31. Messing up with Pragya.. Face the wrath ...

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No one guessed what is the thing abhi and pragya were talking and what made abhi to smile uncontrollably....

Shall we proceed to know further...

General warning:

Read at your very own risk...

Strictly no bashing is allowed...

Cant change my storyline or characters for anyone or for anything...

If you want, read further or better skip this story...


Abhi finds it very hard to suppress his laughter.. He tries all his might to control himself.. The angry look of his fuggy and her glarings and the way she rolls her eyes and twists her lips is turning him on very badly...

Abhi tries to compose himself and takes a deep breath to calm his urging hormones and to be in control .. He looks at the side, where Pragya  is pointing her fingers...

Abhi doesn't know what to do now.. He is a man of charms and he likes people turning their attention towards him.. Though being a professor, Abhi is very strict and rude... Yet he never made his fan girls to feel bad , at any moment...

He always allowed them to drool on him, as much as they want and he reacts as if he is not aware of that.. He always thinks its like a fan worshipping their idols and he feels proud of himself that he has such effect on the students, especially girls...

Abhi feels really pity for his fan girls nivi dharunyaa, shaki Shakiabhigya, jas JasPrad and kirti kirti1705 who is going to be a target of pragya today... Though Abhi didn't want to do it, but the lover boy in him obliged to do that as his fuggy wishes for it...

The happy smile of Pragya is all Abhi want to cherish at that moment.. Abhi really wants to see Pragya's ever glowing smile very badly, which is lacking in her face for a long time...

He vows to do anything that gives her happiness... Pragya glares at Abhi and gestured him to do that... Abhi raises his brow and  makes a naughty smirk, which conveys that I will do the things which you never  expected from me...

Abhi: Well class... I'm here with a good news to you all... The thing which you all wished all these years are going to happen soon... Don't think much, what's it going to be...

Tomorrow, the principal will give you all an official statement regarding this... But did you all want to know who is the Mastermind behind all this...

Shaki gets up with her cheesy and flattering smile on looking at Abhishek sir , without minding the deadly glare of pragya too...

Shaki: I know pretty well Sir... It's you hey na... Who else, other than you can do that sir??? You are the best in taking care of student's wishes and you will do the best for us Sir...

Abhi's pov.: 😱😱😱😱😱.... What have you done girl??? Seriously are you mad Shaki... Just look at your surroundings and speak girl...  God have to save you today...

You digged your own grave very badly... I thought to save you, at least... But now is all over.... You are dead for sure... May your soul rest in peace...

Arrey what's happening with these girls... Seriously these four girls are really dumbos... Huh... God... All the best girls , to see your hell... You all messed up with my lady don Pragya... So, get ready to face her wrath...

All were looking at Abhi to know what's the matter....

Purab (pooh) pokes Aaliya: Honey... What's the matter.... What is your hitler brother talking, hun... Too much dramas today... God... He is smiling... Unbelievable thing is happening....

Aaliya (honey) : Idiot pooh... Don't poke me like this... You are hurting me, Pooh... I'm also like you only...

Is my brother saying anything to me??? Even I'm completely blank like you... Who knows what's this matter that makes my rude hitler bro to smile this much...

Arjun: Will you two shut up??? Keep quiet , before he throws us all out... Already, we are a target for our Abhishek sir, after dolly has changed her place...

So, close your mouths and listen what he says... My gut feeling says that we are going to hear a shocking news today.... Oh no... Honey baby... Your brother is smirking at us...

Purab: Shut up Ajju... I don't want to die without marrying my Pie... Mummy... Please save us...

Aaliya: Dont worry guys... We will see what he is upto...


Abhi throws his marker angrily on the talking trio who failed to notice that Abhi is watching them keenly, when they are talking... Abhi gestures them to get up with a murderous glare in his face...

Abhi: So, the great Aaliya madam and the gentlemen Purab and Arjun, may I know what you guys are seriously discussing over there...

Talk aloud... We too are ready to hear your lectures... Isn't it class... Come on speak... we all are ears...

All nods their head quicklu ,while Pragya really feels pity for her friends... She gestures Abhi not to trouble them and pleads through her eyes to leave them.... But Abhi shooks his shoulder and walks towards them..

Abhi: This is my final warning to you three... You three are always an interruption in my class... Don't irritate me again...

Im in a good mood today, so don't try to spoil it... But don't think, I will forgive you three so easily... Wait for sometime, I will get back to you... Sit and listen without talking... Is that clear ..

Aaliya twists her shawl and curses her brother for threatening them like that... Arjun and Purab are standing as if some hurricane has hit them very badly...

Abhi: So, class... Where I left... haan... Sorry girls... I didn't do anything... Well thanks for trusting me this much... But I don't have any role in this achievement....

All credits goes to a single person, who fight with the administration committee all alone and she is the one who made all this happen... So, isn't it our duty to honour her and praise her for the work, she did....

Kirti/ shaki/ jas in chorus: Obviously sir... Who is it???

Abhi: Who else... It's our very own college chairman, Miss. Pragya Arora, who is sitting very calmly right over here, as if she hadn't done anything... So, why not we show our appreciation to her...

The whole class made a thunderous clapping to appreciate Pragya for her achievement... Pragya keeps her hands in her cheek to hide her blushing, but Abhi looks at her with a teasing and naughty smile...

Abhi: Well done Pragya... Really I've no words to say the efforts you put forth, for the fellow students... Keep up the spirit and good going.. 👍👍👍👍

Pragya: Thank you so much sir... Thank you friends... Sir is over exaggerating, what I did... As a chairman its my duty to do that... Nothing much...

Im not given the authority to reveal what the matter is... But trust me, you all will feel really happy on hearing the news from our principal sir...

Just a small token of love on my part for the tremendous support you are giving to me...Thank you all... Thank you so much sir... Without your encouragement, I've not done this...

Abhi smiles at Pragya, while pragya again points over the place and ask him to do that right now... Abhi shooks his head in disbelief...

Abhi: So class... After the official announcement, you are going to get that surprise in a week's time...  Just 7 days left for that...

We have to go through the portions quickly... What I am planning now is that we have to quicken up the chapters with seminars and assignments...

Well we have a very talented young men and women in this class... Why not, we ask them to do the honours... 7 days I'm choosing 7 people.... They all have to take the classes daily for this week...

For the whole week, all the seven have to present a perfect record of their notes too... Cool one right...So, the person who are going to take the classes are..

The whole class is praying that they should not be Abhishek sir's target... Blood is completely drained in the seven target's face... They understands that they are going to be the Hitler Abhishek Sir's target....

Pragya wonders who are the other three, who is going to face Abhi's wrath.... She prays to god that Abhi shouldn't punish her friends for talking in the clas...

Abhi: So let me call up one by one... Mr.Arjun, Mr. purab, the young ladies Aaliya, nivi, jas, kirti and shaki , to handle the classes for this whole week... I'm going to supervise you all and remember this marks will effect your final results too...

And one more thing, in order to appreciate our Pragya's achievement and also as a topper of this batch, she too is going to question them , when they took seminar...

Pragya's eyes popped out with Abhi's unexpected twisty shock... The four fan girls are looking at Pragya and they are standing as if they are seeing their death in the form of Pragya....

The classes gets over... The whole class is completely silent with the unexpected twists and all failed to greet their Abhishek sir too... Abhi chuckles and leaves the class...


Later that evening,

Pragya is not at all in a mood to talk to Abhi... She tries to act like  as if she is angry but Abhi is teasing her a lot...

Pragya: Abhi... Don't irritate me... I'm hell angry on you... 😬😬😬😬

Abhi: Aww... My baby... That's what I bring you here right.. Have this
ice cream to melt down your anger...

Pragya: Oh God!!!! I can't believe till now... Are you the same hitler professor of ours... If I promise in front of god too, the class won't believe me... Huh... Too much Abhi...

Abhi: 😂😂😂... As if I care.... Fuggy darling... Now stop all your dramas and smile please.... I know you are feeling too happy and jumping inwardly  as I did what you said right...

Pragya: Idiot Abhi... What I said to you...  I asked you to threaten the girls... But seven days punishment is too too much and also a complete record of that... Oh my god!!!

Poor souls.... They will curse me for sure and you trapped me too... Idiot... Haan, why the hell you punished Arjun, Purab and Aaliya...

Abhi: Hey it's unexpected fuggy... They were too much annoying in my class, so I chose them too...

Pragya: Oh hello Abhishek sir... I know you pretty well... Don't bluff okay... Your acting skills are not going to work with me ...  I know you purposely did it right...

Abhi: You caught me... Yup..  They were my original targets and not these poor girls...  I was thinking how to trap them, but they fall easily on their own and got the punishment for the mistake, they have did...

Pragya: whaaatttt 😨😨😨😨.... But why??? What did they do???

Abhi: Fuggy... It's all for you only... I don't know what happened between you guys ... But something in me tells me that you are hurted because of them only...

If anyone makes my fuggy to worry, then they will face my wrath for sure... So simple.... A small revenge... Just like that...

Pragya: Hello mister... Over imagination is good for nothing... Did I say to yoy that they troubled me... Please cancel their punishments Abhi... please please...

Abhi: Sweet heart... Don't try to make up okay... If you tell me the reason for changing the place, I will think of that... I know you can't na... So, leave it... Let them do it....

Pragya nods her head and she really feels pity for her buddies Pooh, Honey and Ajju... Pragya keeps on eating both Abhi and her icecreams, without her knowledge...

Abhi's lips curved to a naughty smirk and he is smiling brightly... Pragya notices Abhi with wide eyes, as he is staring at her way too intently...

Pragya: Hoye... Close your water falls and eat man... You are drooling me too much, as if you are seeing me for the first time... Eat your ice cream Abhi... 

Abhi: What shall I eat??? My hungry baby is eating both the ice creams na...

Pragya: Oops... sorry sorry... Abhi, we can get one more na...

Abhi; Its okay... I will take my share on my own...

Abhi comes very close to Pragya... Pragya's heart start to thump very hardly... The hot breath of Abhi makes her senses to go hay wire and her lips starts to tremble with the coldness of icecream and the hot breath of Abhi...

Abhi smirks and takes the icecream that is surrounding pragya's lips with his hands and licks it..  Pragya blushes too hard and Abhi winks at her...

Pragya: Stop teasing me Abhi... You are turning too much naughty these days...

Abhi: Am I teasing you??? You only said na Im very bad in romance... Now tell me...

Pragya: My mistake... You are king of romance onky... Are you happy now???

Abhi: Yes my darling... I'm honoured...


Abhi drives his car to his house while pragya drives her scooty to her home... It has become a habit for abhi and Pragya to meet after college and to spend some quality time together....

Pragya completely ignores her friends in the college and she stops talking with her sister too... The hurt they have given her has become a big wound in her heart...

Pragya needs some time to forgive them and its not at all easy for her to forget the scar and pain they have given to her... If abhi is not with her, pragya would have broken down into pieces...


Abhi whistles happily twisting the keys in his hand... He smiles and enters his house without knowing a huge hurricane gonna hit him very badly...

So, what's  gonna happen next???

What is the thing which pragya did to the fellow students???

How these seven gonna handle the class???

Love is overflowing between abhi and pragya....

Will pragya confess to Abhi that he is her prem and what is going to be abhi's reaction for that?

What is honey, pooh, pie and ajju gonna do to get forgiveness from their dolly???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2400+ words...

Sorry for errors and mistakes....

Cast your votes and pen down your views...


Yours buddy,


Signing off..

Will be


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