving back.He wished to laugh.Seeing his wifes face.Which was white with horror.

V-"Its alright.There is still time.For that to happen."

He winked at her.Cooing his sons cheeks.Left room.She could finally take breath of relief.Seeing baby relaxed now.She sat on bed.Hungry tired.But her mind restless.He will come back at home.Where will she go then.Hugging Pranush closer to her.She felt bit calm.

Vivaans advancement towards Varna.Were surprisingly not bothering her much.With days she started.Gradually accepting fact.He wont listen to her.While he developed this ease with her.Randomly brush her hand with his.If sitting with everyone.Tease her catching her hand.Sit closer to her.He knew it would take time for her.But he believed she was his wife.It was just getting hard.For herself to fight with her mind.Give acceptance to him.One thing that mad Varna question herself.His light touches.Closeness didnt make her uncomfortable.But whenever he touched her.She went through different feeling.Never experienced before.

Vivaan was on bed with Pranush.On his chest.Not in mood to sleep.Varna was combing her hair.Watching duo through mirror.At same time.She smiled at father son.Vivaan does get tired after whole days work at office.She never saw him expressing.Discomfort for giving time to Pranush.No matter how late it was.She saw his gaze at him.Her face frowned and she diverted her attention.He shook his head.

V-"So chub is not in mood to sleep.What can we do now."

Pranush tried to converse.With him in his own language.Which melted his heart.Ending up making babys face red.Thanks to his kisses.Loud chuckle made Varna smile too.While she joined them on bed.With her book.She didnt wanted to disturb father son.But they had some plans too.To make her join.Pranush saw her with book.He knew what she does.With it.He frowned looking at it.It always keeps his mother.Busy and sort fo possessiveness developed in him.Vivaan was slowly observing him.As his tiny hands.Went to touch on book.Varna raised her brows confused.Next little one angrily made book.Land on bed.Screaming hell out of his voice.This made both Vivaan and Varna.Confused and then they laughed.

P-"Amaaa.Ni nuu.Amaaa."

He was trying to say.He needs his mother too.With his father when he will sleep.He didnt stop till.Varna kept book away.Engaging herself with duo.

V-"My chub is smart just like me.But anger issues.Like your mother."

Var-"Pranu Im here.See."

Baby shifted to her.Hiding his face in her shoulder.Varna ruffled his hair.Showering him with kisses.Vivaan witnessed all this.With content smile on face.She had that magic.which casts spell.On his son.As well as himself.She became conscious seeing him.It didnt take long.For baby to fall asleep.Sucking his thumb.In her arms.Vivaan was sleeping too.Being tired and hearing story.Varna was telling Pranush.Varna shifted Pranush comfortably.Covering him with blanket.Soon after her eyes fell on big baby.She went to his side switching off lamp.Then looked at him.Pranush got his hair.From his father.Vivaan stirred in sleep.Frowning and she saw reason.Slowly she adjusted pillow under his head.Seeing relief on his face.Both father son were so much alike.


Can see so many readers.Disappointed with me for not giving regular updates.I will only say I love writing.So if Im unable to update my book.On right time.Then there is some reason behind it.Im sorry to keep you all waiting.But its not easy for me to type such long updates.I try hard and this time.Length is short.This book needs really long chapters.

Thank you to those.Who always understand me.Still supporting this book.I will update next chapter soon.Im sorry to keep.You all waiting every time.

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