14. Is she in love with me???

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Thanks for all your support... I did not expect such a response... Last chapter which I pen down just like that got a huge response and believe it or not,
it got  82 votes which is the highest number of votes ever which this story got and the silly thing that happened in 300 comments including mine for the last part...

This story is gonna near a big achievement so soon... Fingers crossed...

Do tell me how many chapters do you all want??? 20 - 25... Choose one number... (Strictly) Not more than that... I dont want to drag this story... So, decide and tell me the number...  Majorities choice will be considered ..

Now lets move to our shot. 14:

Abhi is completely irritated with dolly's challenging attitude towards him... He switches off the phone and throws it angrily....

Abhi's pov.: How dare she??? Who is this stupid dolly??? The stupid sister of mine, the irritating aaliya said that dolly is a very good girl...

God... This dolly... Nah... Yuck... She is a 👻👻👻👻 in doll's dress... Horrible... I cant understand why this aaliya is way too adamant and obsessesed to tie up this dolly with me...

Phew...  Why not Aaliya try to tie up me with my pragya??? I will be way too pleased if she do so... But, my idiot sister does not even like to hear my pragya's name too... 😬😬😬😬...

Dont worry Abhi... You have got a very good chance....  Continue to irritate your darling pragya with rockstar's name... Sure, she will try to get close with you...

And I too have to get close with pragya so that I can very well irritate my stupid sister aaliya and the ghosty dolly... But, Im a professor na can I do it???

God... No one should face a problem like me... Im in love with a girl but she is in love with someone from her teens... Yet, she will kiss me passionately knowingly or unknowingly...

She will speak like that she is in love with me and if I said anything against her, she cant bear that... Im really in a mess... Iv to do something for sure...

Remember pragya... Forget your puppy love and all... You are mine... I wont miss you in my life... Im damn sure you are going to be my soulmate for sure... I will get you by hook or crook..."

Abhi thinks of a plan to woo his love and slowly drifted to sleep...


A serious conversation is going in the mission abhigya group...

"😂😂😂😂... Abhi Bhai is fuming like anything..."

"Wah... Wah... What a challenging proposal... Aww... 💕💕💕💕"

" Way to go sweet heart... 😘😘😘😘... You deserve an oscar..."

" What a soulful love.. Im impressed... 😊😊😊😊"

" Too bad... You left me for him na... But now only Im loving you so much... 😍😍😍😍"

The messages were popping continuously... But one person is fuming like a volcano... If the other five is near him, the person will kill them for sure...

" You did not even propose me like this... 😔😔😔😔... Try to impress me next time... Or else ....???"

" 😂😂😂😂.... You are too bad... You did not propose your love like this... But, with abhi bhai... 😱😱😱😱😱"

A suddenly reply popped in..
" If none of you close your mouths, I will strangle all your necks... How dare you all??? You all made me his secret admirer dolly or crush or whatever but now you all are teasing me na...

Go ahead with your plans... Im not going to be a part of it... I will go and inform dolly that Im acting like her... If you all want, I can very well inform Abhishekh Sir too...."

All are shocked by the person's sudden anger...

The replies came....






The person smirks and pulled his collar dramatically.... His face is revealed.... Its none other than Purab or pooh...

Purab: "Haan... That's better... Im trying my level best to act as a girl but you all are teasing me na... I know these stupid friends of mine but nikhil bhai and Tanu bhabhi, you two are teasing me na..."

"Sorry" came the reply...

"Its okay... And you silly lovers Honey and Ajju, shall I give some hint to Abhishekh sir..."

"Noooooo.... Please..." Came the reply from Ajju and honey....

"Alright!!! I leave you all... But I wont leave you pie... You being my lover have to support me na but you went far ahead .."

" Oh my love... 😘😘😘😘😘
😍😍😍😍😍 💏💏💏💏💏"

"Ahem... Ahem... Its public..."

All four said with a 😊😊😊😊😊  and  left the chat leaving the love birds pooh and pie alone...

" Let settle our scores tommorrow pie... "

Bulbul sighs but she knows very well how to convince her pooh...


The next day, the classes were going as usual... Our Abhishekh sir is back to his hitler mode and he is taking back to back classes without leaving a single minute...

All are hell tired in hearing his lectures and taking notes continuously.... He gave just 10 minutes break for them in between to refresh and to resume his classes afterwards...

Arjun: oh my god!!!! That's so horrible...

Honey (aaliya): 😖😖😖😖 my fingers are paining... Ouch...

Arjun smiles and massages honey's hand and makes her to giggle...

Purab (pooh) : God.. why did you make me to suffer alone... Atleast you should have made my lover to be in my class na... See... This two are doing romance in class but poor me (sighs)... Hey dolly..  why you born first??? My pie should have born first...

Pragya throws the notebook angrily:
Shut up you idiot... Stop your irritating blabberings..   Dont disturb me...

Honey: what are you doing sweet heart???

Dolly (pragya) : Im just re checking the lyrics for the song to be finalized .. I chose 10 songs for singing... But only 4 to be selected...

Honey: Can I have a look??

Dolly: Sure... Sure... Why not??? (With a smirky face)

Honey, pooh n ajju peeps in and read the songs... They were shocked to the core....

Honey: "This is not done.... What sorts of songs are these??? You are not going to sing these songs... Got it... "

Pragya (giggles) : its finalized... Im pleased to sing these songs... Aww... Too romantic na...

Honey: These songs are only meant for my bhai... Not for that hitler. .. You are my bhabhi and you are  my bhai's soulmate...

Pragya: In your dreams, Honey...

Pragya shows tongue out and goes to freshen up.... The trio starts to laugh hard, as their plans are going on in a right track...

Pragya comes out from washroom... Her mobile buzzes...

Pragya: Yes... Who is it???

Abhi: It's your love, my sweetie.. Again a warning... Don't touch that hitler and don't dance with him so close...

Pragya: Really... Then hear it... We are going to perform the most intimate and romantic songs... So get ready to face your heart break...

Abhi: I'm warning you...

Pragya: I'm very pleased to serve you....

Pragya cuts the call with attitude, but unknown to her Abhishekh sir is enjoying her antics hidingly and goes to class back with his hitler mode...

The classes were resumed in full swing... All are sitting like they are glued up as if they are seeing a ghost... All takes a deep breath as finally Abhishkeh  sir classes got over...

Before going out of class...

Abhishekh: Well class .. Here after my classes will be only in morning session... So, tommororow we are going to have the interacive sessions in class....

Shaki (Shakiabhigya) , Kirti (kirti1705), nivi (dharunyaa) and jas (JasPrad)... Get ready with your seminars.... Each one has to take class for half an hour....

Pragya... Come to the dance hall after lunch break... No need to get permission and all... I've informed alreadt .. So, Purab... Take notes for Pragya too...."

Abhishekh sir left with a smirky smile in his face... Shaki, Kirti, Jas and Nivi are horrified as they are Abhishekh sir's next target... Pragya giggles harsly and earns a deadly glare from Purab....


After lunch, Pragya moves towards the dance hall... Pragya is quite nervous... She prays to god that nothing wrong should happen that spoils her relationship with the Professor... Though, she is madly in love with him from her teens, this is the first time they are going to be alone inside a closed room...

Pragya is sweating profusely and she is shivering inside... She is having some strange fear that what will Abhi think about her choice of songs... Pragya enters the room taking baby steps...

Pragya: Sir..... May I come in...

Abhishekh: Yes... Come in...

Pragya comes in and she is shocked to see Abhi in a different get up... He is not in his usual formal wear... He has worn a tight fit transparent white shirt with the v neck, showing his sexy physique, making Pragya's eyes to pop out in shock... She is shamelessly drooling on him from top to toe....

Abhishekh: If you have finished your staring session means, shall we start our rehearsels Pragya... We have a very little time..

Pragya's jaw dropped and she blushes in embarrassment as Abhi has got her red handed...

Abhishekh: Pragya..  I've decided four songs to sing and four to dance.... So, you are ready with the songs, right...

Pragya: Yeah... Yes... Sir... Here it is...

Abhi's pov.: Oh my god!!!! Am I seeing it really..  All songs are indirectly proposing me.... Is Pragya trying to say that she is in love with me... But what about her childhood crush... God... Soon I've to find out who she is in love with...

Abhi is jerked up from his thoughts as Pragya coughs hardly...

Pragya: Sir... How is the songs???

Abhi: Nice... Let me sort out 4 songs and finalize it tommorrow... We shall practice for singing from tommorrow onwards... Today we will start our dance practice... Shall we???

Pragya: Yes sir .

Abhi: Don't be so formal, Pragya... We are dance partners now (pov. Soon to be life partners) Call me Abhi when we are alone okay... Be comfortable....

Pragya nods her head... Pragya felt a shiver when Abhi touches her hands... Pragya's heart beats starts to rise as Abhi pulled her very closer to dance....

Pragya can't control her body getting weak when Abhi touches her waist to dance... Her hormones are doing something inside her and she is getting tortured with the unknown feeling havocing inside her body ..

Abhi: Hey Pragya... Relax... Easy okay..
Just look at my eyes and follow my leads... Think only you and me... Forget everything... Don't get nervous.... Enjoy and rock the floor... I'm damn sure, you are going to perform better than me....


Pragya smiles happily and takes a deep breath... Pragya just look at abhi's eyes... She can clearly visualize the love he has for her...

He touches her hand and twirls her... Pragya starts to follow his lead... They starts to practice never minding the surroundings...

Their hands, legs and their whole body is not following the rhythm of the song playing in background but they are following only their eyes and their heart beats...

They are dancing with full flow but unknowingly they are matching to the rhythm of the romantic song playing in the background...

They never mind their steps... Their bodies are in a flow and what they want is that to froze that moment forever.. They are getting closer and closer... Their lips are just inch apart...

They were startled and comes to reality when they heard a heavy clap sound... Abhi frowns when he spots Arjun, Aaliya, purab and bulbul standing there....

Abhishekh : What you guys are doing here???

Aaliya (smirks) : Sir, we just came to ask you, if you need any back up dancers or any members for your songs...

Abhishekh : No need... We too can do it alone... Anything else???

Arjun: Nothing sir...

Abhishekh: Then you all can leave...

Purab: Sir... Sorry to say.. These songs are too romantic na..

Abhishekh (fumes) : So, you all want us to perform for sad songs...

Purab: Not like that sir... But..

Pragya (interrupts) : Dont worry purab... We know what to do??? Can you all leave please... We have to practice..

They glare at pragya and goes out hi-fieing with each other.... Abhi and pragya continues practicing the songs and for them its not a dance they are practising, its like hearing their hearts speak conveying the love they have for each other. ....

Th rehearsels were going on in full swing....


So, what's gonna happen next???

Will Abhi and pragya be able to perform the songs as expeced???

Will there be any dramatic twists???


A small question to you all....

Do you all want me to explain the dance and songs with full lyrics or is it okay I will mention the songs names alone ...

Not yet decided anything... All your choices will be considered ...

What all you think....

Will Abhi and pragya convey their love for each other???

Whose plans gonna win???

Will all find out pragya's prem is Abhi only???

To know more stay tuned...

A long update na... Almost 2250+ words... Not proof read... Forgive me for grammatic and spelling mistakes....

Dont forget to cast your votes and pen down your comments...

Yours buddy,


Signing off...


Will be


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