28. Romantic surprise or Love proposal???

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So, how many are excited like me on reading the title???

What is the shot going to be???

Is it going to be a romantic surprise for Pragya???

Is Abhi going to confess his love for Pragya???

Keep guessing and read the shot. 28:

Pragya's pov.:

Oh my god!!! Am I day dreaming or am I started to hallucinating the things around me??? Pragya... You have gone completely mad because of your silly lover boy, Abhi...

Abhi... Why are you killing me like this man??? Please don't do this to me Abhi... I love you so much Abhi and my heart can't beat a single second too, without chanting your name Abhi...

Why are you not understanding my love Abhi??? How long will you make me to suffer??? I'm carving for more than many years to hear just the three words from you...

Even you no need to say that too... Just give a hint that I'm all yours... I'm ready to die even in this second too...

Just give me a lovely hug and a single kiss passionately, pouring all your love on me.... I will understand everything pretty well... 😊😊😊😊

Please Abhi... Don't annoy and irritate me like this... You are purposely doing it na... You idiot 😬😬😬😬.. How dare you to move away from me without kissing me???

I'm losing all my patience Abhi... If you didn't kiss me tonight, I will surely turn mad and Don't regret for my actions, if I do anything wrong with you... You can't escape from me easily Abhi... 😈😈😈

You know only your buddy fuggy or your student Pragya , who is well disciplined and cultured ... But you don't know the terror dolly inside me .. She is a lioness and a crazy lover of yours...

Dolly has the guts to do anything... I hope you remember all our kisses... Don't make me to steal my kiss again, idiot...

Do it on your own or else you have to face the consequences in the classroom professor sir... 😂😂😂😂... Feeling pity for you... Professor sir, I will attack you in various ways....

Be a good boy and do it as I wish... I'm way too eager and excited to see the romantic surprise you are going to give to me...

But I've a doubt Abhi... You are calling me as your best friend... Hmm... Why on the earth, anyone gives his friend a romantic surprise... Something is fishy...

Oh my goodness... That means.. How did I failed to understand this hint... Pragya you are really a fool... Why didn't I notice his eyes and lips??? My my my... 😍😍😍😍...

Abhi your eyes are flowing with the immense love, you have on me.... I've never seen such a happy smile in your face Abhi... So, you are going to do it today na... 😊😊😊😊... I'm excited and thrilled...

Ahaan... So my lover boy Abhi gonna impress me with his surprise ... Not bad... Thank god .. Finally, this brainless Abhi has got some sense to impress me...

Hey... Is he kidnapping me for a romantic date??? How dare this Abhi??? He even didn't formally proposed me to take me on a date...

😱😱😱😱😱.... This Abhi is always an idiot... Who the hell gave him the job as a professor??? He does not have any brain and no common sense at all...

Yuck... What we two are wearing... He in his formal wears and myself in my crumpled and shaggy dress which was clinging to me from morning...

Horrible... I need a shower right now... Huh... No one will have such a stingy and smelly romantic date... Yuck...

This Abhi be na... Always doing something abruptly, in an unbelievable manner and is hell adamant to irritate me... God... When will he get his brain???

Leave all that Pragya... Think what Abhi going to do... What is going to be Abhi's surprise for me??? What all he would have aranged for me???

Is he going to propose me today??? You are thinking too much Pragya... You can't expect proposal and all from this dumbo Abhi... Better I will do one thing... I will propose him instead....

But I didn't get anything to gift him na... Abhi 😬😬😬😬😬.... All is happening because of your irritating plans... Wait I'm not going to leave you so easily... You will face your fuggy's wrath for sure....

Abhi with a teasing smile looks at the changing expressions in Pragya's face... He studies her every antics and is enjoying it whole heartedly...

Pragya: How long will it take Abhi??? I'm feeling really bored...

Abhi: Just five minutes fuggy... We will reach there...

Pragya: You don't have any hidden plans right... You won't take any advantage on me na... See I know karate... I can kick you very easily.... (Winks and says with a teasing smile)

Abhi: whaattttt....😨😨😨😨... No... No... Don't bring any dirty thoughts in my mind , you naughty fuggy... Im and well cultured man and you don't try to take advantage on me okay...

Pragya gives a death glare to Abhi and hits him in his chest hardly... Abhi yelps in pain , but pragya giggles showing her arms 💪💪💪, as if she is having muscles... Abhi chuckles and says 👌👌👌 superb and moves to the place...

Abhi halts in a place and gets down... He opens the door and bows down and welcomes Pragya by holding her hand... Pragya giggles and comes out....

Abhi excuses and opens the back door and hands over a gift wrapped parcel to Pragya...

Pragya: What's this???

Abhi: I know pretty well you will be cursing me, as I took you straight from the college... This is my friend's beach house.... Here is a dress for you... Go and freshenup ànd get changed and come....

Pragya smiles brightly and goes inside to freshen up... Pragya's jaws dropped on seeing the dress and she quickly gets ready and comes out... Abhi too is eagerly waiting for Pragya, with a smile in his face...

Abhi: Hey fuggy... You are looking stunning and mind blowing...

Pragya gritts her teeth in anger: why not I kill you Abhi 😬😬😬😬???? Don't feel toouch and behave as if you have got me a new dress, as a gift... Who the hell will gift the dress, which you have steal from my cupboard???

Abhi: Sorry fuggy... Budget problem... Month end na...

(Pov. Sorry fuggy... I've really got a party wear for you, but I don't want to show my financial status to you .. I don't want you too to turn like a girl, who wants only my money and not me...

I can't imagine a life without you, fuggy... I love you so much and I can't miss you... After our marriage, I will gift you whatever things I've got for you)

Pragya: Did I asked you to take me here??? Why are you stressing yourself Abhi??? If you want money, you can ask me na???? Won't I have the right to help you???

Abhi: Its not like that fuggy... I've shortage of cash, but I've some amount with me... Tell me how can you give me money, when Im in need and I don't like you pressurizing your parents for me...

Pragya: Why will I do so??? What do you know about this Pragya haan??? This is my hard earned money... Every year, I participate in the art exhibition and I've got prizes and cash award for my paintings....

Abhi: wow... I'm impressed.... You are such a talented girl... Keep it up...

Pragya: Aww... Thank you... What's the need to come today, Abhi??? I don't like this at all ...

Abhi: Please try to understand me fuggy... This is the day which I want to forget in my life... This day brings all sorts of negative thoughts in my mind... I want to come out of that darkness and make it new with a positivity....

Please fuggy... Only you can make this day very special and happy for me and give me some good memories to cherish all my life and forget the bad past... Will you do it for me???

Pragya: Sure... Anything for my buddy... But Mr. Romantic king, where is your surprise... I cant see anything here, other than the beach....

Abhi: wait... Wait... First let's take a selfie to cherish this moment and then I will take you to the surprise which I planned for you...

After posing for the snap, Abhi covers Pragya's face and lifts her up and places her in a small boat and they drived for some good long minutes to reach the destination....

Pragya is stunned and shocked to see a beautifully decorated table set up for dinner, which is adorned with flowers and candles around.... The nature itself added to the beauty of the place....

Abhi rushes and places the food which he has hidden in the boat and arranges it very neatly... Abhi starts to sing a romantic song and kneels down before Pragya and hands her a bouquet and asked her to join him....

Pragya smiles widely and places his hands on Abhi's raised hands... They starts to sing and dance together happily and they played happily in the water and sand too....

After sometime, tired and exhausted, they sit on the banks of the river....

Abhi: Thanks fuggy... I'm so lucky to have you in my life... All these years, I've only pain and guilty in my heart... You are the one, who brought me out of that misery and made this Abhi to be how I used to be before and I'm smiling again because of you only...

I don't find words to say how blessed I'm to get you in my life.... Words can't explain my happiness today and I just want to freeze this moment.... This is the best moment of my life....

Pragya: oh my god!!!! I get back my words Abhi... You are talking very senti, but why did I find it too romantic and cheesy....

Abhi: 😂😂😂... Silly girl... Atlast you asked I'm romantic hey na... See it's getting late... Our stomachs gonna rumble in pain... Come let's have our food and continue it afterwards...

Abhi and pragya starts to have food... Their eyes, lips, smiles, their heart, their soul and their whole self are over joying with the happiness and the love they have on each other and it is clearly visible with the way, they look at each other...

After dinner,

Abhi: Fuggy... I have a special surprise for you... I don't know, whether you will accept it or not... But I just want to share it with you, as I cant hide that anymore in my heart....

Pragya lips curved to a bright smile knowing pretty well that Abhi is planning to propose her.... She nods her head in agreement and she is eagerly waiting for the most expected moment of their life...

Abhi: Can you wait for some more time fuggy??? I want to show that surprise to you, in a particular time....

Pragya: No Problem Abhi... I will wait....

Both Abhi and Pragya are impatiently waiting for the time to move fast... They keep on staring at their watches, but time made a teasing laugh at them and did the duty as it used to do always....

When only five minutes left for the time which Abhi wishes to come, Pragya's mobile start to ring aloud... Pragya smilingly takes the mobile , as the call is from her maa Sarla....

Pragya:. Hello darling.... Now only you remember me haan... Too bad maa... You and Papa, forget us na... Don't talk to me.....

Whaatttt.... Maa.... Please hear me once... Let me explain you everything clearly.... Don't draw into conclusions blindly....

It's not like what you thought... Maa... Please... Don't get mistaken... Please maa... Don't take any decisions abruprly... Let me come and explain you....

Swear on me.... Don't take any drastic decisions, before I come over there.... Yaa... Don't worry... Nothing is wrong, as you thought.... Trust me... I will come there in half an hour.... Please understand.... Okay.... Bye...

Abhi clearly understands that something is wrong in pragya's house and pragya's parents are not happy with something from the one sided conversation he had heard...

Abhi wipes the tears overflowing from Pragya's eyes and side hugs her to comfort her....

Abhi: Its okay fuggy... Don't worry...
I don't know what's the issue, but have trust in God.... Explain everything to them calmly and try to make them understand....

Parents are very precious fuggy... Don't lose them like me for anything.... Parents will understand us, if we explain our situations to them clearly and open up everything, without hiding anything from them....

Pragya: Im scared Abhi... I hope all will be fine soon... Abhi, shall we leave now... As I've reach my home urgently.... Sorry... Don't mistake me na...

Abhi: Hey it's okay fuggy... Don't be so formal... Come let's go... Let's solve that issue first...

Pragya: Abhi what about the surprise, you have told me earlier.... Show it to me Abhi...

Abhi: Let it be fuggy... Some other time... I will give you that later... Now we have an important issue, rather than to think of that... Come let's go...

Abhi and Pragya started to go in the boat... Abhi's heart is feeling an unknown pain that he failed to use this day to give the best surprise for his fuggy...

Though pragya too want to know the surprise Abhi has planned for her, but she has to rush up to her home before the things turns ugly... She had a strong belief in Abhi that he will surely give her the surprise he has planned for her....

But poor Abhi and Pragya doesn't know the fact the moment and surprise they missed out minutes before is not at all going to happen anymore in their lives....

The water waves along with the tears of rain drops started to cry for them, wiping and mixing up the best surprise, which Abhi wanna gift to his fuggy....

So, what's gonna happen next???

What has happened in pragya's home???

What will happen to abhi and pragya's love????

Will abhi propose pragya for marriage???

Will abhi and pragya unites???

Will the mission abhigya teams mission gets succeeded or failed???

To know more stay tuned....

As usual came up with a long update of 2450+ words...

Sorry for mistakes and errors as its unedted....

Cast your votes without fail... Silent readers will you all do it???

Expeting all your reviews and comments... A word of appreciation is what Im expecting from you all...


Yours buddy,

Crazy mahiz

Signing off...

Will be


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