27. Romantic plans behind the drama...

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This story "From the day I met you" has  become my 3rd story to cross 3000+ votes (after loving husband and arrogancy vs attitude) with a maximum of 139 votes (maximum votes out of all my stories)...

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support you all have given to this story...

I started this as a short story but out of all your love , this story has grown up into a ff which has crossed almost 26 chapters... Don't know how many chapters Im going to pen down... Let it go as the story progress...

Silent readers will you all open up at least from now on... Votes and comments means a lot to me... So, im  expecting the votes to cross 140-150 votes soon...

Will it happen soon??? Don't blame me if I didn't update soon... 😉😉😉😉

🌹🌹🌹 Vote soon and get your update soon... 🌹🌹🌹

So, again your crazy mahii has won... Oohoo... No one can guess my crazy mind na 😉😉😉😉.... Again all your guesses are absolutely wrong....

😂😂😂😂😂.... Its not abhi who carries pragya.... No one said it correctly... So, who is that... Shall we proceed to shot. 27 to know more... Keep guessing who is that...

Abhi is smiling brightly to see pragya sulking and getting angry on him... He finds it way too cute when he spots his fuggy with an angry look...

Abhi's pov.:

Oh my god!!!! What a dramatic day it was... Huh... How much dramas and acts I have to put forth because of my loving baby girl fuggy....

God... This girl is torturing me like hell... Why am I doing all this??? Isn't it unprofessional on my side to do like that??? Damn it... Im crossing all my boundaries and Im doing everything out of the box..

Fuggy... All is because of you... No one can blame me for this... You are responsible for everything... Why am I blaming my innocent fuggy for all my stupid stunts???

Abhi... You are getting crazy and completely going mad because of your fuggy... You have become a love sick puppy and you are not in your senses completely...

😊😊😊😊... What shall I do??? All blame my fuggy for this... Why this girl is always be my savior and why she is too much possessive and jealous when the matter comes to me....

Today morning scene was worth a watch... I was heading to the staff room when I heared my fuggy's melancolic voice  which came as a soothing rhythm making my heart to flutter and all my hormones are doing somersaults without my control... Phew...

This fuggy is a cute, little lady don... 😂😂😂😂... Seriously she has too much attitude and she is a terror to her fellas ..  Horrible lioness she is ... She blackmailed and threatened those  four fan girls of mine just like that...

😂😂😂😂.... Poor girls... I can't control my laughter on seeing their faces.... Was worth a watch... Oh my god!!!! This fuggy has shown them a demo of their death and roared in anger...

😂😂😂😂... Poor souls .. May their souls rest in peace... I badly want to save them from my fuggy's anger and wrath but my life will be surely at its stake... I don't have the guts to risk anything...

Im damn sure if I talk in favour of them, this fuggy will rip me into pieces... FUGGY darling... Admit it soon na... You are head over heels in love with me... You heart beats only for this abhi and not that loser, your so called childhood crush....

I purposely avoided to go to their classes today... I know my fuggy will be hell angry  on me and she will surely long to see me after our sweet and cute fight we had two days back...

Iv a purpose to do all this fuggy darling... The more we are apart, the love inside us will overflow uncontrollably without our knowledge... The more we long to see each other, our love becomes way too strong...

Wah... Wah... Abhi... You became a love guru... Sure your fuggy in anger will blurt out her love on you... Watch my game darling... You are gonna lose for sure...

I made a big plan to make this night a romantic outing to impress my fuggy... But I was curious to see her angry bird look... My fuggy looks way too appetizing for me and I just want to have her in my arms while seeing her angry look...

Huh... Idiot abhi... Behave properly... Ya... Day by day its very hard to control me... I called a random student and asked him to inform the peon that the college chairman is being called in the staff room...

All happened as I wished... But this idiot professor sinha didn't leave when my fuggy comes there.   Damn it .. All my plans flopped.... He talked to my fuggy and I lied that I was not the one who called her...

😱😱😱😱😱.... This girl gonna kill me with her eyes for sure... I can't tolerate or bear the daggers... Show some pity on me darling... You just go... I will come after you and I know pretty well how to coo you .. 😉😉😉😉

Abhi took his car keys and his bags and rushes out to see pragya... To his dismay, pragya was no where to be found....

Abhi knows pretty well that pragya is healing from her injury now only and she cant run faster as she used to do always... He searches for pragya but she is out of sight...

Just then abhi remembers that pragya uses the back gate of thw college usually to reach the taxi stand.. Abhi runs hurriedly towards the back gate.... He prays that his fuggy should be there or else all his plan wil be flopped out....

Abhi couldn't understand why he is sweating too much... He has a bad feeling that something is wrong with his fuggy... Abhi halts in his steps when he hears the protesting shout of his fuggy...

Abhi horrifies and runs in a jiff hearing his fuggy's voice... His blood starts to boil on seeing a local roadside guy taking his fuggy forcefully in his arms... Abhi fists his hand in fury and barges on him....

Abhi gave a big smash in his face making  the guy to startle and his grip on pragya loosens... Abhi carefully takes pragya in his embrace and places her in the nearby stone ..

Pragya understands from the touch that its her prem/ abhi who has saved her from the clutches of the bad guy who has forcefully dragged her to steal her chain and bracelet and asks for the money she has in her wallet...

Its the money which pragya has collected for the students' relief fund...  When she protested not to give that, the guy has threatened pragya and forcefully covered pragya's face with a cloth and carried her...

Abhi is fuming in anger and beat the guy black and blue... The guy pleads for his mercy and ran away saving his life from abhi... Abhi cant control his anger but he softens as he has to take care of pragya now...

Abhi opens the knot covering the face of pragya and she didn't paid heed to abhi... She stands up ignoring abhi and stumbles in her steps... Abhi carefully holds pragya's waist so that she doesn't fall down...

Abhi: Fuggy... Are you okay??? He didn't hurt you na...

Pragya: Huh... Yes sir... Im way too fine... By the way professor sir, let me remind you Im pragya... Pragya Arora, the chaiman of this college and your student....

Im not the  fuggy you have called sir.. Thanks for your timely help sir ... Iv to go sir... Can you please leave me ..

Pragya tries to move away from abhi's grip but abhi tightens his hold on pragya....

Pragya: professor sir... You are hurting me... Can you please leave me???? Iv to go home...

Abhi fumes in anger and yells: cut down all your craps fuggy... stop irritating me like this fuggy... You are my fuggy and Im your abhi... Did you get that??? 😬😬😬😬😬

Pragya: oh!!!! Really.... Im so sorry professor sir... Iv  a very poor memory... We are standing inside the college and to my knowledge I know that you are our professor Abhishek sir only....

Yah... I have a very good friend named abhi who cares for me a lot... I don't know where he is now.... I couldn't see him for the past few days.... He is Missing somewhere... Iv to find him soon...

My abhi is always available to the call of his fuggy... He cares for me and my happiness means a lot to him... But dont know where he is now... Abhi... Where are you man???

Im terribly missing my abhi these days ... Sorry   to say abhishek sir, all I can see here is the hitler professor of ours who is way too happy to annoy and irritate me....

So, please can you leave me... I have to go to home... At least let me see whether my buddy abhi calls me now or not... Where are you abhi??? See.. This Abhishek sir is irritating me... Come and save me please...

Abhi smiles and hits in pragya's forehead and pulls her closer...

Abhi: you naughty, drama queen fuggy... You are purposely doing to irritate me na... nothing is going to work today...

Pragya: Then what did  you do idiotic abhi... How dare you to annoy me like this much??? Why are you avoiding me these days????

Why didn't you called me??? What the hell are you doing in the staff room??? What bloody work do you have othwr than taking class for us???

Why you didn't come to the class??? Why you called me off to the staff room and why did you irritated me that much saying you didn't called me???... You... Idiot 😬😬😬😬.... I hate you... Dont talk to me...

Abhi didn't say anything but with the mischievous smirk scooped pragya in his arms and takes her to his car... Pragya fumes in anger and grits her teeth... Abhi chuckles and blows air on pragya's face after placing her inside the car...

Abhi smirks and comes very closer to pragya's face... Pragya's heart starts to beat very fast... She is having varied thoughts and her cheeks turns red with a heavy blush creeping on her face... she clutches her bag tightly and closes her eyes expecting for a kiss from abhi...

Abhi smiles widely knowing pretty well that pragya is badly affected by his closeness a lot... With a naughty smirk, he pulls the seat belt and locks it in the holder...

Abhi traces pragya's lips making pragya to sweat hard and her hormones are beyond her control... Abhi with a teasing smile starts the car in full force...

Pragya gets highly irritated with abhi's behavior... She starts to count one to hundred to calm down her anger... Pragya vows to make abhi carve for her kiss as he is keep on irritating her a lot...

No words were exchanged between the two... Abhi plays all of pragya's favourite romantic songs in the audio player and he too sings along with that... Abhi winks at pragya with a naughty smile...

Pragya ignores that and looks out...

Pragya: where are you kidnapping me idiot??? Iv to go to home... Bulbul will be worried the most...

Abhi: ahaan... Iv informed bulbul already... Dont worry about that... You only said na you missed your abhi... So, its a small surprise from your abhi for the missed out days...

Pragya: What are you upto professor sir???

Abhi: Hmm.. wait n watch sweet heart... Its not the boring professor's surprise for you... Its your abhi's romantic surprise to his fuggy...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂.... Oh my god!!!! 😂😂😂😂... Dont kid me abhi... I cant control my laughter... You are very funny... 😂😂😂😂

Abhi: hey fuggy... Why are you laughing like this??? Did I crack any joke???

Pragya: Then what... You are saying you are going to give me a romantic surprise... 😂😂😂😂... Unbelievable... Abhi and romance.... no ways... 😂😂😂😂

Abhi rolls his eyes in disbelief: hoye... Fuggy... What did you think of me hun... No one can near this abhi in romancing...

Abhi is a big romantic king in colle days.... Girl die for my charm...You will be stunned to see my romantic surprise for sure ...

Pragya: Really... Im way too eager to see that...

Abhi and pragya heads to the surprise which abhi has planned for his fuggy... Pragya is completely shocked and didn't expected such a  surprise from abhi ....

Pragya got a call and she is horrified to hear the shocking news... Her eyes starts to well up uncontrollably... Pragya didn't in her wild dreams too has thought this scenario will turn up... She prays that nothing wrong should happen...

So, what has happened???

What is the surprise abhi has given to his fuggy???

What is the shocking news pragya heard???

Will it be possible for abhi and pragya to confess their hidden love in open???

Will abhi finds out that he is the one pragya loved from his childhood???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2300+ words...

Cast your votes n pen down your reviews n views... So, can I get the votes I wished... Let me see...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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