30. You are in my mind 24*7

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Here we are in the 30th chapter... Its unbelievable guys...

I didn't expected that I will write this much that too this story... Dont know how long Im going to write this story...

May be 10 or 15 more, I guess...

Now to a big happy news....

"From the day I met you" has become my 3rd story to cross
20,000+ reads after loving husband and I fell for your eyes...

Thanks to everyone for reading this story and showing your support till now... Expecting it more in the form of votes n comments from you all...

Got a maximum of 139 votes.... Expecting to  reach the highest before I finish off.. Silent readers won't you do it for me at least from now on...

Now to the shot. 30 without further adieu...

Pragya’s pov.:

Iv never gone through such a worst situation in my life .. I  Don’t know or I cant understand, why all are doing like this??? Why all are playing with my emotions??

What have I done to them??? Why its always me??? Why have they mocked all my love and care towards them??? Am I not an important person in their life anymore???

I was worried a lot when my mom called me and scolded me for the mishaps happened in my absence..
I rushed up abhi too and was praying each and every second that nothing wrong should happen to the love between purab and bulbul...

I missed the best moment of my life, my abhi's biggest surprise... I ignored it for the sake of my sister bulbul and my best friend purab..

That moment neither my love comes to my mind... I just want to run and protect them and their love from my parents.... I can't see their separation and I prayed for their togetherness and happy life...

Seeing my worry, abhi too dont want to trouble me anymore.. He with a happy smile take me from there not showing his disappointment of failing to give the surprise....

I feel so blessed at that moment to see how understanding my abhi is.. im very proud at that moment that I loved a best human being who understands and respects his girl's feelings so much...

The weather was too horrible and Abhi didn’t mind that at all.. The struggle Abhi made for me is beyond its limits.. After a lot of struggle, I went to my home to hear the biggest shock of my life...

I cant explain my pain.. I was struggling and begging for bulbul and purab... But to my dismay, all started to mock me saying that they are teasing me.. They just coolly said to me that they played with me to see my reaction..

That moment all I felt is that the world I believed all my life is completely collapsed... How can they do this to me???

Am I playing doll to them??? Is it the reason, they named and calling me as dolly??? Didn't they feel for a single second, how I will be hurted at that instance...

There is no much people around my life... Other than my parents n my sis, purab and family, Arjun and family and aaliya and family are the people whom my world always revolves around..

Ya... Last but not the least , my best man, my abhi.. Abhi is my breathe and heart beat and I don’t want to differentiate him from me ... He is my soul and my mind always revolves around him 24*7....

I cant control or I can't explain how hurted and pained Im at that time... All through the night, I cried my heart out for believing the people who doesn’t care about my feelings..

For them, I neglected my abhi’s calls too... How many calls n how many messages... Sorry abhi... I understand your worry... Please forgive your fuggy... I will completely broke down if i talk with you now...

Eventhough my abhi doesn’t know that Im madly in love with him, he understands my pain without any explainations. I saw his care for me in his worried face and his eyes speaks volumes to me that how much he is concerned about me...

The great Abhishek sir who is famous for his tactic and brilliant lectures, the best of the  professors in handling the students elegantly and mesmerizing them with his talented lectures, stammered for the first time ever in his life... That too because of me...

Abhi’s worry for me pained me even more.. Sorry abhi... Concentrate in taking class... I cant see you as a loser... At that moment, I just want to run and hug him and cry my heart out wiping both our pains..

But what shall we do.. We are helpless and we cant do anything as we wish... The worst situation any lovers shouldn't face in their lives...  Im a student and he is a professor.. I don’t want any one to talk  ill about our relationship...

But when I wished to move during break time to talk with abhi, my so called friends boiled my nerves.. I lost all my self control and the first time ever in my life, I bashed them very badly..

I ran out to the place which gives me peace..  The place which made me and my abhi gets closer.. I really felt very bad on hurting my friends... Sorry buddies... Forget that you have a friend named dolly...

To my surprise or the least expected by my heart, my abhi came rushing to me.... His concern overwhelmed my heart and im crying non stop hearing the consoling words of  my abhi.. He controlled my pain in just by a simple thing...

The soulful comfort he gave me is unexpected.. I just want to drown in that and Im ready to die too at this moment... The pain I gone through these many hours vanishes by the soulful promise made my abhi...


Its enough for me abhi... I don't want to hear anything from you abhi .. I understood everything abhi... Just wait for some more time...

The days are nearing to reveal the biggest secret of my life and Im damn eager to see your reactions abhi when you know tht you are my only love and Im madly in love with you from chidhood ...

Im ready to oppose anyone too to join you... I don't want anything in my life... All I want is only you... I know pretty well no one will support me and I don't care about tht... If you are with me, I can achieve anything in my life...


Abhi cups pragya's face and wipes her tears... He hugs her tightly and caress her head lovingly...

Abhi: Fuggy.. Enough... You have cried too much... I think your eyes needs some rest... Don't trouble it anymore please...

Pragya: What do you mean professor sir??? Are you teasing me???

Abhi: No... No... No... Absolutely no... Why will I tease you??? Go and look at your face 😂😂😂😂

Pragya: Am I looking too much horrible??? I know you too don't like me na...

Abhi: Noooo... Sweet heart... Did I say like that you silly girl... I admire my fuggy however she is... But You are looking like a cry baby now... So cute and adorable...

But you will scold me and whine that I called you baby again... If you didn't stop crying, I will surely call you baby only... My cute, little baby fuggy...

Pragya stomps her feet in anger: Hate you...😬😬😬😬...  Hate You, arrogant hitler... Go off from here, before I kill you... I just need only my buddy abhi here and not this rude professor...

Abhi: Ahaan... What so special about your buddy abhi than this best professor Abhishek...

Pragya: Dumbo heads like you cant understand what my abhi means to me... I don't find any classy or cheesy words to explain about my abhi's speciality... Abhi is a gem of a person and no one can near him...

He was with me and is there for me and will be there for me too to wipe away my sorrows and pain...

Abhi: Aww... Im honoured... Fuggy are you okay now... Did you had food today??? Promise on me... No lies to me...

Pragya: Sorry abhi... The last food I had is with you only...

Abhi: What the h**k... Stupid girl... Dont you hve any sense... You are getting adamant day by day fuggy .. Irresponsible idiot... Still your medicines are left for three days...

Dont laugh... Im getting angry on you fuggy... Dont irritate me anymore... Go and fresh up and come... Have food in the canteen and go to class...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Angry bird... Hitler professor your threatens wont work on me... my abhi will smash your head and protect me....

I will do as you say but not now... Promise me you will take me out whenever I wish and don't forget what I asked for...

Abhi sighs: Okay... As you wish... No choice for me right...  Im ready... At your service always madam....

Pragya: Aww... so cute... Abhi... You didn't asked me what made me to cry this much???

Abhi: I don't need any explanations fuggy... I understand something big has happened which hurted you a lot... I don't want to dig it again and increase your pain...

All I could say you is that don't bother about anything... Don't lose hope and try again and again... Never give up for anyone's sake... Just remember, your abhi is there for you and be with you always...

Pragya: Abhi... I just need only you beside me all my life... Will you be with me abhi??

Abhi: Hoye... I won't leave you for anyone or anything... Run wherever you want... I will chase you and be with you...

Pragya: 😊😊😊😊... Professor sir is turning too romantic haan...

Abhi: Its not the professor  sir... Its your abhi... Is that clear???

Pragya: Hmmm... Still abhi... I couldn't get you... Why did you do that??? When I openly asked you, you didn't mind that... But all of a sudden, I didn't expected that...

Abhi glares: Silly fuggy... You were not paying heed to any of my words... I don't have any choice left than to do that to stop my cry baby...

Pragya: Oh hello... Im not a damsel in distress and you're not my knight in shining armour... Oh my god!!! Is this the way, you stop all the girls who are in pain...

Abhi : Fuggyyyy 😬😬😬😬😬.... Why not I kill you??? Don't compare you with anyone... My fuggy is very precious and has a special place in my heart... Did you get that???

Pragya: Peace... Peace... Lets leave this topic...

Abhi... What about the thing we discussed on that day???? Will it get agreed??? Just two months left na... Before exams comes up, we have to do it na abhi... What are you thinking abhi??? Say something...

Abhi: I am searching for the girl who is crying minutes back...you are impossible fuggy and this quality in you is what I adore the most in you...

You never fail to impress me... As principal always say, you are the best college chairman this college has ever got... Keep up the spirit in you always fuggy...

Don't lose hope or don't cry like this anymore... You are a brave lioness and you can fight back always way too ahead than anyone...

I always want to see the brave warrior in you... Still I wonder, how you have kept all the students in your control and even boys too fear on looking at your eyes .. You are really a terror fuggy... My cute, little lady don...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Such a big compliment professor sir... im honoured...  So, shall we leave now...

I will just freshen up and come... Let me take a quick bite at the canteen and shall we discuss about this matter with the principal .. I want this to happen for sure...

Abhi smiles brightly and pats her head lovingly... They goes out hand in hand... Abhi just admires pragya and prays to god to keep her happy always and stress free...


Pragys never mind any of her friends or her sister...  She ignored them just like that and she is not in a mood to listen to any of their words... Honey, pooh, pie and ajju are completely heart broken with the cold behavior of their dolly...

Pragya booked a scooty for her in her own savings and she ignored going with her friends to the college ... The topic is going as a big discussion in the mission abhigya group too...

Their only relief is that abhi is standing as a pillar in protecting pragya and she is back to her form very soon only because of abhi... Though she neglects them, they are happy at least that abhi and pragya are together...


Days starts to roll on....

One fine day, Abhishek sir enters the classroom with a wide smile in his face... The class is way too stunned to see Abhishek sir like that for the first  time ever...

Pragya understands the matter and is smiling happily... Abhi and pragya looks at each other and it conveys something they expected happened as per their wish...

Pragya shows thumbs up to abhi and winks at abhi... Abhi shooks his head in disbelief and started to take the class...  Arjun, Aliya and purab couldn't understand what's going on...

As pragya has changed her place to the first bench, they cant ask her or understand what's going on between abhi and pragya and the reason for their happiness....

Abhishek sir takes the class in full swing and no one gets distracted from his magical spell and the students were paying their attention properly as abhi can question any one at any time...

Abhi finishes the class and looks at pragya... Before abhi starts to say about the reason for his happiness, pragya gestures abhi to look aside... Abhi couldn't suppress his laughter...

He bites his lips and turns towards the wall to control himself and takes a deep breath to calm him down... He understands what's going to happen next... He mentally apologizes and gets ready to face his fuggy...

Pragya shrinks her eye brows and gestures abhi to do that..  Abhi pleads through his eyes and he feels really sorry for... Pragya rolls her eyes and fists her hand... Abhi sighs and nod his head as yes...

So, what's going to happen next???

What made abhi to get Happy???

What pragya wants abhi to do???

What is the important thing which abhi and pragya are discussing???

Will pragya forgive her friends???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

An interesting thing awaits which is going to make abhi and pragya even more close...

Guess what's it going to be???

Words used: 2535+

A long one as usual...

Sorry for errors and mistakes as its unedited...

Cast your votes and pen down your views...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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