Chapter 88

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It is said wise that one can never imagine.How a happy moment.Can be replaced by a sudden devastating one.Same happened with Reddy family.When they got news of Prakash being in hospital.They had to move to their own house in Chennai as they couldnt stay back there.With wedding festivities still around.

In the hospital a medical team was seen running around attending emergency case.Since time Prakash was brought there.He was in very serious condition.Then they announced he suffered massive heart attack.Karuna was shattered sitting on one of empty benches.With Nandini trying to console her.Reyaansh made calls back home.Informing them about status.The sun will be up any time.Still darkness prevailed here.Vivaan came along with doctor who looked unsure.

D-"Mr Vivaan right now we cant say anything.It was big one.We are running all tests.Can only say anything after we get results.I have consulted his family doctor.I believe he was under some stress.Dont worry lets hope for best."

Vivaan couldnt take breath of relief.With unsure words of doctor his heart.Went stiff with fear.An unknown guilt.Crept upon him.He looked at pale face of Karuna.She has been crying but sitting like that since time they came here.She had to bring her brother alone here.

V-"Aththai dont worry.Appa will be fine.We all are here.Its about time."

K-"Time.Its about that only which takes away everything."

Reyaansh went to get some medicines.While Nandini accompanied him to get water for Karuna.Vivaan came and sat beside Karuna.he didnt knew right words to console.This family have seen enough.

K-"I knew about this.Prakash.He was in stress always.From last few days he stopped taking medicines on time.Having proper meals.No matter how hard I tried.I couldnt."

V-"Aththai.He will be fine.You could have.Told us about this."

K-"I wanted to but.He asked me not to.From time he came to know you are coming here.He wanted to see Pranu once.Yesterday he was restless.I wanted to tell you but he thought.What if Varna doesnt like.I have seen him breaking down.He couldnt take unwanted accusations.hate from his own daughter.After Ramya left.He thought Varna would fill up that empty space.We were wrong.She distanced herself from us so much.Doesnt even want to see our face.Because of this.He is in condition like this today.I dont know if he will survive."

V-"He will.Nothing will happen to him."

Karuna wiped her tears.Kept strong face.Her heart was beating fast every moment with tension.Still she had ray of hope.

K-"If something happens to my brother.I wont forgive her.She made a father suffer."

Vivaan looked back at her with horror.From time he heard this news.Only one thing went in his mind.What if worst would happen.He wouldnt let that happen as he knew.How everything would come back to square one for her.He got up and walked ahead.As Nandini was back with Karuna.

Walking close to emergency cabin.His eyes fell on sight.Which shattered his heart.She was standing there.Her face blank as white as ghost.Body stiffened and her hands.On glass that was barrier between her and her father now.Her eyes were fixed on Prakash lying lifeless inside room.Vivaan came closer.To see yet again how she was staring at.With depth in her eyes.He could hear her breath slow but inside it was storm.He shut his eyes and touched her shoulder.She didnt move.

V-"He will be fine.Varna."

His words couldnt move her at all.He called her out again.But she was lost.It was when he pulled her slowly.getting her hands down and made her face him.Her eyes were still at glass.His voice cracked.Seeing her in this state.

V-"Varna please.Dont."

She turned to face him.Her eyes had an emptiness.She gave him blank look.Again looked at her father.Trying to get closer to him.When felt tug.Vivaan caught her strongly from shoulders.She felt lump on her throat.She only gestured through her hands to him.Showing her father inside.He could feel what she was trying to tell him.Giving a nod to her.He held her hands which were dead cold.He held them strongly.

V-"Yes I know.He will be fine.Back to health again.Come sit here."

She was adamant not to move from there.Vivaan was scared of her silence.He didnt wanted her to meet anyone else at moment.Specially after his interaction with Karuna.Blame was last thing he wanted her to face.

Var-"I.I dont want.Him.Leave.To leave.Will he leave me?"

Her voice created a pain in his heart.He wasnt able to decipher.He shut his eyes and fiercely hugged her.Bringing her closer to his heart.He let her stay there.A drop of tear came down her cheeks.As she rested her head near his heart.Her eyes slowly closed.Absorbing pain.Her hands made their way to his back.She wanted him.She needed him today to be there for her.She hugged him back.He tightened his grip.Rubbing her back and head.Placing light kiss there.Shouting out loud in silence that he was there.He was there with her.For her.He could only hear her whisper.

Var-"Im scared."

It was already morning.Vivaan felt his eyes paining.As he opened them.He didnt knew when they were sitting down beside bench.Outside of Prakashs cabin.He could make out it was morning from noise around.He checked time.Felt weight on his shoulder.Being careful he tried to balance Varna.When saw her eyes wide open.He could see them red.Swollen which meant she was awake whole time.She raised her head without telling him a word.Both got up.He held her hand strongly.

Vikram and Shivani came in early morning.After Reyaansh and Nandini left for home.Pranush was with Lata in safe hands.Though he was making fuss not finding his parents with him.Prakashs condition was still unstable.Tests reports didnt came favorable.Shivani was trying to handle rather broken Karuna.

V-"Dad what did doctor say.Sorry I was."

Vik-"things are not good.He is not responding to treatment.They will keep him under observation for some more time.dont know how all this happened."

V-"I just hope.He gets back soon.He have to."

Vikram gave pat to his sons shoulder.His eyes didnt miss girl.Hiding behind Vivaan.In broken state.Her face said that.He wasnt aware about her issues with her family.All he knew she didnt visit them for long time.

Vik-"I suggest you both go home.Take some rest and come back.We are here now."

V-"No Dad.Im fine.We will wait."

Vik-"Vivaan see her state.She is not well.Go back home.You can come later."

He looked back at his wife.Who shaked her head.By any means she will stay there.Whatever happens.He gave nod to her.Telling her through eyes he will stay.

Each moment was getting heavier.Somehow few hours passed.Vivaan somehow forcefully made Varna have juice.He could see her condition well.If she doesnt have anything she will faint any moment.He couldnt take risk.What surprised him was she didnt protested.Having juice in silence.It was nearly afternoon when they got news.Prakash regained consciousness.Only his family members were allowed to see him for few minutes.

Vikram Shivani and Vivaan stood outside cabin.Varnas heart as if jumped with desperateness to see her father once.Vivaan without any thoughts left her hand to let her go.She was at door when Karuna blocked her way.Vivaan frowned seeing that.

K-"Where do you think you are going.My brother is still critical.I want him to recover soon.For that only I can trust myself."

Var-"Athth.Athaii please."

Vivaans heart broke.Seeing her in such vulnerable state.He was about to get in conversation when Shivani held him back.She eyed him not to go between them.Karuna was not in state to face any heated argument.After all Varna was their daughter.So its better to give them space.Vivaan stayed back helplessly.

K-"Why now.Where were you when your Appa.Needed you most?He cried and begged you meet him once.But you took some oath not to see our faces.Just to satisfy your ego.Isnt it.Why did you let your ego cross every limit.Today my brother is in this state.Because of you.I dont know if I will be able to save him but.I wont forgive you ever.For doing this to him.Didnt you do same with your sister?She used to yearn to get glimpse of you and you.I wont let you go today.Because you dont deserve to.Go from here."

Karuna got inside mercilessly crushing hope of Varna.She stared at closed door.About to fall back.When held by Vivaan.Shivani somehow felt Karunas anger was justifiable.In al these days he have seen how Varna avoided her family.What was it so deep that she didnt feel like.Seeing or calling them once.She has seen  dead tone she spoke with them.She felt bad today but wasnt it expected.

The journey from hospital to home was silent.Vivaan didnt knew if he had words to console her.He wanted Karuna to take back  her words.He cursed himself for not doing that.How did he let her go back to damn thing again.He kept on stealing glances at her.While driving.She havent shed single tear or spoke word.Since that time.

Lata opened door to receive them.She asked both of them to take rest.Varna walked aimlessly.Ignoring cries of her baby too.She was in different world.Vivaan took Pranush.Trying to keep him calm.

She got inside room shutting door.He was scared thinking if she locked it.To his luck He opened door to find her sitting down like a lifeless doll.He sat beside her.He has no words to console her.He came to her and sat beside her.He kept on looking at her.She shut her eyes.Hugging her knees.

Var-"I want to be alone.For some time.Please."

At moment he thought it was best.As she needed time and space.But his heart had fear too.Leaving her alone in this state.He went out slowly closing door.Her sight pained him to death.He only wanted patience for her to bear all pain.As he thought more and wondered.How she was in same condition before.Because of all blame.Accusations he put on her.He was ashamed to face himself.He wished if it wouldnt have happened.

It was evening.Prakashs condition improved little bit.Still risk was there.Everyone got back home.Shivani brought Karuna with them not finding it sane to leave her alone in this situation.Vivaan had enough leaving her on her own for whole day.She didnt have food or anything which made him tensed.He found door opened and barged inside room.

His heart escaped beat when he saw her lifeless body on floor.He rushed to her.Taking her in his arms.She was burning with fever.Hardly able to open her eyes.tear stricken.He could only hear her mumbles.


Doctor was called to check on her.Though others were informed.Vivaan made sure to handle it on his own.Reyaansh and Nandini have already left for Hyderabad as someone had to be there.They didnt knew how long it will take them to be back.Shivani touched Varnas head.Feeling bad for her.She asked Vivaan to call them if he needs anything.

He rested his head on bed rest.Beside her.Every second checking on her.Fever wasnt going down.Even after doctor gave her injection.It was his fault to take her there.Staying silent and letting her face humiliation again.He almost cried to lose her.Which he wont be able to afford.He bent down and kissed her head.Shedding drop of tear from his eye.He couldnt see her like this.He wanted her to fight back.Like she always did.At night he made her have medicines.She couldnt protest feeling weak.Hardly able to keep her eyes open.Fell back to sleep again.


Vivaan didnt leave his son for moment.Hugging him close to his heart.Shutting his eyes.He felt bad for little one.Who wasnt able to understand what happened to his mother.His eyes were at her.Who was lifeless not responding to her.He kept on calling her.Crying not getting any response from her.He rubbed his eyes complaining to Vivaan.He kissed him and tried to make him sleep.Which was getting way bit difficult.After some time his sobs slowed down.He slept with face washed with tears.sucking his thumb.His other hand held Varna stole tightly.Vivaan had hard time distancing him away from Varna.He kissed his head and shifted him to crib comfortably.His back and head ached badly.

Feeling thirsty he found jug was empty.Taking quick glance at Varna.He dimmed lights and went out to bring water.As he came out he found someone standing there.Who had her face down.He could see guilt in her eyes.All he had was rage against her.

K-"I.Pranu was crying.Is he alright."

V-"He can feel his mothers pain.Whenever he see her like that.He cries."

K-"Oh.Hows she doing now.I heard fever is too high."

V-"Shes sleeping.Isnt it weird Aththai.How a baby can feel her pain.Whom she didnt gave birth.According to what you say.But how does he feel her that strongly."

K-"Vivaan.I.I shouldnt have said that to her in hospital.But I was scared for Prakash and."

V-"I have seen her dying thousands of times.With same accusations which she never deserved.I tried to bring her to this side.Where she can take normal breath.Out of suffocation.But your few words failed all my attempts.It seemed.Aththai I have never said word to you or Appa.In this issue because I always believed.Its between a daughter and father.Im no one to come here but.I feel sorry to say this today that you failed her.From time I came to your lives.I have seen you caring so much for Ramya.Not letting streak of pain touch her.But not even for once.That same regard for Varna.Why?Its you who couldnt figure it out.Possible.Even I couldnt.That it was Ramya who had weak heart.But its Varna.Who was made weaker each day.She became fragile.Because she was made to."

K-"Im sorry.Vivaan."

V-"I heard you today.Even she did.You can hear me now.If anything happens to my wife.You will be reason.I swear."

He left from there with rage in eyes.While Karuna stood covering her mouth.With end of her saree.Controlling her tears.Whatever she did today.Wasnt right.Vivaans harsh words hit her so hard.She knew she might have lost respect from him.She took glance at Varna and Pranush inc rib and left from there sobbing.


Too much emotional drama I know.But this was needed.Why?Think think and do tell me.Next chapter will be interesting.Not boring like this and thats promise.

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Those who have known me for long time here.Read my previous work too.My love for writing landed me back to my favorite genre.Haha.Here is new book by me.Drop in if you find it worth to read :)

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