29. I will break down, if you leave me...

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Missed this story update???

Last chapter didn't gets votes, as I expected... Delay in votes... So, delay in update... Cant help with that...

More the votes, your updates will be quicker.... I'm not in a mood to update this , but breaking my silence for my loyal voters for the final time ...

Now to shot. 29:

Abhi drives the car in full speed though the clumsy and rainy weather is making the worst for him, as he can't pace up with the speed of the car due to the sloppy, wet road...

Pragya's worried face and restlessness pricks Abhi's heart to the core... The way she is holding the phone and bag, the way she looks outside through the window , now and then when she sees her watch for the time, clearly explains Abhi that the problem is quite complicated....

He just want to hug and console her and give her a forehead kiss that nothing to worry and all will be fine soon... But Abhi didn't do anything at that moment and prays that nothing should bother his fuggy at all....

Abhi wished to know what exactly the matter is and what is bothering her.... But he doesn't want to create more tension towards pragya and he is not in a mentality to hear from pragya that it's something personal which he is not supposed to know...

Abhi tries all his might to drive the car very fast... But the day is not at all favouring abhi and all the things he tries to do is turning against him... The car shrieks and halts abruptly making abhi and pragya stunned to the core...

Abhi gets down without bothering the rain and opens the bonnet of the car.. Abhi kicks the car in full rage and enters with a pale face...

Abhi: Im so so sorry fuggy... This car wont move an inch too... The break wire got cut...

Pragya: Oh my God!!!! What shall I do now??? Abhi... Its an emergency... Iv to go home soon... What will I do now??? 😞😞😞...

Abhi: Hey relax relax... Don't worry.... When abhi is there, why to fear??? Lets see any cab is coming on this way or I will call my brother to come here...

Abhi dialled Nikhil's number but its not reachable... He texts him the place and asked him to come soon... Pragya nervously watched the road and watch and is praying god to send some cab soon..

Almost 15 mins. Gone... Abhi takes his mobile to call Nikhil again.... Just then they spot a cab coming on the way... Abhi stops the cab and enquires and gets details about d driver and sends pragya in the car...

After five minutes, Nikhil comes there with a mechanic in his car...

Nikhil: Sorry bhai... Im late as the road is quite slippery ... Shall we go bhai??? Where is your friend???

Abhi: Its okay nikhil... She left already... Let the mechanic check the car first...

Nikhil's pov.: oh my god!!!! 😨😨😨😨... Is it dolly with bhai??? Thank god... Im saved today... If not both aaliya and pragya would have ripped me into pieces...

Tanu your kumkum only saved me today from this abhi bhai to.... Phew... Great escape nikhil or else all would have killed me alive for failing their plans...

As there is some major problem in the car, Nikhil asks the mechanic to take the car to do the service and abhi and nikhil went to their house...


Meanwhile, pragya rushes to her home hurriedly after paying the cab... She rushes up and a lump formed in her throat to see her mumma sarla and her papa raguveer sitting there angrily...

Pragya's eyes moved towards the two poor souls who are standing there with their heads down and is waiting eagerly for pragya to save them.... Pragya really feels sorry to see her pie (bulbul) and pooh (purab) like this...

She takes a deep breath and composes herself.... She knows pretty well one day or the other , they are going to get caught.... So, the cat is out already... Pragya decides not to hide anymore to her parents....

Pragya: Maa... Papa.. I want to talk with you two.... Listen to me first... Then decide what you want...

Sarla yells: Not a word pragya... Is this the way we brought up you two??? How much trust we had on you???? But you back stabbed us right... Dont you guys think that its needed to tell us...

Pragya: Maa.. you are mistaken completely... Purab is my close friend and he is a gem of a person... You cant find anyone better than him for our bulbul... Trust me maa... purab will look after bulbul very well....

Raguveer: what trust you are talking pragya... Your friend and your sister are together in a relationship but you are not bothered about that ...

As a sister, you should have warned them or atleast you should have informed us right... But you broke our trust pragya.... We didn't expected this from you pragya...

Pragya: Sorry papa.... I didn't meant to do that.. But I thought to inform you later after our studies and purab too wishes to talk to you after he settles down in his career...

Sarla: Didn't we friendly towards you pragya???? Why you hide it from us??? We are not against love marriage right... Then whyyyyy...

Pragya: Sorry maa...please forgive me... Hey you two stupid pooh and pie.... What are you two doing there... Im begging for forgiveness on behalf of you two...

But you guys are behaving as it's none of your concern.... Come here and fall in papa and mumma's feet and beg to forgive you two so that they can accept you...

Bulbul: you carry on di... we don't need to do that... Its because di, we are enjoying your brilliant performance... Hey na pooh...

Both purab and bulbul hi-fied and sarla and raguveer bursts into laughter making pragya confused to the core....

Pragya: what's going on here???? Can anyone explain me before my head bursts ???

Bulbul: Maa... I told you na, di will get angry... You only did all this... Di... Im not at fault... Maa only behind all this drama...

Purab: Stop it pie... You are irritating my dolly... So sorry my dolly darling... I have talked to sarlama and papa earlier about me and bulbul as I don't want to hide it from them ....

They too were happy about us and accepted us... They asked me not to say anything to you till they inform you....

I don't know today they were coming here suddenly... Me and pie went to dinner and when we come here, sarlama and pa are sitting and smiling at us...

We don't know anything but later only thy told us that they want to tease you n called you here urgently and the dramatic warnings she has given you and all... Sorry dolly...

Pragya didn't said anything but runs to her room crying hardly.... All are stunned as they didn't expected that reaction from pragya and ran after her...

It took hard for everyone to convince and console pragya as they had played with her emotions very badly....

Sarla: sorry beta... We did it just for fun... Don't mistake us please...

Pragya: Its okay ma... But I was hell scared .. I can't bear anyone hurting my Pooh or pie....

My friends and my sister may not support me and always against my wishes but I can go to any extreme to help them and their happiness means a lot to me....

Anyways, Im happy for them... Thanks maa and papa for accepting bulbul's happiness and giving your support in her love
at least....

All understands that pragya is purposely saying that no one supports her love towards her prem and compelling her to marry aaliya's brother ...

Pragya asks them to give time to her to recover from the shock and asked no one to disturb her... All feels really guilty for hurting pragya like that.. Pragya closes her eyes and all she thinks is to get united with her abhi at any cost....


Next morning, pragya wakes up earlier and get dressed up soon... She didn't had her breakfast nor spoke to anyone in home... She goes out of home as she wants to calm her mind...

As pragya's mobile is switched off which is drained out of low battery, no one knows where is pragya... Pragya always used to go along with aaliya (honey) and aaliya too came to know that what all the dramas happened in pragya's home through pooh and pie..

Iñ the other side, abhi is completely restless and much worried to know what has happened to pragya... He didn't slept for a single second for the whole night and tried an umpteenth time to contact pragya but all goes in vain as her number is switched off...

Abhi enters the college and is waiting for pragya to come but she is no where to be found... Abhi crosses pragya's class too to check for her but she is not over there too...


After sometime, when the first bell rings, pragya enters the class with a pale and dull face and didn't look ata anyone's face... She didn't respond to anyone and sits like a statue...

Aaliya, Arjun and purab are worried to the core to see theor dolly like this... They tried all their might to talk to her but she didn't reacted to anyone and not paid heeds to anyone's words...


As Abhishek sir's class is in third hour, the two hours class was like a hell for him... He rushes to the class when the third bell rings and abhi is stunned and shocked to see pragya like that...

The chirpy and notorious pragya is sitting like a statue and is taking the notes like a robot... Abhi is not in a mood to take class too as pragya's state is making him worried and upset the most...

All abhi wants to do at that time is to go and hug her and keep her in his embrace and console her that he will be with her all his life and will protect her from any problems.... Abhi curses his helplessness and takes the class unwillingly....


During break time, pragya is about to move from class but is being holded by honey..

Aaliya (honey) : Dolly... Please don't be like this... We can't see your sad face and we are worried a lot...

Pragya made a sarcastic smile: What's there to worry hon... Oops sorry aaliya.... Dont call me dolly anymore.... Better be pragya... That's good for all of us...

Purab: Dolly please... Dont talk like this.... Aren't we your buddies???

Pragya: Buddies??? Who??? Iv three best friends ajju, honey n pooh and a caring sister pie... But I lost them completely somewhere...

All they care about is about themselves and their happiness is what they want and they forget their dolly and neglected her like a shit ....

Did anyone of you cared about me??? Who am I to you all??? You all need me in all your problems but you guys will hide everything from me... But I being a fool have to support you all right...

I accept till date, I have hidden who my love of life is... When my life is in a big mess, how can I tell you all who he is and I don't want to worry you all... Even till date, my prem didn't know who Im and what he meants to me...

I was waiting for the right time to come... But did any one of you
at least supported me and assured me that my love will get succeeded...

Always you guys mock at me and are hell adamant to irritate me... You all want to join your love of lives but this pragya shouldn't join with her love right...

Let our relationship be like this... Better be a hi, bye friends... No... Just classmates... You all acted as my rivals to Abhishek sir na then behave like that to me...

Just 2 months to finish our studies... I wont be heartbroken... All the best for your happy lives... If you guys need any help, you are pleased to ask me...

I will surely help you... But please I beg you not to trouble me in the name of friendship anymore... Im completely fed up of all these dramas and please allow me to live in peace ...

Pragya pours out what's in her heart and rushes out from there... She just want to run away from everything... She came to college only to see her abhi's face alone...


Abhi cant sit in the staff room anymore thinking what's the condition of pragya... He gets up and walks towards pragya's class and came to know that she is not in the class...

Abhi thinks for sometime and rushes towards the isolated dance hall... Abhi panicks on seeing pragya is sitting in the extreme corner of the room burring her face in her kneels and crying vigorously....

Abhi runs hurriedly after closing the door and kneels before pragya... He caress her head lovingly... Pragya raises her head and on seeing abhi she cries again throwing herself completely on him....

Abhi: Fuggy... What happened to you???? Why are you crying like this??? Did anyone said anything to hurt you??? Stop crying and tell me na what happened????

Pragyas voice chokes: Ab.. abh... Abhii.... 😭😭😭😭... No one is supporting me abhi... All are hurting me abhi... You too wont hurt me na... 😭😭😭😭... I cant tolerate if you do so...

Abhi: Hey silly girl... What's all this??? why will I hurt you fuggy??? Fuggy you are very special and way too important to me... Stop crying sweet heart... Come on tell me what happened???

Pragya: I just want to forget that abhi... All are purposely playing with my emotions and making a mockery of my feelings... Where am I at fault???

I showed genuine love and care to my friends and family... No one is supporting me and are against me abhi... Why??? Is it wrong to support me??? Don't I deserve that...

Abhi: Fuggy... I promise you... I will support you whatever the matter is... Stop crying na... Please for me...

Pragya: Abhiiii... 😭😭😭😭.... Abhi... Will you be with me all my life??? You wont leave me na... I cant lose you abhi at any cost .. You too wont hate me na...

I can bear whatever happens and I can tolerate anyone's betrayal too... But I will be heartbroken and I cant live a single second too if you leave me... 😭😭😭😭😭

Abhi is stunned to hear pragya and it took some time for him to understand what she is saying... He tried all his might to console her but pragya keeps on crying hardly...

Abhi panicks as now only pragya is recovering from the injury and he is worried the most as he doesn't want pragya to fall sick at any cost...

Abhi sighs and looks at pragya's fluffy red eyes, running nose, pale cheeks with tear stains, her uneven heart beats and her trembling lips which keeps on blabbering without her control...

All Abhi want at that time is to assure Pragya that he won't leave her how hard the situation may be... He bends down and grabs her ranting lips and gives his promise to her that he will be with her all his life...


So, what's gonna happen next???

Will abhi find out the reason behind pragya's cries???

What àll the friends of pragya gonna do now???

Are they going to support pragya's childhood love or they going to continue their mission???

When will pragya say that abhi is her prem to everyone???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual a very long update of 2700+ words...

Sorry if I bored you all...

Please forgive me for errors n mistakes as it's unedited...

Cast your votes n pen down your views without fail...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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