32. My long term wish comes true...

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Thanks for the love and support... Thanks for keeping calm and bearing with my absence...

Im getting fine and hope I will be fine soon fully with all your prayers... Really overwhelmed with all your love and care..


Read at your very own risk....

Strictly no bashing is allowed....

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Lets move to shot. 32 without much bak baks:

Abhi and pragya comes out from
ice cream parlour happily... Pragya sits on her scooty and waves bye to Abhi and moves towards her house...

Abhi smiles brightly and takes his car and moves to his house not aware of the fact, a big storm is waiting in the house.... Abhi parks his car and he rolls the keys in his hand and comes inside the house whistling happily...

Abhi shrieks in horror and jumps up hurriedly as a football came to hit him hardly in his head... Abhi gulps and turns his head to see the furious aaliya standing there like a wild lioness...

Abhi is highly irked as Nikhil and Tanu are watching the scenario as if they are enjoying some movies... Aaliya comes down angrily and sits near Nikhil and fists her hands in anger...

Abhi: What the hell is this aaliya??? What sort of behavior is this??? Thank god... Iv moved... Or else you would have broken down my head... Stupid girl... 😠😠😠😠

Aaliya; Dont scream mister as if I have kicked you... I missed my target very badly... 😬😬😬😬... Have to hit my target again perfectly...

Abhi: Seriously... you have gone nuts aaliya... Nikhil, Tanu you two are hearing what this stupid girl is saying na ..

Nikhil: Bhai... Please don't drag me inside your silly fights... This is between Aaliya and you... Let I be the poor spectator... Spare me please...

Abhi: You traitor.... 😠😠😠😠... Tanu, can't you see what this aaliya is doing...

Tanu: Haan jiju... We don't want to come between the fight of the lovable and caring siblings... But I know aaliya is not at fault... So only we are in aaliya's side... Sorry jiju...

Abhi: So, the whole family is saying Im at fault... Unbelievable... May I know who is the head of this family??? No respect and no discipline in this house.... I didn't expect such a thing from you all...

Aaliya: When the elder Mehra is doing everything out of the box, why will we behave properly... Nikhil bhai... Tanu bhabhi... Someone is behaving wierd these days in college and favouring only a particular student....

Abhi yells: Whaaatttt... Come again... Don't talk in circles... Spit out the matter aaliya...

Aaliya: Bhai... What you did today is absolutely wrong??? What's going on between you and pragya??? Why are you punishing us in favouring her???

I know that stupid girl is doing some black magic on you.. let me teach her a good lesson for messing up with us ....

Abhi yells angrily: Aaliyaaaaaa.... 😠😠😠😠😠.... Dare to say a word against pragya or if you try to hurt her, you will see my worst face... You are getting punished only for your rude behavior with her...

I know pretty well you and your friends are the reason for pragya's bad State... I can do anything... No one dare to question me...

Stay away from pragya... If I find that if anyone of you hurt her in any means, forget tht you have a brother aaliya... Is that clear???

Abhi roars in anger and breaks the glass in the table and walks to his room in fury... There was a pin drop silence prevailing in the living room... Aaliya is crying vigorously and tanu is consoling her...

Nikhil: Honey (aaliya)... Try to control yourself... You know about bhai and dolly (pragya) na... Why did you bring this topic now??? You didn't listened to me at all... Are you feeling bad for abhi bhai's talks ???

Aaliya: Nothing much bhai... I just want to know how much my bhai can do for my bestie, my dolly, my pragya bhabhi... I'm badly missing my dolly these days... 😭😭😭😭

She is not at all talking to me bhai... She isolated from our friends gang  and she is not coming with us to college... 😭😭😭😭.... She changed her place in class too...

Im feeling as if I have lost my soul bhai... All of us are terribly missing our dolly .. She is not at all sparing a glimpse on us too... 😭😭😭😭... Poor dolly... How much she has felt bad

But, Today I understand one thing... Abhi bhai loves pragya bhabhi very madly and he can go to any extreme to bring happiness in her face... I hope dolly too accepts bhai's love happily...

Nikhil: Aaliya... If you want, shall I talk with our dolly...

Aaliya: No need bhai... Im happy on the fact that our separation from dolly is making abhi bhai and pragya bhabhi to get very close .. They are meeting daily in evening and chit chatting for a long time.. 

Without our plans, everything is going on smooth between them.. I hope all our wishes comes true one day.... I know one day my dolly will understand us and will be back to us...

But the sad thing is that dolly is not even talking to pie (bulbul), sarlama and raghuveer uncle too... She is way too broken with the happenings and if abhi bhai is not there, sure dolly would have faced the worst....

I cant even digest the fact that a silly prank will play like these in all our lives making us to stand like this far apart... Hope all will be fine soon bhai...

Let our dolly come here as our bhabhi soon... That time, I will prove her how much we all loves our dolly and what all things we all done to unite them...

Aaliya wipes her tears and walks to the room.... Tanu and Nikhil doesn't know what to do and they  really felt bad as the mission abhigya w***app group has lost the charms these days...


Next day,

Pragya dressed up happily and comes out to go to the college.... But to her dismay, the tyres of her scooty is being punctured badly...

Pragya: Oh god!!!! What will I do now??? Planned to go to college earlier as principal wants to meet me... I thought of having some fun with the girls too... Huh...  Too bad.... This scooty...  Grr... 😬😬😬😬

Just then honey (aaliya), pooh (purab) and ajju (arjun) came there to pick up pie (bulbul).... There was an awkward silence prevailing between the close buddies...

Bulbul too comes out from the house and sees pragya standing there without bothering anyone and texting something in her mobile.... They understands pragya is not moving as her scooty is punctured....

Aaliya in a stammering tone... : Do... Dolly....

Pragya gave a deadly glare: Im not dolly... The so called dolly who believed everyone blindly is dead already.... This is pragya... Got it...

Aaliya: I'm so sorry... What happened to your scooty??? We are also going to college only... Can you come with us???

Pragya in a cold tone: Its okay miss. Aaliya.... Im not heartless to come between lovers..  You guys carry on...

The person who considers me as important and who cares for me and my happiness will come and pick me up ... Thanks for your fake concern....

Don't bother about me and don't waste your precious time for me... Get going guys.... See it's getting late na...

You guys are going to have a tough time this week na... Learn well guys.... Haan... Dont talk bad about our professor Abhishek sir...

I wont spare anyone if they ill treat him... Remember Im also going to question you all... You marks are in our hands... Good luck guys ...

Pragya shrugs her shoulder and gave a cold look at the shocking four and walks outside the gate... She walks to the corner of the road and abhi came to pick her up ... The happy smile of abhi and pragya makes the besties of pragya to feel contented...


Abhi: Fuggy.... What happened??? Why am I sensing that you are not in a good mood today??? Did anyone bothered you in morning itself??? Tell me na....

Pragya: Uffo... Abhi... Now a days, you are irking me too much man.... Too much care...  I cant bear and tolerate this abhi...

Abhi: This is too rude fuggy... 😠😠😠😠.... I'm concerned about you but you are mocking me na too bad...

Pragya giggles and pulls abhi's cheeks lovingly.... Abhi pouts while pragya laughs hardly and kisses his cheeks...  Abhi gasps in shock and rubs his cheeks unbelievably with pragya's sudeen assault....

Pragya : 😂😂😂😂.... You look so cute abhi... My long term wish came true and I have fulfilled it today.... You did pragya.... Oohoo....

Abhi: Whaatttt.... Can you tell me what's going on???

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Awww... My cute abhi couldn't even understand this.... I will tell you a secret abhi.... You know na I have a hitler professor Abhishek sir...

All knows he is one terror man... Huh... But to be frank , I find him always cute when he gets angry.... I shamelessly accept that I always drool on him when he takes class...

Its my long term wish to pull his cheeks when he gets angry and kiss him there to cool down his anger... Today I did it... Dont say this secret to anyone abhi.... 😊😊😊😊

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂.... You are openly flirting with me fuggy.... Unbelievable... Tell me one thing... You too also doing like the four fan girls na... Then why you are hell adamant to punish them....

Pragya: Because... Its my sole right on my abhi... No one dare to drool you other than me.. Its copy righted only to this pragya.... Is it clear???

Abhi smiles on seeing his fuggy's possessive nature.... He admires his fuggy's cute antics lovingly but what he hates the most is that the diary which holds pragya's fantasy and dreams is still out of his reach.....

Pragya asks abhi to drop her in the back side of the college gate and abhi drives through the front gate as pragya and abhi doesn't want anyone to talk ill about their relationship....


Pragya enters the class and a teasing smile escapes her lips on seeing the four fan girls, nivi (dharunyaa),
shaki (Shakiabhigya) , kirti (kirti1705),  and jas (JasPrad) are sitting seriously in their places and preparing for the seminar....

Pragya: Hey peeps... Good morning.... Too busy haan.... Not bad... Prepare well guys... Don't make our Abhishek sir to get angry okay....

Just chill up and do it okay... I will surely help you all if you all behave properly and focus your attention only on the seminar.... I will give you all a small tips.... Dont look at our professor's side ever.... Got it..

I wont mind to ask you all the toughest questions ever if you guys do so.... So, be good girls and focus only on the seminar alone.... 😉😉😉😉

The girls sighs and doesn't know what to do.... However hard they try, they  cant stop drooling on their handsome professor.... They couldn't understand why pragya is having problem when the professor didn't bothered about that at all....

The classes starts and goes on in full swing....  Abhishek sir too starts taking class.... The seven poor souls purab, aaliya, arjun and the four fan girls has a tough time taking the seminars....

Pragya asks tricky questions to them.... They struggled hard but pragya helps them a lot to make them deliver the seminar perfectly and she gives tips to everyone on the important points too...

Abhi is way too impressed with pragya's brilliance in all the topics.... Though she is not needed to read those seminar topics, she has prepared it well and her points added to the seminars perfectly....

Abhi appreciates everyone for putting the much needed effort on making the seminars to be done brilliantly ... He never fails to praise his love of life, his fuggy too for her brilliant support to her classmates....


The students were asked to gather in the auditorium..... All are wondering what is the surprising fact that the principal is going to announce....

Though pragya's classmates knows that something their college chairman, their classmate pragya has done for the students, no one knows what exctly it is....

All are coming up with different news and no one guessed the exact thing which pragya has done....

The place went silent as the principal tooks the mike...

Principal: Good day students.... Im here with a happy news to all of you... Finally, the management is ready to accept the long term wish and demand of the students....

This couldn't be possible without the effort and struggle made by a single person.... It won't be wise to make the announcement without having the person in our midst....

So, let me call upon our very own college chairman, Miss. Pragya Arora who is the reason behind this.... I want everyone to invite her with a huge round of applause....

Pragya with a blushy smile takes the stage.... Abhi smiles from far on seeing his fuggy getting recognition and appreciation from everyone....

Principal: So, students Im handing over the right to announce this good news to you all to pragya.... A small token of appreciation from our side for pragya's efforts... Pragya, kindly do the honours....

Pragya smiles and takes the mike....

Pragya: Hello everyone... All are excited to know what is the thing which our principal is saying na.... Any guesses guys....

Alright ..  Let me announce the matter.... Our college management has finally said yes to our long term wish... The happy news is that  ***********

All cheered for pragya and all are very happy on hearing the news....

So, what did pragya did and what is the happy news???

Will pragya forgive her besties and family and will she be back to the chirpy dolly???

Will abhi be able to find out pragya is only dolly with whom all his family wants him to get married and he is the prem whom pragya loved from childhood????

Keep guessing and stay tuned..

As usual came up with a long update of 2450+ words...

Sorry for errors and mistakes, as its unedited...

Cast your votes and pen down your views....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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