Chapter 81

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V-"Whats more important for you.To discuss what happened last night or.Rest before you faint again."

Var-"You are twisting words.Tell me about last night.What happened."

Vivaan rolled his eyes.At his wife who was behaving like adamant child.At moment.He knew if he tells her in detail.About last night then another war will start.She might scream and even pull his hair.It was better to say what would keep lioness.Silent for some time.

V-"Fine.You want to know what happened right.Then be it."

Way he was advancing towards her.With intense expression on face.Made Varna scared.She clutched on blanket.Biting her lips and he was way closer to her face.His breathe fanned her face.She moved her face.Unable to take this proximity.Vivaan was aware of effect he has on her.He pushed her hair behind her ear.Touching sweet spot.It made her shiver.He spoke huskily to her.

V-"A lot happened.Last night Varna.Im happy it did.Made me clear that I was right."

She found some courage to speak.But her voice quivered.

Var-"What was right."

V-"Im never wrong.I was convinced that you."

She had enough of him testing her patience.It was at peak.He looked down.As if acting shy scratching his ear.Making it more tense for her.She frowned her brows at him.Fearing his next word.

V-"That you.Can snore so hard in fever.My ears werent shown any mercy.Do you do that often or only in fever while sleeping."

He broke into laughter next second.While she fumed in anger.She wished to pull his hair right at moment.He smirked at her.He loves seeing that red face of hers.She looked better in this kind of anger.He couldnt dare to let truth out.

Var-"You are sick."

V-"Thank you wife.Now catch some sleep.Snore as much as you wish to."

She covered her fully with blanket.As he winked blowing flying kiss to her.Leaving room with some satisfaction that she will be normal.

Varna was bored whole day.Almost locked in room with strict instructions.Not to come down for any work.She was yearning to see Pranush.However Lata got him to her while feeding her lunch.She was too weak.As fever wasnt fully gone yet.Time to time someone or other came.To feed her something.As per Vivaans instructions.He also played some part.On irritating her coming in room.In some pretext or other.Deep down Varna felt light.It wasnt awkward between them after last nights interaction.Remembering last day.She thought to look for pictures and things.That was scattered one side of room.She was confused seeing nothing around.Vivaan must have kept them somewhere.So that no one gets to see.

It was evening when she came down.Wrapping stole around her.It was getting cold in these days.She smiled lightly seeing.Everyone gathered in hall.Discussing something or other with tea.Pranush was with Reyaansh.Vivaan saw Varna.Getting up with eyes to be mad at her.For coming down.He knew she will busy herself with some work.

V-"Didnt I tell you.To rest for day.Why cant you."

Var-"I feel suffocated there.Im better now."

Sh-"Vivaan let her be here.With us.She will feel better.Stop being harsh on her.Varna come sit here."

Seeing Varnas sad face.Shivanis heart melted and she showed eyes to Vivaan.Lata helped Varna to sit on chair.Pranush jumped to her lap.Touching her cheeks.Keeping check on his mother if fever was there.Varna felt solace hugging him.Sort of relief washed her feeling his warmth.Vivaan saw duo with love in his gaze.He showed anger at her for coming here.But he was happy inside.Varna have accepted this family from heart.He could see in her actions.For day she wasnt doing what she is used to whole day.In this house and it was visible.How she wasnt feeling good about it.She loves her family.

R-"So Varna how are you feeling now.Nandu was telling me.Anna you could have woken me up last night."

V-"for what?You were sleeping.How I would have dared ruin your beauty sleep."

Reyaansh sulked while everyone.Laughed including Varna.Pranush asked her to feed him.Pudding which Lata prepared for him.

R-"Its not fair alright.Only Pranu supports me in this house.No one else.COme give me hi five champ."

Pranush was too busy.Checking out pudding.He frowned at Reyaansh and asked Varna.To give him a spoon already.Everyone started laughing seeing.This Junior Reddy giving royal.Ignore in such way.Reyaansh sulked hard.

R-"Even you ditched me."

V-"Whose son after all.Dont worry you have Nandu.Where is she."

R-"Perks of marrying doctor.Still busy checking on patients."

V-"Feel for you brother.How many are lucky like me."

Vivaan winked with sly grin.Though both brothers were in fun mood.This didnt get missed by Varna.She stole glances at Vivaan.Her heart raced hearing his words.Did he really meant that.He was lucky with her.She went back to hyper Pranush.Asking for sweet thing that tempted him.To fill his tummy.

Sh-"Vivaan Reyaansh since you all are here.Its good.You remember Naren Anna.Your fathers cousin.His daughter is getting married next week.Last time we couldnt go to attend his elder daughters wedding.He was very angry.This time we have to be present for everything."

R-"Naren Uncle and his big fat family.But they settled in Chennai long back right."

L-"Yes and we have to start tomorrow only.If we want to attend all functions."

V-"Are you serious.Mom how is it possible to leave everything here.For week and attend wedding in Chennai.I cant.You all carry on."

Sh-"I knew it.Vivaan how many family functions have you attended in all these years.This time I wont hear anything from you.He is very close to us.Your Dad is already going there directly.Have asked all of us to be present."

V-"Fine but Mom.What about Varna.I mean her health is not well.I dont think its right to make her travel.In this state."

Varna was hearing everything.While feeding Pranu.First thought of attending family function.Made her nervous.But next moment hearing Vivaan.His denial on attending made her feel weird.He would have forced her for everything.She believed but this was unlike.He knew how she was uncomfortable to be around people.But for some reason.She felt nice from inside.Seeing his support for her.

Sh-"I was thinking that.Cant ask her to come with us in this state."

V-"Thats why Im saying.You guys carry on.We will be here.I will personally apologize to Uncle."

L-"Vivaan this wont be right.You know how dear you were to Naren Anna.He couldnt attend Reyaansh wedding too.Have asked you many times to visit him.But you kids dont pay heed to words.If you refuse to visit again this time.He will be very hurt."

Sh-"Lata is right.But what can be done."

V-"Do one thing.You all leave tomorrow.There is still time for wedding right.We will join after two days.Once Varna starts feeling better."

This seemed like better suggestion to which.Everyone agreed with smile except Varna.She felt stuck in both ways.For two days she will be alone with him.In this house and then.She have to attend his family function.

The house felt empty to Varna.In all true way today.Whole family left in morning.In night it feels it has been a week or month already.She could hear dead silence it seemed.After boiling milk for Pranush.She went up in room.Giving him bottle.She was lost in many thoughts.How in such small time.She didnt realize when she has accepted this family as her own.They are part of her life now.Light smile came on her lips.Remembering each one of them.Before leaving they gave her instructions.To take care of herself.Shivani reprimanding Vivaan not to trouble her.Nandini warned her better attend wedding.Function and not making any excuse.

After marriage everything changes for girl.She leaves her own house.Have to accept another family as own.But where was all this for Varna.It has been ride for her.Everything is different for her.She havent been in contact with her own family.For months time.Do they still care for her.They are in touch with Vivaan.Does she care enough.Her heart felt pain.Soon enough with strange feeling.She has family now.Yes she has them.It was because of him she has family.

Vivaan was working in his laptop.Pranush was put to sleep.He found Varna still awake.She have been feeling weird.Since time everyone left.He was happy to see change.She was missing his family.No it was their family.She was brushing her hair with frown on face.Found him gazing at her.

Var-"What.Cant I even brush my hair."

V-"Yes but without a frown.Were you born with frown on face.Imagine instead of crying.You were glaring at person.Who saw you first.Hey its me Varna Shetty."

Var-"You can never stop.Troubling me.I will tell Mom once she comes back."

She stopped in her words.Realizing what she said.As she cursed her mouth.Vivaan was shocked.With tint of happiness.

V-"WHat did you say.You will tell this to MOM."

Var-"Ah yeah.I mean your mom.I think I should sleep now."

She hurried to bed.Taking quilt and saving herself from facing him.It will be more difficult for her.With each barrier breaking between them.Vivaan left her for night.Because he could finally feel sense of relief.He wished to hear once again.From her mouth.He looked at her sleeping peacefully.

Varna didnt knew for how long.She slept.It was due to medicines or something else.She had peaceful sleep last night.She yawned finding Pranush playing.Beside her on bed.Which means he was up.Fed milk by Vivaan.He gave her cheeky smile.To which she kissed her cheeks.Brushing his curls.She could hear noise from downstairs.It was Vivaans voice.Some girls voice too.Who was laughing too loud.

She came down to find.Vivaan standing at door.With embarrassing look.Eyes down and hands neatly tucked inside pockets.Her view was clear as she guessed it.Who must have been guest.She approached them with fire in eyes.

"Oh Vivaan.Your hair looks so silky.This style suits you.This shirt.Its my favorite color."

The girl was eyeing him with love looks.While Vivaan couldnt do anything.To stop this coming to him.Why he had to open door.With the mad girl.Crushing on him badly.

Vivaan followed Varna.He was relieved to get rid of girl.But his wife was not in mood.He knew that.

V-"Varna listen to me.You could have handled her with patience.I mean.She was.Asking for sugar only."

Var-"You are so shameless.You knew all this while.She comes here to flirt you.Sugar salt and oil.All excuses.Wait you enjoy that.Dont you.Men are same."

V-"What nonsense.When did you see me.Giving her same looks.I mean she is like.Sister to me."

Var-"Why couldnt you tell her that.I get everything.You men can only talk big."

She stopped feeling.Him catching her hand.Making her face him.He had challenging smirk on his face.His touch made her nervous.

V-"Give me chance then.I will show you.I dont only talk big.I can do.Much better."

He knew she was going weak.There he has to get her.She made her hand loose on her.Leaving kitchen area.When heard his voice.

V-"Varna Shetty jealous.Over small girl.What a scene."

She shut her eyes.Closing door of her room.Was he right.No this cant be.What she did was weird.So not of her.She never preferred to interfere.In others matter.Specially when its Vivaan.She always minds her own business.Why was it hurting her so much.When he was approached by someone else.She thought again.How badly she insulted girl.Who left in tears after Varna.Warned her that she would call her mother.Informing her that how her daughter comes here often.She forced her to treat Vivaan as her elder brother.It was sight to watch.When little girl made face at Varna.Running away crying.Vivaan was standing lost.

She was taking out dirty clothes for washing.When it came to her mind.Living with him for so many days.She could say he wasnt one.Initiating any conversation.He wasnt characterless.She knew him.That much now.She kicked washing machine in frustration.All this shouldnt be happening to her.She needs shower.Back to book reading badly.

In evening it was getting windy.As if storm will hit.Varna closed all windows.Seeing father son duo busy in pranks.Pranush giggles were loud.As he was fascinated by his father.Mkaing weird faces and sounds.

V-"Mom called when you were sleeping.She asked you to pack.Sarees and all.Give her call.Once you are free."

Var-"Hmm.I wanted to have word with you."

V-"Why word.You can tell me in sentence."

She made face at him.While they could hear.Loud giggle from Pranush.Vivaan ate his cheeks.In fun and kissed him.Making him all red.

Var-"Its useless to even think.Talk with you normally."

She banged whatever in her hand.On table and left.Vivaan laughed with his baby.

Storm has started soon enough.With power cut.Seemed like whole night it was going to rain.Vivaan had emergency light with him.When he opened door to his room.Luckily they had dinner before.Pranush was sleeping.It was good with babies.Whatever may happen.They are in their own world and routine.He raised his brows.Finding Varna settled at one of corner.In rooms.With thunders getting loud.It looked they were scaring her.She was startled as he tapped on her shoulder.

V-"Sorry.Did I scare you."

Var-"Nno.Im not scared."

She fixed her stole.Going to bed.Checking on Pranush.Another thunder rolled.Making her move in her place.Vivaan didnt miss that.She saw him.

Var-"I.I was moved by noise."

V-"Yeah.I can see."

After sometime.She found him coming with two mugs of coffee.He passed it to her.She took it without showing any denial.He took small sips.Both sat in silence.Hearing thunders.Small patter sounds of rain.

V-"This storm is sudden.Dont think it will stop before morning."

Var-"Storms are always.Sudden.They never warn you before coming."

V-"As long as they are harmless.How does it matter.They have their own way.To heal."

Var-"To destroy.I have always seen destruction."

He saw her slowly.Placing her lips in rum of mug.His eyes stuck on her face.Her kohl line eyes.Looked so deep and beautiful.They had so much in them.Wish she would let it out to him.

V-"We all have to face.Unlikely storms at some point of our life Varna.Life doesnt stop.For us."

Var-"But it goes still.You dont know where to go."

V-"Where to find direction.Or even wondering.If there is any new direction for you.Time stands still.Life becomes meaningless."

She could feel.Sudden pain and depth in his words.He havent heard him saying.Like this.He looked at her.Both shared meaningful look.Night was making them remember.Storm that washed passed their lives.

V-"Some storms make us realize.Nothing is permanent in life.You better watchout.Ones who are with you.Cherish every moment.Live your life in way.You can always think.And later make it part of you."

Sudden silence prevailed.As rains gushed down heavily.Varna breathed high.Remembering her pain and grief.But she didnt knew why.For first time she could feel his pain.

Var-"You do miss Ramya.Im sorry."

V-"I dont need anyone to feel.Sorry for my loss.Because its going to stay with me.For life."

His words hurt her.Unknowingly.What was she expecting.But his next words stunned her.

V-"She will always be.Part of us.Forever."

Her eyes brimmed.With tears.He locked them with his.Both were in moment of pain.

Var-"I have always misunderstood you.Maybe."

V-"Wrong.You never tried to understand me perhaps."

Var-"Did you ever try?"

He was caught by her words.She smiled brushing off.Small drop that came on her cheek.She kept mug down.Composing herself.

V-"I just.Need chance.You are finding it to hard to give."

Var-"I was never like this Vivaan.I.Im scared.I dont know why.Life has given me so many wounds.From my own people.It has become.Thing for me now.To keep losing.I dont know.If I will ever gain anything."

V-"You gain only when you give.Try once.Giving yourself to someone.Just chance Varna.It wont harm."

Var-"You dont know.How it works with me.Im tired of getting harmed."

V-"I wont let any harm come to you.Its a promise.Trust me."

She stared at him.With helpless look.Did someone ever told her words.To have trust.Faith on.Can she ever get chance in life.

Var-"I dont trust myself.To be able to give anything.To anyone.I have nothing."

V-"Let me decide on that.You just give.A chance.Fair enough."

She was gulping down tears.Making her weak from inside.Soon enough she felt.Him clasping her hand.Tightly into his.She wanted to take her one out.But his hold was strong.He was looking in direction of window.Rain was pouring down.He spoke calmly.

V-"I promise.I will face every storm.With you.Being strong ever."

She didnt knew.Why she let him hold her.That night.She didnt wish him to leave her.Her eyes felt heavy.And she didnt knew when she stopped hearing him.At one point submissing herself to him.But without letting it out.

The night passed.Bringing morning with brightest rays of sun.Vivaan frowned.With rays disturbing him.As he opened his eyes.Taking small yawn.He could sense it was morning.Didnt knew when he was sleeping.Being with her all night.Sitting like this.Only thing that made him smile.Seeing her face covered with strands of hair.First thing in morning.He moved them.As she shifted.Her head was rested on his shoulder.He could feel.She has loosened.Tightness that she held.As barrier between them.He also knew they have to.Go long way to seal this as relationship.It wasnt normal after all.Too fragile for them.


First thing I want to know.How was chapter?Do you still feel connected to this book?

I hope everyone is safe and at home.This shall pass too.Let us be together in this.Im continuing this book.Not going anywhere.Thank you for asking about my health.For being so patient.It took me time.To write.Being busy with house work.Hope you all do understand.

Please do not forget to vote and comment.


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