26. Shoo away girls... He is my 💕💕💕💕...

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Sorry for the late update... My ill health didn't helped me up and I took some time... Sorry again.. please don't scold your mahii/ crazy....

Will try my level best to come up soon... Don't forget to vote guys... Proceed further after clicking the 🌟 button...

Now to shot. 26:

The college resumes after the short holiday... The corridors of the college are quite busy and getting decked up with the chirpy and happy voices of boys and girls..

The four admirers of Abhishek sir shaki, kirti, jas and nivi are in a serious discussion on how to turn the attention of abhishek sir towards them... They are way too jealous on pragya for being close with him...

They keep on discussing and trying to make a good plan how to get into the good books of Abhishek sir... They came up with various ideas on and on and they forget the surroundings where they are... They failed to notice what's going on around them...

Shaki (Shakiabhigya) cracks a joke and twists her head side ways... She gasps in shock and her throats dried up on seeing the person sitting there with a mischievous smirk in the face...

Shaki shooks kirti (kirti1705) very hardly to stop their plottings and plannings... Kirti couldn't understand what shaki is saying...

Shaki: Just stop it kirti... Look around... We are trapped...

Kirti: Hey why are you asking me to stop??? Dont you know its our life time mission to be in the good books of Abhishek sir ...

Shaki: huh... Before that let's confirm whether we have a life to live.. sure we are going to face our death... Just look there girls...

The trio shouts and gasps in shock to see pragya standing there with a teasing and mischievous smirk in her face...

Pragya: Hi darlings... What's up??? Chilling up too much haan... Not bad... Not bad... 😉😉😉😉... Why not I too join you guys?? Are you all plotting anything against me???

Jas hurriedly says : No... No... Why will we do so like that??? Just some random talks.. Nothing much.. By the way Pragya, how are you???

Pragya: Me... Pretty cool jas ...

Nivi: How is your leg pain pragya??? Are you alright???

Pragya: Ya Im fine nivi... Will be perfectly alright soon ... When you have a nice and caring boy friend, we will get recovered soon... Hey na shaki...

Shaki: ( Pov. Thank god she has a boyfriend already) Ya... May be...

Pragya: Not may be... Its for sure...

Kirti: Oh.... Then pragya what's next??? Just 3 months left for our college to end na...

Pragya: Wow... I like it kirti .. You are very brilliant in diverting the topic...

Kirti: whaaatttt???? 😨😨😨😨... No no...

Pragya: yup... You are a pretty diverter girl... See my darling shaki... How she will spit out everything to me??? Tell me shaki darling what's going on here???

Shaki stammers: vo... Vo... Pragya...

Pragya: Cool... Cool... Im not heartless to threaten you just like that ... But, If any dare to have a look at my man, then I wont mind to kill them too...

Nivi: You are really sick pragya... Are you mad... Why will anyone look at your man??? Dont draw into conclusions on your own...

Pragya: Really... May I know what you guys are talking about???

Jas: Pragya... You are thinking us wrong... We don't know who is your boy friend too... swear on god... We were just talking about Abhishek sir only...

Kirti: Ya... Pragya... We all are huge fans of Abhishek sir... You are too much blessed to be with Abhishek sir and dance with him... At least, we want him to just smile on looking at us...

Nivi: That's it pragya... Nothing much... We are very eager to talk to Abhishek sir in person... Poor us... Not at all getting the chance from our hero...

The four nods their head and is saying dreamily about how they adore their Abhishek sir a lot not knowing the fact that they are digging their own grave....

Aaliya halts in her steps when she hears the conversation of pragya with the girls.... A bright and teasing smile erupted in aaliya's face and she smirks and takes her seat to watch the biggest comedy show of the day....

Aaliya's pov.: 😂😂😂😂.... That's going to be a biggest entertainment of today.... Poor girls .. feeling pity for you all.... Just don't dream girls... Look at the ferocious lion standing in front of you...

😂😂😂😂... She is ripping you all into pieces by her looks itself... Oh my my!!!! Where this stupid ajju n pooh has gone... God... why not they come soon???

The show is going to begin... If I had my popcorns n juice with me, it would be a complete entertainer....

Come on girls... Open your eyes... Im waiting for the entertainment to start before the class get started... Dont make me upset.... I want to see the show...

Hey how did I forget that??? let me record this n share it in our group... All will know how much my dolly loves my bhai...

Oh my god!!! 😱😱😱😱😱.... What is abhi bhai doing there??? Why is he hiding behind the pillar??? Did he heard their talks??? Something is going on fishy...

I think this dolly and bhai are doing something, which I was not aware of... Did they decided something when we were on a trip??? Soon, I have to find out... Now, time for action...

The girls opened their eyes and is way too shocked to see pragya is fuming and boiling like a volcano... They cant understand what's going on....

Jas: What Happened pragya??? Why are you fuming like this???

Pragya yells: Listen you four... This is the last day, you guys are looking at my abhi... Dare to see him other than as your professor, I wont mind to kill you all...

Nivi: what's this pragya??? Don't try to show your power to us...

Kirti: Pragya... Remember he is a professor to all of us... You too can look at him if you wish too...

Shaki: ya... We are very good you know... You too can join us... Lets all look at him and drool on him as much as we want...

Pragya (fumes): Drool my foot... He is my man... He is just Abhishek sir for you all .. Get that in your dumb heads.... He is my abhi...

Kirti: Dont bluff okay... You can't think much of yourself...

Shaki: Ya... You cant copy right him... Its not that you have all rights on him as you have danced with him...

Pragya bangs her hand in the table making all to gasp in shock:

Pragya: Abhi is my bestie... I don't want to explain to you all what he is to me and I don't want to potray what he meant to me.... Our bond is very unique and way too special...

But if you guys dare to drool him, 😂😂😂😂😂.... Im not going to do anything to you all... Your Abhishek sir will do it... 😉😉😉😉😉....

Dont come n cry to me later that I didn't warned you.... Have fun girls... Bye... Bye... Get ready for your punishments soon....

Aaliya giggles and saves the recording with a mischievous smirk... Abhi who is hearing all the convos couldn't help rather than to smile brightly .. He is dancing inwardly and his happiness is unbounds...

Abhi's pov.:

Wah... Wah... What a scene in the morning itself.... Fuggy darling... You made my day vey happy... I didn't expected this from you at all so soon...

But poor girls feeling very pity on them... Sorry girls dont face my girl's wrath anymore.... just don't drool on seeing me... I know you all couldn't resist on seeing me but I cant help you or save you all from my fuggy for sure...

Fuggy darling... This much jealousy and possessiveness on me... Not bad... Not bad... So sweet of you... Love you soooooo much fuggy...

Let me see... How long will you going to run away from me??? Just the game started babe... Lot more to come... Wait n watch... you will forget that stupid puppy love of yours and you will be mine only fuggy....

The class bells rings... Arjun and purab joins aaliya in the class... Arjun winks at aaliya and sits beside her making her to blush uncontrollably...

Arjun: Hey honey darling... What happened??? This much happy mood in morning itself...

Purab: Yup me too wanna know that... Honey you are glowing...

Aaliya (whispers): Guys... Don't be aloud... You two missed the comic show of today... I will forward the video to you all later... Don't spit out anything to dolly okay...

Their talks were interrupted as pragya shooks them hard and asks theqm what's going on... They cant continue further as the lectures begins....

Pragya is not in a mood to listen any lectures... She is sulking from morning as abhi has not come to their class... Though abhi has four classes that day, he didn't come to the class and some other lecturer comes there saying Abhishek sir is busy in some important work....

At last hour, pragya is in a verge to cry as abhi is purposely doing like this by not coming over there... She is looking pale and her face looks very sad... Aaliya understands that its all because of abhi only....

Honey, ajju n pie keeps on talking saying that their day was too good as their hitler professor has not turned up today...

Pragya didn't say anything but keeps on staring at the door expecting abhi to come to class, but to her dismay, he didn't turn up...

Th college gets over... All starts to leave the class... When pragya is about to get out, the peon comes and informs pragya that she is being called to the staff room...

Before pragya asks who it is, the peon rushes out hurriedly... Pragya shooks her head in disbelief....

Pragya: Alright guys.... You all carry on... Don't know which professor has called me at this time??? I think some important discussion... I dont know, how long it will took... So, you all go home...

Aaliya: Its okay dolly... We will wait for you...

Pragya: Not at all a problem honey... I will take a cab...

Purab : Dolly... Let ajju n honey leave... Me n pie will wait for you...

Pragya: No need of that pooh... Bulbul was saying from morning, she has to go to xyz book shop to collect some books which she has ordered a week before...

She has an important presentation tommorrow it seems.... If you can, take her there and drop safely in home... Let me take the cab... I have to go to doctor too... So... Please...

Aaliya: Its okay dolly... Be safe... Take care dolly... Any emergency call us okay ... Bye... Reach home soon and inform us....

Honey, pooh n pie reluctantly goes out as they didn't want to leave pragya alone... They prays to god that nothing wrong should happen to pragya at any cost... They wish it should be abhi who has called her there...

Pragya takes her bag and keeps her diary safely in the bag... She is not in a mood to go to the staff room to meet the professor who has called her...

She want to run away to her home to cry her heart out and write what's in her mind as abhi is purposely avoiding her today....

Pragya with slow steps walks to the staff room... Though she is fine now, still she has not recovered completely from the leg pain.... She cant walk hurriedly or run as she usually loved to do...

She halts in her steps as she entered the staff room to see abhi sitting there without looking at her... Pragya throws daggers through her eyes as abhi keeps on ignoring her...

Pragya want to strangle the neck of abhi for making her sulk like this... She wants to yell and went out her anger and blasts him what what's in her heart...

But she kept mum as other staff members were also there and she is highly irritated with the teasing smile in abhi's face looking at a book so deeply....

Pragya: May I come in sir...

Professor sinha: yes come in... Pragya... You are here at this time... The college got over na... We were also leaving... May I know what brings you here???

Pragya: Sorry sir... I was also leaving to home... But, the peon came and informed me that Iv been called in the staff room... So only... I...

Professor sinha: oh... I dont know who has called you... All left to home... Only and me and Abhishek sir are here right now....

Professor Abhishek... Pragya is from your class right... Did you called her???

Abhi: No... Mr. Sinha... I didn't... May be someone might have pranked her using the peon it seems... Pragya... You can leave... I didn't called you...

Pragya fumes in anger and goes out... Abhi makes a mischievous smirk and greets Mr. Sinha and walks out hurriedly... Almost the college is completely empty and no sorts of movements is seen...

Pragya takes slow steps and walks towards the back gate which is way too easier for her to reach the bus stop very easily... She is in a dilemma whether to go by bus or call a cab to go to doctor...

Pragya is cursing abhi for playing like this with her... She knows very well that it should be abhi's prank on her as she has ignored him a day before as he forget to message her good morning...

Pragya gasps in shock as her waist is holded by a person tightly... Before pragya could realize what's going on, her eyes are being tied hardly with the black cloth... She couldn't see what's going on around her....

The person scoops her in his arms forcibly... Pragya tried to get out from his hold but he is way too strong enough for her and she couldn't come out from his hold....

The screen freezes on the worried faces of honey, pooh, pie n ajju, the happy face of abhi looking for pragya and the horrified face of pragya being in the arms of a man...

So, what's going to happen next???

Who is carrying pragya???

Is it abhi or anyone else???

Why abhi avoids coming to the class??? Is he having any secret plans???

What will be the mission abhigya team's next move???

Will abhi makes pragya to confess her love for him???

Will pragya tells abhi that he is her prem???

Will pragya's naughty plays begins by using abhi as a trump card in her class???.

To know more, stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2530+ words...

Sorry for typo errors as Iv not proof read...

Cast your votes without fail and pen down your views, reviews n comments....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


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